Assignment #4: Research Paper

Argumentative Research Paper

Leyendecker/Honors B

Your next assignment, an argumentative research paper, will incorporate the skills you have developed throughout this course and will develop new skills in research. For this assignment, you will:

▪ Generate a topic of interest of which can be argued (has two sides).

▪ Make an argument about your topic. This argument must be clearly stated in a working thesis statement. All body paragraphs must be focused and organized, clearly relating back to your thesis.

▪ Research sources appropriate to your topic, and effectively use those sources as evidence to support and prove your thesis. At least 8 sources must be used from at least three different types (book, website, journal, etc.). Sources are credible and properly interwoven into the content.

▪ Cite all sources using APA format. Your paper must include proper parenthetical citations and a References page. Use of APA formatting handouts and online help are expected.

Your research paper must be 8-10 pages, typed, double-spaced, in 12-point font, and in APA format.

*A Few Notes about Required Sources: Your sources must be reputable and reliable. Good sources include:

▪ newspapers (San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, etc.) ٠books

▪ magazines (Time, Newsweek, etc.) ٠scholarly journals

▪ some websites ٠reports

Remember that a well researched paper will include a variety of sources. Also remember that for academic papers, books and scholarly journals tend to provide the best information.

▪ Need at least 8 sources properly cited both in-text and in the references page.

▪ At least one of your sources must be a current (2012-2017) book or article from a scholarly journal.

▪ No more than half of your sources can be from websites; online periodicals do not count toward this total.

Due Dates and Other Information Important for this Paper

___________________________________ Submit your topic for approval. At this point, your topic may be broad; we will work to narrow it as we proceed.

___________________________ and ___________________________ Notecards (10+ each deadline) due.

___________________________________ Proposal with thesis and working references (8+) due.

___________________________________ Annotated Bibliography of at least five possible sources due. (You will receive more detailed information about this assignment at a later date.)

___________________________________ Outline of essay due.

___________________________________ First draft due. (No late first drafts accepted) You will participate in a peer revision workshop on this day.  Bring copies of your submission length draft for each of your group members (2-3) and one copy for me (electronic or hardcopy).  Failure to turn in the above will hurt your grade, and will cause you to lose valuable feedback necessary for revision.

___________________________________ Second draft due. You will participate in another peer revision workshop on this day.  Share your submission length draft electronically with each of your group members (2-3) and one electronic copy for me. 

___________________________________ Final draft due. Turn in both drafts of your essay, along with the revision responses from your peers. Share your final draft electronically with me prior to the end of the day.

Failure to turn in a final draft will result in automatic failure of this course.


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