Extended Outline for Documented Argument


▪ To begin creating an organizational plan for your Documented Argument

▪ To ensure each paragraph relates back to your main claim (thesis)


This assignment will…

• help you generate ideas as well as organize the ones you already have for your paper.

• give you the opportunity to begin thinking about the form and organization.

• help you see how each paragraph connects to the one before it and to your thesis statement.


Write a detailed outline for your argumentative paper by doing the following:

▪ Present a working title for your paper

▪ Include a thesis statement that presents your specific argument about your topic (write your thesis at the top of your outline)

▪ State what each paragraph will be about (topic sentence) and then list the major points of that paragraph (supporting evidence/good reasons you will include in that paragraph)

▪ Indicate where you will use each research source in the paper (you may use each source in more than just one paragraph if needed). Provide a citation for the source and quick explanation of why/how you will use each source in a particular paragraph.

▪ After you have outlined your paper, do the following: Include 5 important quotations from your research sources you want to use in the paper. Analyze those quotations and explain why each is important to your argument.

▪ At the end, write a paragraph that justifies your choices for the way you plan to organize and present your paper. Basically, tell me why you think your organizational plan is appropriate and will make sense to readers.

What Should my Outline Look Like?

Feel free to use the following template (you will add more “Body Paragraph” sections to your outline and you have may more or fewer “Supporting Points” in each body paragraph):





Title of Paper

Thesis: (Insert your main claim here)

Body Paragraph 1

Topic Sentence/Main idea:

• Supporting Point #1

• Supporting Point #2

Citation for Source I Will Use:

Why/How I Will Use This Source:

Body Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence/Main idea:

• Supporting Point #1

• Supporting Point #2

Citation for Source I Will Use:

Why/How I Will Use This Source:

Body Paragraph 3

Topic Sentence/Main idea:

• Supporting Point #1

• Supporting Point #2

Citation for Source I Will Use:

Why/How I Will Use This Source:

Body Paragraph 4

Topic Sentence/Main idea:

• Supporting Point #1

• Supporting Point #2

Citation for Source I Will Use:

Why/How I Will Use This Source:

Conclusion Paragraph

My plan for the conclusion is:

Important Quotations

Quotation 1: Provide quotation and then explain why this quotation is important

Quotation 2: Provide quotation and then explain why this quotation is important

Quotation 3: Provide quotation and then explain why this quotation is important

Quotation 4: Provide quotation and then explain why this quotation is important

Quotation 5: Provide quotation and then explain why this quotation is important


Answer these questions: Why do you plan to organize your DA in the way you’ve outlined? Why will this organizational plan make sense to your readers?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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