Informative Speech Outline Format - ExcelSHE

Persuasive Speech Outline Format

NAME: _______________________________________________________________

SPEECH TITLE: ________________________________________________________

GENERAL PURPOSE: ___________________________________________________

SPECIFIC PURPOSE: ___________________________________________________




A. Attention getting device (statement to wake the audience up / make sure they are listening): ___________________________________________________


B. Thesis statement (Tell listeners what action you want them to take - OR - how you want them to think): __________________________________________


C. Motive statement: ________________________________________________


D. Credibility statement: ____________________________________________


E. Preview of main Reasons in the body: _________________________________


Transition. Write out your transition.  How will you leave the introduction and begin the body? ______________________________________________________



A. Reason one (Tell why the listeners should act or think a certain way.) ________


1. Support ________________________________________________

2. Support ________________________________________________

Transition (summary of main Reason A and preview of main Reason B) ___________


B. Reason two (Give listeners a second reason why they should act or think as you want them to.) ___________________________________________________


1. Support ________________________________________________

2. Support ________________________________________________

Transition (summary of main Reason B and preview of main Reason C) ___________


C. Reason three (This should be your strongest argument. Tell your listeners the most important reason why they should act or think the way you want them to.) _______________________________________________________________


1. Support _________________________________________________

2. Support _________________________________________________

Transition (summary of main Reason C and preview of main Reason D) ___________


D. Reason four (if needed.) ____________________________________________


1. Support ________________________________________________

2. Support ________________________________________________

Transition (summary of main Reason D) _________________________________


III. CONCLUSION and/or Final Appeal (Make a convincing argument summing up why your listeners should agree with you.)

A. Signal of ending: __________________________________________________



B. Summary of Motive: _______________________________________________


C. Summary of Thesis/main Reasons: ______________________________________


D. Closure/final comment: ____________________________________________



1. Source(s): _____________________________________________________________

2. Visual Aid(s): ___________________________________________________________

Devices for persuasive speeches:



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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