How to Encrypt an Email in Outlook 365 - BW Be Alert

[Pages:5]How to Encrypt an Email in Outlook 2016 1. Create an email message as normal:

2. Click the "Encrypt" option above the recipients line:

3. The email will be updated with an encryption notice above the recipients line:

4. The permissions the recipient has for the message can be changed by clicking "Change permissions" in the encryption notice:

5. Once the message is received, if the recipient is using a BW Outlook account, the message can be read seamlessly, with a notice appearing on the message notification and above the body of the message itself:

1. If the recipient is not using a BW Outlook account, they will receive an email message stating the following:

2. The recipient will be taken to a verification page once the link is clicked, where they can sign in with a Google account or receive a one-time passcode to view the encrypted message:

3. If the recipient chooses to receive a one-time passcode, they will receive it in their inbox, and then input it into the page where they requested it:

4. Once the code is entered, the message can be viewed:


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