COP2210 - Programming I

COP2250- Java Programming



The common course syllabus lists the following objectives for this course:

1. Be familiar with the concepts of Objects & Classes

2. Master the fundamental Java data types

3. Master the Java selection and iteration constructs

4. Master using String, ArrayList and Wrapper classes

5. Master analyzing problems and writing Java program solutions to those problems using the above features

Week 1 - Introduction to Computer Science

• The Hardware System

o Input Devices

o The Central Processing Unit

o Output Devices

• The Software System

o Systems Software

o Processing programs

o Fourth Generation Languages, Application Software

Week 2 - Classes and Objects - Part I

• Classes & Objects - Fundamental concepts

• Defining classes

• Variables, constructors & methods

• Creating objects

Week 3 - Classes and Objects - Part II

• Scope of Local Variables

• Modifiers

• Method overloading

• Constructor overloading

Weeks 4 - Data Types and Operations on - Part I

• Predefined/Primitive Types – integral, floating point, character, and Boolean types.

• Operator & Operations – Arithmetic, Relational, and logical operators

Week 5 - Data type and Operations on Data - Part II

Reference type

• String type

• Class type

Week 6 - Test I

Week 7 - Data type and Operations on Data - Part III

Input and Output Operations on Data

• Input operations using JOptionPane

• Output operations using JOptionPane

• Formatting output

o Formatting Floating-Point numbers

o Formatting Currency

o Formatting Percentage

Week 8 - Control Structures - Part I

Selection Statements

• if statement

• if .. else statement

• switch statement

Week 9 - Control Structures - Part II

Iterative statements

• while statement

• do ... while statement

• for statement

Week 10 - Test II

Week 11 - Arrays

• Declaring Arrays and Creating

• Accessing Array Elements

• Common elementary algorithms for arrays

Week 12 – Sorting and Searching

• Linear search

• Selection sort

Week 13 ArrayList and its application

Week 14 - Final Exam



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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