Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist

Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management

University of California at Berkeley

130 Mulford Hall #3114

Berkeley, CA  94720-3114


Office: 125 Giannini


U.C. Berkeley - PhD. - Wildland Resource Science 1994-2004

Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management. Dissertation Title: The Political Ecology of Dao/Yao Landscape Transformations: Territory, Gender, and Livelihood Politics in Highland Vietnam, November.

University of Wisconsin, Madison, Vietnamese Language Studies Summer, 1995

Southeast Asia Summer Studies Institute (SEASSI)

UCLA- B.A.- Geography/Ecosystems 1987-1991

Department and College Honors. Summa Cum Laude.

Honors Thesis: Conservation of Tropical Forests in Costa Rica: An Analysis

Goethe Institute, Freiburg Germany. German Language Studies Spring, 1989

American Field Service (AFS) Student exchange program to Tunisia. 1986-1987


• Communication skills in Vietnamese, Spanish, German, Nepali, French and basic Tunisian Arabic and Mien

• Strategic visioning, planning, implementing, management and evaluation of interdisciplinary projects

• Policy analysis and participatory appraisal and evaluation methods in international and cross-cultural settings

• Development of culturally appropriate outreach, training and impact evaluation methodology

• Teaching, mentoring and team building at the university and community levels, domestically and internationally


Assistant Cooperative Extension Specialist, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley, starting July 1, 2014.

In my new position in metropolitan agriculture and food systems, I plan to deepen and broaden opportunities for collaborative research and food justice initiatives to building sustainable and equitable regional food systems.

Curator of Food Plants, The University and Jepson Herbaria, UC Berkeley, 2014-Present

1001 Valley Life Sciences Bldg # 2465, Berkeley, CA. 94720-2465

Research Associate, The University and Jepson Herbaria, UC Berkeley, 2012-- present

As Principal Investigator on a $4 million 5-year USDA-Agricultural and Food Research Initiative-Food Security grant, I am leading a team that comprises three tribes (Karuk, Yurok, Klamath), Cooperative Extension, universities, government agencies and community based organizations to conduct integrated research, extension and education to enhance tribal health and food security in the Klamath Basin by building a sustainable regional food system.

Consultant, Santa Cruz County-Resource Conservation District, 2011

Developed and conducted Hispanic Farmer Needs Assessment for RCD/NRCS to assess current knowledge and practices on Hispanic farms and identify challenges and opportunities for outreach to limited English farmers to improve environmental and economic conditions on their farms. Compiled report.

Specialist, Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley, 2009--present

Helped write grants and secure $1.5 million to conduct research and extension work to improve the productivity, economic viability, safety and ecological sustainability of small, immigrant and minority urban, peri-urban and rural farmers in 11 California counties.

Collaborating with UCCE advisors, national NGOs, tribes, and community based organizations to enhance local capacity to provide ongoing culturally relevant support to beginning Native, Southeast Asian, Latino-American, and socially disadvantaged urban producers.

Developing and implementing culturally relevant educational program including technical bulletins, videos, workshops, and 1:1 technical support related to land access, agricultural laws & regulations, sustainable production strategies, food safety, direct marketing, business planning and finance.

Co-Director, Karuk-UC Berkeley Collaborative, 2007-present

Co-founded collaborative together with Ron Reed, Cultural Biologist, Karuk Tribe and Tom Carlson, UCB, to foster scientific collaborations between members of the UC community and the Tribe, link Karuk youth with opportunities to visit and apply to Cal, create research opportunities for UC graduate students, host collaborative meetings, strategic planning sessions, and facilitate dialogue to support tribal efforts to revitalize Karuk ethno-ecological heritage and sustainable food systems in and around ancestral lands.

Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley, 2007-2008

Conducted research on Southeast Asian refugee farming in California agriculture. Evaluated barriers to achieving economically viable and ecologically sustainable farms in the peri-urban fringe of Sacramento and Fresno. Created farmer and market surveys, trained six research assistants, supervised 80 interviews with farmers and evaluated data. Applied for and secured grant to address challenges identified.

Research Associate, Berkeley Natural History Museums, UC Berkeley, 2005-2007

Conducted research on poverty and agrarian livelihoods among Southeast Asian immigrants in California’s Central Valley. Ethnobotanical and market analysis of Asian vegetables for economic development.

Consultant, Ethnobotany, American Museum of Natural History, New York, 2001

Worked with AMNH staff to film and translate educational video on the Ethnobotany of Dao (Mien) Herbal Medicine in northern Vietnam, highlighting my doctoral research. Shown in AMNH Hall of Biodiversity.

Consultant, Ethnobotany, International Cooperative Biodiversity Group-Vietnam/Laos, 2000

Evaluated and refined methodology for ethnobotanical interviews of ethnic minorities to identify botanical leads for new drug discovery and conservation.

Doctoral Researcher, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UC Berkeley, 1999-2000

Conducted 16 months of ethnographic field research in the northern mountains of Vietnam on the effects of economic liberalization (forest, market and health care reform) on land and forest access and on the practice and trade of herbal medicines among the Dao (Mien).

Research Associate, Institute for Urban and Regional Development, UCB, 1995-1998

Conducted research with Professor Irene Tinker on women’s access to land and housing during economic transition in Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and China.

Graduate Student Researcher, Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, UCB, 1996-1996

Worked with Jeff Romm on development, environment and equity implications of economic reforms in Vietnam, with particular focus on rural markets.

Ecotourism Associate, Annapurna Conservation Area Project, Nepal, 1993

Initiated waste management and recycling feasibility study, using Participatory Rural Appraisal techniques, of the Annapurna trekking region resulting in long-term waste management strategy.

Consultant, Program Evaluation, UNICEF, Nepal, 1993

Evaluated non-formal education programs of 35 field-based NGOs supported by UNICEF using participatory and rapid rural appraisal techniques.

Market Research Associate, The Population Institute, Washington D.C., 1992

Researched, developed and implemented strategy for nationwide airing of Whose Choice? - a pro-choice documentary.

Consultant, Recycling, Peninsula Sanitary Supply Company, Palo Alto, Ca. 1991

Conducted recycling/waste reduction pilot for multi-unit apartment dwellings for the City of San Jose, Ca.

Project Coordinator, Environmental Education, IUCN/Standard Fruit Co., Costa Rica, 1990

Evaluated environmental education programs for communities around Braulio Carrillo National Park.


• Frank Meyers Scholarship in Forestry 2001-2002

• University Fellowship Fall 2000

• Social Science Research Council-IDRF Fellowship 1998-1999

• Fulbright-Hayes DDRA Fellowship 1998-1999

• Fulbright-IIE 1998-1999 (declined)

• Outstanding Graduate Student Instructor Award for ESPM 102D Spring 1998

• Foreign Language Area Studies (FLAS) fellowship for Vietnamese 1997-1998

• University Fellowship 1997-1998

• Pacific Rim Grant for 6 month research on women’s’ rights to land and housing in Laos and Vietnam. Principal Investigator: Irene Tinker. Cooperator: Jennifer Sowerwine 1996

• UC Graduate Fellowship 1995-96

• UC Regents Graduate Fellowship 1994-95

• Mortar Board Senior National Honor Society, President 1990

• Gamma Theta Upsilon Geography International Honor Society

• Golden Key National Honor Society; Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society


• Growing Roots: Deepening Support for Diverse New Farmers and Ranchers in California: USDA-NIFA, Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Grant. December 2014-November 2017. PI Jennifer Sowerwine. Cooperators: Christy Getz, Sibella Kraus, Susan Ellsworth, Rob Bennaton. $938,000.

• Enhancing Tribal Health and Food Security in the Klamath Basin of Oregon and California by Building a Sustainable Regional Food System. USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative, Food Security Grant. Sept. 2012-Aug. 2017. PI Jennifer Sowerwine. Cooperators: Deborah Giraud, Bill Tripp-Karuk Tribe, Chris Peters-Yurok Tribe, Christa Runnels-Klamath Tribes, Mark Dupont-Mid-Klamath Watershed Council, Anita Janis-College of the Redwoods, Kathy Kim-San Francisco State University, Thomas Carlson. $3,999,997.

• From Production to the Market: Enhancing the competitiveness and sustainability of beginning minority farmers in California. USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Grant. Sept. 2011-Aug 2014. PI Christy Getz. Lead Investigator: Jennifer Sowerwine. Cooperators: Chuck Ingels, Richard Molinar, Deborah Giraud, Mark Dupont, Grant Gilkison, Ger Vang, Brenna Aegerter, Maria dela Fuente, Rex Dufour. $931,862.

• A Family Farm Food Safety Outreach Program for California Specialty Crop Growers. California Department of Food and Agriculture Specialty Crop Bock Grant. February 2012-December 2013. PI David Runsten, CAFF. Cooperator: Jennifer Sowerwine, Cathy Carlson. 292,576.

• Improving the Food Safety Practices of Small and Immigrant Farmers in California. UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Grant. September 2012-August 2013. PI Christy Getz. Lead investigator: Jennifer Sowerwine. Co-PIs David Lewis, Concepcion Mendoza, Theresa Spezzano. $50,000

• Helping Small, Latino and Hmong Specialty Crop Producers to Profit from New Values Based Marketing Channels. California Department of Food and Agriculture. October 1, 2011-Sept. 30, 2012. PI Gail Feenstra. Lead Investigator: David Visher. Cooperators: Jennifer Sowerwine, Chuck Ingels, Richard Molinar, Ramiro Lobo, Luis Sierra. $86,851

• Expanding Regional Markets for Southeast Asian and Other Small Farmers in Sacramento: Linking Farmers, Processors and Buyers. UC Davis SAREP. April 2011-March 2012. PI Chuck Ingels. Lead Investigator: Jennifer Sowerwine. $9,975.

• Enhancing the Productivity and Economic Viability of Lao Refugee Farmers in the Central Valley: Linking Innovative Production and Marketing Strategies. USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, NRI Agricultural Prosperity for Small and Medium-Sized Farms Program. January 2009-December 2010. PI Christy Getz. Lead Investigator: Jennifer Sowerwine. Cooperators: Chuck Ingels, Richard Molinar, Jenny Broome. $499,962

• Assessing the Productivity and Economic Viability of “Southeast Asian Farming” in Fresno and Sacramento Counties. ANR Core Issues Grant. May 2007-June 2009. Co-PI's: Christy Getz and Nancy Peluso. Lead Investigator: Jennifer Sowerwine. Cooperators: Richard Molinar, Chuck Ingels, and Jenny Broome. $80,000.

• Evaluating Farmers’ Market Opportunities for Southeast Asian Growers in Sacramento County. UC SAREP 2007 Agricultural Sustainability Grants. June 2007-June 2008. Principal Investigator: Chuck Ingels. Lead Investigator: Jennifer Sowerwine. Cooperators: Christy Getz and Nancy Peluso. $13,276


Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)—Graduate Student Instructor for Professor Nancy Peluso: ESPM 168: Political Ecology, Spring, 2003.

Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)—Graduate Student Researcher and Instructor for Prof. Sally Fairfax: ESPM 200B: Research Methods, 2000-2001.

Ford Foundation funded International Workshop on Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plant Conservation – Co-organizer with Hanoi College of Pharmacy and Center for Research on Ethnomedicinal Plants. Trained 40 young professionals from national parks, research institutes and universities from Vietnam, China and Laos in social and biological research methods related to biodiversity assessment, community-based conservation, gender analysis and joint forest management, Winter, 2001.

Training Course in Ethnobotanical Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA)

Trained 20 junior-level staff at the Hanoi College of Pharmacy in the principles and applications of Participatory Rural Appraisal, Ethnobotany and Gender Analysis, 1999-2000.

Dept. of Environmental Science, Policy and Management (ESPM)–-Graduate Student Instructor for Professor

Jeff Romm: ESPM 102D: Natural Resource and Environmental Policy, Spring, 1998.

Dept. of Women's Studies – Reader for Irene Tinker: Women Studies 19: Contemporary Global Issues for Women:

The Power of Women Organized, Spring, 1995


Sowerwine, J., Getz, C. and Peluso N. Accepted with minor revisions. “The Myth of the Protected Worker: Southeast Asian Farmers in California Agriculture” in Agriculture and Human Values.

Sowerwine, J. 2013. “Socialist rules and post‐war politics: Reflections on nationality and fieldwork among the Yao in northern Vietnam” in Red Stamps and Gold Stars: Fieldwork Dilemmas in Upland Socialist Asia, edited by Sarah Turner, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press

Minkoff, L.A., Peluso, N., Sowerwine, J. and Getz, C. 2011. “Race and Regulation: Asian Immigrants in California Agriculture” in The Food Justice Reader, edited by A. Alkon and J. Agyeman, Boston: MIT Press.

Sowerwine, J. 2011. “The Cultural Politics of Agrarian Change in the Highlands of Ba Vi, Vietnam” in Upland Transformations: Opening Boundaries in Vietnam, edited by T.Sikor, Nghiem, T., Sowerwine, J., Romm, J National University of Singapore Press.

Sowerwine, J. 2011. “The Politics of Highland Landscapes in Vietnamese Statecraft: (re)framing the Dominant Environmental Imaginary” in Upland Transformations: Opening Boundaries in Vietnam, edited by T.Sikor, Nghiem, T., Sowerwine, J., Romm, J National University of Singapore Press.

Sowerwine, J. 2004a. “Territorialization and the Politics of Highland Landscapes in Vietnam: negotiating property relations in policy, meaning and practice”, Conservation and Society, 2 (1): 97-136.

Sowerwine, J. 2004b. “Effects of Economic Liberalization on Dao Women’s Traditional Knowledge, Production and Trade of Medicinal Plants in Northern Vietnam” in Ethnobotany and Conservation of Biocultural Diversity, edited by T. Carlson, and L. Maffi, Advances in Economic Botany, The New York Botanical Gardens Press.

Sowerwine, J. 2001. “Participatory Rural Appraisal Techniques for Evaluating Herbal Medicine Markets”, Advances in Natural Sciences, edited by Djaja Doel Soejarto, Le Thi Xuan and Nong Van Hai, July.

Sowerwine, J. 1999a. “Economic Liberalization, Gender and Traditional Botanical Medicine in Northern Vietnam” in Women's Changing Rights to Housing and Land in Vietnam, Laos, and China edited by Irene Tinker, Lynne Rienner Press.


Sowerwine, Jennifer. “Food Desert or Biodiversity Hotspot? Reclaiming urban and rural food deserts through the lens of biocultural diversity.” In preparation for submission to Journal of Human Ecology.

Sowerwine, Jennifer. “’Its More than Just Producing Food’: Race and gender politics in urban agriculture.” In preparation for submission to Society and Natural Resources.

Sowerwine, Jennifer. “Gardens in the Desert: Iu-Mien immigrant home gardens as repositories of agrobiodiversity and in-situ conservation of cultural foods and medicines in urban California.” In preparation for submission to Journal of Planning, Education and Research.

Sowerwine, Jennifer and Christy Getz. “Cultivating the Margins: Southeast Asian Refugee Farmers in Peri-urban California.” In preparation for submission to California Agriculture.

Sowerwine, Jennifer and Christy Getz. “The Cultural Politics of Food Safety: Racialization and Regulation of Risk.” In preparation for submission to Agriculture and Human Values.

Sowerwine, Jennifer. “A New Lease on Life: Strategies to secure farmland among Southeast Asian refugee farmers in California.” In preparation for submission to Culture and Agriculture.

Sowerwine, Jennifer. “Exploring effective extension strategies with immigrant and minority farmers in California.” In preparation for submission to Journal of Extension.

Kim, Katherine, Logan, Holly, Sowerwine, Jennifer. “Youth-led Community Health Assessments and Health/Adventure Walks: Engaging the Karuk Tribe Youth Leadership Council to design and implement health initiatives.” In preparation for submission to Health Promotion and Practice.


Sowerwine, J. and Getz, C. 2013. The Changing Face of California Agriculture: Identifying challenges and providing opportunities for Southeast Asian and other minority farmers. Rural Connections.

Sowerwine, J. 1999. Quick Reference Guide to: PRA Principles, Attitude, Behavior and Tools; Ethnobotany: Principles and Applications; Gender Analysis, unpublished training manual.

Sowerwine, J., Nguyen H. Dzung, and M. Poffenberger 1998. "Ba Vi National Park and the Dzao (Mien)" in Stewards of Vietnam's Upland Forests, edited by Mark Poffenberger, Asia Forest Network.

Sowerwine, J., Shivakoti, G, Pradhan, U., Shukla, A. and Ostrom, E. 1993. From Farmers' Fields to Data Fields and Back - A Synthesis of Participatory Information Systems for Irrigation and Other Resources, IIMI, Proceedings from a Workshop. March 21-26.


Fresno Economic Opportunities Commission. 2013. A Guide to Promoting Asian Specialty Produce, contributing author.

Sowerwine, J. 2012. Basic Steps Toward Implementing a Food Safety Program on Your Farm.

Strong-Cvetich, N., Sowerwine, J., Nares, D. 2011. Desafíos y Soluciones: A Snapshot of Needs and Challenges in the Spanish-speaking Grower Community of Santa Cruz County, Resource Conservation District, Santa Cruz.

Sowerwine, J. 2010. Farm-to-school project opens up new markets for small family farms )

Sowerwine, J., Vincent, M. Molinar, R., Ingels, C., Broome, J.C., Getz, C. and Chernoh, E. 2009. Food Safety Manual for Small Farms: Standard Operating Procedures for Good Agricultural Practices. UCANR.

Sowerwine, J., Vincent, M. Molinar, R., Ingels, C., Broome, J.C., Getz, C. and Chernoh, E. 2009. Food Safety Program for Small Farms. UCANR.

Sowerwine, J. 2010. Simply Sweet!--Sacramento Valley Grown Strawberries, in Community Alliance with Family Farm Local Food Guide for the San Joaquin Valley.

Sowerwine, J. Chernoh E., Ingels, C. 2010. UC Small Farm Resource Directory, Sacramento. UCCE Sacramento.

Sowerwine, J., C. Ingels, and C. Getz. 2009. Marketing challenges and opportunities for Central Valley Southeast Asian refugee growers. UC Delivers ().

Molinar, R and J. Sowerwine. 2009. Food Safety Resource Directory. Fresno County Small Farm Program. Fresno, Ca

Sowerwine, J, C. Ingels, and E. Chernoh. 2009. Food Safety Resource Directory, UC Cooperative Extension, Sac.

Sowerwine, J., Vincent, M. 2009. Market Resource List for Sacramento Growers. UC Berkeley.

Getz, C., Sowerwine, J., Ingels, C. Broome, J.C., and Molinar, R. 2009. Enhancing the Productivity and Economic Viability of Southeast Asian Refugee Farmers in California's Central Valley - Linking innovative production and marketing strategies. Poster presented at the 2009 Agricultural Prosperity for Small and Medium-Sized Farms Project Directors Meeting, July 26.

Sowerwine, J. 2008. Where Else Can I Sell My Berries, (farmers markets, retail, wholesale, flea markets), Sacramento.

Ingels, Chuck; Jennifer Sowerwine; Nancy Peluso; Christy Getz. 2007. Evaluating Farmers’ Market Opportunities for Southeast Asian Growers in Sacramento County. Report. Woodland, CA: Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program.

Strawberry Farm Stand Map, Sacramento:

Strawberry Farm Stand Map, Fresno:


Dropbox link:

Broome, J.C., Ingles, C. and Sowerwine, J. 2009. Fruit Rot (Botrytis cinerea). UC ANR.

Chernoh, E., Ingels, C., Sowerwine, J., Getz, C. Broome, J.C. and Molinar, R. 2009. Fertilizers and Fertigation. UC ANR.

Chernoh, E, Ingels, C. Sowerwine J., Getz, C. 2009. Spider Mites. UC ANR.

Chernoh, E., Ingels, C., Molinar, R., Sowerwine, J., Getz, C. and Broome, J.C. 2009. Insects. UC ANR.

Ingels, C., Chernoh, E. Sowerwine, J. Getz, C. Broome, J.C. and Molinar, R. 2009. Backpack Sprayer Calibration Worksheet. UC ANR.

Ingels, C., Chernoh, E. Sowerwine, J. Getz, C. Broome, J.C. and Molinar, R. 2009. Tractor Sprayer Calibration Worksheet. UC ANR.

Chernoh, E. Sowewine, J. 2009. Pesticide Safety. UC ANR.

Broome, J.C., Ingels, C. Sowerwine, J, Chernoh, E. Getz, C. and Molinar, R. 2009. Soil Solarization. UC ANR.

Almasri, F., Ingels, C. Sowerwine, J, Getz, C. Broome, J.C. and Molinar, R. Strawberry Growth, Selection, and Planting. UC ANR.

Chernoh, E., Ingels, C., Sowerwine, J., Getz, C. Broome, J.C. and Molinar, R. 2010. Cover Crops and Rotations. UC ANR.

Sowerwine, J., Chernoh, E. 2010. How to Pack and Label Strawberries for the Market. UCANR

Chernoh, E., Broome, J.C., Ingels, C., Sowerwine, J., Getz, C. and Molinar, R. 2010. Soil Born Diseases and Nematodes. UC ANR.

Ingels, C., Broome, J. and Sowerwine J. 2009. Soil and Land Preparation. UCANR.

Chernoh, E., Ingels, C. and Sowewine J. 2010. Vertebrates. UCANR.

Chernoh, E., Ingels, C. and Sowerwine J. 2010. Weeds. UCANR.


Sowerwine, J., Ingels, C., Molinar R., Chernoh, E., Broome, J., Yang, M., Getz, C. 2013. From the Mountains of Laos to the Central Valley of California: New Strategies for Farming in America. UCANR.

Link to playlist (in development):

1. Introduction

2. Securing a Lease

3. Permits, Regulations and Insurance

4. Land Preparation

5. Irrigation: Testing water for nutrients and salts; testing water for coliform

6. Fertilization

7. Crop Selection: Planning Planting, Strawberry Varieties, Asian Vegetables

8. Pest Identification and Management: Introduction to pests, insects, diseases; Beneficial Insects; Weeds; Vertebrates

9. Sprayer Calibration

10. Organic Production

11. Harvesting and Post Harvest Handling

12. Good Agricultural Practices/Food Safety

13. Marketing: Business planning, marketing, financial record keeping.


2013 Food Safety On the Farm, organized and presented to Hmong farmers in Fresno, Ca. October 10.

2013 Budgeting Basics for Cottage Food Operators, organized Cottage Food workshop and presented in Oakland, Ca. July 19.

2013 Food Safety for Community Farms, organized field day and presented at Puentes Farm, Stockton, June 1.

2013 Food Safety for Small Farms, organized and presented at UCCE Humboldt, February 6.

2013 Food Safety Train the Trainer Workshop for UC ANR Advisors, January 30.

2013 Enhancing Tribal Health and Food Security in the Klamath: Research, Education & Extension, January 13.

2013 How to Measuring Progress and Impact, presented to AFRI Management Team meeting, January 14.

2012 Market-linking for Small Southeast Asian Farmers, organized and presented at UCCE Sacramento, Sept. 12.

2012 Food Safety for Small Urban Farms, organized and presented at UCCE Alameda, Nov. 8.

2012 Food Safety for Peri-urban Farms, organized workshop and presented to SEAsian farmers Sacramento, Apr 16.

2011 Food Safety for Small Farms, presented at Small Farm Conference, March 7.

2011 How to Market your Crops, presented at Sacramento Strawberry Grower’s Meeting (Southeast Asian Farmers), Sacramento, March 24.

2011 Food Safety Workshop for ALBA Farmers, organized and presented, Salinas, Ca., March 28.

2010 Food Safety for Small Farms, presented at Fresno Farmers' Market Workshop, Buy Fresh, Buy Local for a Healthier Community. April 5.

2010 Direct Marketing Ideas and Assistance and Food Safety Demonstration. Two presentations at the Annual Sacramento Strawberry Growers' Meeting (Southeast Asian Farmers), UCCE Sacramento. March 24.

2010 Food Safety Workshop for Southeast Asian Farmers. Organized and Presented with Erica Chernoh. UCCE Fresno. January 28

2009 Food Safety Workshop for Southeast Asian Farmers. Organized and Presented. UCCE Sacramento. Dec. 14.

2009 Marketing Your Produce. Co-organized and presented at Workshop for Southeast Asian Farmers . Accessing Farmland, Farm Business Planning & Financing sponsored by California Farmlink and UCCE Sacramento. November 17.

2009 New Opportunities for Marketing Your Crops and Making your Farm Stand Visible. Presented at Annual Sacramento Strawberry Growers' Meeting (Southeast Asian Farmers). Sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension, Sacramento. March 24.

2008 Strategies for Marketing your Produce. Presented at Business Planning Workshop for Southeast Asian Farmers, Sponsored by California Farmlink. August 28.

2008 Beyond the Farm Stand, Where Else Can I sell my Berries? Presented at Annual Sacramento Strawberry Growers' Meeting (Southeast Asian Growers). Sponsored by UCCE Sacramento. March 24.

2007 Optimizing Economic Benefits for Strawberry Growers in the Central Valley. Presented at Annual Sacramento Strawberry Growers Meeting (Southeast Asian Growers), sponsored by UC Cooperative Extension Sacramento. April 4.


2013 From Production to Market: Enhancing the Competitiveness and Sustainability of Beginning Minority and Limited Resource Farmers in California, presented at BFRDP PD meeting, McAllen, Texas, Nov. 15.

2013 Enhancing the Economic and Ecological Viability of Urban and Peri-urban Farms, presented in Miguel Altieri’s ESPM 117 class. September 10.

2013 Two Sustainable Food System Projects in California “Speed Talk”, presented at the Sustainable Food System Institute Mixer (now called Berkeley Food Institute), April 18.

2013 Food: nutrition, nutritionism, energy, and the environment, discussant on panel with Pamela Ronald and Jon Foley, Sawyer Seminar Series, UC Berkeley, March 21.

2013 Food Safety Training for Small and Immigrant Farmers, presentation at ANR Annual Conference, Ontario, Ca. April 10.

2013 Food Safety Risks, Food Safety Guide and Third Party Audits, Co-organized two sessions at California Small Farm Conference with Richard Molinar, Shermain Hardesty and Cathy Carlson (CAFF), March 11.

2013 On Farm Food Safety, presented at the California Small Farm Conference, Fresno, Ca. March 11.

2012 Two UC Programs Supporting Native American Agriculture and Food Security in Northern California, presented with Deborah Giraud at the Tribal EPA Conference, San Francisco, November 28.

2011 Food Safety Basics for Small Farms, presented at the California Small Farm Conference, San Jose, Ca. March 7.

2010 Enhancing the Productivity and Economic Viability of Southeast Asian Farmers in California’s Central Valley , presented at USDA National Research Initiative Project Director’s meeting, November 16.

2010 From Vietnam to California’s Central Valley: Minorities making it in the margin, presented at ESPM Colloquium, May 3.

2010 Food Safety for Small Farms: A Pilot Program with Southeast Asian Farmers, presented at California Small Farm Conference, San Diego, Ca. March 2.

2010 Enhancing the Economic Viability of Southeast Asian Farmers in California’s Central Valley. Presented at EcoFarm Conference Asilomar, Monterey. January 21.

2009 Producing Marketable Crops: Know and Grow What the Market Wants. Organized Panel and Presented on New Marketing Opportunities for Small Farmers, California Small Farm Conference, Sacramento: March 1.

2008 Evaluating Farmers’ Market Opportunities for Southeast Asian Growers in Sacramento County, Presented at UC SAREP Local Food System Symposium, Davis, Ca. December 8.

2007 Ethnoecology of the California Mien. Presented at the Thirtieth Ethnobiology Conference of the Society of Ethnobiology, UC Berkeley. March 29.

2005 The Production and Marketing of “Southeast Asian Farmers” and “Oriental Vegetables” in California’s Central Valley, presented at a workshop titled, White Food: Race and the Politics of Purity, UC Santa Cruz. October 17.

2005 The Integration of Traditional and Modern Medicine in Vietnam’s Health Care system, Presentation in Spanish at the symposium Harmonizing Modern Medicine and Integral Medicine, University of Veracruz, Xalapa, Mexico, January 19.

2004 Ethno-medicine and the Development of the Modern Vietnamese State,” presented at the Association of Asian Studies Conference, Sand Diego, February 29.

2003 Bridging the Divide: The Trade of Minority Herbs and Medicine in the Reproduction of the Vietnamese Nation, Paper Presented at a special symposium titled “Vietnam: Journeys of Body, Mind and Spirit”: at the American Natural History Museum, New York, March 13.

2001 Globalization and the Conservation of Traditional Botanical Medicine in Vietnam: Linking Theory with Ethnobotanical Methods to Better Inform Conservation Programs. Building Bridges Conference, Hawaii.

2000 The Socio-ecological Landscape of Dao (Mien) Traditional Botanical Medicine: A Tradition in Process. Paper presented to the 7th International Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, October 22-27.

1999 Effects of Economic Liberalization on Dao Women’s Traditional Knowledge, production and exchange of medicinal plants in Northern Vietnam, Paper presented at Sustainable Livelihoods Conference in Kunming.

1999 Economic Liberalization, Gender and Traditional Botanical Medicine in Northern Vietnam Paper presented at the 6th International Congress of the International Society of Ethnobiology, October.


• Joseph A. Myers Center for Research on Native American Issues—affiliate scholar

• Berkeley Food Institute, UC Berkeley – affiliate scholar

• Center for Diversified Farming Systems, UC Berkeley – affiliate scholar

• Berkeley Food Policy Council—active member

• Berkeley Schools Gardening and Cooking Alliance—active member

• Refugee Agricultural Partnership Program—member

• East Bay Urban Agricultural Alliance—member

• Beginning Farmer and Rancher Bay Area Network—member

• Agro-ecology of Urban Farming Short Course, by Miguel Altieri, June 2013—participant

• UCANR Gill Tract—emergent dialogue for community-university partnership – lead participant


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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