
27th Australian Veterans

Table Tennis Championships

16 - 23 October 2010

To be held at the

Melbourne Sports & Aquatic Centre,

Albert Park, Melbourne, Victoria

Referee: Mr Graeme Ireland. (International Referee)

Deputy Referees: Mr Philip Males (International Referee)

Ms Fanny Ho (International Umpire)

Tournament Director: Mr Alan Hopkins

Organising Committee: Table Tennis Victoria - Veterans Committee

(Chairperson Mr Nick McConnell)

Tournament Control: Brian & Bev James

Entries Close: Friday, 3rd September 2010

|For more information please check web site at .au/ttv/ttvt or |

|.au/vets2010/results.htm for draws, results and other information. Follow the links from |

|Australian Championships, 2010. Draws will be posted as soon as available and results will be updated several times each day.|

Conducted by Table Tennis Victoria Inc

On behalf of Table Tennis Australia

Proudly sponsored by


2010 Australian Veterans Table Tennis Championships

Conditions of Entry

1. The Championships will be conducted in accordance with TTA and ITTF Regulations and the current Laws of table tennis.

2. Eligibility of entry is as follows:

Over 40 events players born in 1970 or earlier Over 70 events players born in 1940 or earlier

Over 50 events players born in 1960 or earlier Over 75 events players born in 1935 or earlier

Over 60 events players born in 1950 or earlier Over 80 events players born in 1930 or earlier

Over 65 events players born in 1945 or earlier

3. All Australian players are required to be registered in the highest category of their State Membership. Other competitors must be registered members of an Association affiliated with ITTF.

4. The first round of all singles events will be played on a 3 player round robin basis with the winner of each group progressing to the knockout stage of the event.

5. All matches will be the best of 5 games.

6. Any player failing to appear when scheduled to play is liable to disqualification by the Referee.

7. Each match will be controlled by an umpire, whose decision shall be final on any point of fact. The Referee’s

decision shall be final on any point of law.

8. ANDRO Speedball Three Star White balls will be used for all events.

9. Stiga blue tables and Stiga net assemblies will be used during the Championships.

10. Players participate at their own risk. No injury claims will be recognised. Players with pre-existing medical conditions should make the Organising Committee aware of this. Please attach a note detailing the nature of the medical condition and the medication required, as necessary. All medical information will be treated with the strictest confidence and will be destroyed after the Championships.

11. ITTF Regulations for clothing will be enforced. The Referee MUST approve any non-compliance with any aspect of the clothing regulations prior to the Championships commencing. Players should be neatly

dressed, and not wear any clothing which might cause offence or bring the game into disrepute. Nominated doubles pairs from the same Association should be dressed uniformly. No white clothing permitted. Opposing players and pairs shall wear shirts that are of sufficiently different colours to enable them to be easily distinguished by spectators.

12. Players will be notified of changes to their time of play via the notice board.

13. Food and drinks are not permitted in any playing areas; smoking is not permitted anywhere in the playing venue.

14. No gluing or regluing of rackets is permitted in the playing venue.

15. Players are not to use glues containing harmful volatile compounds (VC’s) for gluing or regluing rackets. This includes glues with organic and inorganic volatile compounds excluding water.

16. A Management Committee will be appointed and carry out functions in terms of TTA Regulations. One of these functions is to consider any appeals against rulings of the host organization or the Referee on a question of match or tournament conduct not covered in the Laws.

17. The Organising Committee will limit entry into two age groups that must be consecutive age groups, e.g. 50/40, 60/50, 65/60, 70/65, 75/70. However, players aged 80 or over will be permitted to compete in the Over 70/75/80 events. The Organising Committee reserves the right to cancel any event if less than 4 entries are received. This condition shall not apply to the over 80 Singles but the Organising committee reserves the right, if insufficient entries are received, to play it as a Mixed event. Each entrant must complete a separate entry form.

2010Australian Veterans Table Tennis Championships Entry Form

Family Name: …………………………………………………………………………

(Please print)

Given Names: …………………………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………


Post Code: ……..……………. Date of Birth: ………………………

Telephone: …………..…………… Mobile: ………………………..….. Email ……………………………

State: …………………….………………………………… (See Championship Condition 3)

Current Registration number ……………………………………………………………………………..

I declare that I have read the Championship Conditions of Entry and agree to abide by them.

Signature of Entrant: ……………………………… (on behalf of)....……………………………………………..

I certify that the above competitor is a registered player:

Signature of Authorised Officer: …………………………………………...………

(Please Print Name of Officer): ……………………………………………………


I require…...…tickets to the Farewell Dinner Dance (3 course meal with live Band) at $55.00 each.

I require a vegetarian meal/s Yes/No

I require a diabetic meal/s Yes/No

I require …..…. HARD (PRINTED) copies of the Results Book - at $25.00 per copy.

I require an emailed ELECTRONIC copy of the Results Book - at $5.00 Yes/No

(Please note: emailed copies will be sent a day or so after the completion of the Championships. To ensure that we have a legible copy of your email address, please send a confirmation email to:

Entry Fees: $. ………………………

Farewell Dinner Dance: $. ………………………

Result Books(s): $ ………………………

TTA Player Levy $8.80

(Only payable if you did not

Play in the Teams Event) $

TOTAL FEES ENCLOSED: $ … … … … … … … …

Please forward completed and authorised Entry Form to your State Association.

State Associations must post all entries to:

Bev & Brian James, 14 Ranger St, Hallett Cove, S.A 5158

(08) 8321 9856 (phone) email:

Please attach cheque to Entry Form - made payable to:

Table Tennis Victoria Inc.


ENTRANT NAME ________________________

|Event |Description (Title Holder) | Doubles Partner |Fee |

|V1 |Over 40 Men’s Singles | |$31.00 |

| |W Heginbotham (NSW)) | | |

|V2 |Over 40 Women’s Singles | |$31.00 |

| |A Ramberg ( DEN) | | |

|V3 |Over 40 Men’s Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |B Berry (VIC) / M Wellington (QLD) | |each |

|V4 |Over 40 Women’s Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |B Bennett (VIC) / W Deng (NSW ) | |each |

|V5 |Over 40 Mixed Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |C Campbell (WA) / A Ramberg (DEN ) | |each |

|V6 |Over 50 Men’s Singles | |$31.00 |

| |W Heginbotham (NSW) | | |

|V7 |Over 50 Women’s Singles | |$31.00 |

| |C Little (NZ) | | |

|V8 |Over 50 Men’s Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |W Heginbotham / B Robson (NSW) | |each |

|V9 |Over 50 Women’s Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |C Little / T Sulimova (NZ) | |each |

|V10 |Over 50 Mixed Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |B Berry / R Chambers (VIC) | |each |

|V11 |Over 60 Men’s Singles | |$31.00 |

| |N Ramberg (DEN) | | |

|V12 |Over 60 Women’s Singles | |$31.00 |

| |C Langley (SA) | | |

|V13 |Over 60 Men’s Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |I Klaf (VIC) / I Le (NSW) | |each |

|V14 |Over 60 Women’s Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |V Beaver / A Roberts (NZ) | |each |

|V15 |Over 60 Mixed Doubles |Partner: |$15.50 |

| |N Ramberg (DEN) /J Coombes (SA) | |each |

|V16 |Over 65 Men’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |M Wright (VIC) | | |

|V17 |Over 65 Women’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |J Coombes (SA) | | |

|V18 |Over 65 Men’s Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |D Cuong (SA) / I Le (NSW) | |each |

|V19 |Over 65 Women’s Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |T Ishii / T Yamamoto (JPN) | |each |

|V20 |Over 65 Mixed Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |M Wright / P Tait (VIC) | |each |

|V21 |Over 70 Men’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |N Lee (NZ) | | |

|V22 |Over 70 Women’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |P Tait (VIC) | | |

|V23 |Over 70 Men’s Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |C De Bondt / G Nesbitt (VIC) | |each |

|V24 |Over 70 Women’s Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |M Mulcahy / P Tait (VIC) | |each |

|V25 |Over 70 Mixed Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |T Herbert (QLD) / B Bird (SA) | |each |

|V26 |Over 75 Men’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |G Nesbitt (VIC) | | |

|V27 |Over 75 Women’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |B Bird (SA) | | |

|V28 |Over 75 Men’s Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |T Herbert (QLD) / G Nesbitt (VIC) | |each |

|V29 |Over 75 Women’s Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |B Bird (SA) / J Guggenheim (VIC) | |each |

|V30 |Over 75 Mixed Doubles |Partner: |$10.50 |

| |T Herbert (QLD) / B Bird (SA) | |each |

|V31 |Over 80 Men’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |T Boyd (NSW) | | |

|V41 |Over 80 Women’s Singles | |$21.00 |

| |J Graebner (SA) | | |

|[pic] |Please Circle Entered Event Numbers |Total Sum Due |$ |


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