Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF)

Innovation Challenge Fund (ICF)Concept Note 1.Name / Organisation Society for Indian Fisheries and Aquaculture (SIFA), 4C White Waters Apts. Timberlake ColonyRai Durg, Hyderabad 500 032, Telangana, India(a non-governmental and non-profit organization)2.Email address / Phone numberPh: +91 9008778699Email: ckm@ ckmurthy20@3.Title of ProjectEnhancing the efficiency of supply chain of fisheries and small-scale aquaculture to improve the livelihood of fisher folks in rural Karnataka4.Application for ICF ClusterAI/Data Science, Karnataka5.Co-Members of the Consortium *(Type – Indian Academia, Indian Business, International Academia, International Business, Indian non-commercial organisation, International non-commercial organisation, Other - specify)* Information not mandatory for the concept note stage.#OrganizationType1.Fisheries Research and Information Centre (FRIC), Hesaraghatta, Bangalore a constituent institute under Karnataka Veterinary, Animal & Fisheries Sciences University, (KVAFSU), Bidar, Karnataka, India - 560 089, Ph: +91-80-2864 6244 Email: frichesa@ Website: Academia2.Abylle Solutions Pvt Limited,11, Diamond House, Gurappa Avenue, Primrose Road, Off MG Road, Bangalore, Karnataka, India – 560025? Ph: +91-80-4090 1198Email: Contact@abylle.inWebsite: abylle.inIndian Business3.Abele Software Technologies FZCO,139, DTEC Building 1 - B, Dubai Silicon Oasis Dubai, U.A.E.PO Box 34110?? Tel: +971- 4501 390International Business4.IntelliAqua 20-22 Wenlock Road,London N1 7GU, United KingdomPh: +44 7472365207Email: info@Website: International Business5Anuva Enviro Solutions511, Tower B, 5th floor Naurang House, KG Marg, C.P Delhi 110001, Delhi, India(IntelliAqua India Firm)Indian Business6.The Director of Fisheries, Government of Karnataka, 3rd Floor, Podium Block, V.V. Tower, Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Veedhi, Bangalore – 560001, Karnataka, IndiaPh: +91-80-2286 4681Email: dfkarnataka@Web: english/Pages/home.aspxPolicy Maker and Government department responsible for fisheries development in Karnataka. 6.If you do not already have agreed consortium members, please indicate here the kind of partners you would like to hear from. Not applicable7. Are you content for us to publish your concept note on our web platform in order to encourage potential consortium members to reach out to you? Yes8.Funding Requested (up to ?250k)(Please give an indicative value in ?)UK Pound 230,0009.Co-funding provided (if any) and sourceYes/No (If yes then provide source and amount)No. At present co-funding has not been assured by any agency. However, we will try to get co-funding from (i) the Department of Fisheries, Government of Karnataka for capacity building, field data collection, interaction with stakeholders, fisheries extension services, input supply, fish marketing support, etc (approximately UK pound 50,000) (ii) National Remote Sensing Agency, Govt of India, in the form of Satellite data of aquatic resources of Karnataka (approximate value UK Pound 50,000) and (iii) Department of Fisheries, Government of India under PMMSY schemes (UK Pound 25,000)10.Please summarise your Innovation Challenge Fund research project in one sentence. 350 character limitTo develop Artificial Intelligence (AI) based decision support system for Fisheries and small-scale Aquaculture development in aquatic resources of Karnataka under changing climate and environment conditions to increase in fish production & efficiency, in generation of income & employment for improving the livelihood of rural fisher folks including COVID 19 pandemic affected migrant workers.11.Please describe your project further. What problem does your pilot seek to address? Who are the potential beneficiaries and other stakeholders? What are the inputs and activities, and what are the outputs? What does success look like after 12 months of funded research? How will your solution reach the market place? 2500 character limitThe fisheries and small-scale aquaculture (F & SSA) development sector in Karnataka suffers from low production and productivity under unpredictable changes in monsoon rainfall owing to inadequacies in technology adoption, resource usage & management, input supply chain, hygienic domestic marketing system, supporting policies and scientific management decision system. The ultimate beneficiaries are the poor and unorganized fisher folk inclusive of fisherwomen and COVID affected migrant workers in rural area. The project activities include collection of GPS enabled location of aquatic resources (ARs), block-wise rain fall data, weather forecast data, month/season – wise water spread areas (WSA), and fish seed stocking & production potential of ARs, fish seed production & supply and other critical inputs for F & SSA development. Development of AI based computer model system for forecasting timely interventions and requirements in input supply chain, health management, identification of pollution, fish production, and marketing suggestions for efficient fisheries development and conservation in ARs. Further, the project also involves in Development of website and mobile apps (both in English and in Kannada, local language) for interaction, collection of data and dissemination of technological information to fisher folk.The Outputs of the project are (i) development of a AI based decision support system for efficient F & SSA in Karnataka; (ii) development strategies/policy initiatives and system for fish seed production, rearing and stocking in ARs; (iii) Suggesting ideal systems and technologies for input supply, fish culture and fish marketing based on WSA and duration of water retention in ARs for enhanced fish production and employment generation; (iv) Guidelines for conservation of natural fishery populations especially of nutrient rich indigenous species and protection of fish sanctuaries in rivers; (v) developing a system for monitoring disease and water quality in ARs; (vi) Objective use of data captured and gathered during this project for further enhancement of the sector.At the end of the project, it is envisaged have a system to produce an additional annual fish production of about 0.1 – 0.15 million tons (worth INR 10.0 to 15.0 billion) and to generate about 0.5 - 0.6 million-man days of employment supporting financial and nutritional security for the fishers in rural area.Reaching market: The Department of Fisheries (DOF), Government of Karnataka (GOK), the agency responsible for fisheries development in the state, is a partner during implementation of the project and The DoF, GOK, with the technical support of SIFA, Hyderabad (SIFA) and FRIC, Hesaraghatta under KVAFSU, Bidar will continue the implementation. This model, with required modifications, will be adopted across the country for efficient resource management and fish production operations.12.What is ‘technological’ about your proposed solution and why might this be appropriate to the challenge areas?1000 character limitKarnataka has 82 reservoirs (WSA of 0.27 million hectare (m ha), 3823 tanks (WSA 0.18 m ha), 22723 gram panchayat tanks (WSA 0.12 m ha), 5853 km long of river (with 22 fish sanctuaries) with a potential to produce 0.402 million tons (worth about INR 40.2 billion) of fish annually. Further, there is about 0.24 m ha of saline, alkaline and water logged land areas ideal for fish culture. During 2018-19, 0.198 million tons of fish worth INR 17.81 billion was produced. About 0.63 million total and 0.14 million active fisherfolk dependent on fisheries in these ARs. The ARs depend on rains during SW Monsoon (June to September) for water. With climate change related uncertainties in period and intensity of rain, scientific data on the availability of water, extent of WSA (to decide quantity of fish seed stocking) and duration of water retention (to decide right fish species) are not available. The input supply chain is also monsoon dependent. Hence, developing a robust and scientific model powered by AI and ML algorithms using previous years data and concurrent data from Satellite images will help to plan and implement activities across the production chain. 13.Is your proposed solution a response to the impacts of COVID-19, or an effort to contain the pandemic? If so, please explain. 1000-character limit The global pandemic has?taken away the livelihoods?of the millions of people involved in India’s fish production.?The pandemic has created an unprecedented economic, social and health crisis impact on the fisher folks. Migration of labours from cities to rural areas is one of the adverse impacts of COVID -19.Nearly 69% of migrated labours to rural area belong to 20 -40 year group, seeking employment in rural area. Our solution:Aims to empower fisher folks and migrant labours with a decision support system, bringing together government and the fish community to propose better policies and guidelines aiming at development of F & SSA in all available ARs. Focuses on farmer readiness with respect to changing climatic conditions and environment, improving yield, thereby increased income for farmers and better revenues through out fish production supply chain.Hence, the solution can be helpful in revival of employment and income in Karnataka through F & SSA.14.Does your proposed solution contribute to combatting climate change or promoting a greener planet? If so, please explain. 1000-character limitThe proposed project aims to mitigate the harsh impact of uncertainties in rainfall and resultant water availability in Aquatic resources (AR) due to climate and environmental changes on fish culture and marketing by rural fisherfolk and on biodiversity of fishes in ARs. The envisaged AI based decision support system will assist in(i) developing appropriate policies and guidelines for fisheries development and conservation of biodiversity in available ARs, (ii) creating a mature and robust system for issuing necessary permissions, production and supply of inputs like quality fish seed, fish feed, fishing nets & gear, post-harvest infrastructure etc. (iii) monitoring water quality parameters and disease in cultured fish, and (iv) forecasting the fish production and arrange supply chain for marketing of fish at appropriate place, location and price to getter higher income for fisher folk and better quality fish for consumers and (V) disease diagnostics and advisory in cultured fish. (VI) Weather and meteorological advisory. 15.How is your proposal relevant to the development challenges of India? 1000-character limitIndia is 2nd in the world in aquaculture and 4th in overall fish production in the world. During 2018-19, about 13.79 million tons of fish was produced and about 1.39M tons of fish worth US$6.8B was exported. Nearly 3.70 million fishermen are dependent on fisheries activities for their livelihood. India?is bestowed with 3.15 MHA of reservoirs, 2.36 MHA of?ponds?& tanks and 0.19 MHA of rivers & canals providing ample opportunity for fish culture. The fish harvested from fresh water ARs are mainly used for domestic consumption helping to mitigate the problem of malnutrition. There is a crucial need for technology advancement not just in culture systems like RSA, biofloc, but innovative technologies i.e. AI, IoT and analytics to help fishers collect and analyze real-time data, so they can grow and catch the fish efficiently. These technologies help in addressing traceability issues. The challenges identified in the current project are existing in different parts of India. A scientific and robust decision support system will help to increase the production and productivity across the country. 16.What consideration have you made of gender in developing your concept? Could your project address gender inequality or other kinds of inequality? 1000-character limitThe fisheries sector is an important source of livelihood for women. In India, about 25% of women labour force is involved in pre-harvest activities, 35% in export marketing and 40% in internal marketing.The principal beneficiaries in the current project are mostly illiterate, unorganized and poor fisher folk residing in rural area. The biggest challenge that India faces is the varied socio-economic situation of the country, where the farmers bears the biggest brunt. The ensuing benefits from the project in terms of increased fish production and productivity will help these fisher-folk comprising of both men and women to enhance their livelihood. Also, the data gathered during the course of this project and working closely with fisher community would help us gauge the different empowerment parameters like social, economic, legal and political. In the past, lack of access and control over resources, lack of confident in technical issues, lack of women friendly aquaculture technology were the major constraints identified in empowerment of women through participation in fisheries activities. Our project would have critical impact on the above challenges. Notes: Please be kindly reminded of the primary criteria: relevance to the environmental and/or C19 agenda. See boxes 13 and 14. Except box 5, all boxes require mandatory response.In the interests of fairness, proposals that exceed the character limits will not be considered. ................

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