
Overcoming Obstacles and Hardship: Is it a matter of choice? Is it ultimately about faith? Is it about discipline?Does God intentionally purpose hardship for us? What is our part in facing hardship or struggle?A key Purpose of hardship – So, how does growth and maturity happen? What is the biblical perspective on suffering and hardship?Have a good handle on who you are (in Christ), what you are called to do (for Christ and his kingdom), and how to face tough circumstances (in the power of the Spirit – Gal 5:22-23):Rom. 5:1-5 -James 1:2-4 - I Peter 1:7 - What means are we given to face our hardships?Manage yourself (your own time) well (I Kings 19-1-9) – Manage your time with God well - John 15:4 - Phil 1:9 -Rom 12:1 - Heb 12:1-3 - James 1:2 – Manage your time with others well - Heb 10:24-25 - Phil 2:1-4 - Mat 5:21-26 - Rom 12:9-18 - 2 Cor 1:6-7 - There may be no better test of who you are than how you manage in a crisis where you have to make choices. We may choose to spiral downward or upward. See the spiral graphic handout.Might you be wise to decide well in advance of a difficult crisis, what you will choose to do with regard to self-care, fellowship and your walk with the Lord? ................

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