Mrs. Lesly Culp

Location: W235 Ext.: 8764 e-mail:

English Language Development (ELD) 2 (Semester 2)

Welcome back to English Language Development! You have made incredible progress in your English fluency so far and to make sure that you continue to do so, we will continue to work together to improve your skills. You will be very proud of what you will learn and accomplish by the end of the year. With your imagination, experience, and effort we will have a wonderful semester.

Below you will find guidelines and procedures to follow in an effort to get the most out of this class. Read it all carefully and have your parents read it so that they know what is expected of you in my class. Keep this document in the front of your English notebook.


▪ Selected articles, poems, films and short stories

▪ High Point: Level B


A Sense of Place: Where does one belong?

Follow Your Dreams: What matters most?

Coming Full Circle: Why is change important?

Overcoming Obstacles: How can overcoming your challenges help you make a difference?


As a result of this course, you will be able to:

▪ Further develop acquisition of the English language;

▪ Maintain a supervised reading program;

▪ Summarize and analyze key facts and main ideas in a reading selection;

▪ Conduct library research;

▪ Respond to prewriting stimuli;

▪ Pre-write, plan, draft, revise, edit, evaluate, and publish compositions (Jane Schaffer);

▪ Maintain a supervised vocabulary and grammar development program;

▪ Develop organizational skills through the maintenance of a class notebook and daily planner.


RESPECT for school, classmates, teachers, and self is the ONE rule for which you are responsible.

Whoever breaks this rule faces the following consequences:

1. Warning

2. Student-Teacher conference during nutrition, lunch, or after school, whichever comes first

3. Parent phone call

4. Parent-Student-Teacher conference

5. Referral to the Dean

SSR (Silent Sustained Reading)

• Pick an interesting book to read daily.

• Bring it daily to class.

• Challenge yourself to read more difficult books.

|GRADING |Percentage Breakdown: |

|Complete all work and submit it on time. | |

|Late work will not be accepted unless previous arrangements have |Daily Assignments: 40% |

|been made. |Listening/Speaking: 10% |

|Points will be assigned to each assignment given. |Reading/Writing: 30% |

|The following is a general grading policy: |Quizzes/Unit Tests: 20% |

|One-day assignments, quizzes, homework 5-25 points | |

|Longer classroom assignments, tests 50-100 points | |

|Major projects, final exams 100-200 points | |

| | |

|Grading Scale: | |

|100% to 90% of total points = A | |

|89% to 80% of total points = B | |

|79% to 70% of total points = C | |

|69% to 60% of total points = D | |

|Below 60% of total points: = Fail | |


| |Students are required to be in class on time daily. |

| |This means that he/she will be in his/her seat ready to |

| |work/reading when the bell rings. |

| |Absentees must return with a verified re-admit in order to |

| |receive make-up work. |

| |Make-up work will be distributed, before or after school, |

| |nutrition, lunch |

| |Make-up work arrangements can be made by calling your counselor. |

|ENGLISH NOTEBOOK (durable spiral plastic cover) |MATERIALS |

|Students are required to maintain a notebook for English, which |Being prepared to work is the first step to success. This is |

|will be graded periodically. |also the easiest part. |

|See handout for specific guidelines of maintaining a notebook. |Students will need to bring the following materials to class each|

| |day: |

| |Pen, pencil, paper |

| |100 page spiral notebook |

| |Reading material |

| |Assigned books/materials |


If you are ever in need of extra help, please ask me. I will be glad to make arrangements with you so that we may work one on one.

Student Name: _____________________________ Parent Name: _____________________________

Signature: _______________________________ Signature: _______________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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