Hey INK-A-Losers!!!

[Pages:8]Hey INK-A-Losers!!!




According to Merriam Webster's "Dominate" means 1) RULE, CONTROL - an empire that dominated the world. 2) To exert the supreme determining or guiding influence on --the ambition that has dominated his life. 3) to overlook from a superior elevation or command because of superior height or position--a hill that dominates the town. 4) to have a commanding or preeminent place or position in -- name brands dominate the market. My personal favorite in the Legion of Doom dictionary... To control and command the WWFFL. Legion of Doom dominates the WWFFL in every way possible. LoD has scored the most points and has the most wins along with the most titles and it isn't even close. However you want to define Dominate it's spelled Legion of Doom. Hell I should change my name to Legion of Dominate, in fact, I might just do that. So from this reading forward you can refer to me as Legion of Dominate(ion) and while I won't make anyone change the name officially you can simply refer to me as this or the Czar of the WWFFL. King just doesn't seem worthy enough.

Let's talk about the fishing scam I pulled off against the WWFFL INK HQ's which allowed me to take over the website, post this INK, and update the homepage a bit. Let's face it Kid and Zam aren't the brightest bulbs on the tree. Kid drafted back to back TE's one year and spent the rest of the draft pleading with anyone to trade for one of them. And Zam, well, have you looked at him? Poindexter comes to mind. I knew it was best to send my Trojan horse email when Kid was @ HQ and actually at his desk. This was by far the hardest thing to accomplish as Kid has no set hours. I had this queued in my draft just waiting to see Kid roll in, give him a couple minutes, then send the email. Once opened, passwords were mine. Kid's was simple, Password2. I knew using the subject line Legion of Doom's mock draft results would easily get Kid and maybe even Zam. Kid was my target all along. Bingo, bango, bongo, Kid opened the email quicker than expected but LoD's code made it to the HQ mainframe and without anyone realizing what happened I was able to gain access and give you some reading pleasure over the summer. I'm nearly in full mock draft mode during my regular travels but I will say less mock drafts this year because I'm just traveling too damn much. Heck, I could spring for flights and hotel for the WWFFL 25th anniversary trip so who knows, keep your fingers crossed.

Whoever you think you are? I AM!!!! WWTD? You tell me, what would I do? I would, and clearly do, draft better and pick up

the better free agents and build my team better than you do year in and year out. Everyone follows my draft formula from the previous year but too bad so sad for you

clowns is that strategy won't work the next year so good luck keeping up with me. Weather you realise it or not you all want to be like me. Like Tommy, if I could be like Tommy, I wanna be, I wanna be, I wanna be like Tommy. But fact is you need at least 4 more championships and if you're ever lucky enough to play for one for the thumb I'll have championship toe rings biatches.

I am the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be!! Fuck. That's as many fucks as I have to give right at this very moment. Shit This league is TOO easy. No, this league is too easy! TOO EASY!! This league is too


I think it's high time we rename the WWFFL trophy. I know there's been talk about naming the trophy after the first league member to die but let's get rid of that morbid talk and focus on who it really should be named after. That's right, ME!!! I suggest calling it The Tommy, or The Thomas or The Tommy Mac. It's clear I'm better than Lombardi and Belicheck and Brady. I heard the NFL is thinking about renaming the Lombardi to the Belirady. So let's just stop hemming and hawing and just name this sucker The Tommy. Hell, I'm going to do it myself. I'll have a new plaque made just calling it The Tommy. I'll have to think about it but once I get it home it's getting a facelift. Not that it really matters because you losers are never going to win this league again. I suppose technically you'll see it once a year as I present the trophy to myself.

I had to laugh to myself on the plane looking back through the new guys attempt to revive the winter meetings. I like to refer to these as let's see what rules we can change or implement so Legion of Doom won't have a 50-50 chance to win the league. Yeah, I said 50-50. All previous rule adjustments were with one thing in mind, limiting the advantage Tommy has over all of you and it's comical because this league isn't any more competitive now than it was back when we had the rookie keeper rule or when we could trade draft picks. I'm still in the playoffs damn near every year, I lead the league in points constantly and usually win my division. I do feel bad for the other 4 teams in my division each year knowing the only way they make the playoffs is through the wildcard and ultimately play me in the playoffs. Winter Meetings should really be called the let's try to fuck Tommy with rules. Luke's attempt to detract from my mock drafts actually made me better because now I mock from every possible draft slot so thanks for that Luke. .

Smell the aroma, check my titles, I know it stinks in here, cause I'm the shit, shit, shit, shit, shit.

You will Loose! So we're really going to talk about rule changes. Hell, the rule changes are done for

one reason and that is to attempt to end my complete dominance in this league. Tell you what, come up with whatever rules you want and I'll still dominate. I don't devote my life to fantasy football like some proclaim I'm just fucking smarter and understand and know trends and flukes and stats that all tie to fantasy a hell of lot more than you. You could come up with a rule that states Legion of Doom doesn't get to draft in the 1st or 2nd round or every team but Legion of Doom gets to keep two players with no penalty and I would still win this league. You could all easily get something like that past in a vote of 9 to 1 but I would still win the league darn near every other year. Your

rules to prevent LoD from winning, queue the Imperial March, makes me chuckle to myself like the DR. There ain't a rule out there that will end my dominance. And despite the luck of the Jedi in Star Wars when Luke shot and somehow hit the center of the Death Star and somehow hit it to blow up the Death Star shit like that don't happen in real life so for all you Jedi wanna bees my death star is impenetrable and you ain't flying no crop duster and shooting no AK-47 into a mole tunnel and destroying the Doom's death star. Just keep things the way they are and I'll even do you one better, why don't you just not tell me where I'm picking until the names are put on the board and I'll still dominate. Go ahead, make my day, I can draft from any spot and still beat you. Oh yeah, and time to start saying "you're killing me Tommy" because that's what I'm going to do to each and every last one of you when the fantasy season starts, LoD will be killing you're pathetic weak sorry excuses for a fantasy team. Or how about, "you will loose' to LoD". "LoD must break you." PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Ali told me I'm the greatest. Announcement finished. Legion of Doom cut Dez Bryant.

I remember reading something Zam typed "It's better to have played fantasy football and lost than then to have never played at all." That's the biggest load of garbage ever. Really, you're just happy to play in this league, just happy to be here, just happy to see each other. Losers. Every last one of you that truly thinks or believes this makes me throw up in my mouth a little. I'm in this league because I see 9 suckers willing to pay their money to me while playing this game called fantasy football. And really, losers say something like that. Very similar to Milwaukee sports teams that just want to finish 500 and be in contention for the playoffs, yes, just simply be in the hunt at the end of the season but not actually say we will make the playoffs. And shoot, in the NBA half the teams make the playoffs and all the good teams are in the West so the Bucks better make the playoffs. Thanks in advance for your donation to the Tommy fund.

It's comical how we overuse Awesome. Awesome is defined as inspiring awe, or full of awe, and should be used like legion of Doom is awesome and dominates the WWFFL. See what I did there? Not that text was awesome. I know everyone thinks Rob is awesome but really the only awesome person in this league is me. My 7 titles inspire awe from everyone. You could say my GM moves are AWESOME. While awesome is clearly overused you cannot use it enough to use as it is meant to be used as an adjective basically defining my every move in the WWFFL. The way I drank that Diet Dew was indeed awesome. The way I leaped over the fallen FLOUNDER at the draft was AWESOME. I am literally awesome so let's end the debate now because they only way that could change is if one of you clowns actually got to 5 titles and there ain't no way that's happening in the next 5 years so until then recognize true awesomeness when you see it and call the only person in this league by the title I so truly deserve, AWESOME.

WWFFL INK? info:

In this section Zam usually goes on and on about Kid slacking off and him doing all the work and then tells us about his life and his trials and tribulations. Seriously, it's not like you are alone in sometimes having problems. We all have them just some of us don't vent on a dumb-ass fantasy publication. And Kid thanks for being a sucker and clicking on the fishing link I sent. You're too trusting and no that isn't always a good thing. Be a little more skeptical.

A look around the WWFFL:

Let's take a look at all the losers not named Legion of Doom. Each team listed here is playing for 2nd place, or championship game loser, whatever you want to say because I'm going back to back. T2 the Return Trip!! Just so none of your feelings get hurt these are not listed in any specific order because you're all below Dr. complains about things never going his way and yet he wins the Beer Bowl back to back and doesn't even inquire about Todd Gurley. Not that he had enough to trade for him but I put my whole team on the trade block and he doesn't even ask the question of what would it take to get Gurley. But I bet he's wishing it was a rookie keeper league because he would have DeShaun Watson next year. Now he'll waste a 1st or 2nd round pick on him. Which suits me just fine I'll draft my top 5 QB in the 8th round thank you very much. Our new guy Freedom Fighters, god bless him for trying to get spring meetings, new rules adopted, but he'll learn you're wasting your time. I do envy your enthusiasm which you'll also notice know one else has. I like the name Freedom Fighters but I'm confused what Freedom are you fighting for, is it just Americans or all people? Probably should be all people have a right to be free. I'll get off politics just like I jumped off your wife's/significant others before you got home. the BIG Hurt is our commish and says he doesn't care but in truth he cares the most. Maybe if he'd spend less time colluding with his minions on rule changes to attempt to thwart my success and more time on fantasy rankings he might have another title to go along with his 7 paper championships. Oh yeah, being the sole commish isn't easy is it? Bwahahaha. But thanks for doing it. Smoke~N~Mirrors puts in so much work and money on the board and the trophy every year I think it's high time we all chip in $5 yearly for the

cause. That laminating machine ain't free and just because Kid uses Jen's school supplies when making names and just remember if Kid wasn't doing it we wouldn't have the board. Plus he's a 3-time champ. xXx simply enjoys the league and the trip and hanging out, doesn't make waves. He goes with the flow and is as comfortable in the morning wearing only his batman underwear tights as he is on the golf course smoking a black cock and rocking his Shark hat ain't no one else pulling off. FLOUNDER is awesome or so he tells us. His golf outfits are awesome and when it comes to awesomeness in the league he's probably 2nd to me. FOUNDER is the only one that can pull off the Batman onesie although I'm not certain Batman drinks that much Jack and coke. Let's see who's left? Oh yeah, Men in Tights is the guy that tries the hardest at everything but real life, he wants to win the league so damn bad you almost feel sorry for him when he comes up short. Spends almost as much as S~N~M on useless FA's. Bitches the most, especially in this thing and while MIT is a 3-time champ it's been 10 years since they won. Maybe MIT will win this year and get us another bracelet marking 20 years. High Rollers is exactly what his name suggests, a guy that can actually spend nearly 10 days in Vegas and not be completely broke upon returning home. Not only does HR travel to Vegas once, they travel there at least 3 times a year. I Mean who the fuck can do that? HR gets comped and then comped some more. The WWFFL is small potatoes for HR who plays in high stakes leagues charge a $1,000 league fee. HR's motto is go big or go home and is another 3-time champ. Last but certainly not least is the nicest guy in the WWFFL Godfather. This guy cooks for us every year slaving over the grill and kitchen while the rest of you get drunk and eat his labor of love. I'd like each of you to imagine you're Jimmy and you're trying to slave over dinner and draft at the same time. Godfather is the only other team I'm rooting for after LoD. If LoD doesn't win, which is infrequent, I'm rooting for Godfather. No other team deserves the WWFFL title more, besides me of course. There you go, I think that is everyone. Plan on drafting for 2nd place but who knows other teams have gotten beyond lucky against me in the playoffs and won so you never know.


New GM and D Coordinator so let's see how this team looks in August.

Milwaukee Bucks

LMFAO at Zam getting all worked up when I say, what would you do? I don't know basketball because I don't play fantasy but if I did I'd beat you. LeBron is in the West and Giannis got a new big man Brook Lopez. Irsan has returned and they got a good shooter in Donte so we'll see what happens. History tells us the Bucks will not win a playoff series.

Milwaukee Brewers

LMAO at Zam getting all worked up as above. Just like I said above I don't know baseball because I don't play fantasy but if I did I'd beat you. This is the year you go all in and get Machado. Doesn't need to be a rental and preferably gage his interested in a long-term deal prior to a trade. Prospects schmrospects, regardless of how good you think a prospect will be you just never know until they get to the show. Remember Mark Prior? How about Kerry Wood? The two cannot miss pitching prospects for the Cubs. Anyone remember hearing that Mark Prior is injury proof. Huh? He proved there is no such thing. While I completely understand the wanting to be good for years but if you have a legit shot at a title you gotta takeit instead of hoping to be mediocre forever. Anyone know when the last time the Brewers won a playoff series? How about the last time they were in a World Series? 1982 was the World Series answer, yes, that's 36 years of fucking horse shit baseball. And that's acceptable to you? Really? Oh that's right in WI we're all about being competitive and make it interesting around the playoffs. Don't necessarily make the playoffs just be in the conversation. Soon the All Star break will be over and we'll see what happens as they add to the DL and fucking the $20 million dollar man Ryan Braun is on a milk cartoon.

WWFFL INK? Letters

I get more letters than the WWFFL INK.

Blurred Fantasy Football Vision

Nothing blurry about me being the best ever.

Tommy's Ramblings

I don't ramble I tell it like it is. I am the greatest the WWFFL has or will ever see. I dominate this league so I'm done rambling. I'll leave this to Zam and Kid.

Joke Time

The joke is you actually thinking you have a chance to win this league.

WWFFL INK? 2018 trip information:

No the WWFFL INK? is not sponsoring the draft trip. However we have uncovered some interesting facts. The WWFFL INK? editor has asked for

opinions and received three we're fairly certain. The information can be found and it has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms and sleeps 14. I think we are all in agreement that Shakes sleeps on the lowest level. I'm leaving this in here just because Zam was nice enough to book the house. Bunk beds, that's got Dean, Luke and Kid written all over it.

For the WWFFL INK?, this is Tommy. Damn it's great not only writing but reading about my own self. I'm fucking

AWESOME. Step aside Rob I'm awesomer. This publication is neither approved nor written with the express written consent of the WWFFL INK. The INK Editor truly is no journalist and just spews nonsense. I'm the master of puppets and of baiter.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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