
A. Form of Agreement will be that shown as document 00 52 13 of this project manual, and will be filled out as indicated below.

B. Owner Agency, Contractor, Project, and Designer will be identified on page one. Date of Agreement will be filled in by Owner when last signature is affixed. Last signature will be by Owner. All other information and provisions will be filled in prior to the presentation of the Agreement form to Contractor by Owner.

C. A full enumeration of the Contract Documents which make up the Agreement will be provided in Article 1.

D. Provisions for Contract Time and Liquidated Damages will be incorporated in Article 2.

E. The Contract Sum and the basis upon which it is determined, and Unit Prices proposed as a part of the successful bid which are accepted by the Owner, will be stated in Article 3.

F. The signature page will provide for a single signature by the Contractor, and will provide for the several signatures on behalf of the Owner as required by law and policy. The following will also be added to the signature page:

| | | |

|This contract is for | |armory construction |

| | |non-armory construction |

This contract is subject to all terms and conditions in Agreement No. DAHA40[pic], dated the [pic] day of [pic], 20[pic]

between the United States of America and the State of Tennessee.

This contract is subject to the written approval of the Chief of the National Guard Bureau, or his duly authorized representative, and is not binding until so approved. Federal funding support of any change or extra is subject to prior approval by the Chief of the National Guard Bureau or his duly authorized representative.

G. A page will be attached for corporate certification of the person signing for Contractor, and is illustrated as page 00 54 39. Contractor is required to complete and return the certification, in required counterparts, with the signed Agreement.



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