Oxford Placement Test - Olano Viajes

Oxford Placement Test

Test 1 – Grammar Test

Grammar -35 minutes Writing - 15 minutes


1. Water (a)is to boil (b)is boiling (c)boils at a temperature of 1000 C.

2. In some countries (a)there is (b)is (c) it is very hot all the time.

3. In cold countries people wear thick clothes (a)for keeping (b)to keep (c) for to keep warm.

4. In England people are always talking about (a)a weather (b)the weather (c) weather .

5. In some places (a)it rains (b)there rains (c) it raining almost every day.

6. In deserts there isn’t (a)the (b)some (c) any grass.

7. Places near the Equator have (a)a warm (b)the warm (c) warm weather even in the cold season.

8. In England (a)coldest (b)the coldest (c)colder time of year is usually from December to February.

9. (a)The most (b)Most of (c)Most people don’t know what it’s like in other countries.

10. Very (a)less (b)little (c)few people can travel abroad.

11. Mohammed Ali (a)has won (b)won (c)is winning his first world title fight in 1960.

12. After he (a)had won (b)have won (c)was winning an Olympic gold medal he became a professional boxer.

13. His religious beliefs (a)have made him (b)made him to (c)made him change his name when he became champion.

14. If he (a)has (b)would have (c)had lost his first fight with Sonny Liston, no one would have been surprised.

15. He has travelled a lot (a)both (b)and (c)or as a boxer and as a world famous personality.

16. He is very well known (a)all in (b)all over (c)in all the world.

17. Many people (a)is believing (b)are believing (c)believe he was the greatest boxer of all time.

18. To be the best (a)from (b)in (c)of the world is not easy.

19. Like any top sportsman Ali (a)had to (b)must (c)should train very hard.

20. Even though he has now lost his title, people (a)would (b) did (c) will always remember him as a champion.

21. The history of (a)aeroplane (b)the aeroplane (c)an aeroplane is

22. (a)quite a (b)a quite (c)quite short one. For many centuries men

23. (a)are trying (b)try (c)had tried to fly, but with

24. (a)little (b)few (c)a little success. In the 19th century a few people

25. succeeded (a)to fly (b)in flying (c)into flying in balloons. But it wasn’t until

26. the beginning of (a)last (b)next (c)that century that anybody

27. (a)were (b)is (c)was able to fly in a machine

28. (a)who (b)which (c)what was heavier than air, in other words, in

29. (a)who (b)what (c)which we now call a ‘plane’. The first people to achieve

30. ‘powered flight’ were the Wright brothers. (a)His (b)Their (c)Theirs was the machine which was the forerunner of the Jumbo Jets

31. and supersonic airliners that are (a)such (b)such a (c)so common

32. sight today. They (a)could (b)should (c)couldn’t hardly have imagined that in 1969,

33. (a)not much (b)not many (c)no much more than half a century later,

34. a man (a)will be (b)had been (c)would be landed on the moon.

35. Already (a)a man (b)man (c)the man is taking the first steps towards the stars.

36. Although space satellites have existed (a)since (b)during (c)for less

37. than forty years, we are now dependent (a)from (b)of (c)on them for all

38. kinds of (a)informations (b)information (c)an information . Not only

39. (a)are they (b)they are (c)there are being used for scientific research in

40. space, but also to see what kind of weather (a)is coming (b)comes (c)coming .

41. By 2008 there (a)would (b)must (c)will have been satellites in space for fifty

42. years and the ‘space superpowers’ are planning to (a)have (b)make (c)let

43. massive space stations built. When these (a)will be (b)are (c)will have been

44. completed it will be the first time (a)when (b)where (c)that austronauts will be

45. able to work in space in large numbers. (a)Apart (b)For (c)Except all that,

46. in many ways the most remarkable flight (a)of (b)above (c)at all was

47. (a)it (b)that (c)that one of the flying bicycle, which the world saw on television,

48. (a)flying (b)to fly (c)fly across the Channel from England to France, with nothing

49. (a)apart (b)but (c)than a man to power it. As the bicycle-flyer said,

50. ‘It’s the first time (a)I realize (b)I’ve realized (c)I am realizing what hard work it is to be a bird!’


NAME_________________________________________ DATE______/_____/_____

COURSE_______________________________________(standard, intensive, combination,1 to 1, other)

For each numbered line choose one correct answer from (a) ,(b) or (c). Fill the box

EXAMPLE : Q1 My name (a)is (b)are (c)will Mary

Answer Q1 (a) ( (b) ( (c) (

Q1 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q2 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q3 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q4 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q5 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q6 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q7 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q8 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q9 (a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q10(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q11(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q12(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q13(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q14(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q15(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q16(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q17(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q18(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q19(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q20(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q21(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q22(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q23(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q24(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q25(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q26(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q27(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q28(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q29(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q30(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q31(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q32(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q33(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q34(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q35(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q36(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q37(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q38(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q39(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q40(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q41(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q42(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q43(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q44(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q45(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q46(a) ( (b) ( (c)( Q47(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q48(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q49(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Q50(a) ( (b) ( (c)(

Test 2 – Writing Test

Choose one of the following titles and write a short composition.

Maximum 150 words 15 Minutes

1. My Family.

2. Why I want to learn English.

3. A holiday I Enjoyed.

4. What I would do if I won five million euro.



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