Oxidative phosphorylation pogil answer key


Oxidative phosphorylation pogil answer key

Course Scheduling for School Year Newsletter 2015-2016 on Scheduling Science Courses How Exercises Change Our DNA. (Epigenetics, my friends) Can I Quest Bridge Www. Exciting - Should the pig genome be patented? Evolution is Cool: From ancient DNA, A clearer picture of Europeans Today: The Mystery of South American Mammal Darwin Resolved: Breeding Isolation at Work: This Jay thrives in Very, Very Strange Way: Sign up with the College Board to check your AP exam score online: Rutgers Project DSAP - DSAP Poster - DSAP CDDs - DSAP literary searchAP - BLASTP and ORF DSAP- BLASTx DSAP- BLASTN DSAP - How to edit DSAP waves - How to read wave shapes and crops end You survived the AP test! I'm proud of all of you!!! And the winners of the Race to Review... TBA tomorrow, Friday, May 15 Reviews for AP AP Exam review questions PowerPoint Additional Mathematics paper reviews 1 sheet of 2 sheets 3 sheets 4 Mathematics Great PowerPoint review reviews guide review with Mr. Questions and Answers. Anderson review page: Review+2014 REVIEW: Saturday, May 9, 2015 10:00 - 2:00pm I'll bring bagels, you bring your brain! Worth additional credit points, if you attend ... 2 pts. per hour PowerPoint Imune System Immune System Review Packet - read and answer interactive questions ---didue Friday, May 1 Immune Video System: Chapter 35 - PowerPoint Immune System ***Race to Review quiz -Chapter 13-15 ---Fit May 8*** ***Race to Review quiz -Chapter 9-12 ---Wednesday, May 6*** ***Race to Review quiz Chapter 8 + cell signal ---Friday, May 1*** Angiosperm Humor : Thank you, Jen Rivkin Nervous System Nervous System reviews questions answering key answering key Chapter 38 reading guide ---due Thursday, April 30 (only section 1-3) Chapter 37 guideline reading --due Monday, April 27 Chapter 37 - Sara system PowerPoint Neuron Function POGIL ---due Monday, April 27 please print Model 1 (it disappears from packet) Homeostasis and Complete Endocrine System Unit Homeostasis and Endocrine quizzes - we will go on this on Monday , April 27 ***Race to Quiz Review ---chapters 6 and 7 ---Friday, April 17*** Chapter 32 PowerPoint 2: - PowerPoint endocrine system Chapter 32 PowerPoint Chapter 32 Reading guide ---due Tuesday, April 14 Angiosperm Reproduction and Plant Response Unit ***Quiz --chapter 30 and 31 ---In, April 13*** (If you prefer to use Monday class period to learn quizzes, you can schedule to after school on Tuesday or Wednesday, 4/14 or 4/15.) Chapter 31 clicker question Chapter clicker question Plant Hormone POGIL key answer: page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 page 6 ***Race to Quiz Review --chapter 4 and 5 ---Friday, April 10*** Chapter 31 review of key answer sheet page 1 page 2 page 3 Plant Responses Vodcast mms://media.k12.sd.us/jk169/Plant_Responses_Part_10_20110313.wmv Chapter 31 reading guide---due Thursday, April 9 Alternative PowerPoint Generation Chapter 30 PowerPoint Angiosperm Reproduction video: Chapter 3 ---0 April 7 Origin and Diversity Of Life Unit (con't) ***Partner Quiz - chapter 20 and 24 ---Today, April 2*** The origins of Lifepoint's PowerPoint Lab payable on Monday, April 6 -typed on Word doc Don't forget: Finish Friday line quiz - chapter 1-3 ---Monday , March 30 Evolutionary Unit Free Response Question Test: Describe the theory of evolution and discuss how it is supported by evidence from the following two areas: a. population genetics (H-W balance) b. molecular biology c. comparative anatomy and embryo ---due Monday, March 30 Origins and Diversity Of Cladogram Life Unit Video: BLAST lab BLAST lab: t-coffee link: regular Chapter 24 Reading guide- Origins of Life ---and Wednesday, April 1 (This is not an April Fo jodoh Tow :)) Phylogenetic Tree Activity Drops: Chapter 20 Phylogeny PowerPoint Phylogeny - chapter 20 -reading guide due to ---Tuesday, March 24 And it's at... race to review ***Finish Line Friday --- 1-3*** DIsemak: Monday, March 30 Evolution Unit EvolutionAry Practice Quiz (using questions until #110. after which the material is not in the test of this unit) Chapter 22 Questions Clicker REVISION ***Evolution Test Unit - chapter 19, 21 and 22*** Duration 1: Various options - Thursday, March 26 Free Response - Friday, March 27 Period 3: Multiple Options - Thursday, March 26, duration 3 Free Response - Friday, March 27 Bozeman Video Spectation: PowerPoint Spectiation - chapter 22 Scientific Skills H-W key answer problems To practice using Hardy-Weinberg equation goes to master biology and go to assignments for chapter 21. There are 3 practice problems you can work on. Chapter 21 clicker question Chapter 19 clicker question Period 1: Complete H-W lab questions ---due Tuesday, March 17 Period 3: Complete H-W practice problems ---diat Tuesday, March 17 ***Chapter 19 and 21 ---Wednesday, March 18*** Chapter 22 guidelines --- March 20 Period 3 PCRG6.14: Duration 3 PCRG5.14: Duration 1 Gel B: Duration 1 Gel A: Chapter 21 reading gude ---due Friday, March 13 Hardy-Weinburg PowerPoint - chapter 21 PowerPoint genetic population chapter 21 Chapter 19 guide reads ---se Wednesday, March 11 Evidence of PowerPoint-chapter 19 View itself; we're not going to go over this in class PowerPoint-chapter 19 views themselves; we will not go above this in the class of the Molecular Biology Unit (con't) ***Testing of the Molecular Biology Unit; Wide Range of ---Friday; March 6*** Free Response ---due Monday, March 9 (Chapter 13, 14 and 15) ***Take Home Chapter 15 quizzes ---due Wednesday, March 4, 4*** (To do your own, but you can use your notebook. NO INTERNET) Chapter 13 Clicker Questions Chapter 14 Clicker Question Chapter 15 Clicker Questions Duration 1: PCR gel See this video describes PCR reaction: See animation for PCR reaction: Chapter 15 Of PowerPoint's Successful Transformation Experiment!!! Congratulations!!! Scavenger Hunt biotechnology: Complete the online scavenger hunt below on a separate piece of paper. --- Wednesday, February 25 Chapter 15 reading guide ---due Monday, February 23 Genetics MUTATION ---two Monday, February 9 ***Chapter 14 quizzes --- Friday, February 6 ****Note: I have opened access to You to Masteringbiology for assignments for chapter 14, 15 and 16 This is not an assignment payable for grades, but they might help you as you learn material.*** Metabolic control Pathway worksheet --- is due Friday, January 30 Chapter 14 guide reads: From Gene to Protein ---due Monday, February 2 Chapter 14Th PowerPoint Midterm Exam period 1: Thursday, January 2015 8:00 - 10:00 am period 3: Friday, January 23, 2015, 8:00 - 10:00am Midterm Review Guide review sheet 1 2 3 34 Topics for Free Response: Mendel Law and how other types of succession deviate from this law Transport through the synthesis of the ATP cell membrane in chi Experimental photosynthesis and breathing design square how to calculate multiply rate on potential water multiplyer rules graph ****replication of takeaway DNA --- on Wednesday, January 21*** Chapter 13 reading --- on Friday , January 16 DNA Of PowerPoint History DNA Replication PowerPoint Unit Joy ***TestIng Joy Unit - chapter 10.11, and 12 --- Tuesday, January 13*** Topics for Free Response: Nondisjunction ? Chi Square Distribution processes and results provision in meiosis Able to determine the type of inheritance from being given genetic frequency Recombination data across Chapter 10 Clicker Question Chapter 12 Clicker Question ***REVISED: Online Flying Lab ---dule January 19**** **Chapter 12 --- Friday, January 9*** period 1: Please do this practice problem: Page 244; #6-9 Please see this video by Thursday, 1/8 AM: Video tutorial for online fruit flying laboratory: Please go to the site and register with your class code by Thursday, 1/8 AM: Virtual laboratory fly fruits online: class code period 1: 127666126 class code period 3: 12767494 Chapter 12 - Chromos GREAT HOTEL AND SERVICE WITH A FAMILY OF ALL!!! Chapter 12 reading guide ---- Monday, January 5, 2015 Corn Chi Square Analysis Handout ---Security and hands at ---Tuesday, December 23 MasteringBiology laboratory online - Chapter 12 - What can flies reveal about heritage? Print answers and hands on ---Tuesday, December 23 REVISED***Chapter 10 and 11 quizzes ---Daday, December 22 OR Tuesday, December 23**** Combs Chicken: Walnut Rose Single Multiplication Rules and Additional Regulation Video: Questions of Probability: page 214 #3 --- Thursday, Thursday 18 December Goat Fading - Recession disorder: Chapter 11 Questions Clicker Chapter 11Th Swallow Genetics PowerPoint Chapter 11 - Genetics Mendelian reads the ---dess guide Monday, December 15 (you don't have to do the genetic problems mentioned at the end of the chapter, we'll work at different times) Sordaria Sordaria Sordaria Laboratory Information Sheet Laboratory Video: Meiosis Sordaria Lab Pictures: Meiosis PowerPoint Chapter 10 Meiosis Reading guide ---disold, December 10 ***Click on the link below to access Online Mitosis Quiz ---complete by Tuesday , December 9 at 8:00am *** Cell Cycle Video: Chapter 9: Cell cycle reading guide ---due Friday, December 5Thosis Is jobheet ---due Friday, December 5 Chapter 9 - PowerPoint Cell Cycle Metabolism Unit Metabolism ***Metabolism Test Unit - Chapter 6, 7 and 8 ---Wednesday, December 3*** Chapter 8 Photosynthesis Clicker Questions Metabolism Unit Various Practices Options Not that I am biased, but this is the best door and with just 9 students... And you guys got a bagel breakfast on Wednesday! Online Photosynthesis Quiz - Go to Masteringbiology; go to the chapter of photosynthesis in the study area; completing the practice quiz; click send a response; scroll down to the bottom of the page and type in my email address to send me the results of your quiz --- Monday, 1*** (you can use your notes/textbooks, but please do it yourself) Khan Academy Photosynthesis: Bozeman Biology Photosynthesis: Photosynthesis PowerPoint Chapter 8 Photosynthesis Reading guide ---due Friday, November 21**Chapter 7 - cellular breathing quiz ---Tuday, November 18*** Cellular Breathing Packet Lock 1 2 3 4 5 Breathing Overview POGIL key 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Oxidative Phosphorylation POGIL lock 1 2 23 4 5 Chapter 7 Biological Domination Questions online assignment - chapter 7 ---dia Friday, November 14 Complete PowerPoint Cellular Breathing Laboratory Bench Activity on ---Tuesday Cellular, November 11 (on ; chapter 7 , study area; at the bottom of the page) Webquest Cellular Breathing Note: make sure you have your notebook with you on Wednesday, November 5 *** Chapter 6 --- November 5*** Chapter 6 Clicker Question Chapter 7: A guide to reading cellular --- on Monday, November 10 Click on the link below to answer questions about the enzyme: ---In, November 3 Google Document Data for Enzyme Lab: Gibbs Free Energy Video: Chapter 6 Metabolism PowerPoint Chapter 6: Metabolism Reading Guide ---orories Monday, October 27Th Unit Sel ***UNIT TEST: Chapter 4, Sel; Chapter 5, transport and cell communication---Thursday/Friday, October 23/24*** Chapter 5 Clicker Questions Chapter 4 Clicker Questions Complete practice tests for chapter 5 on sites ---t Thursday, Animated Acceptance October 23: Animated Transdusi Signal Route animated Response: Build animated signal path: Diagram signals -- give each title and molecular label -- Wednesday, October 22 does not perform the 5th, 10th or 13th diagram. Chapter 5 Cell signals a complete powerPoint signal working cell signal--- Monday, October 20 See and collaborate with the following animations for Monday, October 20 Signal Transduction Animation: Please watch a Bozeman video on Cell communication by Wednesday, October 15: Diffusion/osmosis challenge answering the main 1 2 Cell membrane images answer key 1 2 3 4 5 Cell Communication PowerPoint Chapter 5 Cell communication guide reading --- 6-9 page prints and bringing in Tuesday classes you will be able to work on it in class. ---after Wednesday, 15 October Isopod (pill bug) of babies found by honour biological students: Gabe Bringas: Chapter 4 quiz corrections - comes after school on Thursday, 10.9.14 or Friday, 10.10.14 ***Quiz - Transportation and Water Potential Problems (~18 questions) ---In, October 13*** Adopts Water Potential Problems: At 30 degrees C, plant cells containing 0.9 M glucose are in balance with surrounding solutions containing 0.2 M glucose in open containers. What is the potential for cell pressure? Duration 1: Complete Water Potential Problem Period 3: Complete 4 analytical questions from the --- lab due Thursday, October 9 Complete PowerPoint Transport Bench activity laboratory: Dispersal / Osmosis --- Tuesday, October 7 (go to Masteringbiology, click on laboratory media, click on the laboratory bench, click on the lab bench, click on Cell Free Response Questions ---didue Monday, October 6 Comparison Cell organelle worksheet key answer side 1 cell organelle response key part 2 REVISED ****Chapter 4 - Cell quiz --- Friday, October 3*** Chapter 5: Cell TransportAtion Guide ---dia Friday, October 3rd Chi Square Video: Be sure to read by Note Lab It is available in the left-hand bar when you are in the study area. Do not forget to do laboratory quizzes in the end. ---, September 22 Chapter 4 - Cell PowerPoint Chemistry Unit and Macromolecule Macromolecule Prediction Unit Key response Triglyceride: Complete macromolecule works sheet --- on Monday, September 15***REVISED: Chapter 3 --- Quizzes Wednesday, September 17*** Polysaccharide follows Period 3: Polysaccharide according to Period 1: Chapter 3 PowerPoint Macromolecules Chapter 3 PowerPoint - Carbon Chemistry ***Chapter 2 ---- Wednesday, September 10**** Chapter 2 PowerPoint - ---- Chapter 2 PowerPoint - Chemical ***Kuiz security September 5*** Simpsons Safety Video: To register on the MasteringBiology site using this URL: access (complete all the information; you have to choose others for a school name and then type in Fair Lawn HS; you have a class code, which on the note I gave you, but you don't have a student ID.) Summer Assignments and Information Sheet Notes: READING GUIDES ARE LINKED BELOW Print each reading guide and complete as you read each chapter. This reading guide doesn't match the numbering of chapters in your textbook, but the content is basically the same. Chapter reading guide reads chapter in textbook 1 1 2 2 3 2 4 3 3 5 6 6 4 Chapter 1 guide reading Chapter 2 read guide reads section 2 of Chapter 3 guidelines readting part 3 guide reading part 2 Chapter 4 reading guide

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