Ozark High School - 1SG Page

Fayette County High School Junior ROTC

LET 1 Syllabus

First Sergeant Anthony Bell (RET) - Room 770-460-3540 Ext. 143

The following are lessons that 1st year cadets (LET 1) will receive over the course of the school year. The lessons will not be presented in the order listed. A training schedule will be provided as to when each lesson will be instructed.

Unit 1 – Citizenship in Action; Chapter 1 Foundations of Army JROTC and Getting Involved

Lesson 1 Army JROTC – The Making of a Better Citizen

Lesson 2 The Past and Purpose of Army JROTC

Lesson 3 Moving Up in Army JROTC – Rank and Structure

Lesson 4 The Signs of Success

Lesson 5 Your Personal Appearance and Uniform

Lesson 8 American Military Traditions, Customs, and Courtesies

Unit 2 – Leadership Theory and Application; Chapter 1 Being a Leader

Lesson 1 Leadership Defined

Lesson 2 Leadership Reshuffled

Lesson 3 Leadership from the Inside Out

Lesson 4 Principles and Leadership

Unit 2 – Leadership Theory and Application; Chapter 2 Leadership Skills

Lesson 1 Steps from the Past

Lesson 2 Roles of Leaders and Followers in Drill

Lesson 3 Using Leadership Skills

Lesson 4 Drill & Ceremonies: Stationary Movements

Lesson 5 Drill & Ceremonies: Marching Movements

Lesson 6 Drill &Ceremonies: Squad Drill

Unit 2 – Leadership Theory and Application; Chapter 5 Leading Others

Lesson 1 Drill & Ceremonies: Platoon Drill

Lesson 7 Drill & Ceremonies: Stationary & Marching with the M-1 Rifle

Unit 3 – Foundations for Success (Much of this will be integrated with other lessons)

Lesson 2 Appreciating Diversity through Winning Colors

Lesson 3 Personal Growth Plan

Lesson 6 Learning Style and Processing Preferences

Lesson 7 Multiple Intelligences

Lesson 8 Thinking Maps

Unit 4 – Wellness, Fitness and First Aid; Chapter 1 Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle

Lesson 2 Cadet Challenge and Physical Training (1st Semester Fridays/2nd Semester Thursday and Friday)

Unit 6 – Citizenship in America; Chapter 1 You the People

Lesson 1 The Preamble

Unit 6 – Citizenship in America; Creating the Constitution; Chapter 3 Creating the Constitution

Lesson 1 Articles of Confederation

Lesson 2 Creating Our Constitution

Lesson 3 Balancing Power

Lesson 4 The Debate over the Constitution

Unit 7 – Cadet Safety & Civilian Marksmanship Program

Lesson 1 History of Marksmanship

Lesson 2 Air Rifle Safety & Safe Range Operations

Lesson 3 Target Shooting Equipment & its Operation

Lesson 4 The Standing Position

Lesson 5 Aiming & Firing a Shot

Lesson 6 Sight Adjustment & Target Scoring

Lesson 7 The Prone Position

Lesson 8 The Kneeling Position

Lesson 9 Practice & Skill Development

Typical LET 1 Weekly Schedule

Monday - Classroom Instruction: Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7

Tuesday – Classroom Instruction: Units 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 & 7

Wednesday – Leadership LAB (LLAB): Cadets in class on this day will. Cadets will learn military drill after formation

Thursday - Leadership LAB (LLAB): Cadets in class on this day will wear their JROTC Uniform to standard all day. Cadets are to prepare their uniform and appearance at home. Wear the uniform to school, wear in all classes all day, and wear it home. Permission to change for special classes where the uniform may become stained or damaged may be obtained from the instructor. Cadets are expected to change for P.E. class. Cadets that change out of uniform without permission will loose uniform points for that day. After inspection cadets will learn military drill, and or test on lessons learned that week.

Friday – Physical Training (PT): Cadets will need t-shirt, shorts or sweats, socks, running shoes. There is no opting out for PT. All cadets will participate in PT. Cadets with a doctor/nurse/parent note will still be required to dress out and participate within their physical ability!

The Cadet Uniform is provided by the JROTC program. Uniform will be worn once a week as scheduled. Cadets are responsible for cleaning and maintenance of the uniform. There is a uniform rental fee of $25.00. All cadets are expected to participate in the following events parades, promotions ceremony, and the end of the year award ceremony. Extracurricular activities available; drill team, color guard team, raider team and air rifle team. Good grades and attendance are required to participate.


a. The majority of academic work will be completed in class. However, homework will sometimes be assigned, especially when group work assignments or activity planning is involved. Failure to turn-in completed work on time will result in a point reduction.

a. A cadet’s academic success in JROTC is important to the Army Instructors. Feel free to contact an

Instructor with questions or for a clarification of assigned work. Do this BEFORE an assignment is due because it will not be an acceptable excuse on the day that work is due!

c. Cadets missing an assignment or test because of an excused absence will have equal

number of days of the excused absence to make-up the work or test. Cadets missing an assignment or test because of an unexcused absence will not be allowed to make-up the missing assignment or test and will forfeit the applicable academic points. It is your responsibility to learn what work you’ve missed and make it up within the prescribed time limits!

d. Be prepared and participate! Cadets should ask questions - and be prepared to answer questions - about the day’s work. Subjects, assignments, references and activities will be posted on the Monthly Study Assignment Calendar. Cadets should read the calendar frequently, take notes about assignments that are due, and ask questions if clarification is needed.


Assignment/Activities Grade Percentage

a. End of Course Test 20%

(Final Exams)

Daily Grades consist of the following 80%

b. Quizzes/Test (upon event)

c. Oral Presentations (upon event)

d. Class Assignments (upon event)

e. Class Participation/Preparedness (weekly) 25 pts.

f. Leadership Labs (Wed.)

g. Uniform Inspection (Weekly) 35 pts.

The following are automatic -35

No Uniform automatic

Males with earrings automatic

Unauthorized Awards

All other deficiencies will be noted on demerit slip

h. JROTC Extracurricular Activity (upon event)


Classroom telephone # 770-460-3540 EXT 142

E-Mail addresses: 1SG (Ret) Bell bell.anthony@mail.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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