Cataloging Monthly Stats

Every month the FIU Green Library - Cataloging Department needs to submit cataloging statistics to the FIU Library Administration. The statistics is due the 5th day of each month. The creation of an individual Excel worksheet for each one of the persons (catalogers, USPS, OPS) doing cataloging activities would expedite the statistics process.Instructions for inputting statistics in MS ExcelOpen previous month’s file (Open the Excel file and enable macros) T:\ Cataloging Dept\Cataloging monthly statistics\YYYY.MM.xlsTerminate Macroexpress before running any MS Excel macros.Change month on GLI worksheet (S3)Run macro CHANGEDATE or (CTRL d) to change the date simultaneously in all worksheets.Change all figures to zeroRun macro ZERO_MONTHY or (CTRL m) to change all the worksheets figures to zero- check AVI 053 field to make sure all is 0Return to GLI worksheetDo (CTRL home)Run macro CATALOGERS_ZERO or (CTRL z) to change all worksheets (cat1 to cat21) figures to zero. Check avi tab to make sure all is 0 and formulas are intactInput cataloger’s statistics in their corresponding worksheet:Cataloger nameWorksheetRow num. in GLINotes1TBACat19Microfilm monographs started counting on 7/09.2ALEXCat2103MIRTHACat3114RICKYCat4125ZHONGHUACat5136MARILYNCat6147TBACat7158JEN (MMC)Cat8169GUSTAVOCat91710DIANA (MMC)Cat101811EDUARDO (MMC)Cat111912R.C. Students (MMC)Cat1220Students (GL): Lauren, Alexis, Pedro.13MARIELACat132114ELAINECat142215TBACat152316JMCat162417AmberCat 172518JEN (BBC)Cat182619R.C. Students (BBC)Cat1927Students (BBC): TBA20EDUARDO (BBC)Cat202821DIANA (BBC)Cat212922APPROVALSCat2230Input YBP stats (cataloged) in Monographs DLC titles and volumes.23E-BKS processedCat2331E-books, streaming video/audio, and physical in corresponding rows DLC titles and volumesAll statistics on bottom portion of sheets should be placed in Misc tab After inputting all catalogers’ statistics Save the file as YYYYMMbm.xls BEFORE MACROS (This is in case we have to make some adjustments, so we can do it in this file and re-run the macros again).GLI – check balance!Run macro: GLI_CATA_MONTHY or (CTRL u)This macro would do all the require calculations to populate GLI worksheet.Check balance (total and for balancing purposes should match) AVI –Check Grand Total against GTI AV TotalsDo not input the stats for the GL or BBC Catalogers; they had been taken using a formula from their correspondent worksheet:Anyone not in this list that did AVI for this month needs to be added manuallyAVI Cataloger nameWorksheetMARILYNCat6RICKYCat7EDUARDO (MMC)Cat11EDUARDO (BBC)Cat19HLI – check balance!After finishing input all BBC catalogers statistics run macro:HLI_CATA_MONTHY or (CTRL n)This macro would do all the require calculation to populate HLI worksheet.Check balance TOR – check balance!Run macro TOR_CATA_MONTHY or (CTRL t)Check for balance (row check):TOTAL # NEW TITLES = FIGURE ON TOP UP RANGEITOR – check balance!Run macro ITOR_CATA_MONTHY or (CTRL i)check for balance By column: TOTAL NEW TITLES = for balancing Do not print this column.By row: TOTALS = TO BALANCE:GLT – check balance!Run macro WDn_MONTHY or (CTRL w)This macro would sum wdn titles and wdn volumes per type of record and add total to GLT and HLT worksheet.HLT – check balance!After WDn_MONTHY or (CTRL w) had runMISC – No balance – Run macro SB_CATA_MONTHY or (CTRL s)This macro would add shared bib dups fixed and reported bib records and collection transfers internal and external titles and volumes. It will add total to Misc worksheet.Input numbers manually …There should be an individual YBP statistics sheet. (These numbers should also be shown on the individual Cat. worksheet) Individual cataloger’s statistics should be added for Exported, YBP, and ProvisionalAUTH – No BalancePeople that are not on the list go in others.ITOR – Copy column K (CUMM F/Y NEW TITLES) to column O (Previous month CUMM F/Y NEW TITLES.)After all information has been keyed and balances have been revised... Save the file as YYYYMMb.xls BEFORE running the final macro (CTRL-Y).(This is in case we have to make some adjustments, so we can do it in this file and re-run the final macro again.)Run macro YEARLY_TOTALS or (CTRL y). This will total all worksheets simultaneously.Check ITOR – cumm F/Y new titlesPrint the report (CTR p)Report ORDER:RPT, GTT, HLT, GLT, MISC, AUTH, IToR, AVI, TOR, GTI, HLI, GLI.1 complete set for Rita.Individual stats along with the IP request sheet should also be given to Rita. ONLY at the beginning of fiscal year (July):All cumulative figures must be set to zero.Run macro ZERO_YEARLY or (CTRL f)Be sure to change date of Cumulative Fiscal Year on first page of RPT worksheetSave the final file as YYYYMM.xls Notes:-01/08/2014: It was decided by Sue, Margarita, Ricky, and Diana that ebooks should be recorded solely in the E-BKS processed tab (cat23), under Electronic Resource in Remote Access- Monographs under DLC and New Volumes.At the end of every fiscal year – total individual Cataloging statistics are gathered into one cumulative worksheet to be used for (but not limited to) annual reports and PEP evaluations. These cumulative stats are due within the first weeks of July.Instructions for inputting cumulative statistics in MS ExcelHaving already an established formula that is pulling statistics from previous yearly reports, we need to update the formula to coincide with the current fiscal year. Open previous year’s file (Open the Excel file and disable macros)T:\ Cataloging Dept\Cataloging monthly statistics\YYYYCUM.xlsTerminate Macroexpress before.Click cell C3 on first cataloger and open formula bar to update previous fiscal year to current. In the formula bar, change the date input period from last fiscal year to current ='T:\Cataloging Dept\Cataloging monthly statistics\2018-2019\[201807.xlsm]cat2'!C3+'T:\Cataloging Dept\Cataloging monthly statistics\2018-2019\[201808.xlsm]cat2'!C3+'T:\Cataloging Dept\Cataloging monthly statisticsIn the case of a revised worksheet in the fiscal year, make sure to include or remove rev in the formula bar to indicate which worksheet we want to pull the statistics. Ex: ='T:\Cataloging Dept\Cataloging monthly statistics\2018-2019\[201807rev.xlsm]cat2'!C3+……Copy section that contains year excluding the month. It should look something like this: 2018-2019\[2018Make sure cataloging number matches name. Refer to table below, cataloging number is already accurate with established formula bar.NameTBAAlexMirthaRickyZhonghuaMarilynTBAJen (MMC)GusCat Number123456789NameDianaEduardo (MMC)R.C Students (MMC)MarielaElaineTBAJean-MichelAmberJen (BBC)Cat Number101112131415161718NameR.C Students (BBC)Eduardo (BBC)Diana/Alex (BBC)ApprovalsBatchloadsCat Number1920212223Paste inside formula bar to update OLD formula. Remember once you reach January (01) to change to subsequent year. 2018-2019\[2019Drag new formula from C3 to O3 and then down to O27. (Fill without formatting) Copy updated cell C3 again and paste into the next cataloger sheet (also C3), edit formula to the correct cat#; and then repeat steps 6 & 7, for each cataloger on THEIR individual cell.For catalogers with AUTHORITY stats update yearly inputs in the formula bar once you have clicked on the corresponding cell. Again – only yearly inputs are malleable, refer to table below to ensure that formula matches catalogers’ corresponding authority stat cells and double check work! Save the final file as YYYYCUM.xls ................

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