Medical Records Abbreviation List
a --------------------apical
A assisted
AAROM ---------Active Range of Motion
A2 Second Aortic Sound
aa of each, equal parts
A.A. Alcoholics Annonymous
AAA abdominal aortic aneurysm
AB abortion
abd abdomen
ABD abduction
ABG arterial blood gases
Abn abnormal
ABN---------------advanced beneficiary notice
a.c. before meals (ante cibum)
AC acromioclavicular (Joint)
ACBG aortocoronary bypass graft(ing)
ACLS Advanced Cardiac Life Support
acid phos acid phosphatase
ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone
A.D. right ear (auris dextra)
ad to, up to
ad. lib as desired
ADA American Diabetes Association
adap equip adaptive equipment
ADC Aid to Dependent Children
ADD adduction
ADH antidiuretic hormone
ADL activities of daily living
Adm admission
AE above-the-elbow (amputation)
AEB----------------as evidenced by
AFB acid fast bacillus
AF atrial fibrillation
Afib----------------atrial fibrillation
AFO Ankle-foot Orthosis
A/G ratio albumin/globulin ratio
AGA approprite for gestational age
AgN03 silver nitrate
AHA American Hospital Association
AHN assistant head nurse
AICD--------automatic inplanted cardioverter defibrillator
AIDS acquired immune deficiency syndrome
AJ ankle jerk
AKA above-the-knee (amputation)
A-line arterial line
alb albumin
alk. phos alkaline phosphatase
ALL Acute Lymphocytic Leuke
ALS ---------------amyotrophic laterial sclerosis
ALT alanine aminotransferase
A.M. morning
AMA against medical advice
amb ambulatory
AMI acute myocardial infarction
AML Acute Myelocytic Leukemia
amp ampule
amt amount
ANA antinuclear antibody
Anes Anesthesia/Anesthesiologist
ant anterior
ante before
A&O alert and oriented
AODM adult onset diabetes mellitus
AORN Association of Operating Room
AP ankle pump exercise
A.P. abdominal perineal
A-P anterior-posterior
A&P auscultation & percussion
APPL application
app apparently
approx approximately
A.P.R. abdominal perineal resection
aq water (aqua)
ARDS--------------adult respiratory distress syndrome
ARF acut renal failure
AROM artificial rupture of membranes
A.S. left ear (auris sinistra)
ASA acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin)
ASAP as soon as possible
ASCVD arteriosclerotic cardio-
vascular disease
ASHD arteriosclerotic heart disease
ASD atrial septal defect
ASMI anterosepto myocardial infarction
ASO anti-streptolysin-0
ASIS --------------Anterior/Superior Iliac Spine
assoc associates
asst assistance
AST asparatate amino-transferase
AT Anesthesia Tech
ATA atmospheres absolute
A.T.N.R. asymmetrical tonic neck reflex
A.U. both ears (aures unitas)
AV atrioventricular
Avg. ---------------average
AVR aortic valve replacement
A&W alive and well
ax axillary
Ba.E. barium enema
baso basophil
BBB bundle branch block
BC Blue Cross
BE below-the-elbow (amputation)
BEE basal energy expenditure
BGM blood glucose moitoring
b.i.d. two times a day
bilat bilateral
bili bilirubin
BJP Bence Jones protein
BK breakfast
BKA below-the-knee (amputation)
bl. cult blood culture
-bld blend or blenderized
BLE both lower extremities
BM bowel movement
BMR basal metabolic rate
BMP --------------basic metabolic profile
BOS base of support
B.O.W. bag of waters
BP blood pressure
BPH benign prostatic hypertrophy
br brown
BR bedrest
BR c BRP bedrest with bathroom
BRP bathroom previleges
bs bowel sounds
BS blood sugar
B/S breath sounds
BSAS bedside activity sheet
BSC bedside commode
BSE breast self exam
B.S.H.D. beauty shop, hair do
BSO bilateral salphingo-oophorectomy
BSP Bromulphalein
(liver function study)
BTL bilateral tubal ligation
BUE both upper extremities
BUN blood urea nitrogen
B.U.S. Bartholin urethral and
Skene's glands
Bx biopsy
c with
C Centigrade
C-1 to C-7 cervical vertebrae
Ca++ calcium
Ca cancer
CA-----------------clerical associate
C&A Clinitest and Acetest
CABG coronary artery bypass graft(ing)
C-Collar ----------cervical collar
CAD coronary artery disease
cap capsule
Cap Refill --------capillary refill
CAT computerized axial tomography
cat catelog
cath catheter
CBC complete blood count
CBG capillary blood gases
CBI continuous bladder irrigation
CBR complete bed rest
CCMS clean catch midstream
CCT Critical Care Tech
CCU coronary care unit
CD common duct
CEA carcino embryonic antigen
C3H6 cyclopropane
CF Cystic Fibrosis
CG contact guard
CGA clinical gestational age
CH50 total complement
CHD congenital heart disease
CHI ---------------Closed Head Injury
chemo chemotherapy
Chem l2 Chemistry Profile
Chem 20 Chemistry Profile
CHF congestive heart failure
chg change
CHO carbohydrate
Chol cholesterol
Chr chronic
cir circulator
CI cardiac index
circ circumcision
CK creatinine phosphokinase
ck- check
Cl chloride
cl clear
CLL Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
clp clamped
Cl Red closed reduction
cm centimeter
CM----------------Case Manager
CMA cardiac monitored ambulation
CME cardiac monitored exercise
CML Chronic Myelocytic Leukemia
CMV controlled mandatory ventilation
CAN---------------certified nurse assistant
CNS central nervous system
CO carbon monoxide
C.O. cardiac output
c/o complained of
CO2 carbon dioxide
coag coagulation
C.O.D. clamp off, dry
COG center of gravity
C.O.L.D. chronic obstructive lung disease
Comm comminuted
comp compound
cond condition
cont continuous
contr contraction
conv convalescent
coordtn coordination
COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
COR heart
Corr ---------------Correct
C.O.T.E. Comprehensive Occupational
SCALE Therapy Evaluation Scale
-cp -----------------chest pain
CP cerebral palsy
C.P. collaborative problem
CPAP continuous positive airway
C.P.D. cephalopelvic disproportion
CPFT----------Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist
CPJJ carpuject
CPM continuous passive motion
CPR cardiopulmonary resuscitation
CPT----------------chest physiotherapy
CR------------------cardiac rehabilitation
CRICO ------------Cricothyroidomy
CRT-------------- Certified Respiratory Therapist
CRF----------------Chronic renal failure
CS cesarean section
C.S. Contract Services
C&S culture and sensivity
CSF cerebrospinal fluid
CST Certified Surgical Technologist
CT computerized tomography
C&T cervical and thoracic (spine)
C.T. chest tubes
CV cardiovascular
CVA cerebrovascular accident
CVC consonant vowel consonant
CVCC-------------Cardiovascular Care Center
CVD cardiovascular disease
CVP central venous pressure
CVS cardiovascular system
CW crutch walking
Cx cervix
cx circumflex (Coronary Artery)
CXR Chest X-Ray
cyclo cycloprophane
cysto cystoscopy
d day
D diastolic
D dependent
D-1 to D-12 Dorsal vertebra 1-12
D.A.T. diet as tolerated
DB drainage bag
DBP diastolic blood pressure
DC discontinue
D&C dilatation & curretage
deca ten
deci a tenth
deg degeneration
DF dorsi-flexion
DH Deaconess Hospital
DHC---------------Deaconess Home Care
DHL---------------Diffuse histiocytic lymphoma
dia diameter
Diab diabetic
diag diagnosis
Diag Diagonal (coronary artery)
dias diastolic
diff differential
dil dilute
DIP distal interphalangeal
disch discharge
disp dispense
dist distend, distention
dk dark
DJD ---------------Degenerative Joint Disease
DKA Diabetic Ketoacidosis
D5/LR 5% dextrose in water with
lactated ringers
D5/NS 5% dextrose in water with
normal saline
D5/0.2%NaC1--- 5% dextrose in water with
0.2 sodium chloride
D5/0.45%NaC1---5% dextrose in water with
0.45 sodium chloride
DME---------------durable medical equipment
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
DNR---------------Do not resuscitate
DOA dead on arrival
DOB date of birth
DOE dyspnea on exertion
DOPA dihydroxyphenylalanine
D.P.----------------Discharge Planning
DPL ---------------Diagnostic Peritoneal Lavage
d.p.p. dorsalis pedis pulse
DPNS--------deep pharyngeal neuromuscular stimulation
DPT Diphtheria, Pertussis, Tetanus
Dr doctor
dr dram
DR delivery room
DRG diagnosis related group
drng drainage
drsg dressing
D/S Destrose in Saline
DSA digital subtraction angiogram
DSD dry sterile dressing
dt due to
DT delerium tremens
D/T date/time
DTR deep tendon reflex
DTV due to void
DUB dysfunctional uterine bleeding
DVI digital vascular imaging
DVT deep vein thrombosis
D.W. distilled water
D/W dextrose in water
D5W 5% dextrose in water
D10W 10% dextrose in water
D20W 20% dextrose in water
DWDL------------Diffuse Well Differentiated
Lymphocytic Lymphoma
Dx diagnosis
E Escherichia
e enema
ea each
EBL estimated blood loss
ECCE extra capsular cataract
ECG, EKG electrocardiogram
echo echocardiogram
ECT electroconvulsive therapy
ED -----------------Emergency Department
EDTU--------------Emergency Department Treatment Unit
EDC estimated date of confinement
EEG electroencephalogram
EENT eye, ear, nose, throat
EF ejection fraction
EFFS External Fixation Foot Support
EFM external fetal monitor
EGD esophagogastroduodenoscopy
elix elixir
EMG electromyogram
enc encourage
Enf Enfamile
Enf c Fe Enfamile with iron
ENT ear, nose, throat
EOB ---------------edge of bed
EOM extraocular movements
EOS eosinophil
Epis episiotomy
ER Emergency Room
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde
ESR erythrocyte sedimentation rate
E-Stim electrical stimulation
ESRD end stage renal disease
EST electroshock therapy
ESWL Extracoporeal Shockwave Lithotripsy
E.T. Enterostomal Therapist
et and
ETT endotracheal tube
et al and other
ETCO2 -----------End Tidal CO2
ETOH ethyl alcohol
eval evaluation
ex extract
exer exercise
exp expired
exp lap exploratory laparotomy
ext external
ext. rot external rotation
F Fahrenheit
f female
FA fluorescent antibody
FAT ---------------Functional Activity Assessment
FB foreign body
FBS fasting blood sugar
F/C foley catheter
FCE functional capacity evaluation
fdg feeding(s)
FE iron
FECG fetal electrocardiogram
fem femerol
FeS04 Ferrous Sulfate
FF force fluids
FF@U fundus firm at (two or three
or four) finger breadths below
the umbilicus
FH family history
FHP Functional Health Pattern
FHR fetal heart rate
FHT fetal heart tone
fld fluid
flex flexion
FM fetal movement
FMC fine motor control
fn functioning
FNAB fine needle aspiration biopsy
fob foot of bed
FOB father of baby
font fontanel
Fr French
freq frequent
FROM full range of motion
frt fruit(s)
fs flowsheet
FS frozen section
FSE fetal scalp electrode
FSH follicle stimulating hormone
FTA fluorescent treponemal antibody
FTA-ABS fluorescent treponemal antibody
absorption test
FTI free thyroxine index
FTSG full thickenss skin graft
FTT ---------------failure to thrive
5FU fluorouracil
FUO fever of undetermined origin
FWB full weight bearing
Fx fracture
g gram
G gauge
GA General Anesthesia
gastroc gastrocnemius
gav gavage
GB gallbladder
GC gonorrhea (gonococcus)
GCS --------------Glasgow Coma Score
genit genitalia
GGT Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase
GH growth hormone
GHJ ---------------Glenohumeral Joint
GI gastrointestinal
Gluc glucose meter
gm gram
GMC gross motor control
GNS----------------Graduate Nurse Specialist
G6PD glucose-6-phosphate
gr grain
grav gravity
Grav gravida
Grd, grd ground
G/S glucose in saline
GS glut set exercise
GSW gunshot wound
gt gait
GT gastrostomy
gth girth
gtt drop(s)
GTT glucose tolerance test
GU genitourinary
G/W glucose in water
Gyn gynecology
h hour
HA headache
HAF hyperalimentation fluid
Hamst hamstring exercise
H20 water
H202 Hydrogen Peroxide
HBsAg hepatitis associated antigen
(hp, BAG, Au)
HBO hyperbaric oxygen (therapy)
HBP high blood pressure
HC head circumference
HCG human chorionic gonadotropin
HC1 hydrochloride
Hct hematocrit
HCVD hypertensive cardiovascular disease
HD-----------------Hodgkin's Disease
HDL high density lipoprotein
HEENT head, eyes, ears, nose, throat
HEME ------------blood
Hemi --------------hemiparesis
HEP home exercise program
Hg mercury
Hgb hemoglobin
HHA hand held assist
HHC Home Health Care
HHN---------------Hand Held nebulizer
HHNK Hyperosmolar Hyperglycemic
Nonketotic Coma
HI ------------------head injury
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
HIVD herniated intervertebral disc
H.L. heparin lock
HN2 nitrogen mustard
H.O. handout
HOB head of bed
HOH hard of hearing
Hol Hollister
HP Hydrocollator packs
H&P history & physical
HPI history of present illness
hpk hot pack
HR Heart Rate
hr hour
h.s. hour of sleep, bedtime
HS heel slide exercise
ht height
HTLV III human T-cell leukemia/lymphoma
virus (re: AIDS)
HTN hypertension
HVD hypertensive vascular disease
Hx history
H-WP Hubbard Whirlpool
hypo hypodermic injection
Hyst hysterectomy
Hz -----------------Hertz
I131 radioactive iodine
IABP Intra-Aortic Balloon Pump
IBW ideal body weight
ICA ---------------Internal Carotid Artery
ICCE intracapsular cataract extration
ICF intermediate care facility
ICP intracranial pressure
ICR Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation
ICRP Inpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation Program
ICS intercostal space
ICU Intensive Care Unit
ID identification
IDC Interdisciplinary Conference (Rehab)
I&D incision and drainage
i.e. for example
IF intrinsic factor
IgG, IgA, IgM Immunoglobin classes, G, A, M,
defined by W.H.O.
IHSS Idiopathic Hypertrophic
Subaortic Stenosis
IDDM--------------Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
IM intramuscular
IMV intermittent mandatory ventilation
in inch
inapprop inappropriate
INB intercostal nerve block
Incont incontinent
ind induction
Ind independent
Inf infection
INH isoniazid
Init initials
INT intermittent
I&O intake and output
Int. rot internal rotation
invol involuntary
IOL intraocular lens (implant)
I.O.P. intraocular pressure
IPPB intermittent positive pressure breathing
IQ intelligence quotient
irreg irregular
irrig irrigate
ISC intermittent self catheterization
Isol isolation
ITP-----------------Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura
IUD intrauterine device
IUFD intrauterine fetal demise
IUPC intrauterine pressure catheter
I of S---------------intensity of service
IV intravenous
IVP intravenous pyelogram
IVPB intravenous piggyback
IVPF intravenous partial fill
jaun jaundiced
JCAHO Joint Commission on Accreditation
of Healthcare Organizations
J.P. Jackson Pratt
jt. ------------------joint
JVD jugular venous distention
K+ potassium
Hypokalemia, Hyperkalemia (See Last Page, Under
KA King-Armstrong (units)
kcal kilocalorie(s), Calorie(s)
KC1 potassium chloride
KELS -------------Kohlman Evaluation of Living Skills
Kg kilogram
KJ knee jerk
17 KS 17 ketosteriods
KUB kidney, ureter, bladder
KVO keep vein open
L liter
LA left atrium
L&A light and accommodation
LAD left anterior descending
(coronary artery)
L&D labor and delivery
L-1 to L-5 lumbar vertebra 1-5
lab laboratory
lac laceration
lap laparotomy
LAP left atrial pressure
lat lateral
L.A.T. left anterior thigh
lav lavage
lax Laxative
lb. Pound
LB -----------------lower body
LBBB left bundle branch block
LBP low back pain
LBQC large base quadriceps cane
LBW low birth weight
LB-WP loboy whirlpool
LCM left costal margin
L.D. left deltoid
LDH lactic dehydrogenase
LDL low density lipoprotein
Le leather
LE lower extremity
LEP lower extremity prep
LE prep lupus erythematosus preparation
L.E.S.I. Lumer Epidural Steroid Injection
LF low forceps
LFA left forearm
lg large
L.G. left gluteal
LGA large for gestational age
LGI lower gastrointestinal
L-G-L- Lown-Ganong-Levine (syndrome)
LIDC --------------Low Intensity Direct Current
LH luteinizing hormone
liq liquid
LKS liver, kidney, spleen
LLB ---------------long leg brace
LLC ---------------long leg cast
LLE left lower estremity
LLL left lower lobe (lung)
LLOQ lower left outer quadrant
LLQ lower left quadrant
LLT left lateral thigh
LMA left mentoanterior
LML left mediolateral (episiotomy)
LMP last menstrual period
LMT left mentotransverse
LNMP last normal menstrual period
LOA left occiput anterior
loa leave of absence
LOB loss of balance
LOC loss of consciousness
LOP left occiput posterior
LOS length-of-stay
LOT left occiput transverse
LP lumbar puncture
LPM liters per minute
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
L/S ratio lecithin sphigomyelin ratio
LS lumbosacral
LSA left sacroanterior
LSB left sternal border
LScA left scapuloanterior
LScP left scapuloposterior
LSD lysergic acid diethylamide
LSNB lumber symptomatic nerve block
LSP left sacroposterior
lt left
Lt light
L.T. leisure therapy
L.T.G. long term goals
LTM --------------long term memory
LUE left upper extremity
LUL left upper lobe (lungs)
LUOQ left upper outer quadrant
LUQ left upper quadrant
LV left ventricle
LVAD-------------left ventricular assist device
LVF left ventricular failure
LVH left ventricular hypertrophy
LVMD-------------left ventricular medical device
LW Lee White (method)
L&W living and well
L/W living and well
LWB light weight bearing
lymphs lymphocytes
lytes electrolytes
M meter
m male
MA mental age
MAC Monitored Anesthesia Care
MAE moves all extremities
MAEW moves all extremities well
Manip & Int manipulation and internal
Fix. fixation
MAP mean arterial pressure
MAR medication administration record
Marg marginal
max maximal
MBS---------------Modified barium swallow
MCA --------------Middle Cerebral Artery
mcg or mcgm microgram
MCH mean corposcular hemoglobin
MCHC mean corpuscular hemoglobin
MCL midclavicular line
MCV mean corpuscular volume
M.D. doctor of medicine
MD muscular dystrophy
MDS---------------Myelodysplastic syndrome
mec meconium
Med. Rec. medical records
mech mechanical
med medication
Med medium
MED medial
medco medcosonlator
mEq milliequivalent
MET metabolic equivalents
mets metastases
M-F Mother – Father
MFR --------------Myofacial Release
MFAR-------------Medication & fluid administration record
MFH---------------Malignant fibrohistiocytoma
Mg++ magnesium
mg. or mgm. milligram
MH marital history
MHU mental health unit
MI myocardial infarction
MIC Medical Intensive Care
milli one-thousandth
min minimal
misc. miscellaneous
mixt mixture
ML midline
ml milliliter
MM Marshall-Marchetti
mm millimeter
MMKBS Marshall Marchetti Kranz
Bladder Suspension
MMT manual muscle test
mo month
mod moderate
MOM milk of magnesia
mono mononucleosis
MP metacarpal phalangeal
mr mental retardation
MR may repeat
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
MRMT -----------Minnesota Rate of Manipulation Test
MRSA Methicillin Resistent
Staphlococcus Aureus
MRSE-------------Methicillin Resistent Staphlococcus Epidermis
MS multiple sclerosis
MSE musculo skeletal extremities
msg message
MSL midsternal line
MSTL--------------multiple sleep latency test
M.T. monitor technician
mu micron
MUGA multigated study
MUO--------------metastasis of unknown origin
MVA motor vehicle accident
MVC --------------motor vehicle collision
MVP mitral valve prolapse
MVR mitral valve replacement
MWT--------------maintenance of wakefulness test
N ------------------nasal
Na sodium
Hyponatremia, hypernatremia, (See Last Page, Under
NA Nursing Assistant
N/A not applicable
NaC sodium chloride
NaC1 low salt (200-300 mg NaC1) diet
NAD no acute distress
NB newborn
n.b. note well (nota bene)
NC Nasal Cannula
NCB---------------no code blue
NCNC-------------Normal cytic, normal chromic
NCT nerve conduction test
NDT --------------Neurodevelopmental Treatment
NED---------------No evidence of disease
neg negative
neph nephrostomy
NETT Nasal Endotracheal Tube
neuro neurology
NG nasogastric
NGT nasogastric tube
N.H.---------------Nursing Home
NHL-DH----------NonHodgkin's lymphoma,
diffuse hystiocytic
NKA no known allergies
NL--------------------Normal limits
NM neuromuscular
no number
N02 nitrous oxide
noc night
NOS not otherwise specified
NP no problem
NPDL-------------Nodular poorly diffuse lymphoma
NPN non-protein nitrogen
NPO nothing by mouth
NRB --------------Non Re-Breather
NROM normal range of motion
NSAID -----------Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs
NS neurological vital signs
N.S. normal saline
NSCLC------------Non small cell lung cancer
NSO Nursing Service Office
Nsg nursing
Nsg Dx nursing diagnosis
NSR normal sinus rhythm
NSS Nutritional Support Service
NST non-stress test
NTG nitroglycerin
nutr nutrition
NTT --------------Naso Tracheal Tube
NV neurovascular
N&V nausea and vomiting
NWB nonweight bearing
NYD not yet diagnosed
O Oral
o none or no
OA ----------------Osteo-arthritis
02 oxygen
OB obstetrics
OBRR Obstetric Recovery Room
OBS----------------Organic brain syndrome
obst obstruction
O.C. open crib
occas occasional
OCG oral cholecystogram
OCT oxytocin challenge test
o.d. right eye (oculus dexter)
OD overdose
OETT Oral Endotracheal Tube
OG ----------------Orogastric
O.H. open heart
OHCRP Open Heart Cardiac Rehabilitation
Ohio NICU Ohio Neonatal Intensvie Care Unit
o.j. orange juice
OM otitis media
OOB out of bed
oop out on pass
OOSC out of special care
OOT out of tent
O.O.T. out of town
Op operation
OP opening pressure
OPC outpatient clinic
ophth ophthalmic
opp opposition
OPT outpatient
OR Operating Room
ORIF open reduction, intenal fixation
ortho orthopedics
OS left eye (oculus sinister)
OSA----------------obstructive sleep apnea
OT occupational therapy
O.T.----------------One Touch (glucose test)
OTC ---------------Over the Counter
OU each eye (oculus uterque)
oz ounce
P pulse
p after
PA pulmonary artery
P.A. pernicious anemia
P-A posterior-anterior
P&A percussion and auscultation
PA & Lat postero-anterior and lateral
PAC premature auricular contractions
PACU Post Anesthesia Care Unit
PAD pulmonary artery diastolic (pressure)
PALS--------------Pediatric advanced life support
PAM pulmonary artery mean (pressure)
Pa01 arterial P02
Pa02 alveolar P02
PAP Papanicolaou (stain, smear, test)
Para number of pregnancies
PAS pulmonary artery systolic (pressure)
PAT paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
path pathology
PAW pulmonary artery wedge
PAWP pulmonary artery wedge pressure
P-bars parallel bars
PBI protein bound iodine
p.c. after meals (post cibum)
PC physical cues
PCA patient controlled analgesia
P.C.A.--------------Patient Care Associate
PCB para cervical block
PCC Patient Care Coordinator
PCEA--------------Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia
PCIA---------------Patient Controlled Interscalene Analgesia
PCN penicillin
PC02 partial pressure of carbon dioxide
PCP Patient Care Plan
PCWP pulmonary capillary wedge pressure
PDLST physical daily living skills training
PDR Physician's Desk Reference
P.E. physical examination
Ped pediatrician
Peds pediatrics
PEEP positive end expiratory pressure
PEG pneumoencephalogram
P.E.G.--------------percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube
pent pentothal
PER Patient Education Record
per by, through
peri perineal
PERL pupils, equal, react to light
PERLA pupils equal, react to light and
PF plantar flexion
pfs parenteral fluid sheet
PFT pulmonary function test
PG pregnant
P(GCS) -----------Paralytics
PH past history
pH hydrogen ion concentration
phcy pharmacy
PHD prudent heart diet
Phy. Asst.----------Physicians Assistant
PI present illnes
PICC Peripherally inserted central catheter
PID pelvic inflammatory disease
PIP proximal interphalangeal (joint)
pit pitocin
PJC premature junctional contraction
PKU phyenylketonuria
PLB ---------------Pursed Lip Breathing
p.m. night
PMD Physical Medicine Department
PMH past medical history
PMI point of maximal impulse
PNC premature nodal contraction
PNC Pre Natal Clinic
PND paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea
PNF ---------------Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation
PNR---------------Perioperative nursing record
p.o. by mouth (per os)
P.O.D.1 postoperative day one
P02 partial pressure of oxygen
polio poliomyelitis
POPPA physician's orders prior to
patient's arrival
PORP partial ortho replacement prosthesis
pos positive
post posterior
postop postoperative
POT Psychiatric Occupational Therapy
P&P policy and procedure
p.p. postpartum
PP&D Percussion, postural drainage
P.P.D. purified protein derivative
(T.B. Test)
PPN peripheral parenteral nutrition
PPP peripheral pulses present
PPP+P pedal pulse present and palpable
PPP+D pedal pulse present and dopplerable
PR per rectum
PRBC packed red blood cells
PRE progressive resistive exercise
pre-med premedication
pre-op before surgery
prep preparation, prepared
prev previous
primip woman bearing first child
p.r.n. when necessary
pro protein
probs problems
proc procedure
Procto proctology
prod productive
PROM premature rupture of membranes
pron pronation
prud prudent
PT prothrombin time
P/S 2::Polyunsaturated to saturaeted fats
psi(g) pounds per square inch (gauge)
PSP phenolsulfonphthalein
Pt patient
P.T. physical therapy
PTA Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty
P.T.A. prior to admission
PTB patellar tendon bearing prosthesis
PTCA percutaneous transluminal coronary
p.t.p. posterior tibial pulse
PTS patellar tendon supracondular
PTT partial thromboplastin time
PUFA Polyunsaturated (fats) fatty acids
pulm pulmonary
Pulse Ox Pulse Oximeter
pulv powder
pur pureed
PV------------------Polycythemia Vera
PVC premature ventricular contraction
PVFD--------------Paradoxical Vocal Fold Dysfunction
PVR post void residual
PWB partial weight bearing
PZI protamine zinc insulin
q every
q.i.d. 4 times a day
q.h. every hour
q.n.s. quantity not sufficient
q.o.h. every other hour
q.s. quantity sufficient
q.2h. every 2 hours
QS quad set
qt quart
quad quadriceps
R rectal
r right
ra room air
RA right atrium
R.A. rheumatoid arthritis
Rad T Radiation Therapy
R.A.I. radioactive iodine
R.A.I.U. radiactive iodine uptake
RAM --------------Rapid Alternative Motion
R.A.T. right anterior thigh
RBBB right bundle branch block
RBC red blood cell/count
RBP retinal binding protein
RCA right coronary artery
RCCLW routine cardiac catheterization labwork
R.D. Registered Dietitian
R.D.S. respiratory distress syndrome
rec received
REC recovery
ref refused
reg regular
rehab rehabiltation
rep repetitions
res -----------------resident
resp respirations
restr. fld. restricted or limited fluids
RFA right forearm
R.G. right gluteal
Rh Rhesus (factorr)
RHC----------------Respriations have ceased
RHD rheumatic heart disease
RHF right heart failure
RhoGam trade name for anti-Rho in
form of lgG
RISA radioactive iodinated serum
albumin (blood volume)
RLE right lower extremity
RLL right lower lobe (lung)
RLOQ right lower outer quadrant
RLQ right lower quadrant
R.L.T. right lateral thigh
rm room
RMA right mentoanterior
RML right mediolateral (episiotomy)
RMP right mentoposterior
RMS Rehabilitative Medicine Services
RMT right mentotranverse
RN Registered Nurse
R/O rule out
ROA right occipitoanterior
rom rupture of membranes
ROM range of motion
ROP right occipitoposterior
ROS review of systems
ROT right occipitotransverse
RPGN rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis
RPh Registered Pharmacist
RPFT---------------Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist
RPSGT-----------Registered Polysomnographic Technologist
RR Recovery Room
RRE ---------------Regressive Resistive Exercise
RRT----------------Registered Respiratory Therapist
RSA right sacroanterior
RSB right sternal border
RSD ---------------Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy
RSI ----------------Rapid Sequence Intubation
RSP right sacroposterior
RSR regular sinus rhythm
rt -------------------right
R/T related to
R.T. Respiratory Therapy
RTC --------------Return to Clinic
RTS ---------------Revised Trama Score
RTW return to work
RUE right upper extremity
RUL right upper lobe (lung)
RUOQ right upper outer quadrant
RUQ right upper quadrant
RV right ventricle
R&V---------------repeated and verified
Rx ------------------treatment
RW ----------------rolling walker
s without
S systolic
S of I----------------severity of illness
S-1 to S-5 sacral vertebra 1-5
SA sino-atrial
SAQ short ARC quadriceps exercise
SaO2 --------------Oxygen Saturation
sat saturated
satis satisfactory
SB stillbirth
SBA standby assist
SBE subacute bacterial endocarditis
SBFT Small Bowel Follow-Through
S. Brady sinus bradycardia
SBP systolic blood pressure
SBQC small base quadriceps cane
S/C stroke chair
SCC----------------squamous cell carcinoma
SCI ----------------Spinal Cord Injury
SCLC--------------small cell lung cancer
SCN Special Care Nursery
SDS Same Day Surgery
sec second
sed. rate. sedimentation rate
SEMI subendocardial myocardial infarction
serosang serosanguineous
SF salt free
SGA small for gestational age
SGB Stellate Ganglion Block
S(GCS) -----------Swollen
SGOT serum glutamic oxalic
SGPT serum glutamic pyruvic
SIC Surgical Intensive Care
SIMV-----synchronized intermittent manditory ventilation
sl slight
SL sublinsual
SLB ---------------Short Leg Brace
SLC ---------------Short Leg Cast
SLE systemic lupus erythematosis
SLR straight leg raising
sm small
SMA-12 (-20) chemistry profile
SMR submucous resection
SN Student Nurse
SNF skilled nursing facility
s04 sulfate
S/O significant other
SOAP subjective, objective, assessment,
SOB short of breath
Soc. Hx. social history
Soc. Serv. Social Service
sol solution
Sp -----------------spontaneous
spec specimen
S/P status post
S.P. suprapubic
sp. gr. specific gravity
spont. spontaneous
S-P-S stand-pivot-sit transfer
SPT supracondylar patellar
tendon prosthesis
spt spirit
SQ subcutaneous
sr siderails
SR sinus rhythm
SROM spontaneous rupture of membranes
ss one-half
SS soap suds
s/s signs and symptoms
SSE soad suds enema
SSKI saturated solution of potassium iodide
ST speech therapy
STD ---------------Sexually Transmitted Disease
STM --------------Short Term Memory
S. Tach sinus tachycardia
staph staphylococcus
Stat at once
STG short term goal
str straight
strep streptococcus
sup supination
supp suppository
SVCS--------------Superior Vena Cava Syndrome
Sv02 mixed venous oxygen saturation
SVR systemic vascular resistance
SVT supraventricular tachycardia
Sx signs, symptoms
SW ----------------Stab Wound
S.W.----------------Social Work
S.Y.H.A.B. Since You've Had a Baby (Book)
t trace
T temperature
T-1 to T-12 thoracic vertebrae 1 - 12
T3RIA triiodothyronine
T3U triiodothyronine resin uptake
T4 thyroxine
T7 free thyroid index
T&A tonsillectomy & adenoidectomy
tab tablet
TAH & BSO total abdominal hysterectomy
& bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy
TAT turnaround time
TB tuberculsosis
TBI ---------------Traumatic Brain Injury
TBLC ------------term birth, living child
tbsp tablespoon
TCA therapeutic community assignment
TCC----------------Transitional Cell Carcinoma
TCDB turn, cough, and deep breath
T&C type and crossmatch
TCOM transcutaneous oxygen monitor
TcPC02 transcutaneous PC02 measurement
TcP02 transcutaneous P02 measurement
TDWB -----------Touch Down Weight Bearing
TEDS elastic stockings
tend tenderness
TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve
tet tetanus
TF tube feeding
T/G triglycerides
T(GCS) -----------Tubed
THR target heart rate
THRA total hip replacement arthroplasty
TIA transient ischemic attack
TIBC total iron binding capacity
t.i.d. three times a day
tinct tincture
TKE terminal knee extension
TKRA total knee replacement arthroplasty
TLC total lymphocyte count
TLFS Teaching Learning Flowsheet
TLR tonic labrinthine reflex
T.M. tympanic membrane
TMA -------------Transmetataral Amputation
TMJ temporal mandibular joint
TNM takes no medicine
TNR tonic neck reflex
t.o. telephone order
TOG Task Oriented Group
tol tolerate
top topical
tox toxoid
TP total protein
TPA ---------------tissue plasminogen activator
TPN total parenteral nutrition
TPR temperature, pulse and respiration
tr trace
trig triglyerides
T&S type and screen
TSH thyroid stimulating hormone
tsp teaspoon
TT tilt table
TTWB toe touch weight bearing
TURP transurethral resection of prostate
TW tap water
TWE tap water enema
Tx treatment
tx traction
Type I, II, II,
IV, or V hyperlipoproteinemia
I, Ii, III, IV, V
UA urinalysis
UBW usual body weight
UCG pregnancy test (urine test)
UE upper extremity
UGI upper gastrointestinal
UB ----------------upper body
UL upper lobe
ung ointment
uni one
U/O unable to obtain
UOA United Ostomy Association
UPF ureteropulvic junction
URI upper respiratory infection
UROL urological
US ultrasound
U.S. Unit Secretary
US/ES ultrasound combined with
electrical stimulation
USD ultrasound diagnosis
USP United States Pharmacopeia
UT Urological Technician
UTI urinary tract infeciton
UUN urinary urea nitrogen
UV ultra violet
UVJ ureteral vesical juncion
v volts
VA Veterans Administration
VAD venous access device
vag vaginal
VC vital capacity
VCG vectocardiogram
VD veneral disease
vdg voiding
VDRL veneral disease research lab
VE vaginal exam
veg vegetable
VER ---------------Visual Evoked Response
v.f. -----------------Visual Field
V Fib ventricular fibrillation
vit vitamin
VMA vanylmandelic acid
VNA Visiting Nursing Association
v.o. verbal order
vol volume
V pad vaginal pad
VRE----------------Vancomycin Resistant Enterococcus
VS vital signs
VSD ventricular septal defect
VSRP -------------velocity spectrum rehabilitation program
VSS vital signs stable
VT ventricular tachycardia
VUC Voiding Uretheral Cystogram
WB weight bearing
WBAT weight bearing as tolerated
WBC while blood count/cell
WC wheelchair
W/D warm and dry
WD well developed
WFL within functional limits
WIC Women, Infant, Children Program
wk week
wknd weekend
wkr walker
WN well nourished
WNL within normal limits
wp whirlpool
WP wedge pressure
WPW Wolff-Parkinson-White (syndrome)
W/S------------------Watt seconds
wt weight
WT watts
x times
x-match crossmatch
yel yellow
y/o year old
yr year
@ at
v systolic blood pressure
diastolic blood pressure
# number, weight
' foot
" inch
ii two
/ per
: ratio
+ positive
- negative
= equal
( does not equal
> greater than
< less than
% percent
♀ female
♂ male
~ similar
ø no (i.e. visual change)
1/2 one-half
// parallel
* further documentation
... etc.
( ---------------------------- checked and completed
K -------------- hypokalemia
K --------------- hyperkalemia
Na ------------- hyponatremia
Na -------------- hypernatremia
----------------- one
----------------- two
------------------ three
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