XLS Anderson-Darling Normality Test Calculator

kevin_n_otto@Please freely distribute and modify, but properly reference and maintain this contact information in the sheet. Normality Test Calculator.xlsVersion6This sheet will calculate the Anderson-Darling test statistic that a sample of data is normal. Enter data into column A. Keep in mind the test assumes normality, and is looking for sufficient evidence to reject normality.That is, a large p-value (often p > alpha = 0.05) would indicate normality.The spreadsheet is designed to handle up to 100 datapoints, to enter more data simply copy down columns B-G belowthe 100 rows as needed. ENTER ALL DATA IN COLUMN A, BUT ENTER NO OTHER NUMBERS INTO COLUMN A!Normal Probability PlotOTHER NUMBERS ENTERED WILL CAUSE CALCULATION ERRORS.0.001It is usually easiest to copy your data from somewhere else, and "Edit > Paste Special > Values"0.01=CONCATENATE("Currently as set up, the spreadsheet has a maximum of ",ROW(B134)-ROW($A33:$IV33)-1," datapoints (rows).")0.1If you have more than this, then copy any of the rows 31-128 (such as row 28, for example), and insert0.2the copied rows into anywhere in the block between rows 31 to 128 (such as row 31). 0.3Don't worry about the "#N/A" in columns B,H,I.0.40.5Test Hypotheses0.6H0:Data is sampled from a population that is normally distributed (no difference between the data and normal data).0.7HA:Data is sampled from a population that is not normally distributed.0.8Count OK?=IF(ISBLANK($A$134),"Seems OK...","Too Many Data Points! Fix columns B-H!!!!")0.9=COUNT(A34:A133)Number of data pointsS=SUM(G34:G133)0.99=AVERAGE(A34:A133)Sample Mean0.999=STDEV(A34:A133)Sample Sigmap-value calculationsp1=IF(AND(B28=0.6),EXP(1.2937-5.709*B28+0.0186*B28^ 2),0)=-G23/B23-B23AD test statisticp2=IF(AND(B28=0.34),EXP(0.9177-4.279*B28-1.38*B28^2),0)=B27*(1+0.75/B23+2.25/B23^2)AD* test statisticp3=IF(AND(B28=0.2),1-EXP(-8.318+42.796*B28-59.938*B28^2),0)=IF(MAX(G26:G29) ................

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