National French Contest, 2021 - FLES Division Script for Listening ...

National French Contest, 2021 - FLES Division Script for Listening Comprehension

Part I

For the listening comprehension section you will hear statements which will correspond to a picture for each numbered item. For each number, you will hear a statement that refers to one of the pictures marked A, B, or C. You are to identify the picture and click the button under that picture on your screen. You will hear each statement two times. Do not click an answer on your screen until you have heard the statement repeated the second time. Now, look at your screen.

In order to familiarize you with the French voices that you will hear during the contest, I would like to introduce them to you. Genevi?ve is the girl's voice (?Bonjour!?) and Laurent is the boy's voice (?Bonjour!?).

We will do one sample, but --d?sol? - there is no place to click. Just listen and look at the sample pictures at the top of your screen. Ready? Here's the sample:

Person 1: Le chapeau de monsieur Robert est noir. Person 2: Le chapeau de monsieur Robert est noir.

You would have clicked the button under the image of the black hat. FORMIDABLE! You are now ready to begin the contest! Please remember that this is NOT an achievement test, but a contest that is given to students from first through sixth grades. You are NOT expected to know everything you hear.

For students in division 1A (grades 1-3), you will only do questions 1-20.

The older students, plus all immersion and partial immersion students, will continue for all 30 listening comprehension questions.

I will let you know when to stop.

Keep in mind that your teacher is not allowed to prompt you or help you in any way during the contest. Think about all the other French students who are doing this with you and have fun!

Look at your screen for number one. Ready? Let's begin.

1. La derni?re lettre de l'alphabet c'est la lettre Z. 2. Nous sommes une famille de 3 personnes: mon p?re, ma m?re, et moi. 3. Comment allez-vous aujourd'hui, Madame Lebrun? Je vais tr?s bien! 4. Le lion est le roi de la jungle. C'est un animal f?roce. 5. Dans mon sac ? dos, il y a un cahier pour la classe de fran?ais. 6. Marc et Jean ramassent de jolies pommes rouges. 7. Voil? Mich?le. Elle est forte en maths. 8. On fait du v?lo dans le Tour de France. 9. Les feuilles tombent des arbres en automne. 10. Tiens! Quels cheveux bizarres. 11. Elle fait de la natation. Elle aime nager. 12. On monte les escaliers. 13. On se lave les mains. 14. C'est le Bonhomme Carnaval de Qu?bec! 15. J'habite une maison en ville. 16. ? la ferme, le coq fait cocorico. 17. Pour le petit d?jeuner, je prends un croissant et du caf?. 18. Ma grand-m?re pr?f?re mettre le linge ? s?cher sur le fil. Voici mon pantalon, ma

chemise, et mes chaussettes. 19. Mon cousin, Marc, ne porte pas de lunettes. 20. Voici le drapeau du S?n?gal. C'est un drapeau avec trois rayures et une ?toile verte.

If you are in Division 1A (grades 1-3), then this is the end of the Listening Comprehension section for you.


Be sure to click the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the page to turn in your Contest results. If you do not click SUBMIT, your answers will not be recorded.


If you are in an immersion or partial immersion program (Divisions 3A & 3B) or in grades 4, 5, or 6, then you will continue.

21. Que fait-elle? Elle ?crit. 22. Zhou, trouve la France sur la carte. La voil?, Madame. 23. ? quelle heure commence la classe de fran?ais? ? 2h20. 24. Il joue ? cache-cache avec ses amis. Jean-Luc se cache derri?re l'arbre. 25. Mon oncle est un bon musicien. Il joue du saxophone. 26. En ao?t, nous allons en vacances en train.

Questions 27 through 30 will not use pictures. Each question will be followed by three possible answers preceded by the letters A, B, or C. Only one of the answers will be the correct response to the question. Listen to the question and the three suggested answers. After you have heard each question a second time, click the circle of the letter on the screen that corresponds to the correct response. Listen to the following example. DO NOT CLICK AN ANSWER YET - just listen.

Question: How are you today?

A. I'm fine. B. It's raining. C. Today is Tuesday.

You would have clicked A ("I'm fine.") This was just a sample, so I know you were clever enough not to click your answer. From now on the questions and answers will be in French. Ready? Let's begin.

27. C'est aujourd'hui ton anniversaire ? a. Oui, il est neuf heures. b. Oui, elle a 14 ans. c. Non, c'est l'anniversaire de mon copain. Il a 13 ans aujourd'hui.

28. Excusez-moi, monsieur. Le m?tro est loin d'ici ? a. Mais non, mademoiselle. 5-6 kilom?tres, c'est tout. b. Mais non, mademoiselle. 5-6 euros, c'est tout. c. Mais non, mademoiselle. 5-6 livres, c'est tout.

29. Il y a un lit, une lampe sur la table, un placard pour mes v?tements, et un joli tapis par terre. C'est quelle pi?ce de la maison ?

a. C'est la cuisine. b. C'est la chambre ? coucher. c. C'est le salon.

***Je vais jouer la chanson sur notre l'enregistrement.*** ?coutez de la musique () 30. Comment s'appelle cette chanson ?

a. La Marseillaise (la chanson nationale de la France) b. ? Canada (L'Hymne National du Canada) c. L'Hymne National du S?n?gal

This is the end of the Listening Comprehension Section of the 2021 FLES Contest. Be sure to click the submit button at the bottom of the page to turn in your Contest

results for this part of the Contest. If you do not CLICK SUBMIT, your

answers will not be recorded.

Merci et au revoir!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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