Treasury - PA

APPR01 Payment Request InterfaceAgency GuideINT 055Pennsylvania TreasuryRM G-22 Finance BuildingHarrisburg, PA 17120-001803/19/2014Document Information and Revision HistoryVersionDateRevision Notes1.01/15/2013Initial Version1.11/24/2013Added the DocumentType element to the Header node for the Request message.1.23/27/2013Updated guide to correctly reflect request schema field sizes and types. Updated guide to include correct data type and size for the. Updated data type for Item.SCDUNoncustodialParentSSN from String to Integer. Updated documentation for size for Advice.LineType from 2 to 10.Added additional source system codes to the listing in Appendix A.Updated Appendix G for IES Source System Document Types.Added FiscalYear element to the Funding node. Change element names in the Funding node: FundType->Fund, BusinessArea->Department, Fund->Appropriation.Removed the DiscountAmount and DiscountDate elements from the Header node.Add CUS for Customer Id as a possible value on the RecipientType element.Add payment class PYNZ for payroll net zero pays.Removed example data values from the sample XML from the PaymentRequest and the DataModule nodes.Changed length of the RecipientLocation element of the Header node from 10 to 14.Changed length of the FieldValue element of the ValidationMessage node from 18 to 254.Added Appendix I Country Codes1.305/16/13Added new lookup value DL for AuditLookupType element.Revised descriptions for the FormatCode values CCD, PPD, and CTX. Also revised Appendix F.Added new Payment Class GRLF for payroll Group Life Insurance Payments. Removed Payment Class PRUD.Clarified definition of ‘appropriation’1.406/27/13Clarified definition of ‘GrossPaymentAmount’Clarified definition of ‘Account’Clarified definition of ‘FiscalYear’1.508/01/13Added new element VendorTaxpayerId to the Item node. Expanded description for the PayeeNameOne and PayeeNameTwo elements on the Item node to include their usage by additional Item Types.1.608/26/13Appendix A – New source system ‘COS’ Commission On Sentencing2.009/18/13Appendix J – Payment Due Date Rules2.109/18/13Expanded description for the VendorId and VendorLocation elements on the Item node to include their usage by the AC (Advancement Account) ItemType.3.011/20/13Parent Node: Acknowledgement-Min Occur Field should be 0.Payment Node: Added New Handling Code, RADG – Return to Auditor General Comptroller. Deleted RTTC – Treasury Mails (UCP Checks)AddressTwo, City, State, Postal Code descriptions were updated to reflect foreign addresses.Added Appendix K to list the interface validation edits.3.111/20/13Appendix A – Removed Source System, ADG “Auditor General” and AGA “Auditor General Allocation Payments.4.012/18/13Batch ID description updated4.112/18/13SCDUFIPS Code description updated4.212/18/13Appendix D-Payment Terms Codes were added and revised5.001/15/14Appendix A – New Source System “GWL” Great West LifeAppendix K – Added several new validation edits.6.002/26/14Appendix G – New Document Types ‘AX’, ‘DK’ Item node ItemType element. Added new ItemType ‘AX’.Added additional Due Date validation edits and edit on Funding.Account requiring the use of an expenditure account. Clarified validation edits related to Advancement Accounts. Added new edit to make a missing PaymentHandlingCode for a Check an error. Revised the withholding tax validation edits.EFTBeneficiary.Country – Modified description to indicate that it is defaulted to USA if omitted or blank.EFTBenficiary.TransactionHandling – Modified description to indicate that it is defaulted to X if blank.Changed severity to Error from TBD for validation edits that prevent processing of monetary amounts in fractional amounts less than one cent.6.103/11/2014Corrected severity and text description for several validation edits in Appendix K.Modified description for EFTBeneficiary.BankAccountNumber to indicate that it is mandatory for ACHs and Domestic and International wires.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" Document Information and Revision History PAGEREF _Toc372559600 \h iiInterface Overview PAGEREF _Toc372559601 \h 5Interface Guidance PAGEREF _Toc372559602 \h 6Interfacing using Files PAGEREF _Toc372559603 \h 6Interfacing using Web Service PAGEREF _Toc372559604 \h 7Schema Locations PAGEREF _Toc372559605 \h 7Request Message PAGEREF _Toc372559606 \h 8Sample Request Document PAGEREF _Toc372559607 \h 8Request Detail Node Information PAGEREF _Toc372559608 \h 12Acknowledgement Message PAGEREF _Toc372559609 \h 36Sample Acknowledgement Message PAGEREF _Toc372559610 \h 36Acknowledgement Detail Node Information PAGEREF _Toc372559611 \h 38Appendices PAGEREF _Toc372559612 \h 44Appendix A: Source System Codes PAGEREF _Toc372559613 \h 44Appendix B: Payment Class Codes PAGEREF _Toc372559614 \h 45Appendix C: Payment Type Codes PAGEREF _Toc372559615 \h 47Appendix D: Payment Terms Codes PAGEREF _Toc372559616 \h 49Appendix E: Tax Payment Addenda Requirements PAGEREF _Toc372559617 \h 50Appendix F: Format Code Guidance PAGEREF _Toc372559618 \h 58Appendix G: IES Source System Document Types PAGEREF _Toc372559619 \h 59Appendix H: Non-IES Source System Document Types PAGEREF _Toc372559620 \h 60Appendix I: Country Codes PAGEREF _Toc372559621 \h 61Appendix J: Payment Due Date Rules PAGEREF _Toc372559622 \h 69Appendix K: Interface Validation Edits PAGEREF _Toc372559623 \h 73Interface OverviewThe Payment Request Interface is used by State agencies to initiate disbursement of funds by the Pennsylvania Treasury. Each payment request generates a payment voucher representing a disbursement to a specific recipient. Treasury can automatically consolidate certain vouchers into a single payment. Multiple payment requests can be transmitted in a single payment request interface document.The required information can be transmitted as either an XML file or via a SOAP formatted web service call. After the information is received and processed, an acknowledgement is sent back with information on transactions received, processed and rejected. The acknowledgement also includes error messages for rejected transactions that can be used to review and correct the data for resubmission.Interface GuidanceInterfacing using Files File Naming Conventions:Each file name must be unique. Name should be in XXXXXXSRC<FREEFORM>YYYYMMDDHHMMSSmmm.xml format XXXXXX – The first 6 characters represent the interface name i.e. APPR01SRC – The next 3 characters represent the source system code i.e. IES.<FREEFORM> - Free form text, sender can add any value they wish. Leave blank if not in use. Length of field can be from 0-10 alphanumeric characters.YYYYMMDD - The date of the transmission in YYYYMMDD format i.e. 20120101.HHMMSS - The time of day when the transmission occurred; it’s a military time format i.e. 162412 for 4:24:12 PM.mmm - This is the milliseconds of the time when the transmission occurred. This is an optional field..xml – This is the file extension. Example File Names:APPR01IES20130101081235.xml – Minimum required in a file name.APPR01IES20130101081235123.xml – Includes millisecond.APPR01IESFFEX20130101081235123.xml – Includes freeform and milliseconds.Interfacing using Web ServiceWebservice Format:SOAP XMLWebservice Limitations:Additional documentation will be provided concerning the maximum number of payment requests to be included in a web service message.Test WSDL:Treasury will provide this to agencies that need to develop against a test instance of this interface.Production WSDL:T.B.D.Schema LocationsRequest:Schema xsd can be found in the collaboration SharePoint portal.Response:Schema xsd can be found in the collaboration SharePoint portal.Request MessageThe Request Message is used to transmit requests for disbursements to Treasury. It is formatted as an XML document and may be submitted via web service or file. All Request Documents consist of a single document header containing control information and one or more payment request data modules consisting of the data elements necessary for creating a disbursement. Each payment request data module must be identified by a trace id that is unique to the submitting source system. Sample Request Document<?xml version="1.0"?><APPR01Request xmlns=""> <DocumentHeader> <Control class="R"> <InterfaceIdentifier>APPR01</InterfaceIdentifier> <SourceSystemCode>IES</SourceSystemCode> <DocumentIdentifier>123456789</DocumentIdentifier> <DocumentDateTime>2013-12-31T15:35:38.687500-05:00</DocumentDateTime> <ControlCount>1</ControlCount> <ControlAmount>100.00</ControlAmount> </Control> </DocumentHeader> <!--1 or more repetitions:--> <PaymentRequest> <Header class="R"> <TraceId></TraceId> <OriginalTraceId></OriginalTraceId> <PaymentClass></PaymentClass> <PriorityCode></PriorityCode> <RecipientType></RecipientType> <RecipientId></RecipientId> <RecipientLocation></RecipientLocation> <TaxpayerId></TaxpayerId> <PreConsolidationIndicator></PreConsolidationIndicator> <VendorInvoiceId></VendorInvoiceId> <VendorInvoiceDate></VendorInvoiceDate> <SourceSystemReference></SourceSystemReference> <DocumentType></DocumentType> <GrossPaymentAmount></GrossPaymentAmount> <GrossEarningsAmount></GrossEarningsAmount> <DueDate></DueDate> <PaymentTerms></PaymentTerms> <PaymentTermsBasisDate></PaymentTermsBasisDate> <DocumentFormat></DocumentFormat> <DocumentVerificationValue></DocumentVerificationValue> <DocumentURL></DocumentURL> <BatchType></BatchType> <BatchId></BatchId> <BatchSequenceNumber></BatchSequenceNumber> <ForceBatchProcessing></ForceBatchProcessing> <Payment class="R"> <PaymentNumber></PaymentNumber> <PaymentType></PaymentType> <PaymentMethod></PaymentMethod> <SeparatePayment></SeparatePayment> <PaymentHandlingCode></PaymentHandlingCode> <PrintRemittance></PrintRemittance> <PaymentMessage></PaymentMessage> <PayrollDeliveryBusinessArea></PayrollDeliveryBusinessArea> <CheckMemoLine></CheckMemoLine> <!--0 to 10008 repetitions:--> <Advice class="R"> <LineType> </LineType> <LineTypeSequenceNumber></LineTypeSequenceNumber> <Text> </Text> </Advice> <!--0 to 9999 repetitions:--> <ACHAddenda class="R"> <SequenceNumber></SequenceNumber> <Text> </Text> </ACHAddenda> </Payment> <Recipient class="R"> <RecipientNumber></RecipientNumber> <NameOne></NameOne> <NameTwo></NameTwo> <Country></Country> <StreetAddressOne></StreetAddressOne> <StreetAddressTwo></StreetAddressTwo> <City></City> <State></State> <PostalCode></PostalCode> </Recipient> <!--Optional:--> <EFTBeneficiary class="R"> <BeneficiaryNumber></BeneficiaryNumber> <TransactionHandling> </TransactionHandling> <FormatCode> </FormatCode> <WireType></WireType> <AgencyLocationCode></AgencyLocationCode> <DFIQualifier></DFIQualifier> <DFI></DFI> <BankAccountType></BankAccountType> <BankAccountNumber></BankAccountNumber> <IBAN></IBAN> <BankName></BankName> <Country></Country> <StreetAddressOne></StreetAddressOne> <StreetAddressTwo></StreetAddressTwo> <City></City> <State></State> <PostalCode></PostalCode> <PaymentDetailInformation></PaymentDetailInformation> <FurtherCreditToIndicator></FurtherCreditToIndicator> <BeneficiaryReference></BeneficiaryReference> </EFTBeneficiary> <!--1 to 99999 repetitions:--> <Item class="R"> <ItemNumber></ItemNumber> <Description></Description> <ItemAmount></ItemAmount> <ItemType> </ItemType> <ItemId></ItemId> <ItemLineNumber></ItemLineNumber> <ItemScheduleNumber></ItemScheduleNumber> <ItemDate></ItemDate> <ItemReference></ItemReference> <VendorId></VendorId> <VendorLocation></VendorLocation> <VendorTaxpayerId></VendorTaxpayerId> <SCDUNoncustodialParentName></SCDUNoncustodialParentName> <SCDUNoncustodialParentSSN></SCDUNoncustodialParentSSN> <SCDUEmploymentTerminated></SCDUEmploymentTerminated> <SCDUMedicalSupportIndicator></SCDUMedicalSupportIndicator> <SCDUFIPSCode></SCDUFIPSCode> <Issuer></Issuer> <AdvancementAccountBusinessArea></AdvancementAccountBusinessArea> <AdvancementAccountCode></AdvancementAccountCode> <PayeeNameOne></PayeeNameOne> <PayeeNameTwo></PayeeNameTwo> <AuditLookupType></AuditLookupType> <AuditLookupId></AuditLookupId> <AccountingReference></AccountingReference> <!--0 to 999 repetitions:--> <SupportingDocument class="R"> <DocumentNumber></DocumentNumber> <Description></Description> <Type></Type> <Format></Format> <VerificationValue></VerificationValue> <URL></URL> </SupportingDocument> <!--1 to 99999 repetitions:--> <Funding class="R"> <FundingLineNumber></FundingLineNumber> <Description></Description> <Amount></Amount> <Fund></Fund> <Department></Department> <Appropriation></Appropriation> <FiscalYear></FiscalYear> <Account></Account> </Funding> </Item> </Header> </PaymentRequest></APPR01Request>Request Detail Node InformationNode NameAPPR01RequestParent NodeMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionRoot node of the XML document.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionDocumentHeaderElementYThis is the standard inbound request header that must be present once on every inbound interface document.PaymentRequestElementYInbound payment request information.Node NameDocumentHeaderParent NodeAPPR01RequestMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionThe DocumentHeader module contains control and detail information for the interface document. There will be one DocumentHeader module per interface document.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionControlElementYThe Control element holds control data for the document.Node NameControlParent NodeDocumentHeaderMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionProvides control information for the document, including: the source system transmitting the document, a unique identifier for the document in the source system, the number of payment requests in the document, and the total amount of requested payments.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionInterfaceIdentifierString6UpperYAlways APPR01.SourceSystemCodeString3UpperYThe three-character abbreviation of the transmitting source system. Values will be provided by Treasury. See Appendix A for currently defined Source System Codes. DocumentIdentifierString36MixedNUnique identifier used by the source system to identify the interface document. This value will be echoed back in the Acknowledgement response.DocumentDateTimeStringNDate and time when the request was transmitted. DocumentDateTime is a datetime. If this value is not populated then the system will default date and time to the time Treasury loads the data.Format is 2008-10-31T15:07:38.687500-05:00ControlCountInteger10YTotal count of Payment Requests contained in the file or web service request. ControlAmountDecimal2823.3YTotal amount of all payments requested in the file or web service request.Node NamePaymentRequestParent NodeAPPR01RequestMin Occur1Max OccursUnboundedDescriptionThe PayentRequest module contains the information to initiate a single disbursement to a recipient. There may be multiple PaymentRequests modules per interface document.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionHeaderElementYThe Header record element for a Payment Request.Node NameHeaderParent NodePaymentRequestMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionThe Header record element. Each Payment Request adheres to a header, line item and accounting distribution hierarchy. This describes information contained in the header. There can be only one header per Payment Request.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionTraceIdString36MixedYSource system assigned value that uniquely identifies eachPayment Request. This number serves as the unique identifier of the Payment Request throughout its processing in the Treasury systems. It must be unique within a source system. A Trace Id cannot be reused in the Payment Request Interface once it has been loaded into the Treasury system.If there are errors while processing the Payment Requests, the TraceId will enable the agency to identify the Payment Request on the response to be able to resolve the error and resubmit it for processing.OriginalTraceIdString36MixedNIdentifies the original Payment Request for a resubmission when the original was rejected by Treasury’s auditing review and is resubmitted as a new Payment Request.PaymentClassString4UpperYIdentifies the specific type of payment request. This See Appendix B for the list of valid values.PriorityCodeString1UpperNUsed to indicate the payment requires expedited processing. Valid values are:1 – Must be paid on the current or next business day.2 – Must be paid within 5 business days.R – Regular (default). Expedited processing not required.Use when the DueDate is within 5 business days of the transmission date and the Payment Request is a high priority payment as classified by Treasury’s Fiscal Review bureau.RecipientTypeString3UpperNIdentifies the category of the recipient specified in the RecipientId element. Valid values are:CUS – Customer Id – Use when the value in RecipientId is a Customer IdentifierEMP – Employee – Use when the value in RecipientId is a Commonwealth Personnel NumberPVD – Provider – Use when the value in RecipientId is a medical Provider Identifier.RCP – Recipient – Use when the value in RecipientID is not one of the other listed categories.VND – Vendor – Use when the value in RecipientId is a Vendor Identifier or Vendor NumberRecipientIdString25UpperNThe source system unique identifier for the disbursement recipient, (e.g. Vendor ID in IES).RecipientLocationString14UpperNThe source system location code for the recipient location, (e.g. Partner Code in IES).TaxpayerIdString9UpperNThe recipient’s Social Security Number (SSN) orEmployer Identification Number (EIN). In order to utilize Treasury’s Check/ACH consolidation capability, this field must contain a value. Do not include spaces or dashes. PreConsolidationIndicatorString1UpperNUse to indicate that the payment request is the result of consolidation in the source system. Valid values are:Y – Consolidated: source system has consolidated invoices for payment into a single Payment Request.N – Unconsolidated (default)VendorInvoiceIdString30MixedNFor unconsolidated payment requests populate with the Vendor’s Invoice Number. VendorInvoiceDateDate10XML DateNFor unconsolidated payment requests populate with the Vendor’s invoice date stated on the vendor invoice.SourceSystemReferenceString30MixedNPopulate with the invoice identifier in the source system. When present, the value must be unique within a source system. A Source System Reference value cannot be reused in the Payment Request Interface once it has been loaded into the Treasury system.DocumentTypeString2UpperYThe document type identifies the business transaction to be posted. Payment Requests submitted by the IES (formerly SAP) source system must use one of the document types listed in Appendix G. All other source systems must use one of the document types listed in Appendix H.GrossPaymentAmountDecimal2823.3YAmount of the Payment Request. All amounts are in US dollars. This amount must equal the sum of the Item ItemAmount values. Formatted as 9999.88. Include the decimal but do not include the dollar sign or commas.ACH Prenotes (Payment.PaymentMethod of “ACH” and an ETFBeneficiary.TransactionHandling value of “P”) and payroll Net Zero Pays (Payment.PaymentMethod of “CHK” and a PaymentClass value of “PYNZ”) must have a GrossPaymentAmount of zero. A Gross Payment Amount defined as the amount of the payment made by Treasury must be zero for zero net pays.GrossEarningsAmountDecimal2823.3NUsed only for payroll and annuitant Payment Requests. Populate with the employee’s gross earnings or gross annuitant amount. Required for payroll and annuitant Payment Requests, except ACH Prenotes.DueDateDate10XML DateNThe date the disbursement needs to be in the recipient’s possession. Formatted as YYYY-MM-DD.Treasury strongly recommends that the Due Date be populated by the submitting source system. Otherwise, Treasury will determine and assign the due date.PaymentTermsString5UpperNControls scheduling of discount payment date and calculated discount amount if a discount is available. See Appendix D for permitted values.PaymentTermsBasisDateDate10XML DateNThe date used in conjunction with Payment Terms to calculate the discount amount and discount due date. Must be provided for Payment Requests with discount payment terms.DocumentFormatString3UpperNIdentifies the format of the file referenced by the DocumentURL element. Supported values are: XML – XML document.IMG - Link to an agency-hosted page or image.New formats may be added upon coordination with and approval from Treasury.This element is use d for non-consolidated Payment Requests to access the supporting invoice documentation. For consolidated requests, supporting invoice documentation links are entered at the Item level.DocumentVerificationValueString40MixedNA 40-character value representing the “digest” result of encryptingthe entirety of the file residing at the location specified in the URLfield (below) using the SHA1 algorithm.The SHA1 algorithm is described in IETF RFC 3174, “US SecureHash Algorithm 1”. This algorithm will be used to verify thecontents of the file whenever the file is accessed from a Treasuryapplication.DocumentURLString254MixedNURL referencing the file or page providing documentation that supports the validity of the disbursement. The URL passed to Treasury must include the full specification of the path as Treasury will use the URL directly with no customizations applied.BatchTypeString3UpperNCode that identifies the type of value passed in the BatchId element. Values are: BPO – Treasury Batch Purchase Order NumberGRP – Agency Grouping IdentifierBatchIdString14UpperNThe 14 digit BatchID is mandatory for: 1) all payroll payment requests from non-IES systems; 2) all journal entries with a Document Type PT (payroll transfer); and, 3) all payment requests from non-IES systems (i.e. Promise) for which Treasury receives detailed payment information and summary entries are posted in SAP.? The BatchID will serve three purposes: 1) Enable Treasury to match payroll net pay payment requests to related payroll transfers to restricted receipt accounts; 2) Enable IES to post appropriate cash entries; 3)?? Assist in reconciling SAP to Treasury.It should consist of a leading zero (0) + the two (2) digit ‘SAP’ business area + an eleven (11) digit unique number.? These elements should be concatenated.? The number should not be reused for payment requests with the exception of payroll.? For payroll journal entries the BatchID should match the BatchID of the related payroll payments.EX: 02100000001001??? Department of Public WelfareBatchSequenceNumberInteger10NNumber assigned to the Payment Request to identify the Payment Request’s sequencing within the Agency batch when applicableForceBatchProcessingString1UpperNIndicator to direct Treasury to process all Payment Requests assigned to the Agency batch as a single unit of work. When set to Y Treasury will reject all Payment Requests assigned to the batch if one or more Payment Requests assigned to the batch encounter a validation error or audit rejection. If this is set to Y all payments in the same batch must come in the same file. Permitted values are:Y – Force Batch ProcessingN – Batch Processing Not Required (default)Node NamePaymentParent NodeHeaderMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionThe Payment record is used in describes the disbursement generated to fulfill the Payment Request. It is also used in payment consolidation and in disbursement delivery.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionClassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionPaymentNumberString10MixedYAlways 1.PaymentTypeString2UpperNIdentifies the category code of the ACH disbursement taking place. The value for regular vendor disbursements is ‘02’. Payroll disbursements must use ‘00’ or ‘01’. Required for ACH disbursements, leave blank for other payment methods. See Appendix C for a list of valid values.AmountDecimal2823.3NReserved for future use. Omit.ScheduledPayDateDate10XML DateNReserved for future use. Omit .PaymentMethodString3UpperYIdentifies the type of disbursement to generate. Permitted values are:ACH - Automated Clearing HouseCHK - CheckWIR - Wire TransferSeparatePaymentString1UpperNControls consolidation of Payment Requests into a single disbursement. Permitted values are:Y – separate disbursement required, consolidation not permittedN – separate disbursement not required, consolidation permitted (default)If blank the system will default to ‘N”.PaymentHandlingCodeString4UpperNSpecifies the Treasury disbursement distribution instructions. Permitted values are:AGPY – Return to Attorney General (Payroll)RTBC – Return to BCPO (Payroll)RADG – Return to Auditor General ComptrollerRTCM – Return to ComptrollerRTPY – Return to Comptroller (Payroll)RTTR – Return to Treasury ComptrollerTREM – Treasury MailsRequired for all Checks and for ACH disbursements that are to print a remittance advice.PrintRemittanceString1UpperNControls whether or not to print a Remittance Advice Statement for an ACH disbursement. Permitted values are:Y –print the Remittance Advice Statement (default)N – suppress the printing of the Remittance Advice Statement Applicable only to ACH disbursements.PaymentMessageString79MixedNFree form text to be printed on the disbursement’s Payment Advice Statement to provide the payee detailed information about the payment. If the disbursement does not print a Remittance Advice Statement, this field will be ignored.PayrollDeliveryBusinessAreaString2UpperNBusiness Area identifier of the intended delivery Business Area for employee payrolls. Normally, this is the same as the Business Area that is funding the disbursement, but there are certain cases where an employee is paid by one Business Area but is assigned to another. Use this field to control which Business Area delivers the Check or Remittance Advice Statement to the employee. Required only for payroll Payment Requests..CheckMemoLineString50MixedNFree form text to be printed on the disbursement’s memo line on the check face. Applicable only to Checks.Node NameAdviceParent NodePaymentMin Occur0Max Occurs10008DescriptionThe Advice node is used to specify the disbursement remittance advice information. Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionLineTypeString10MixedYSpecifies the type of line on the remittance advice. It must be one of the following values:AG – Agency/Program Description: prints as the first line in the header section of all printed pages. Mandatory.CH – Column Heading: up to 3 column heading lines are supported. They print beneath the AG record in the header section of all printed pages. Optional.DL – Detail Line: values that correspond to their matching column headers. Presently, the number of detail lines is limited to a maximum of 275 which will fill the front and back of the check page and the front and back of two additional white sheets of paper.Should the number of detail lines exceed 275, the detail lines will be replaced by a single text line on the check page with the caption “Remittance data provided by Agency was invalid. See Note for payment inquiry.” Mandatory.TL – Total Line: values that correspond to their matching column details. The totals are at your discretion ex: Count, Qty, Amount. Optional.NL – Note Line: ip to 4 note lines are supported. The note lines print adjacent to and beneath the “Note:” label in the footer section on the front side of the check page. Mandatory.LineTypeSequenceNumberString10MixedYSpecifies the order to print each record within the line type. Sequentially number each line starting at 1 for each line type. Note the following rules for assigning sequence numbers:AG – Must always be 1. Only one AG line (Agency – program identifier) is permitted.CH – If used, must be between 1 and 3. Zero to three column headers may be passed. No more than three CH lines are permitted.DL – Consecutively numbered starting with 1 up to the number of detail lines present with a maximum value of 9999. Note that 275 is the maximum number of detail lines that will print.TL – If used, must be 1.NL – Must be between 1 and 4 since no more than four NL lines are permitted.TextString80MixedYFree form text to be printed on the appropriate section of the page as specified by the line type. Because the Advice record prints in columnar format, it is necessary for the column headings and detail lines to be aligned so the details line up beneath the appropriate column heading. A non-proportional font will be used when printing these lines. Use spaces to align the elements, do not use tabs or other unprintable characters. Additionally, there are limits on the number of characters that will print for some of the line types. These limits are:AG – Use up to 80 character string.CH – Use up to 80 character string.DL – Use up to 80 character string.TL – Use up to 80 character string.NL – Use up to 40 character string.Node NameACHAddendaParent NodePaymentMin Occur0Max Occurs9999DescriptionThe ACH Addenda node is used to construct NACHA formatted ACH Addenda when the disbursement is written to a NACHA payment file. This node should only be used when the Payment Method is ‘ACH’.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionSequenceNumberString10MixedYUnique line number of the transaction for each group. Number sequentially starting with 1 up to a maximum value of 9999.TextString80MixedYAddenda text to be attached to the disbursement’s ACH payment that provides the recipient detailed information about the payment. The text must follow the standard ACH specifications so asterisks are the field separators and the back slash (\) is the text terminator. The back slash must be the last character of the text. Prior to sending Addenda, please coordinate with the recipient to verify that their bank is configured to accept the Addenda in a specific format and that they are prepared to interpret it correctly.Node NameRecipientParent NodeHeaderMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionUsed to define the recipient information for the Payment Request.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionRecipientNumberString10MixedYAlways 1.NameOneString40UpperYMust contain the Payee Name of the recipient that is receiving the disbursement in UPPERCASE LETTERS. For check and ACH disbursements it prints on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement under “PAY TO THE ORDER OF.” For a check, the name should have at least three alphabetical characters although it is not a requirement. For wires, it must match the recipient’s name on the receiving bank account.NameTwoString40UpperNUsed for an additional Payee Name. If present, this field will print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement on the line below the Name One (1) field. All alphabetical characters used in this field must be UPPERCASE.CountryString3UpperNUsed for the three-character ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 standardabbreviation for the Country component of the recipient’s mailing address. This field is used to identify foreign addresses to the Treasury bulk mailing process. However, it does not print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement. Use USA for domestic addresses. This field must be UPPERCASE.Mandatory for International wires. Required for Domestic wires only when the recipient is located outside of the US.If omitted or blank, it will default to USA.See Appendix I for list of country codes.StreetAddressOneString55MixedNUsed for recipient’s mailing Street Address information. This field will print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement under the Name One (1) or Name Two (2) fields. All alphabetical characters used in this field must be UPPERCASE. (Due to current printing constraints only 40 characters can be used.)Mandatory for International wires. Required for Domestic wires only when the recipient is located outside of the US.StreetAddressTwoString55MixedNUsed for additional mailing Street Address information. If present, this field will print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement under the Street Address One (1) field. All alphabetical characters in this field must be UPPERCASE. (Due to current printing constraints only 40 characters can be used.)For foreign address, this field should be provided already formatted for the CITY OR TOWN NAME, OTHER PRINCIPAL SUBDIVISION (such as PROVINCE, STATE, or COUNTY) AND POSTAL CODE (IF KNOWN) Note: In some countries, the postal code may precede the city or town name values.CityString30MixedNUsed for the city component of the recipient’s mailing address. If present, this field will print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement under the Street Address One (1) or Street Address Two (2) fields. All alphabetical characters in this field must be UPPERCASE. (Due to current printing constraints only 26 characters can be used.)Mandatory for International wires. Required for Domestic wires only when the recipient is located outside of the US.This field will not be printed for foreign addresses.StateString6UpperNUsed for the abbreviation of the state or province component of the recipient’s mailing address. For domestic addresses this field can also contain two character abbreviations for US possessions, territories or military “states”. For international addresses, up to six characters can be used for the foreign country’s state or province abbreviation.If present, this field will print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement to the right of the city. This field must be UPPERCASE. (Due to current printing constraints only 2 characters can be used.)This field will not be printed for foreign addresses.PostalCodeString12UpperNUsed for the postal code of the recipient’s mailing address and can include a zip code extension when available. If present, this field will print on the face of the check or Remittance Advice Statement to the right of STATE. This field will allow alphabetical characters to support foreign postal codes that use characters as well as digits. If alphabetical characters are used, they must be UPPERCASE. (Due to current printing constraints only 10 characters can be used.)Hyphens may be used to separate the postal code extension from the postal code (eg. 17120-0001).This field will not be printed for foreign addresses.EmailAddressString70MixedNReserved for future use. Omit.Node NameEFTBeneficiaryParent NodeHeaderMin Occur0Max Occurs1DescriptionThe EFT Beneficiary record is used to specify the receiving bank for electronic payments. If payment method is ACH or WIR this information is required.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionBeneficiaryNumberString10MixedYAlways 1.TransactionHandlingString1UpperYPermitted values are:D - Payment OnlyP – Prenotification – Use for ACH prenotes.X - Payment with Remittance AdviceIf blank the system will default to ‘X’.FormatCodeString3UpperYPermitted values are:CCD - Cash Concentration and Disbursement entries for corporate to corporate itemsCTX - Corporate Trade Exchange entries for multiple corporate transactions to the same payeePPD - Prearranged Payments and Deposit entries for consumer itemsWRT - Wire TransferCCD, CTX, and PPD are applicable only to ACH disbursements (Payment Method is ‘ACH’). Always use WRT when the Payment Method is ‘WIR’.See Appendix G for guidance on how to populate this element.WireTypeString2UpperNIdentifies the type of wire transfer to execute.Valid values are:DW - Domestic WireIW - International WireTW - US Treasury WireRequired for wire disbursements, omit otherwise.AgencyLocationCodeString15MixedNThe location code of the bank as assigned by the US Treasury. Associated with FMS or ASAP in most cases. Mandatory for US Treasury wires. Omit for International and Domestic wires and ACH disbursements.DFIQualifierString2UpperYDepository Financial Institution Qualifier. The DFI qualifier indicates what format—how many characters and numerics—are in the receiving bank's DFI ID value. Note that each DFI ID type has a specific number of digits that can be entered. Permitted values are:01 - Transit Routing Number: 9 numeric characters including the check digit. ACHs and Domestic and US Treasury wires must use 01. 02 - Swift ID/BIC: 8 or 11 characters. International wires must use 02.DFIString12UpperYDepository Financial Institution Identifier to identify the receiving financial institution. When the DFI Qualifier is 01 the DFI must be 9 numeric characters. Zero fill if necessary. When the DFI Qualifier is 02, the DFI must be 8 or 11 characters with positions 5 and 6 being a valid 2-characters country code. Zero fill if necessary.BankAccountTypeString2UpperNIdentifies the destination account type at the receiving financial institution. Valid values are:03 - Checking AccountSV – Savings AccountMandatory for ACHs.BankAccountNumberString35UpperYContains the recipient’s bank account number. It can contain dashes, blanks, and numbers. ACH bank accounts are limited to 17 characters, wires may use all 35.Mandatory for ACHs and Domestic and International wires.IBANString34UpperNInternational Bank Account Number. Mandatory for international wires to countries of the EU, optional for international wires to other destinations. Leave blank for Domestic and US Treasury wires and ACHs.BankNameString30MixedNThe name of the receiving financial institution. Mandatory for all wires. Optional for ACHs.CountryString3UpperNCountry code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3) where the receiving financial institution is located. Mandatory for International wires. Otherwise, it is optional.If omitted or blank, it will default to USA.StreetAddressOneString55MixedNThe receiving financial institution’s street address line 1. Mandatory for International wires. Otherwise, it is optional.StreetAddressTwoString55MixedNThe receiving financial institution’s street address line 2. Optional..CityString30MixedNCity where the receiving financial institution is located. Mandatory for International and Domestic wires. Otherwise, it is optional.StateString6UpperNThe state or province abbreviation where the receiving financial institution is located. Mandatory for Domestic wires. Otherwise, it is optional.PostalCodeString12UpperNThe postal code where the receiving financial institution is located. Optional.PaymentDetailInformationString140MixedNOptional field for additional payment information for wires. To be used for "further credit" information such as sub-account or invoice number when applicable. Can be used by all wire types. Omit for ACHs.FurtherCreditToIndicatorString1UpperNSet to “Y” when a further “credit-to” account number is present in the Payment Detail Information field. Optional for Domestic wires. Omit for International and US Treasury wires and ACHs.BeneficiaryReferenceString16MixedNOptional field for additional beneficiary payment information. Applies only to Domestic wires. Omit for International and US Treasury wires and ACHsNode NameItemParent NodeHeaderMin Occur1Max Occurs99999DescriptionPayment request detail lines.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”. Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionItemNumberString10MixedYUnique identifier for each item. Number sequentially starting with 1 up to a maximum value of 99999.DescriptionString254MixedNUse to provide explanatory information or additional detail for the item.ItemAmountDecimal2823.3YAmount of the Payment Request Gross Amount attributable to this item. All amounts are in US dollars. This amount must equal the sum of the associated Funding Amount values and the sum of the Item Amounts for the items associated with a Payment Request must equal the Gross Amount of the Payment Request.ItemTypeString4UpperNCode identifying the type of value passed in the ItemId element. Valid ItemTypes are:AC – Advancement Account PaymentAX – New Advancement Account and/or Increase to ExistingCM – Credit MemoCN – ContractDM – Debit MemoIV – InvoicePO – Purchase OrderSU – SCDU Payment UP – Unclaimed PropertyItemIdString30MixedNItemType usage:AC - check number issued from the advancement account checking account being submitted for replenishment.AX - OptionalCM – vendor credit memo – contract number.DM –debit memo identifier.IV – vendor invoice number. Use when the Payment Request is constituted of pre-consolidated invoices.PO – purchase order number. Note that Batch Purchase Order numbers are to be provided in the BatchId element with a BatchType of “BPO”. Only actual Purchase Order numbers are to be placed in the ItemId element.SU - IV-D case number or court order number.UP – property identifier.ItemLineNumberInteger10NUsed with the following ItemTypes:CN – contract line number. Optional.PO – purchase order line number. Optional.ItemScheduleNumberInteger10NUsed with the following ItemTypes:CN – contract schedule number. Optional.PO – purchase order schedule number. Optional.ItemDateDate10XML DateNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC - date the Advancement Account check was issued. AX – Date of requestCM – date the credit memo was issued. DM – date the debit memo was created. IV – vendor invoice date. SU - obligor’s (non-custodial parent) pay date or the date of the income withholding. ItemReferenceString30MixedNSource system reference for the payment item. Used with the following ItemTypes:IV – source system invoice id.VendorIdString25UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC – vendor to which the advancement account check was issued. – vendor to which the contract was issued when different than the Remit-To RecipientId on the Header node. Optional.IV – identifier for the vendor issuing the invoice when different than the Remit-To RecipientId on the Header node. Optional.PO – vendor to which the purchase order was issued when different than the Remit-To RecipientId on the Header node. OptionalVendorLocationString10UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC – vendor location to which the advancement account check was issued. – vendor location to which the contract was issued when different than the Remit-To RecipientLocation on the Header node. Optional.IV – location code for the vendor issuing the invoice when different than the Remit-To RecipientLocation on the Header node. OptionalPO – vendor location to which the purchase order was issued when different than the Remit-To RecipientLocation on the Header node. Optional.VendorTaxpayerIdString9UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC – taxpayer identifier (SSN/EIN) for vendor to which the advancement account check was issued. –taxpayer identifier (SSN/EIN) for vendor to which the contract was issued when different than the Remit-To TaxpayerId on the Header node. Optional.IV – taxpayer identifier (SSN/EIN) for the vendor issuing the invoice when different than the Remit-To TaxpayerId on the Header node. Optional.PO – taxpayer identifier (SSN/EIN) for vendor to which the purchase order was issued when different than the Remit-To TaxpayerId on the Header node. Optional.Do not include spaces or dashes. SCDUNoncustodialParentNameString10UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:SU - First seven letters of the non-custodial parent’s last name, followed by the first three letters of the non-custodial parent’s first name. A comma must be used to separate the last name from the first name when the last name is less than seven characters. Mandatory when the ItemType is SU.SCDUNoncustodialParentSSNInteger9UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:SU - Non-custodial parent’s Social Security Number. Mandatory when the ItemType is SU.SCDUEmploymentTerminatedString1UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:SU - The employment termination indicator is used to notify the child support enforcement agency that an individual’s employment has terminated. A Y is placed in this field if the employee has terminated; otherwise the field is not used and should be populated with a blank space.SCDUMedicalSupportIndicatorString 1UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:SU - The medical support indicator indicates whether the employer offers family medical insurance coverage. If medical coverage is available, a Y is placed in the field. If there is no coverage available, an N is placed in the field. Required only for SCDU payment items Mandatory when the ItemType is SU..SCDUFIPSCodeString7UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:SU - Federal Information Process Standard Code referencing the child support entity receiving the transaction. Agency’s submitting payment request with SU ItemType will be responsible for submitting the SCDU FIPS Code when required based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)IssuerString30MixedNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC - Agency assigned ID of person or organization that issued the Advancement Account payment.AdvancementAccountBusinessAreaString4UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC - Identifies the business area that issued the Advancement Account payment.AX - Identifies the business area that issued the Advancement Account payment.AdvancementAccountCodeString3UpperNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC – Code used to identify the Advancement Account to be replenished. AX – Code used to identify the Advancement Account to be replenished.PayeeNameOneString40MixedNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC - Contains the advancement account payment’s Payee Name. The Payee Name should have at least three alphabetical characters. Optional.AX – Contains the advancement account payment’s Payee Name. The Payee Name should have at least three alphabetical characters. –payee name for vendor to which the contract was issued when different than the Remit-To NameOne on the Recipient node. Optional.IV – payee name for the vendor issuing the invoice when different than the Remit-To NameOne on the Recipient node. Optional.PO – payee name for vendor to which the purchase order was issued when different than the Remit-To NameOne on the Recipient node. Optional.PayeeNameTwoString40MixedNUsed with the following ItemTypes:AC - Contains the second line of the advancement account payment’s Payee Name, if needed. Optional.AX - Contains the second line of the advancement account payment’s Payee Name, if needed. –second line of payee name for vendor to which the contract was issued when different than the Remit-To NameTwo on the Recipient node. Optional.IV – second line of payee name for the vendor issuing the invoice when different than the Remit-To NameTwo on the Recipient node. Optional.PO – second line of payee name for vendor to which the purchase order was issued when different than the Remit-To NameTwo on the Recipient node. Optional.AuditLookupTypeString2UpperNCode identifying the type of value passed in the audit lookup identifier field. Required when the Audit Lookup Identifier field is valued. Otherwise, leave blank. Permitted values are:05 – Audit Lookup IdAN – Account NumberCL – Claim IdCR – Payment Register ReportDL – Revenue Document Locator Number (DLN)SA – Attachment Provided in SAPVT – Agency Grouping IdentifierAuditLookupIdString50MixedNAudit Lookup identifier in the Agency source system. This value is the identifier used by Treasury’s Fiscal Review auditors to match the payment to its auditing data in the Agency’s source system or to its paper-based supporting documentation. Typical audit lookup identifiers would be Invoice Number or Account Number. Note that in some cases the audit lookup identifier value will be the same as another one of the identifier fields.AccountingReferenceString30MixedNThis value represents an accounting document number which is directly related to the Payment Request. (eg., credit memo document number which reduces the amount to be paid)Node NameSupportingDocumentParent NodeItemMin Occur0Max Occurs999DescriptionDocumentation for Fiscal Review supporting the associated payment request item.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”. Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionDocumentNumberString10MixedYUnique identifier for each detail record. Number sequentially starting with 1 up to a maximum value of 999. DescriptionString254MixedNUse to provide explanatory information or additional detail for the specified document.TypeString2UpperYIdentifies the content type of the file referenced by the URL. Listof valid types:PO - Purchase OrderCN – ContractGR – GrantIV – InvoiceNew types may be added upon coordination with and approvalfrom Treasury.FormatString3UpperYIdentifies the format of the file referenced by the URL. Supportedvalues are: XML – XML documentIMG - Scanned Image or link to agency-hosted document.New formats may be added upon coordination with and approval from Treasury.VerificationValueString40MixedNA 40-character value representing the “digest” result of encryptingthe entirety of the file residing at the location specified in the URLfield (below) using the SHA1 algorithm.The SHA1 algorithm is described in IETF RFC 3174, “US SecureHash Algorithm 1”. This algorithm will be used to verify thecontents of the file whenever the file is accessed from a Treasuryapplication.URLString254MixedYURL referencing the file or page providing documentation that supports the validity of the disbursement. The URL passed to Treasury must include the full specification of the path as Treasury will use the URL directly with no customizations applied.NameFundingParent NodeItemMin Occur1Max Occurs99999DescriptionThe Funding node provides funding detail information for a Payment Request item. Funding details are provided by specifying an amount and a Chart Field. The Chart Field represents the appropriation defined by the Legislature and used for bookkeeping purposes. It consists of a Fund, Department, Appropriation, and Account. The Amount is the amount to be credited or debited to the Chart Field. The sign of the amount identifies the financial effect on the Chart Field; either debit or credit. Each Item must have at least one Funding record and may have two or more (up to 99999). Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”. Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionFundingLineNumberString10MixedYUnique identifier for each funding line. Number sequentially starting with 1 up to a maximum value of 99999.DescriptionString254MixedNUse to provide explanatory information or additional detail for the funding line.AmountDecimal2823.3YThe amount to be credited or debited to the Chart Field. The sum of the Amounts for an Item’s Funding lines must equal the Item’s Item Amount.FundString3UpperYRepresents a grouping of funds established in Funds Management, to enable accounting and reporting to be done by activity or objective in accordance with laws, special regulations, restrictions, or limitations.Example: 001DepartmentString3UpperYA Commonwealth agency or department. Pad with leading zero.Example: 021AppropriationString7UpperYRepresents the lowest level source of funding required for budgeting and monitoring.? The appropriation values sent to Treasury should be the first 5 characters of the SAP Fund.? Positions 6-7 of the SAP Fund, which represents the Fiscal Year, should be recorded in the Fiscal Year element.? Positions 8-10 are not used by Treasury.? The field length of the appropriation is 7 to support future growth if deemed necessary.FiscalYearString4UpperYFiscal year to which the transaction belongs. For ledgers 40,50, and 60, this field should be 0000.AccountString7UpperYClassifies the nature of a transaction.?This represents the SAP Commitment Item. For Non-SAP Agencies, map your GL Account to the SAP Commitment Item.Acknowledgement MessagePayment Request messages are automatically responded to with an Acknowledgement message. The Acknowledgement is an XML document containing information on the loading status of payment requests in the initiating message. Detailed validation messages facilitate correcting invalid payment requests for resubmission. The Acknowledgement is returned as a synchronous response when the interface is accessed via its web service integration point and as a file, email message, or both when accessed via its file integration point. Sample Acknowledgement Message<?xml version="1.0"?><Acknowledgement xmlns=""> <DocumentHeader> <Control class="R"> <InterfaceIdentifier></InterfaceIdentifier> <SourceSystemCode></SourceSystemCode> <DocumentIdentifier></DocumentIdentifier> <DocumentDateTime></DocumentDateTime> <ResponseCode></ResponseCode> <ReceiveCount></ReceiveCount> <ErrorCount></ErrorCount> <AcceptCount></AcceptCount> <RejectCount></RejectCount> <RequestDocumentIdentifier></RequestDocumentIdentifier> <RequestDateTime></RequestDateTime> <RequestSystemCode></RequestSystemCode> <RequestFilename></RequestFilename> <Message class="R"> <MessageNumber></MessageNumber> <MessageSet></MessageSet> <Severity></Severity> <Text></Text> </Message> </Control> </DocumentHeader> <DataModule> <Reference class="R"> <TraceId></TraceId> <TraceIdTwo></TraceIdTwo> <ErrorFlag></ErrorFlag> <SystemReferenceOne></SystemReferenceOne> <SystemReferenceTwo></SystemReferenceTwo> <SystemReferenceThree></SystemReferenceThree> <SystemReferenceFour></SystemReferenceFour> <ValidationMessage class="R"> <MessageNumber></MessageNumber> <MessageSet></MessageSet> <Severity></Severity> <Text></Text> <RecordName></RecordName> <RecordReferenceOne></RecordReferenceOne> <RecordReferenceTwo></RecordReferenceTwo> <RecordReferenceThree></RecordReferenceThree> <FieldName></FieldName> <FieldValue></FieldValue> </ValidationMessage> </Reference> </DataModule></Acknowledgement>Acknowledgement Detail Node InformationNode NameAcknowledgementParent NodeMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionRoot node of the Acknowledgement XML document.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionElement NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionDocumentHeaderElementThe standard response header for inbound interfaces. DataModuleElementDetailed error messages on each Payment Request transaction.Node NameDocumentHeaderParent NodeAcknowledgementMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionStandard header response for inbound interfaces.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionElement NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionControlElementIncludes counts of transactions received, processed and rejected.Node NameControlParent NodeAcknowledgementMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionThe Control node includes counts of transactions received, processed and rejected.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UppercaseYValue must always be “R”.Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionInterfaceIdentifierString6YAlways APPR01.SourceSystemCodeString3YAlways PAT.DocumentIdentifierString36YIdentifier to uniquely identify the acknowledgement.DocumentDateTimeStringYDate and time when the response is transmitted. DocumentDateTime is a datetime.ResponseCodeString4YThis returns a code that is an alphanumeric code that states overall processing of request data..Valid Values :001A All Payment Requests Accepted001E Processing Error001R Some Payment Requests Rejected001X All Payment Requests RejectedReceiveCountInteger10YIdentifies number of Payment Requests received.ErrorCountInteger10YIdentifies number of Payment Requests that had errors.AcceptCountInteger10YIdentifies number of Payment Requests that were accepted and processed.RejectCountInteger10YIdentifies number of Payment Requests that were rejected due to data errors.RequestDocumentIdentifierString36NThis is the original DocumentIdentifier that was sent on the inbound interface request. Value will be included if it was sent on the inbound request.RequestDateTimeStringNDate and time from the original request. The date time will be the same as the inbound DocumentHeader DocumentDateTime on the original request the response is for.RequestSystemCodeString30NThe three-character abbreviation of the transmitting source system. Values will be provided by Treasury. See Appendix A for currently defined source system codes.RequestFilenameString80NName of original file processed. It will be blank when the interface is accessed via web service.MessageElementNStandard response message with information about processing results.Node NameMessageParent NodeControlMin Occur0Max OccursUnboundedDescriptionStandard response message for inbound interfaces. This will include messages related to processing the request.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R” Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionMessageNumberInteger5YThis will be PA Treasury generated error message sub - set number.MessageSetInteger5YThis will be PA Treasury generated error message set number.SeverityString1UpperYSeverity of message. Values are:E – Error: the issue identified in the document will prevent all payment requests from being processed.M – Message: the message is informational only.W – Warning: the issue with the document not prevent payment requests from being processed.TextString254MixedYText description of the message.Node NameDataModuleParent NodeAcknowledgementMin Occur0Max OccursUnboundedDescriptionDataModule includes messages related to transaction processing. In the standard acknowledgement each payment request is considered a “data module” and is identified by a unique trace identifier.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionElement NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionReferenceElementYReferences identifying data sent on the inbound request for each transaction that was processed and related messages.Node NameReferenceParent NodeDataModuleMin Occur1Max Occurs1DescriptionReferences identifying data sent on the inbound request for each Payment Request that was processed and related messages.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1UpperYValue must always be “R”. Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionTraceIdString36YTraceId sent on the inbound request for each Payment Request that was processed.TraceIdTwoString36NNot applicable for this interface, the field will be blank.ErrorFlagString1YShows if there was an error in the Payment Request. Valid values are “Y” and “N”. If there are errors associated with the TraceId, the value will be passed as “Y”.SystemReferenceOneString20NNot implemented on this interface.SystemReferenceTwoString20NNot implemented on this interface.SystemReferenceThreeInteger20NNot implemented on this interface.SystemReferenceFourInteger20NNot implemented on this interface.ValidationMessageElementNStandard transactional data message response for inbound interfaces.Node NameValidationMessageParent NodeDataModuleMin Occur0Max OccursUnboundedDescriptionValidation messages provide detailed feedback of issues identified with a payment request, facilitating correction before resubmission. Messages may be associated with the payment request header, child records, or specific record fields.Attribute NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionclassString1YValue must always be “R” Element NameData TypeSizeFormatRequired?DescriptionMessageNumberInteger5YTreasury-generated message number.MessageSetInteger5YTreasury-generated message set number.SeverityString1UpperYSeverity of message on the Payment Request transaction. Values are:E – Error: the issue identified in the referenced data element will prevent the payment request from being processed.M – Message: the message is informational only.W – Warning: the issue with the referenced data element will not prevent the payment request from being processed.TextString254MixedYText description of the warning/error/ message.RecordNameString30MixedNName of the node that contains the element for which the ValidationMessage was generated.RecordReferenceOneString10MixedNValued if there is a child record keyRecordReferenceTwoString10MixedNValued if there is a grand child record keyRecordReferenceThreeString10MixedNValued if there is a great grand child record keyFieldNameString30MixedNName of the element for which the ValidationMessage was generated.FieldValueString254MixedNInput value received on the element.AppendicesAppendix A: Source System Codes Source SystemCodeSource System DescriptionATPAutomobile Theft Prevention AuthorityBDDLabor and Industry BDD Travel ReimbursementsBFRLiquid FuelsCOSCommission On SentencingEDUEducationGPFTreasury FinancialsGPPTreasury PayrollGWLGreat West LifeHIPHIPP (DPW)ICFIntergovernmental Cooperative Authority (financials)ICPIntergovernmental Cooperative Authority (payroll)IESIntegrated Enterprise Systems (formerly the SAP source system)IFPInsurance Fraud Prevention AuthorityLCBLiquor Control BoardLDFLDPC Financials LDPLDPC Payroll LIHLIHEAP (DPW)PHEPennsylvania Higher Education AgencyPMEPMERS AnnuitantsPROPROMISe (DPW)PSEPSERS AnnuitantsREVRevenueSERSERS AnnuitantsSWISWIFTAPTuition Account ProgramTSCThaddeus Steven College of TechnologyUCDUnemployment CompensationUCPUnclaimed PropertyUJS AOPC/UJS WCPWorkers CompensationAppendix B: Payment Class CodesPaymentClass CodeDescription0000Normal DisbursementADVAAdvancement Account PaymentCSHADPW Cash Assistance PaymentERCXEvaluated Receipt PaymentsGICXGeneral Invoice cXML FormatGRLFGroup Life Insurance PaymentHIPPDPW HIPP PaymentIPCXInvoice PlanningLIHPDPW LIHEAP PaymentLOANLoan ManagementLSCXLease Payments with cXML InvoiceMCARMCARE PaymentPCRDPayment CardsPITPPIT PaymentPMERPMERS Annuitant PaymentPROMDPW Promise PaymentPSERPSERS Annuitant PaymentPTRRPTRR PaymentPYBPPayroll Benefit Payment to 3rd PartyPYNPPayroll Employee Net PayPYNZPayroll Net Zero PayRPCXRecurring Payment Invoice cXML FormatSCDUSCDU PaymentSECASECA PaymentSERSSRES Annuitant PaymentSPLQSpecial Liquor Orders – No Invoice ScannedSPRTDPW Support Pass Through/EOURA PaymentTAPGTAP GSP PaymentTRVLTravel Reimbursement PaymentUTCXUtility Invoice cXML FormatWTFDFederal Tax PaymentWTINIndiana Tax PaymentWTMDMaryland Tax PaymentWTNJNJ Tax PaymentWTPAPA Tax PaymentWTPHPhiladelphia Tax PaymentWTVAVirginia Tax PaymentWTWVWest Virginia Tax PaymentWTDCWashington DC Tax PaymentXICXVendor Invoice cXML FormatAppendix C: Payment Type CodesPaymentType CodePayment Type DescriptorPayment Type Description00PAYROLL(REGULAR PAYROLL)01SUPPL-PAY(SUPPLEMENTAL PAY)02COMM OF PA(COMMONWEALTH OF PA)07HEALTH(HEALTH)08PENNDOT(PENNDOT)10AGING DEPT(AGING DEPT)11ANNUITANT(ANNUITANT)12DEPT L & I(LABOR & INDUSTRY)15GENERAL(GENERAL SERVICES)16EDUCATION(EDUCATION)18REVENUE(REVENUE)19PA REFUND(PA REFUND)20SCHOOL SUB(SCHOOL SUBSIDY)21WELFARE(WELFARE)22LIHEAP(LIHEAP)23PROMISE MA(PROMISE MEDICAL ASSIST.)24CDBG PAYMT(CDBG PAYMENT)25HIPP(HIPP)26LIQUOR CON(LIQUOR CONTROL)29COM AFFAIR(COMMUNITY AFFAIRS)30HISTORICAL(HISTORICAL)32CIVIL SERV(CIVIL SERVICE)35ENV. RES(ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES)39PHEAA(PHEAA)40JTPA(JTPA)50DPW VENDOR(DPW VENDOR)51PRPTXRNTRB(PROP TAX RENT REBATE)53EXPENSES(EXPENSES)54TRAVEL(TRAVEL)55DED ACCTG(DED ACCTG)60INTAXPAYMT(IN TAX PAYMENT)61VATAXPAYMT(VA TAX PAYMENT)62WVTAXPAYMT(WV TAX PAYMENT)63DCTAXPAYMT(DC TAX PAYMENT)81EXECUTIVE(EXECUTIVE)82C. OF ARTS(COUNCIL OF ARTS)83CRIME+DELQ(DELINQUENCY)84COURT(JUV)(JUVENILE COURT)91PATAXPAYMT(PA TAX PAYMENT)92NJTAXPAYMT(NJ TAX PAYMENT)93TAXEFTPS(FEDERAL TAX PAYMENT)94PHILA TAX(PHILA TAX PAYMENT)95CHILD PAY(CHILD SUPPORT PAYMENT)96PRUDENTIAL(PRUDENTIAL INSURANCE)97MDTAXPAYMT(MD TAX PAYMENT)98PA VENDOR(PA VENDOR – GEN ADDENDA)Appendix D: Payment Terms CodesPaymentTerms CodeDescriptionP001Net 30 DaysP002Net 5 DaysP003Net 35 DaysP004Net 45 DaysP005Net 60 DaysP006Net 15 DaysP066Due NowP0672% 10 Days/ Net 30P0682% 15 Days/ Net 30P0692% 10 Days/ Net 35P0702% 10 Days/ Net 45P0711% 10 Days/ Net 30P0721% 15 Days/ Net 30P0731% 29 Days/ Net 30P0741% 30 Days/ Net 31Appendix E: Tax Payment Addenda RequirementsMaryland (MD) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a MD Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the eight-digit Maryland Central Registration number. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must contain the five-digit tax type code: 01100 = withholding payment for Form MW506 or MW506A; or 01101 = withholding payment for Form MW508 or MW508A. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth and last field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). A sample value is:TXP*01234567*01100*930731*T*2000000\The MD Tax Payments should use Transit Route #052001633 and Bank Account #2001800598.Indiana (IN) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with an IN Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the thirteen-digit Indiana EFT ID. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must contain the three-digit tax type code: 011 = withholding tax (WTH) payment. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYYYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.7. Seventh and last field must be space filled until the addenda text terminator (\) at the end of the text string.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). A sample value is:TXP*1234567890123*011*20091231*T*2000099* \The IN Tax Payments should use Transit Route #074000065 and Bank Account #501980988.Virginia (VA) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a VA Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the fifteen-digit Virginia tax account number. Left justify. Do not zero fill. Do not use hyphens. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must contain the five-digit tax type code: 00011 = employer withholding tax. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.7. Seventh field is optional and must be P for Penalty or I for Interest if applicable.8. Eighth field is to be omitted unless there is a P or I value in the seventh field. When the seventh field is P or I, then it is required. Contains the amount of penalty or interest to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.9. Ninth field is optional and must be P for Penalty or I for Interest if applicable.10. Tenth field is to be omitted unless there is a P or I value in the ninth field. When the ninth field is P or I, then it is required. Contains the amount of penalty or interest to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.11. Eleventh field is optional and when present is the taxpayer verification used by the receiver to verify the taxpayer’s transaction. It is a 1-6 character length alphanumeric.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). Sample values are:TXP*123456789012345*00011*091231*T*2000099\TXP*123456789012345*00011*091231*T*2000099*P*10000*I*20000*XXXXXX\TXP*123456789012345*00011*091231*T*2000099*****XXXXXX\The VA Tax Payments receiving bank information is provided by VA when they receive your Agency’s completed EFT Agreement Form.West Virginia (WV) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a WV Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the taxpayer identification number. This can be one of: a) 12 digit value made up of the Taxpayer ID number (FEIN or SSN) and the WV adjustment code, b) 9 digit Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), c) 9 digit SSN, or d) 8 digit WV Tax Account Number. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must contain the five-digit tax type code: 01170 = employer withholding tax. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). A sample value is:TXP*123456789001*01170*091231*T*2000000\The WV Tax Payments receiving bank information must be provided by the WV State Tax Department.District of Columbia (DC) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a DC Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the nine-digit Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN). Do not use a hyphen to separate digits. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must contain the five-digit tax type code: 00300 = withholding tax. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.7. Seventh field is optional and must be P for Penalty or I for Interest if applicable.8. Eighth field is to be omitted unless there is a P or I value in the seventh field. When the seventh field is P or I, then it is required. Contains the amount of penalty or interest to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.9. Ninth field is optional and must be P for Penalty or I for Interest if applicable.10. Tenth field is to be omitted unless there is a P or I value in the ninth field. When the ninth field is P or I, then it is required. Contains the amount of penalty or interest to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.11. Eleventh field is the taxpayer’s 12-digit account number assigned by OTR (DC Office of Tax and Revenue). The field is only required if you file multiple returns in a tax period under the same FEIN. For example, if your organization has multiple locations and files a separate Withholding tax return for each location the Account Number is required. However, if your organization files a consolidated return across all locations, the Account Number is not required. The Account number for Withholding is formatted as 30XXXXXXXXXX.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). Sample values are:TXP*123456789*00300*091231*T*2000099\TXP*123456789*00300*091231*T*2000099*P*10000*I*20000*30XXXXXXXXXX\TXP*123456789*00300*091231*T*2000099*****30XXXXXXXXXX\The DC Tax Payments receiving bank information must be provided by the DC OTR.Pennsylvania (PA) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a PA Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the eight-digit Pennsylvania Account number for Employer Withholding Tax. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must be EM340. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth and last field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be ten digits so include leading zeroes.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). A sample value is:TXP*12119848*EM340*071005*T*0000032195\New Jersey (NJ) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a NJ Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field: SEQ numlist \# "0" \r 1 \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT1.First field must be TXP. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 2. Second field must contain the thirteen-character New Jersey Division of Taxation Identification Number. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 3. Third field must contain the tax type code. Valid entries are: 01110, 01120, 01130, 01140, 01150, 01160, and 01170. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 4. Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 5. Fifth field is always T. SEQ numlist \# "0" \n \* MERGEFORMAT \* MERGEFORMAT 6. Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be ten digits so include leading zeroes.Seventh through tenth fields must be empty.Eleventh field must be the four-character taxpayer verification code which is the first four characters of the taxpayer’s name as registered with the New Jersey Division of Taxation.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). A sample value is:TXP*B232172299000*01170*060331*T*0000204539*****COMM\Philadelphia (PH) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a PH Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field:First field must be TXP.Second field must contain the seven-digit Philadelphia tax account number.Third field must be 01.Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the due date of the filing period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD.Fifth field is always T.Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be ten digits so include leading zeroes.Seventh field is always P.Eighth field must contain the amount of the penalty and interest for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be eight digits if there is an amount being paid so include leading zeroes. If no interest and penalty is being paid, this field should be 0 (just a single digit).Ninth field must contain the four digit period/year found on your tax coupon. The first two digits are the tax period and the last two are the last two digits of the tax year.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). A sample value is:TXP*1234567*01*040430*T*0000000100*P*0*9204\Federal (FD) Tax PaymentsThe Addenda sent with a FD Tax Payment must include the following information in the Addenda Text field:First field must be TXP.Second field must contain the nine-digit taxpayer Employer Identification Number.Third field must contain the five-digit federal tax type code.Fourth field must contain the year, month, and day for the ending date of the tax period for the payment, formatted as YYMMDD. Note that the DD must always be 01.Fifth field contains the first IRS subcategory (=1) if applicable. If not, repeat the tax type code.Sixth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes associated with the first IRS subcategory. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be ten digits so include leading zeroes. If there is no first IRS subcategory, leave empty.Seventh field contains the second IRS subcategory (=2) if applicable. If not, leave empty.Eighth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes associated with the second IRS subcategory. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be ten digits so include leading zeroes. If there is no second IRS subcategory, leave empty.Ninth field contains the third IRS subcategory (=3) if applicable. If not, leave empty.Tenth field must contain the amount of withheld taxes associated with the third IRS subcategory. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points since a two digit decimal position for the amount is implied. Field length must be ten digits so include leading zeroes. If there is no third IRS subcategory, leave empty.Eleventh field must be empty.Note that the sum of the IRS subcategory amounts if present must equal the disbursement amount on the MA record.Each field, including blank fields, must be separated by an asterisk (*), and the entire record must be followed by a back slash (\). Sample values are:TXP*236003133*94105*071201*1*0000173734*2*0000040632*3*0000198253*\TXP*231732438*09455*051201*09455******\Appendix F: Format Code GuidanceCommon standard NACHA entry class codes are:PPD (Prearranged Payments and Deposit entries) for consumer itemsCCD (Cash Concentration and Disbursement entries) for corporate to corporate itemsCTX (Corporate Trade Exchange entries) for multiple corporate transactions to the same payee Appendix G: IES Source System Document TypesThe document types listed in the table below are to be used only by Payment Requests submitted by the IES (formerly SAP) source system.SAP DOC TYPEDESCRIPTIONPURPOSE OR TRIGGERKDVendor Invoice - Decentralized Non-PO invoice entered directly into SAP by the AgencyKRVendor InvoiceNon-PO invoice entered directly into SAP.KUUtility InvoicesNon-PO utility invoices entered via FB60, Web DynPro, and INTF_0492ZAAdvancement Account InvoiceNon-PO Invoice for Advancement Accounts. For separating security by document types, reporting and auditing. ZIVendor Invoice InterfaceSAP invoice documents posted via an external interface. For auditing of payments in payment program the interface triggered invoices are required to be separated.ZEEmployee Travel Vendor InvoiceHR / Travel Invoice postings to pay vendor.ZWPR Posting 3rd Party3rd Party Liability Payments.ZFNon-SAP Advance Account ReplenishmentUnique document type used to accumulate amounts to replenish non-SAP Advancement Accounts. ZXPayroll PostingThis entry is to record payroll expenses and payroll liabilities as a result of the payroll run. For example: Salaries, Medicare, Social Security, etc.RNInvoice - NetUsed to record invoices based on Purchase Orders. Also used to record Purchase Order refunds with and without remittance. RN documents with Bank Code 874 identified on them will be picked up by a collection program and SAP prints paper form to send to Treasury.REInvoice - GrossUsed to record invoices based on Purchase orders. Invoicing Plan invoices.AXAdvancement Account Open IncAdvancement Account – Open or Increase Authorized Balance. Open a new advancement account or increase the authorized balance of an existing account.DKLoan DisbursementLoan DisbursementAppendix H: Non-IES Source System Document TypesThe document types listed in the table below are to be used only by Payment Requests submitted by all source systems other than IES (formerly SAP).DOC TYPEDESCRIPTIONPURPOSE OR TRIGGERVTVendor paymentPayment to a vendor for goods or services. This is for initial recording of expenditures in the agency accounting system.TETravel related expenditureTravel related expenditure paid to an agency employee.This is for initial recording of expenditures in the agency accounting system.PEPayroll related expenditurePayroll related expenditure paid to an agency employee or disbursement of employee payroll withholdings for taxes or benefits. This is for initial recording of expenditures in the agency accounting system.AAAdvancement Account replenishment.Payment to replenish an Advancement Account. This is for initial recording of expenditures in the agency accounting system.Appendix I: Country CodesCountry CodeShort DescrLong DescriptionABWArubaArubaAFGAfghanistnAfghanistanAGOAngolaAngolaAIAAnguillaAnguillaALBAlbaniaAlbaniaANDAndorraAndorraANTNth AntillNetherlands AntillesAREUEAUnited Arab EmiratesARGArgentinaArgentinaARMArmeniaArmeniaASMAm SamoaAmerican SamoaATAAntarcticaAntarcticaATFFr S TerrFrench Southern TerritoriesATGAntiguaAntigua and BarbudaAUSAustraliaAustraliaAUTAustriaAustriaAZEAzerbaijanAzerbaijanBDIBurundiBurundiBELBelgiumBelgiumBENBeninBeninBFABurkina FBurkina FasoBGDBangladeshBangladeshBGRBulgariaBulgariaBHRBahrainBahrainBHSBahamasBahamasBIHBosnia HerBosnia and HerzegovinaBLRBelarusBelarusBLZBelizeBelizeBMUBermudaBermudaBOLBoliviaBoliviaBRABrazilBrazilBRBBarbadosBarbadosBRNBruneiBrunei DarussalamBTNBhutanBhutanBVTBouvet Is.Bouvet IslandBWABotswanaBotswanaCAFCentral AfCentral African RepublicCANCanadaCanadaCCKCocos Is.Cocos (Keeling) IslandsCHESwitzerlanSwitzerlandCHLChileChileCHNChinaChinaCIVCote D'IvoCote D'IvoireCMRCameroonCameroonCODCongo, TheCongo, The Democratic RepublicCOGCongoCongoCOKCook Is.Cook IslandsCOLColombiaColombiaCOMComorosComorosCPVCape VerdeCape VerdeCRICosta RicaCosta RicaCUBCubaCubaCXRChristmasChristmas IslandCYMCayman Is.Cayman IslandsCYPCyprusCyprusCZECzech RepCzech RepublicDEUGermanyGermanyDJIDjiboutiDjiboutiDMADominicaDominicaDNKDenmarkDenmarkDOMDominicanDominican RepublicDZAAlgeriaAlgeriaECUEcuadorEcuadorEGYEgyptEgyptERIEritreaEritreaESHW SaharaWestern SaharaESPSpainSpainESTEstoniaEstoniaETHEthiopiaEthiopiaFINFinlandFinlandFJIFijiFijiFLKFalkland IFalkland Islands (Malvinas)FRAFranceFranceFROFaroe Is.Faroe IslandsFSMMicronesiaMicronesia, Federated StatesGABGabonGabonGBRUKUnited KingdomGEOGeorgiaGeorgiaGHAGhanaGhanaGIBGibraltarGibraltarGINGuineaGuineaGLPGuadeloupeGuadeloupeGMBGambiaGambiaGNBGuinea-BisGuinea-BissauGNQGuineaEquatorial GuineaGRCGreeceGreeceGRDGrenadaGrenadaGRLGreenlandGreenlandGTMGuatemalaGuatemalaGUFFr GuianaFrench GuianaGUMGuamGuamGUYGuyanaGuyanaHKGHong KongHong KongHMDHeard IsHeard and McDonald IslandsHNDHondurasHondurasHRVCroatiaCroatiaHTIHaitiHaitiHUNHungaryHungaryIDNIndonesiaIndonesiaINDIndiaIndiaIOTBritishIOTBritish Indian Ocean TerritoryIRLIrelandIrelandIRNIranIran (Islamic Republic Of)IRQIraqIraqISLIcelandIcelandISRIsraelIsraelITAItalyItalyJAMJamaicaJamaicaJORJordanJordanJPNJapanJapanKAZKazakhstanKazakhstanKENKenyaKenyaKGZKyrgyzstanKyrgyzstanKHMCambodiaCambodiaKIRKiribatiKiribatiKNASt KittsSaint Kitts and NevisKORSth KoreaKorea, Republic ofKWTKuwaitKuwaitLAOLaoLao People's Democratic RepLBNLebanonLebanonLBRLiberiaLiberiaLBYLibyan AraLibyan Arab JamahiriyaLCASt LuciaSaint LuciaLIELiechtenstLiechtensteinLKASri LankaSri LankaLSOLesothoLesothoLTULithuaniaLithuaniaLUXLuxembourgLuxembourgLVALatviaLatviaMACMacauMacauMARMoroccoMoroccoMCOMonacoMonacoMDAMoldovaMoldova, Republic ofMDGMadagascarMadagascarMDVMaldivesMaldivesMEXMexicoMexicoMHLMarshall IMarshall IslandsMKDMacedoniaFmr Yugoslav Rep of MacedoniaMLIMaliMaliMLTMaltaMaltaMMRMyanmarMyanmarMNEMontenegroMontenegroMNGMongoliaMongoliaMNPN Marina INorthern Mariana IslandsMOZMozambiqueMozambiqueMRTMauritaniaMauritaniaMSRMontserratMontserratMTQMartiniqueMartiniqueMUSMauritiusMauritiusMWIMalawiMalawiMYSMalaysiaMalaysiaMYTMayotteMayotteNAMNamibiaNamibiaNCLNew CaledoNew CaledoniaNERNigerNigerNFKNorfolk IsNorfolk IslandNGANigeriaNigeriaNICNicaraguaNicaraguaNIUNiueNiueNLDNetherlandNetherlandsNORNorwayNorwayNPLNepalNepalNRUNauruNauruNZLNZNew ZealandOMNOmanOmanPAKPakistanPakistanPANPanamaPanamaPCNPitcairnPitcairnPERPeruPeruPHLPhilippinePhilippinesPLWPalauPalauPNGPNGPapua New GuineaPOLPolandPolandPRIPuerto RcoPuerto RicoPRKNth KoreaKorea, Democratic People's RepPRTPortugalPortugalPRYParaguayParaguayPYFFr PolynesFrench PolynesiaQATQatarQatarREUReunionReunionROURomaniaRomaniaRUSRussian FdRussian FederationRWARwandaRwandaSAUSaudi ArabSaudi ArabiaSDNSudanSudanSENSenegalSenegalSGPSingaporeSingaporeSGSS GeorgiaSth Georgia & Sth Sandwich IsSHNSt HelenaSaint HelenaSJMSvalbardSvalbard and Jan MayenSLBSolomon IsSolomon IslandsSLESierra LeoSierra LeoneSLVElSalvadorEl SalvadorSMRSan MarinoSan MarinoSOMSomaliaSomaliaSPMSt PierreSaint Pierre and MiquelonSRBSerbiaRepublic of SerbiaSTPSao TomeSao Tome and PrincipeSURSurinameSurinameSVKSlovakiaSlovakiaSVNSloveniaSloveniaSWESwedenSwedenSWZSwazilandSwazilandSYCSeychellesSeychellesSYRSyrian AraSyrian Arab RepublicTCATurks IsTurks and Caicos IslandsTCDChadChadTGOTogoTogoTHAThailandThailandTJKTajikistanTajikistanTKLTokelauTokelauTKMTurkmenstnTurkmenistanTMPEast TimorEast TimorTONTongaTongaTTOTrinidadTrinidad and TobagoTUNTunisiaTunisiaTURTurkeyTurkeyTUVTuvaluTuvaluTWNTaiwanTaiwan, Province of ChinaTZATanzania,Tanzania, United Republic ofUGAUgandaUgandaUKRUkraineUkraineUMIUS IslandsUS Minor Outlying IslandsURYUruguayUruguayUSAUSAUnited StatesUZBUzbekistanUzbekistanVATVaticanHoly See (Vatican City State)VCTSt VincentSt Vincent and the GrenadinesVENVenezuelaVenezuelaVGBBrVirginIsVirgin Islands (British)VIRVirginIsUSVirgin Islands (U.S.)VNMViet NamViet NamVUTVanuatuVanuatuWLFWallis andWallis and Futuna IslandsWSMSamoaSamoaYEMYemenYemenYUGYugoslaviaYugoslaviaZAFSth AfricaSouth AfricaZMBZambiaZambiaZWEZimbabweZimbabweAppendix J: Payment Due Date RulesTreasury plans to utilize PeopleSoft to manage cash flows and the scheduling of disbursements based on payment Due Dates. Providing a valid Due Date will allow Treasury to better manage cash flows and improve its ability to meet the Agencies’ goals for payment timing to recipients. The following rules provide the framework developed by Treasury to accomplish this goal. Treasury will make every effort to meet a requested Due Date, provided the request complies with Pre-Audit requirements and is consistent with cash availability, Budget availability, and Operational constraints.Definitions: Discount Date: The date by which payment must be made in order to take a discount in accordance with the Payment Terms. Due Date: The date a payment is requested to be in the payee’s possession. Expedited Payment: A payment for which the Due Date is five or fewer business days after the Treasury Received Date of the request. Expedited Payments comprise regularly recurring payments, irregular payments that can be foreseen but not loaded into PeopleSoft in advance, and unexpected payments that only allow a shortened review and processing period at Treasury. Net Date: The date by which payment in full (i.e., without any discount) must be made in accordance with the Payment Terms. Payment Terms: Contractual or other provisions that establish, in instances where a payment may be eligible for a discount, the method calculating the Discount Date and the discount amount that may be applied to the face amount of an invoice if payment is made by the Discount Date. Payment Terms Basis Date: The date designated by the Payment Terms for purposes of calculating the Discount Date and Net Date. Scheduled Payment Date: The payment date assigned based upon application of Treasury’s rules for scheduling payments as provided in this document. Treasury Received Date: The date a payment request is loaded into the Treasury PeopleSoft system. General Processing Rule For requested Due Dates that are ten or more business days later than the Treasury Received Date, Treasury will assign the Due Date as the Scheduled Payment Date.Special Processing Rule for Payroll Requests Payroll requests that do not include a Due Date will be rejected. For Payroll Requests with a Due Date, Treasury will assign the Due Date as the Scheduled Payment Date. Invalid Due Date Rules (non-payroll): When a payment request seeks a Due Date that is less than ten days from the Treasury Received Date (or is otherwise described in a scenario below), Treasury will calculate the Scheduled Payment Date based on the following rules: Scenario 1: No Due Date is requested. Rule: The Scheduled Payment Date is calculated by adding 15 business days to the Treasury Received Date. For example, a payment received on 4/4/13 will have a Scheduled Payment Date of 4/25/13. A warning message will be sent stating: ‘A minimum 15 day processing schedule is required for payments when no Due Date is submitted.’ Scenario 2: An already passed Due Date is requested. Rule: The Scheduled Payment Date is calculated by adding 6 business days to the Treasury Received Date. For example, a payment received on 4/4/13, with a Due Date of 4/3/13, will have a Scheduled Payment Date of 4/12/13. A warning message will be sent stating: ‘A minimum 10 day processing schedule is required for payments when the Due Date submitted has passed.’ Scenario 3: A Due Date is requested that allows Treasury less than 5 days for processing. Note: This rule does not apply to Expedited Payments that include a priority code. Rule: The Scheduled Payment Date is calculated by adding 6 business days to the Treasury Received Date. For example, a payment received on 4/4/13, with a Due Date of 4/7/13, will have a Scheduled Payment Date of 4/12/13. A warning message will be sent stating: ‘A minimum 10 day processing schedule is required for payment –pay Due Date will be changed.’ Scenario 4: A Due Date is requested that is greater than 90 days in advance. Rule: Treasury will honor the Due Date unless it is modified by the Comptroller. A warning message is sent stating: ‘Payment request received with pay Due Date more than 90 days in advance of current date.’ Scenario 5: The Due Date requested is greater than 365 days from the Treasury Received Date. Rule: If the Due Date is greater than 365 days from the Treasury Received Date, the payment will be rejected. An error message is sent stating: ‘Payment request received with pay Due Date more than 365 days in advance of current date cannot be scheduled.’ Expedited Payment Processing Expedited Payments must be mutually agreed upon by Treasury, Comptroller, and Agency, either for a series of payment requests or for an individual request as the circumstances warrant. In order to be accepted by Treasury as an Expedited Payment, Comptroller must provide a compelling need for accelerated processing and payment such as legally mandated payment date, timing critical to health and safety, risk of significant economic harm to the payee, or exposure to significant penalty for delayed payment. Expedited Payment requests must provide an appropriate priority code of “1-must be paid on the current or next business day “or “2-must be paid within 5 business days.” Expedited Payment Processing Rule: A payment will qualify for expedited processing by Treasury if: a) Comptroller and the responsible Agency secure advance approval from Treasury; b) The payment request includes an appropriate priority code; and c) The payment request seeks a Due Date not more than five days after the Treasury Received Date. Discounted Invoices Payment Rules: ? If a payment request includes the Payment Terms and the Payment Terms Basis Date, Treasury will calculate the Discount Date. If the Discount Date allows five or more business days for processing, Treasury will calculate and apply the discount amount to the payment. ? If a payment request fails to include either the Payment Terms or Payment Terms Basis Date, the payment request will be rejected. ? If a payment request includes a Due Date in addition to the Payment Terms and the Payment Terms Basis Date, Treasury will disregard the Due Date and will calculate the Discount Date. o If the Discount Date allows five or more business days for processing, Treasury will calculate and apply the discount amount to the payment. o If the Discount Date allows less than five business days for processing, or if for any other reason Treasury cannot meet the Discount Date, it will assign payment for the net amount and Net Date provided for by the Payment Terms. o If the Net Date provides less than five business days for processing, Treasury will utilize the Invalid Due Date Rules (non-payroll) to establish the Scheduled Payment Date. The following are examples of how different Payment Term scenarios will be handled:Scenario Due Date Payment Terms Payment Terms Basis Date Discount and Net Date Treasury Received Date Scheduled Payment Date Action Payment Terms provided. Discount can be met but Due Date Less than 5 days from today's date Not provided 2% 10 days Net 30 days 3/28/13 D: 4/8/13 N: 4/26/13 4/4/13 4/26/13 Use Net Date. No Invalid Due Date Rules Apply Payment Terms provided. Discount can be met and Due Date 5 days or Greater from today's date Not provided 2% 10 days Net 30 days 4/1/13 D: 4/11/13 N: 5/1/13 4/4/13 4/11/13 Use Discount Date. No Invalid Due Date Rules Apply Payment Terms provided and the Discount Date is Past Due. Not provided 2% 10 days Net 30 days 3/1/13 D: 3/11/13 N: 3/31/13 4/4/13 4/18/13 Use Invalid Due Date Rules, Add 10 Business Days to Treasury Received Date Due Date and Payment Terms are provided and the Due Date is the same as the Discount Date 4/11/13 2% 10 days Net 30 days 4/1/13 D: 4/11/13 N: 5/1/13 4/4/13 4/11/13 Use Discount Date. No Invalid Due Date Rules Apply Due Date and Payment Terms are provided, but the Due Date is prior to the Discount Date 4/9/13 2% 10 days Net 30 days 4/1/13 D: 4/11/13 N: 5/1/13 4/4/13 4/11/13 Use Discount Date. No Invalid Due Date Rules ApplyAppendix K: Interface Validation EditsSeverityNodeElementTextExplanationErrorControlControlAmountInvalid ControlAmount - does not equal the sum of PaymentRequest GrossPaymentAmountsThe ControlAmount must match the sum of the GrossPaymentAmounts in the file.ErrorControlControlCountInvalid ControlCount - does not equal the number of PaymentRequestsThe ControlCount must match the actual number of number of Payment Requests (PRs) in the file.ErrorControlSourceSystemCodeInvalid SystemSourceCodeInvalid SourceSystemCode value. It must be one of the values in the SourceSystem Code list provided in Appendix A of the Guide.ErrorHeader<internal use>Business Unit Assignment Failure: Please contact support.All payments requests must be assigned an internal Treasury Business Unit to process through the Treasury system. The Business Unit is derived from the SourceSystem and potentially the Funding Department, Payment Class, and Funding Appropriation.ErrorHeader<internal use>Vendor Assignment Failure: Please contact support.All payments requests must be assigned an internal Treasury Vendor Identifier to process through the Treasury system. ErrorHeader<node>ForceBatchProcessing enabled and related PR in same Batch has errors.All PRs in a Batch are marked in Error if one or more PRs in the Batch enountered a validation error and ForceBatchProcessing is enabled.WarningHeaderBatchIdBatchType and BatchId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.BatchType and BatchId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.ErrorHeaderBatchIdMissing BatchIdAgencies under the Governor’s jurisdiction that submit payment requests to Treasury that do not flow through the Comptroller Operations IES system are required to provide a 14 digit BatchID.ErrorHeaderBatchTypeInvalid Translate value.BatchType value must be BPO or GRP.ErrorHeaderDocumentFormatInvalid Translate value.DocumentFormat value must be IMG or XML.ErrorHeaderDocumentFormatMissing DocumentFormat - required when DocumentURL is specifiedThe DocumentFormat must be specified when a DocumentURL is provided.ErrorHeaderDocumentTypeMissing Required value.DocumentType is required.ErrorHeaderDocumentTypeInvalid DocumentType - incompatible with SourceSystemThe DocumentType must match a value that is eligible to be used for the submitting source system. IES and non-IES use differents sets of values.ErrorHeaderDocumentURLMissing DocumentURL - required when DocumentFormat is specifiedThe DocumentURL must be provided when a DocumentFormat is present.ErrorHeaderDueDateDueDate is required for payroll PRsPayroll (identified by having PaymentClass = PYNP) Payment Requests must have a DueDate.WarningHeaderDueDateA minimum 15-day processing schedule is required for payments when no Due Date is submittedPayment requests submitted without a DueDate have their DueDate assigned using the Treasury Due Date assignment rules specified in the Agency Guide.WarningHeaderDueDateA minimum 10-day processing schedule is required for payments when the submitted DueDate has passedPayment requests submitted with a past DueDate have their DueDate assigned using the Treasury Due Date assignment rules specified in the Agency Guide.WarningHeaderDueDateA minimum 10 day processing schedule is required for payment – pay DueDate will be changedPayment requests submitted with a DueDate that is less than 5 days in advance have their DueDate assigned using the Treasury Due Date assignment rules specified in the Agency Guide.WarningHeaderDueDatePayment request received with pay DueDate more than 90 days in advance of current datePayment requests submitted with a seemingly incorrect DueDate that is greater than 90 days in advance trigger a warning. The submitted DueDate will not be altered.ErrorHeaderDueDatePR received with pay DueDate more than 365 days in advance of current date cannot be scheduledPayment requests submitted with a seemingly incorrect DueDate that is greater than 365 days in advance will be rejected.ErrorHeaderForceBatchProcessingInvalid Yes/No value.ForceBatchProcessing value must be Y or N .ErrorHeaderForceBatchProcessingForceBatchProcessing not consistent with value on other batch PRs.All Payment Requests assigned to a BatchId must have the same value for the ForceBatchProcessing element. They must either all have the ForcebatchProcessing value set to Y or they all must have it set to N.WarningHeaderGrossEarningsAmountMissing GrossEarningsAmount - required for Payroll and Annuitant Payment RequestsThe GrossEarningsAmount is expected to be > $0 for all Payroll and Annuitant Payment Requests,except ACH Prenotes.ErrorHeaderGrossEarningsAmountSchema Violation if more than 3 fractional digits and Invalid number of decimal positions for currency if equal to 3 digits.Treasury does not support processing of monetary amounts in fractional amounts less than one cent.ErrorHeaderGrossPaymentAmountInvalid GrossPaymentAmount - cannot be negativeThe GrossPaymentAmount cannot be negative.ErrorHeaderGrossPaymentAmountInvalid GrossPaymentAmount - cannot be > 99,999,999.99 for CHKGrossPaymentAmount for a Check cannot be more than $99,999,999.99. This restriction is due to the micro line limit in the banking network.ErrorHeaderGrossPaymentAmountInvalid GrossAmount - does not equal the sum of ItemAmountsThe sum of the ItemAmount values on the Item node must match the GrossPaymentAmount on the Header node.ErrorHeaderGrossPaymentAmountInvalid GrossPaymentAmount - must be zero for ACH PreNotes and NetZeroPaysThe GrossPaymentAmount must be zero for ACH PreNotes and Net Zero Pays.ErrorHeaderGrossPaymentAmountGrossPaymentAmount cannot be > 99,999,999.99 for ACHThe GrossPaymentAmount for an ACH cannot be more than $99,999,999.99. This restriction is due to the ACH network limitation.ErrorHeaderGrossPaymentAmountSchema Violation if more than 3 fractional digits and Invalid number of decimal positions for currency if equal to 3 digits.Treasury does not support processing of monetary amounts in fractional amounts less than one cent.ErrorHeaderPaymentClassInvalid value.PaymentClass value must be a valid Payment Class.ErrorHeaderPaymentClassMissing Required value.PaymentClass is required.ErrorHeaderPaymentClassInvalid PaymentClass/DocumentType pairing - ADVA must be paired with DocumentTypes ZA, ZF, AA or AX.The PaymentClass value must be ADVA when the DocumentType is AA, AX, ZA or ZF and the DocumentType must be AA, AX, ZA, or ZF when the PaymentClass is ADVA.ErrorHeaderPaymentTermsInvalid value.PaymentTerms value must be a valid Payment Term.ErrorHeaderPaymentTermsThe PaymentTerms must be valued when there is a PaymentTermsBasisDate present.The PaymentTerms must be valued when a PaymentTermsBasisDate is present.ErrorHeaderPaymentTermsBasisDateMissing PaymentTermsBasisDate - required when PaymentTerms specifiedThe PaymentTermsBasisDate must be valued when there are PaymentTerms present.ErrorHeaderPreConsolidationIndicatorInvalid Translate value.PreConsolidationIndicator value must be Y or N .ErrorHeaderPriorityCodeInvalid Translate value.PriorityCode value must be 1, 2, or R.WarningHeaderRecipientIdRecipientType and RecipientId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.RecipientType and RecipientId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.ErrorHeaderRecipientTypeInvalid Translate value.RecipientType value must be CUS, EMP, PVD, RCP, or VND.ErrorHeaderSourceSystemReferenceInvalid SourceSystemReference - cannot be a duplicate value for the SourceSystemSourceSystemReference must be unique within Source System.ErrorHeaderTraceIdMissing TraceIdTraceID must be present and valued.ErrorHeaderTraceIdInvalid TraceId - cannot be a duplicate value for the SourceSystemTraceID must be unique within a Source System.ErrorPayment<internal use>Bank Acct Assignment Failure. Please contact support.All payments requests must be assigned an internal Treasury Bank Account to process through the Treasury system. The Bank Account is derived from elements provided for the Payment Request.ErrorPayment<node>Missing Payment node - required for single-pay paymentsThe Payment node must be present for payment requests since all payment requests are processed as single-pay payments in the Treasury system.ErrorPaymentPaymentHandlingCodeInvalid value.PaymentHandlingCode value must be a valid Payment Handling Code.WarningPaymentPaymentHandlingCodeMissing PaymentHandlingCode for ACH/Wire requiring printed remittance advice.Payment Handling Code cannot be 0 or blank for ACH or Wire disbursements that are to print a remittance advice.ErrorPaymentPaymentHandlingCodeMissing PaymentHandlingCode for Check.Payment Handling Code cannot be 0 or blank for Checks.ErrorPaymentPaymentMethodInvalid Translate value.PaymentMethod value must be ACH, CHK, or WIR.ErrorPaymentPaymentMethodMissing Required value.PaymentMethod is required.ErrorPaymentPaymentMethodA PR with PaymentClass SCDU must be an ACH paymentPRs with PaymentClass SCDU must be an ACH.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypeInvalid value.PaymentType value must be a valid Payment Type.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypePaymentType 95 can only be used with PaymentClass SCDU.PaymentType 95 can only be used with PaymentClass SCDU.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypePaymentType 95 must have one or more Item nodes with the SCDU related values populated.PaymentType 95 must have one or more Item nodes with the SCDU related values populated.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypeInvalid PaymentType. PaymentType must be 95 when the PaymentClass is SCDU.Invalid PaymentType. PaymentType must be 95 when the PaymentClass is SCDU.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypeMissing PaymentType - a value is required for ACH PaymentMethodThe PaymentType value cannot be omitted or blank for an ACH Payment Request.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypeNon-payroll (PaymentClass <> PYNP) ACH Payment Requests cannot use PaymentTypes 00 or 01.Non-payroll (PaymentClass <> PYNP) ACH Payment Requests cannot use PaymentTypes 00 or 01.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypePayroll (PaymentClass = PYNP) ACH Payment Requests must use PaymentTypes 00 or 01.Payroll (PaymentClass = PYNP) ACH Payment Requests must use PaymentTypes 00 or 01.ErrorPaymentPaymentTypeInvalid PaymentType - not compatible with PaymentClassPaymentType value does not match the PaymentClass assigned to the ACH Payment Request. These PaymentTypes must be paired with their matching PaymentClass: 60 - WTIN, 61 - WTVA, 62 - WTWV, 63 - WTDC, 91 - WTPA, 92 - WTNJ, 93 - WTFD, 94 - WTPH, 95 - SCDU, 97 - WTMD.ErrorPaymentPayrollDeliveryBusinessAreaMissing PayrollDeliveryBusinessArea - required for payroll PaymentClass (PYNP)Payroll (identified by having PaymentClass = PYNP) Checks and ACHs must have a valid entry in their PayrollDeliveryBusinessArea.ErrorPaymentPayrollDeliveryBusinessAreaPayrollDeliveryBusinessArea is Invalid.The PayrollDeliveryBusinessArea is not a valid department.ErrorPaymentPrintRemittanceInvalid Yes/No value.PrintRemittance value must be Y or N .ErrorPaymentSeparatePaymentInvalid Yes/No value.SeparatePayment value must be Y or N .ErrorAdvice<node>Advice has an invalid number of nodes for the LineType.LineType AG must have one and only one node, CH must have zero to three nodes, TL must have zero or one node, and NL must have one to four nodes.ErrorAdviceLineTypeMissing Required value.LineType is required.ErrorAdviceLineTypeInvalid LineType - must be AG, CH, DL, TL or NL.The LineType must be set to one of the defined values.ErrorAdviceLineTypeSequenceNumberMissing Required value.LineTypeSequenceNumber is required.ErrorAdviceLineTypeSequenceNumberInvalid Advice LineTypeSeqNum. Sequence numbers must start at 1.The LineTypeSequenceNumber must begin with 1 for all LineTypes assigned to a Payment Request.ErrorAdviceLineTypeSequenceNumberDuplicate Advice LineTypeSequence number within the LineType.The LineType/LineTypeSequenceNumber combinations must be unique within each Payment Request.ErrorAdviceTextAdvice Text value has an invalid number of characters for the LineType.The AG, CH, DL, and TL LineTypes cannot have Text values > 80 characters while the NL LineTpye cannot have Text values > 40.ErrorACHAddenda<node>Withholding Tax Payments must have one and only one ACHAddenda node.Withholding Tax Payments (identified by PaymentClass beginnng with WT) must have one and only one ACHAddenda node.ErrorACHAddenda<node>ACHAddenda count must be 1 for PaymentTypes in (60-63, 91-94, 97)PaymentTypes 60 through 63 and 91 through 97 will not print Remittance Advice Statements. These Pay Types represent withholding tax payments or child support payments made to government organizations and use Addenda rather than printed statements.ErrorACHAddenda<node>ACHAddenda cannot be included for SCDU payments.PaymentClass SCDU is not permitted to have Addenda records. Treasury will construct the SCDU addenda using the values passed in the SCDU elements on the Item node.ErrorACHAddendaSequenceNumberMissing Required value.SequenceNumber is required.ErrorACHAddendaTextMissing Required value.Text is required.ErrorACHAddendaTextAddenda text cannot be blankThe Addenda Text value cannot be omitted or blank.ErrorACHAddendaTextInvalid ASCII charater in the Addenda Text fieldThe Addenda Text value must contain only valid ASCII characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, blank, -,),(,*,\,&,^,%,$,#,@,!,).ErrorACHAddendaTextAddenda must end with a backslash (\)The Addenda Text value must be terminated with a backslash.ErrorACHAddendaTextField delimiter - Asterisk is missing in AddendaThe Addenda Text value must contain an asterisk.ErrorACHAddendaTextAddenda must have 6 fields for MD, PA, WV tax payments.The number of Addenda fields must be 6 for MD, WV and PA tax payments (PaymentClasses WTMD, WTWV and WTPA).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 1 must be TXPThe first field in the the withholding tax payment addenda must be TXPErrorACHAddendaTextField 2 must be 8 characters for MD, PAThe second field in the MD and PA withholding tax payment addenda must be the eight-digit MD Central Registration number or the eight-digit PA account number for withholding tax.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 01100 or 01101 for MDThe third field in the MD withholding tax payment addenda must be a tax type code of 01100 or 01101.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 4 must be a date in YYMMDD formatThe tax period ending date field in the withholding tax payment addenda must be the tax period ending date formatted as YYMMDD.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 4 must be a date in YYYYMMDD formatThe tax period ending date field in the withholding tax payment addenda must be the tax period ending date formatted as YYYYMMDD (for IN tax payment PaymentClass = WTINErrorACHAddendaTextField 5 must be TThe fifth field in the withholding tax payment addenda must be T for all state tax payments (exclude WTFD since it is a federal tax payment)ErrorACHAddendaTextField 5 must be 1 or the tax type code (3rd field)The fifth field must contain the first IRS subcategory (=1) if applicable. If not, repeat the tax type code (applicable to PaymentClass WTFD only).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 6 must be a 10-digit integer for FD, NJ, PA, PHThe sixth field in the withholding tax payment addenda must be the 10 digit amount withheld (include leading zeroes when necessary).Enter without dollar signs, commas, or a decimal point.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 8 must be a 10 digit integer for FD when there is a 2nd IRS subcategoryThe 8th field must contain the amount of withheld taxes associated with the 2nd IRS subcategory. If there is no second IRS subcategory, leave empty. Enter without dollar signs, commas, or a decimal point.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 10 must be a 10 digit integer for FD when there is a 3rd IRS subcategoryThe 10th field must contain the amount of withheld taxes associated with the 3rd IRS subcategory. If there is no third IRS subcategory, leave empty. Enter without dollar signs, commas, or a decimal point.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 6 must be an integer for DC, IN, MD, VA, WVThe sixth field in the withholding tax payment addenda must be the amount withheld. Enter without dollar signs, commas, or a decimal point.ErrorACHAddendaTextAddenda must have 11 fields for DC, FD, NJ, VA tax payments.The number of Addenda fields must be 11 for NJ, DC, VA and FD tax payments (PaymentClasses WTNJ, WTDC, WTVA and WTFD).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 2 must be 13 characters for IN, NJThe second field in the NJ and IN withholding tax payment addenda must be the thirteen-character Tax Identification number.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 01110 - 01170 for NJThe third field in the NJ withholding tax payment addenda must be a tax type code of 01110, 01120, 01130, 01140, 01150, 01160, or 01170.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 7 must be empty for IN, NJThe seventh field in NJ and IN withholding tax payment addenda must be empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 8 must be empty for NJThe eigth field in NJ withholding tax payment addenda must be empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 9 must be empty for NJThe ninth field in NJ withholding tax payment addenda must be empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 10 must be empty for NJThe tenth field in NJ withholding tax payment addenda must be empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 11 must be empty for FDThe 11th field in FD withholding tax payment addenda must be empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextAddenda must have 9 fields for PH tax payments.The number of Addenda fields must be 9 for PH tax payments (PaymentClass WTPH).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 2 must be 7 characters for PHThe second field in the PH withholding tax payment addenda must be the seven-digit Philadelphia tax account number.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 01 for PHThe third field in the PH withholding tax payment addenda must be 01.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 7 must be P for PHThe seventh field in the PH withholding tax payment addenda must be P.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 8 must be numeric for PH and must consist of 1 or 8 digitsThe eighth field in the PH withholding tax payment addenda must be the amount of penalty and interest for the period. Field length must be 8 digits if there is an amount being paid so include leading zeroes. If no interest or penalty is being paid, this field should be 0 (just a single digit).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 9 must be 4-digit period/year for PHThe ninth field in the PH withholding tax payment addenda must be the four digit period/year on the tax coupon. The first two digits are the tax period and the last two are the last two digits of the tax year.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be EM340 for PAThe third field in the PA withholding tax payment addenda must be EM340.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 2 must be 9 digits for DC, FDThe second field in the FD and DC withholding tax payment addenda must be the nine-digit Employer Identification number.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 5 characters for FDThe third field in the FD withholding tax payment addenda must be the five-digit federal tax type code.ErrorACHAddendaTextAddenda must have 7 fields for IN tax payments.ACHAddenda.Text with Class = WTIN: IN state tax witholding payments allow only 7 fields in the addenda with the last one being space filled.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 2 must be 15 alphanumeric characters for VAACHAddenda.Text with PaymentClass = WTVA: VA taxpayer id value in second field of State tax payment addenda must be 15 alphanumeric characters.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 011 for INACHAddenda.Text with PaymentClass = WTIN: IN tax type code in 3rd field of State tax payment addenda must be 011.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 00011 for VAACHAddenda.Text with PaymentClass = WTVA: VA tax type code in 3rd field of State tax payment addenda must be 00011.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 00300 for DCACHAddenda.Text with PaymentClass = WTDC: DC tax type code in 3rd field of State tax payment addenda must be 00300.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 7 must be empty, I or P for DC, VAValue in 7th field of the DC and VA State tax payment addenda must be P or I or left empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 7 must be empty or 2 for FDThe seventh field contains the second IRS subcategory (=2) if applicable. If not, leave empty (applicable to PaymentClass WTFD only).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 8 must be populated for DC, VA when 7th field is I or PThe eigth field is to be omitted unless there is a P or I value in the seventh field. When the seventh field is I or P, it is required and contains the amount of interest or penalty to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 9 must be empty, I or P for DC, VAValue in 7th field of the DC and VA State tax payment addenda must be P or I or left empty.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 9 must be empty or 3 for FDThe ninth field contains the third IRS subcategory (=3 if applicable. If not, leave empty (applicable to PaymentClass WTFD only).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 10 must be populated for DC, VA when 8th field is I or PThe tenth field is to be omitted unless there is a P or I value in the eighth field. When the eighth field is I or P, it is required and contains the amount of interest or penalty to be reported for this period. Amounts are to be positive and entered without dollar signs, commas, or decimal points.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 11 must be empty or a 1-6 character alphanumeric for VAEleventh field is optional for VA and when present is the taxpayer verification used by the receiver to verify the taxpayer’s transaction. It is a 1-6 character length alphanumeric.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 11 must be empty or a 12-digit account number for DC beginning with "30".Eleventh field is the taxpayer’s 12-digit account number assigned by OTR (DC Office of Tax and Revenue) which must begin with “30” when present. The field is only required if you file multiple returns in a tax period under the same FEIN. For example, if your organization has multiple locations and files a separate Withholding tax return for each location the Account Number is required. However, if your organization files a consolidated return across all locations, the Account Number is not required.ErrorACHAddendaTextField 2 must be 8, 9 or 12 characters for WVACHAddenda.Text with PaymentClass = WTWV: WV taxpayer id value in second field of State tax payment addenda must be 8, 9, or 12 digits (including leading zeroes).ErrorACHAddendaTextField 3 must be 01170 for WVACHAddenda.Text with PaymentClass = WTWV: WV tax type code in 3rd field of State tax payment addenda must be 01170.ErrorRecipient<node>Missing Recipient node - required for single-pay paymentsThe Recipient node must be present for payment requests since all payment requests are processed as single-pay payments in the Treasury system.ErrorRecipientCityThe Recipient.City must be valued for International wires.The Recipient.City must be valued for International wires.ErrorRecipientCountryInvalid value.Country value must be a valid Country Code.ErrorRecipientCountryMissing Required value.Country is required.WarningRecipientCountryThe Recipient.Country must be valued for International wires.The Recipient.Country must be valued for International wires.WarningRecipientCountryThe Recipient.Country must match the EFTBeneficiary.Country for International wires.The Recipient.Country must match the EFTBeneficiary.Country for International wires.ErrorRecipientNameOneMissing Required value.NameOne is required.WarningRecipientNameOnePayee Name too shortPayee name has less than 3 alphabetic charactersWarningRecipientNameOneThe Recipient.NameOne must be valued for International and Domestic wires.The Recipient.NameOne must be valued for International and Domestic wires.TBDRecipientNameOneUnder developmentInvalid charater in the Recipient NameOne value.TBDRecipientNameTwoUnder developmentInvalid charater in the Recipient NameTwo value.ErrorRecipientStateInvalid value.State value must be a valid State Code for the Country Code.WarningRecipientStreetAddressOneThe Recipient.StreetAddressOne and Recipient.City must be valued for Dom wires to non-US recipients.The Recipient.StreetAddressOne and Recipient.City must be valued for Domestic wires when the Recipient.Country is <> USA.WarningRecipientStreetAddressOneThe Recipient.StreetAddressOne must be valued for International wires.The Recipient.StreetAddressOne must be valued for International wires.TBDRecipientStreetAddressOneUnder developmentChecks that are to be mailed by Treasury must have a mailing address provided on the Recipient node.TBDRecipientStreetAddressOneUnder developmentMailing Address must be present for ACHS that are to be mailed by Treasury with a remittance advice.ErrorEFTBeneficiary<node>Missing EFTBeneficiary node - required for single-pay EFT paymentsThe EFTBeneficiary node must be present for ACH and Wire payment requests since all EFT payment requests are processed as single-pay payments in the Treasury system.MessageEFTBeneficiaryAgencyLocationCodeThe EFTBeneficiary.AgencyLocationCode must be valued for US Treasury wires.The AgencyLocationCode must be specified for US Treasury Wire Payment Requests.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryBankAccountNumberBank Account Num cannot be blank for an ACH or a Domestic/International WireThe BankAccountNumer must be specified for ACH and Domestic and International Wire Payment Requests.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryBankAccountTypeInvalid Translate value.BankAccountType value must be 03 or SV.WarningEFTBeneficiaryBankAccountTypeThe BankAccountType value cannot be blank for ACH Payment Requests.The BankAccountType must be specified for ACH Payment Requests.WarningEFTBeneficiaryBankNameAll wires must provide an EFTBeneficiary.BankName value.The BankName must be specified for Wire Payment Requests.WarningEFTBeneficiaryCityThe EFTBeneficiary.City must be valued for Domestic and International wires.The City must be specified for Domestic and International Wire Payment Requests.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryCountryInvalid value.Country value must be a valid Country Code.MessageEFTBeneficiaryCountryThe EFTBeneficiary.Country must be valued for International wires.The Country must be specified for International Wire Payment Requests.MessageEFTBeneficiaryDFIThe DFI value cannot be 0 or blank for ACH Payment Requests.The DFI must be specified for ACH Payment Requests and cannot have a value of 0.MessageEFTBeneficiaryDFIThe DFI value must be populated for Domestic and US Treasury wires.The DFI must be specified for Domestic and International Wire Payment Requests and cannot have a value of 0.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryDFIThe DFI Value must be numeric and exactly 9 digits for DFI Qual = 01The DFI Value must be numeric and contain exactly 9 digits when the DFI Qualifier is 01 (Transit Route Number). Leading zeroes are acceptable.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryDFIQualifierInvalid Translate value.DFIQualifier value must be 01 or 02.WarningEFTBeneficiaryDFIQualifierThe DFIQualifier must be 01 for Domestic and US Treasury wires.The DFIQualifier must be 01 (Transit Routing Number) for Domestic and US Treasury wires.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryDFIQualifierThe DFIQualifier value must be 01 for ACH Payment Requests.The DFIQualifier value must be 01 (Transit Routing Number) for ACH Payment Requests.WarningEFTBeneficiaryDFIQualifierDFI Qualifier must be 02 for Intl Wires.The DFIQualifier value must be 02 (SWIFT ID/BIC) for International Wire Payment Requests.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryFormatCodeInvalid Translate value.FormatCode value must be CCD, CTX, PPD, or WRT.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryFormatCodeACH Payment Requests must have a FormatCode value of CCD, CTX, or PPD.ACH Payment Requests must have a FormatCode value of CCD, CTX, or PPD.MessageEFTBeneficiaryFormatCodeWire Payment Requests must have a FormatCode value of WRT.All Wire Payment Requests must have a FormatCode value of WRT.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryFormatCodeACH Payment Requests having a FormatCode value of CCD or PPD can have no more than 1 ACHAddenda nodeACH Payment Requests having a FormatCode value of CCD or PPD are limited to a single Addenda if an Addenda is present.WarningEFTBeneficiaryIBANIntl Wires destined to EU member country must have IBAN valueAn IBAN value must be specified for International Wire Payment Requests destined to a Country that is a member of the EU.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryStateInvalid value.State value must be a valid State Code for the Country Code.WarningEFTBeneficiaryStateThe EFTBeneficiary.State must be valued for Domestic wires.The State must be specified for Domestic Wire Payment Requests.WarningEFTBeneficiaryStreetAddressOneThe EFTBeneficiary.StreetAddressOne must be valued for International wires.The StreetAddressOne must be specified for International Wire Payment Requests.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryTransactionHandlingInvalid Translate value.TransactionHandling value must be D, P or X.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryTransactionHandlingThe TransactionHandling value cannot be blank for ACH Payment Requests.The TransactionHandling must be specified for ACH Payment Requests.ErrorEFTBeneficiaryWireTypeInvalid Translate value.WireType value must be DW, IW, or TW.MessageEFTBeneficiaryWireTypeWire Payment Requests must populate the WireType element with one of the permitted values.Wire Payment Requests must have a WireType value of DW, IW, or TW.ErrorItemAdvancementAccountBusinessAreaThe AdvancementAccountBusinessArea must be populated when the ItemType is AC or AX.The AdvancementAccountBusinessArea must be populated when the ItemType is AC or AX.WarningItemAdvancementAccountBusinessAreaThe AdvancementAccountBusinessArea element should be omitted or blank if the PaymentClass <> ADVA.The AdvancementAccountBusinessArea element should be omitted or blank if the PaymentClass <> ADVA.ErrorItemAdvancementAccountCodeThe AdvancementAccountCode value cannot be blank or 0 for PaymentClass ADVA.The AdvancementAccountCode value cannot be blank or 0 for PaymentClass ADVA.ErrorItemAdvancementAccountCodeThe AdvancementAccountCode must be populated when the ItemType is AC or AX.The AdvancementAccountCode must be populated when the ItemType is AC or AX.WarningItemAdvancementAccountCodeThe AdvancementAccountCode element should be omitted or blank if the PaymentClass <> ADVA.The AdvancementAccountCode element should be omitted or blank if the PaymentClass <> ADVA.WarningItemAuditLookupIdAuditLookupType and AuditLookupId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.AuditLookupType and AuditLookupId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.ErrorItemAuditLookupTypeInvalid Translate value.AuditLookupType value must be 05, AN, CL, CR, DL, IV, SA, or VT.ErrorItemIssuerIssuer must be populated for Advancement Payments when the DocumentType is not ZF or AX.Issuer must be populated for Advancement Payments when the DocumentType is not ZF or AX.ErrorItemItemAmountItemAmount not equal to sum of Funding Amounts.The sum of the Amount values on the Funding node must match the ItemAmount on the Item node.ErrorItemItemAmountSchema Violation if more than 3 fractional digits and Invalid number of decimal positions for currency if equal to 3 digits.Treasury does not support processing of monetary amounts in fractional amounts less than one cent.ErrorItemItemDateMissing ItemDate - required when the ItemType is AC, AX, CM, DM, IV, or SU.The ItemDate is required when the ItemType is AC, AX, CM, DM, IV, or SU.MessageItemItemIdItemType and ItemId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.ItemType and ItemId must either both be present and populated or both be omitted.ErrorItemItemNumberInvalid Value - ItemNumber must be an integer between 1 and 99999Invalid Value - ItemNumber must be an integer between 1 and 99999ErrorItemItemNumberDuplicate ItemNumber.Each ItemNumber within a Payment Request must be unique and sequentially numbered starting with 1.ErrorItemItemReferenceMissing ItemReference - required when the ItemType is IVThe ItemReference cannot be blank when the ItemType is IV.ErrorItemItemTypeInvalid Translate value.ItemType value must be AC, AX, CM, CN, DM, IV, PO, SU, or UP.ErrorItemItemTypeInvalid ItemType - must be AC for DocumentTypes AA, ZA, ZF and AX for DocumentType AX.Invalid ItemType - must be AC for DocumentTypes AA, ZA, ZF and AX for DocumentType AX.ErrorItemItemTypeInvalid ItemType - must be SU for PaymentClass SCDUThe ItemType must be SU when the payment request's Payment Class is SCDU (SCDU Payment).ErrorItemItemTypeItemType cannot be "SU" when PaymentClass is not "SCDU"ItemType "SU" can only be used when the PaymentClass is "SCDU".ErrorItemItemTypeItemType cannot be "AC" or "AX" when PaymentClass is not "ADVA"ItemTypes "AC" and "AX" can only be used when the PaymentClass is "ADVA".ErrorItemItemTypeNo more than one PO can be assigned to a PR when ItemType is PO.A Payment Request can have no more than one PO number assigned to it.WarningItemPayeeNameOneMissing PayeeNameOne - required when the PaymentClass = ADVAThe PayeeNameOne cannot be blank when the PaymentClass = ADVA.ErrorItemSCDUEmploymentTerminatedInvalid Yes/No value.SCDUEmploymentTerminated value must be Y or N .ErrorItemSCDUFIPSCodeMissing or invalid FIPSCode for SCDU payment to FL, MI, or NYFor SCDU PRs (PaymentClass = ‘SCDU’):1. If FIPS Code present, the value must be 5 or 7 alphanumeric characters.2. If Recipient.State is provided for the SCDU payment and is FL, MI, or NY, the FIPS Code must be present.ErrorItemSCDUMedicalSupportIndicatorInvalid Yes/No value.SCDUMedicalSupportIndicator value must be Y or N .ErrorItemSCDUMedicalSupportIndicatorMissing SCDUMedicalSupportIndicator - required when the ItemType is SUThe SCDUMedicalSupportIndicator cannot be blank when the ItemType is SU.ErrorItemSCDUNoncustodialParentNameMissing SCDUNoncustodialParentName - required when the ItemType is SUThe SCDUNoncustodialParentName cannot be blank when the ItemType is SU.ErrorItemSCDUNoncustodialParentSSNMissing SCDUNoncustodialParentSSN - required when the ItemType is SUThe SCDUNoncustodialParentSSN cannot be blank or 0 when the ItemType is SU.WarningSupportingDocumentDocumentNumberThe DocumentNumber value in SupportingDocument nodes must be sequenced starting with 1The DocumentNumber on the SupportingDocument node is expected to begin with 1 for each Item node.ErrorSupportingDocumentFormatInvalid Translate value.Format value must be XML or IMG.ErrorSupportingDocumentFormatMissing Required value.Format is required.ErrorSupportingDocumentTypeInvalid Translate value.Type value must be CN, GR, IV, or PO.ErrorSupportingDocumentTypeMissing Required value.Type is required.ErrorSupportingDocumentURLMissing Required value.URL is required.TBDFunding<multiple>Under developmentThe funding symbol must reference a valid Chartfield combination. The symbol includes the Fund, Department, Appropriation, and Fiscal Year. Note that this is a composite validation performed on multiple elements.ErrorFundingAccountAccounts used by Payment Requests must be an expenditure account.Accounts must begin with a "6" and must map to a valid Account.ErrorFundingAccountInvalid value.Account value must be a valid Account.ErrorFundingAccountMissing Required value.Account is required.ErrorFundingAmountSchema Violation if more than 3 fractional digits and Invalid number of decimal positions for currency if equal to 3 digits.Treasury does not support processing of monetary amounts in fractional amounts less than one cent.ErrorFundingAppropriationInvalid value.Appropriation value must be a valid Appropriation.ErrorFundingAppropriationMissing Required value.Appropriation is required.ErrorFundingDepartmentInvalid value.Department value must be a valid Department.ErrorFundingDepartmentMissing Required value.Department is required.ErrorFundingDepartmentMultiple Funding Departments not permitted.Payments requests must be funded by a single department.ErrorFundingDepartmentDepartment not valid for SourceSystemCode.The Funding Department specified cannot be used by the submitting Source System.ErrorFundingFiscalYearMissing Required value.FiscalYear is required.ErrorFundingFundInvalid value.Fund value must be a valid Fund.ErrorFundingFundMissing Required value.Fund is required.ErrorFundingFundingLineNumberInvalid Value - FundingLineNumber must be an integer between 1 and 99999Invalid Value - FundingLineNumber must be an integer between 1 and 99999ErrorFundingFundingLineNumberDuplicate FundingLineNumberEach FundingLineNumber within an Item must be unique and sequentially numbered starting with 1.WarningFundingFundingLineNumberFunding Line Number does not begin with 1The FundingLineNumber on the Funding node is expected to begin with 1 for each Item node. ................

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