Veterans Affairs

1. Scope.The Altoona VA Medical Center (hereafter referred to as “Altoona VAMC” or “the Government”) has a requirement for elevator inspection services. The Government intends to award a single, firm fixed price contract for the elevator inspection services described in this work statement. The period of performance is for 12 months (base year) with four additional one year option periods, to be exercised at the Government’s discretion. 2. Standards.All safety inspections shall be made in accordance with the latest revised edition of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators (ANSI/ASME A17.1) hereafter referred to as the A17.1 Code. The A17.1 Code shall be used as the minimum requirements for the inspections covered by this contract. The latest edition of the ASME Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving Walks (ANSI/ASME 17.2) shall be used as the guide for inspection and test procedures, hereafter referred to as the A17.2 Code.3. Inspections and Tests.3.1 Safety InspectionsThe contractor shall inspect no-load, full-load and special tests as required by A17.1 and A17.2, which shall be conducted by the elevator maintenance contractor for the respective facilities. The tests shall include, but not be limited to, semi-annual, annual and 5 year tests as required by A17.1. The Certification of Elevator Inspection shall be used to document the certification of the elevators. The 5 year load test is due by November 2018 and November 2023. Weights are provided by Otis Elevator, the elevator maintenance company that services the Altoona VA.3.2 Maintenance InspectionsSemi-annual maintenance inspections shall be performed by the contractor on each listed piece of equipment in the schedule file. The Elevator Inspection Report shall be used to document the results of each inspection. In addition to using the standards in the A17.1 and A17.2 Codes, the inspection contractor shall assure that the maintenance contractor’s preventative maintenance check charts are up to date and correctly annotated, and shall inspect the Elevator Equipment for evidence of proper maintenance, adjustment and repair. Deficiencies shall be recorded in the remarks area of the inspection form. 4. Travel.Costs for transportation, lodging, meals, and incidental expenses incurred by contractor personnel are the responsibility of the contractor. The contractor’s unit pricing must include all travel costs.5. Elevator Inspection Schedules.In order to minimize interruption of or interference with Government business, the contractor shall arrange a specific time and date for each inspection visit with the Contracting Officer’s Representative (COR) at least three weeks in advance of such scheduled inspection. Unless otherwise directed by the COR, all work under the contract shall be performed during regular working hours/regular working days (8:00 am through 4:30 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding federal holidays). If the COR authorizes inspections to occur outside of regular working hours/regular working days to minimize interruption of or interference with Government business, such work shall be done at scheduled pricing at no additional cost to the Government. During the term of this contract, elevator equipment may be added or deleted from this contract as equipment is replaced, added or removed from service at the facilities. Any such change shall be reflected in a written modification to this contract, signed by the contractor and contracting officer. 6. Emergency Conditions. Any condition found affecting the immediate safety of passengers or elevator equipment shall be reported immediately to the COR or designated representative. Within 24 hours, a written report clearly listing the defects found and the recommended corrective action shall be submitted to the COR. A copy of the report shall also be provided to the Contracting Officer.7. Coordination with CORUpon completion of each inspection, the inspection contractor shall obtain the signature of the COR or designated representative on the Elevator Inspection Report. This report may be hand written at the time of the inspection but must be submitted in typed format within two weeks of the inspection. During the annual routine inspections, the inspector shall have prepared the Certificate of Elevator Inspection and shall furnish the signed certificate to the COR. The contract inspector shall meet with the COR or designated representative at the start of each inspection visit to review the status of the elevator system. The COR will provide all necessary elevator maintenance documentation to the inspector for use during the inspection visit. The inspection contractor shall meet with the COR or designated representative at the conclusion of the inspection to present findings. The inspector shall detail any problem areas encountered, and present recommended solutions to the problem, if any. 8. Disqualification of Maintenance Contractors The contractor or contractor inspectors performing inspections under this contract may not perform elevator maintenance work on any elevator equipment or systems covered by this contract during the contract performance period. 9. Qualifications of Contractor Inspectors The inspectors provided by the contractor under this contract are “key personnel” and no substitutions of inspectors may be made without prior approval of the Government. All contractor inspectors working under this contract must possess current ASME-QEI (American Society of Mechanical Engineers – Qualified Elevator Inspector) certification, and an Elevator Industry Certification Card from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry Uniform Construction Code. The inspector must provide a copy of a current certificate before the inspector begins each inspection under this contract. 10. Insurance. In accordance with FAR 28.307-2(a), Workers’ Compensation and Employers Public Liability Insurance in the amounts prescribed by the States of Pennsylvania;In accordance with FAR 28.307-2(b), insurance coverage written on a comprehensive form of policy in the amount of $500,000 per occurrence for bodily injury or damage arising out of this contract. The contractor will be required to provide certificates of insurance to the lead Contracting Office indicating that the required insurance coverage has been obtained and that such coverage may not be cancelled or changed without advance written notice to the lead Contracting Office.11. Visitor Identification Badges/Conduct of Contract Employees 11.1 Contractor personnel on-site at the VA Medical Center shall first check in with the VA Police with a form of federal or state photo identification to obtain a visitor’s badge. Visitor Badges must be worn by contractor personnel at all times while on VA property performing work under this contract.11.2 Contractor employees must abide by policies established for the VA Medical Center facilities while performing work under this contract, including, but not limited to, abiding by all parking regulations, restrictions against possession of weapons, restrictions concerning smoking, and policies pertaining to allowing search of enclosed containers.12. Compliance/Contract Monitoring The contractor shall take all precautions necessary to protect persons and property from injury or damage during the performance of this contract. The contractor shall be responsible for injury to its employees or others, as well as for any damage to personal or public property that occurs during the performance of the contract that is caused by the fault or negligence of the contractor or its employees. The contractor shall not be held liable for damage to equipment if such damage occurs during the performance of a required equipment test and is not caused by the fault or negligence of the contractor or its employees. The CORs shall monitor work done by the contractor to ensure that all services called for under this contract have been satisfactorily performed. 13. Government Re-Inspections and Tests 13.1 All inspections and other services shall be subject to re-inspection, examination and test by Government inspectors at any and all times during the course of the work and at all and any places where such work is being carried on. The Government shall have the right to reject defective inspections or reports. Rejected items shall be satisfactorily corrected and/or replaced without additional expense to the Government.13.2 In case of failure by the inspection contractor to comply with the scheduled frequency prescribed for the performance of any part of its work, or if any operation is omitted on any occasion when scheduled for performance, the attention of the contractor shall be called to this failure or omission and the contractor will be required by the COR to perform the omitted operation. If the contractor does not comply with the required performance within such time as the COR deems to be reasonable, the work will be performed by others and the cost of the work will be deducted from any money due or which may become due the contractor under this contract.14. Schedule of Reports SubmissionDue DateFinding of Emergency ConditionImmediately, verballyWritten report within 24 hoursFailure of InspectionImmediately, verballyWithin 48 hours, written reportInspection ReportWithin 2 weeks of inspectionWritten reportCertificate of Elevator InspectionsWithin 2 weeks of inspectionWritten reportElevator Testing ReportWithin 2 weeks of inspectionWritten report15. Contract Period of Performance The period of performance for this contract is for 12 months (base year), with four one-year option periods, to be exercised at the Government’s discretion. The inspections will occur in the months of January and July, as coordinated with the COR.16. InvoicesInvoices shall be submitted to the Financial Services Center in Austin, Texas, within 10 days of submission of the inspection reports to the COR. Invoices shall contain the current purchase order number, the contract number, the dates of service, a summary of work performed, and the facility name.17. Elevator ListingElevator #TypeSpeedCapacityStopsMakeP-2Passenger – Traction SN 1992194004000 lb.8OtisP-3Passenger – TractionSN 1992174004000 lb.8OtisS-4Service – FreightSN 1992194005000 lb8OtisF-5Service – TractionSN 1987144004000 lb3Otis / HollisterP-6Passenger – HydroSN APB1P61004000 lb3CemcoP-7Passenger – HydroSN APB1P71004000 lb3CemcoP-8Passenger-TractionSN 6268051502500 lb.3Otis P-9Passenger-TractionSN 6359012004000 lb.3OtisP-10Passenger-TractionSN 6359022004000 lb.3OtisP-11Passenger – Hydro1255000 lb.2OtisP-12Passenger – Hydro1255000 lb.2OtisDumbwaiter, Building 20DumbwaiterSN 03-0454-DW40300 lb.2InclinatorMaterial Lift, Building 1Material Lift, Roped Hydraulic15 FPM5000 lb2NAWheelchair Lift, Building 1Outdoor Wheelchair Lift5 fpm900 lbs. 2Ascension ProtégéElevator Inspection Certificate – (must meet most current ASME requirements), done on all elevators twice per year.ELEVATOR INSPECTION CERTIFICATE(Including Escalators and Dumbwaiters)BUILDINGSTREET ADDRESSCITYSTATEREGIONVISN 4DATE INSPECTION ORDEREDDATE INSPECTIONSTARTED:COMPLETED:DATE INSPECTION CERTIFICATE SIGNEDNUMBER OF UNITS IN BUILDINGPASSENGERFRT. OR SERV.ESCALATORDUMBWAITERAll elevators, escalators, and dumbwaiters in this building have been inspected by the undersigned inspector on the date noted, and were found to be in a satisfactory condition, except as noted below.The COR is requested to have the following work performed on the equipment in this building.(List items below that can be properly performed by the VA workforce)The work described above has been completed and the equipment is ready for reinspection, if requiredMECHANIC’S SIGNATURECOR SIGNATUREDATEList repair and maintenance items below that are outside the scope of responsibility of the COR and/or VA workforce.INSPECTOR’S SIGNATUREINSPECTOR’S TITLEDATECONTINUATION PAGE INSTRUCTIONS1. A separate report shall be made for each building.2. Distribution of copies:Original to COR Copy to Contracting OfficerElevator Inspection Certificate – (must meet most current ASME requirements), done on all 12 elevators twice per year.ELEVATOR INSPECTION REPORT(See instructions on Reverse)1. VA Station No.2. SEMI ANNUAL _____ ANNUAL & NO-LOAD _______ ANNUAL & 5 YEAR _______3. INSPECTION DATE4. BUILDING5. STREET ADDRESS6. CITY7. STATE & ZIP CODEGENERAL8. NUMBER OF UNITS IN BUILDING: PASSENGER ______ FREIGHT _______ DUMBWAITER ______ OTHER __________________9. THIS ELEVATOR:Owners Number:10. TYPE: (Pass, Frt, etc)11. Manufacturer12. MFG NUMBER13. CAP (lbs)14. CONTRACT SPEED15. TYPE OF MACHINE (Geared, Traction, Drum, etc)16. NO. FLOORS17. NO. OPEN.18. TYPE OF CONTROL(UM VIA.C/Rheo)19. TYPE OF OPERATION (C.S./P.B/Single/Col, Sci.)20. ROPING21. YEAR BUILTLANDINGS (A) Cond(B)Cond(C)Cond(D)Cond22.EntrancesAccess Control SwitchesHoistway DoorsEmergency Access Keyways23.ThresholdHoistway Door GuardsParking DeviceFrt. Door Safety Astragals24.Supervisory(starter) PanelPanel – Telephone or IntercomHall Position IndicatorHall Lanterns & ButtonsCAR (Interior)25.ThresholdFloor CoveringSafety Wrench PlateCar Ventilation26.Wainscot (Interior Panels)By-Pass ButtonEmergency Exit(s) HingedEmergency exit(s) Contacted27.Car Door(s) & Gate(s)Car Door GuidesSafety Edge (Car Gate/Door)Door Detector (Photo) (GSA)28.Car Door/Gate OperationDoor Nudging(Frt.) Sequence OperationSequence Timing & Alarm29.Operating Panel(s)AnnunciatorPanel – Telephone or IntercomPanel H. Access Switch30.Car Position IndicatorCar LightingEmergency LightCleanlinessCAR (Exterior)31.Car Top OperatorCar Top Light & ReceptableCar Sheave & GuardEmerg. Light Batteries32.Rope HitchGov. Release CarriageLeveling DevicesTop Limit Switches33.Selector DriveCar & Cwt. O.H. ClearanceO.H. Deflection SheavesSheave Guard & Pan34.Car GuidesCwt. GuidesCwt. SheaveRail Fastenings35.Car Door/Gate OperatorDoor Clutch (vanes)Car Gate/Door HangersDoor Contact36.Hoistway Door Operator CloserH. Door Latch RollersHoistway Door HangersInterlocks37.Dust Covers & Shear PlatesToe Guard ApronCar Bottom LightJunction Box & Wiring38.Platform, Sling & SupportsCar & Cwt. Comp. HitchCar – Bottom ClearanceCleanlinessPIT39. Emergency Stop SwitchPit Ladder (over 48”)Pit LightBottom Limit Switches40.Cwt. To Buffer ClearanceCwt. GuardCompensation, Guard, ernor Cable Tension41.Pit Door LockAdj. Shaft ProtectionHoistway LightingCleanlinessMACHINE ROOM42.Main SwitchVentilationGovernorBrake Shoe, Pins43.MachineMachine BearingsWorm & GearThrust44.Motor BearingsMotor Commutator, BrushesMotor WindingsDrive Sheave, Grooves44.M.G. Set BearingsM.G. Commutator, BrushesM.G. Set WindingsTravel Nut, Slack Cable Swt.45.Exciter BearingsExc. Commutator, BrushesExciter WindingsRotary Converter46.Controller & PartsM.G. Starter, BrushesRelay Panel & PartsSelector Panel & PartsCABLESMATERIALSNO.SIZECONDITIONREMARKS: See A17.1 Code Rule 1002.1a and Inspectors ManualItem 27, List Max, Breaks per Lay and other Defects.47.Hoist48.Car/Cwt.49.Drum/Cwt.pensation52.Selector53.Safety Tailrope54.Traveling Cables55.BUILDING MANAGER57. TYPE OF SERVICE58. ELEVATOR INSPECTED BY: 59. COMPANY PHONE NO.SAFETY (5 Year & Annual Inspections Only)(A)Cond(B)Cond(C)Cond(D)Cond60. Governor Type _________________Gov. Plate speed ______ ____ fpmPot. Swt. Set ___________ fpmGov. Trip Speed __________61. Gov. Jaw Material _______________Governor Sealed ______________Safety type ______________Safety Plate Speed ________62. Safety Switch ___________________Jaw/Rail Clearance(Left) ______ in. (Right) _______ in.Test Within ______________ lbsTest At _________________63. 4 Rail Mark Aver. _____________ inCar Level Per Ft. ____________ in.Safety Rope Pull Out ______ in.Turns on Drum ___________64. Safety Tagged _________________Car Buffer Type ______________Cwt. Buffer Type ____________Buffer Plate Load _________65. Buffer Blade Speed __________ fpmBuffer run-in Test ___________ fpm90 Sec. Buffer Retrun ________Buffer Tagged ____________HYDRAULIC ANNUAL TESTS66. 2 Hour Test Load __________________ lbsPower Off.2 Hour Creep _______________ in.ReliefValve Set _______________ lbsRelief ValveTagged & Sealed67. Emergency top TerminalSpeed Limiting DeviceType ________________________Top TerminalSpeed _________________ fpmControl SwitchesSeparate & IndependentFIRE and EMERGENCY CONTROLS (A-17.1 Appendix E) Custodian of Key68. Master Switch ______________floorAlternate _________________floorAll Cars Return Non-StopTo Selected FloorCars Parked – Doors Open-- Lights On69. Car Emergency SwitchCar ResponseCar Calls OnlyConstant PressureDoor OpeningReopening DevicesDeactivated70. Automatic Detection: Intercom_____Rate of Rise ______________ Fixed Temperature ____________ Ionization ____________ Photo Call __________ Passenger Notification _________ Sign _____________71. INSTRUCTIONS (All Spaces Must Be Filled In)References: ASME/ANSIA17.1 - Safety Code for Elevators and Escalators; ASME/ANSI A17.2 - Guide for Inspection of Elevators, Escalators and Moving SidewalksINDICATE in the condition (COND) column, one of the following:GOOD – Equipment is new or does not indicate any appreciable wear that would reduce its strength or effectivenessFAIR – Equipment indicates wear, but the condition is such that it is estimated that replacement would not be necessary for a period of six (6) monthsPOOR – A weakness or defect in equipment is indicated, and the condition is such as to render the elevator unsafe or incapable of proper operation; or it is estimated that this will be the case within six (6) months.72.Item Line No.Est. CostElevator Testing Report – (must meet most current ASME requirements), done on the passenger elevators once per year. *This document could not be formatted to fit in the contract Word Document, and is included as a separate attachment.PRICING SCHEDULE:LINE ITEMDESCRIPTIONQTYUNITPRICE EACHPRICE TOTAL0001Base Year: Semi-Annual Maintenance Inspections of the 14 total elevators (twice per year for a total of 28 jobs).28EA$$0002Base Year: Annual Testing of 4 Passenger Elevators (P6, P7, P9 & P10)4EA$$0003Base Year: Full Load inspection of 5 elevators(P2, P3, S4, F5, P8)51001Option Year 1: Semi-Annual Maintenance Inspections of the 14 total elevators (twice per year for a total of 28 jobs).28EA$$1002Option Year 1: Annual Testing of 11 Elevators11EA$$2001Option Year 2: Semi-Annual Maintenance Inspections of the 14 total elevators (twice per year for a total of 24 jobs).28EA$$2002Option Year 2: Annual Testing of 11 Elevators11EA$$3001Option Year 3: Semi-Annual Maintenance Inspections of the 14 total elevators (twice per year for a total of 28 jobs).28EA$$3002Option Year 3: Annual Testing of 11 Passenger Elevators11EA$$4001Option Year 4: Semi-Annual Maintenance Inspections of the 14 total elevators (twice per year for a total of 24 jobs).28EA$$4002Option Year 4: Annual Testing of 9 Elevators (P2, P3, S4, F5, P6, P7, P8, P11, P12)9EA$$4003Full Load inspection of 2 elevators(P11 & P12)2EA$$ ................

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