March 9, 2010



March 9, 2010

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by Acting Asst Vice Chancellor MaryBeth Benvenutti at 3:18 pm

Present: Shirley Slaughter (BCC), MaryBeth Benvenutti (FINANCE), Alice Marez (MERRITT), Connie Willis (COA), George Kozitza (LANEY), Joseph Bielanski (ED SERVICES), Jerry Kenney,(CIBER)

Minutes by: Dom Benavides (FINANCE)

1. Accreditation

The committee reviewed and updated the accreditation response to 2.b. 2008-2 Financial Accounting System Procedures and 2.c. 2008-3 Information Systems prepared by Joseph B. Having written uniform procedures for payroll adjustments was discussed. Changes to the language were made.

Currently the procedure is for payroll adjustments are:

▪ Payroll is run and payroll dept notifies business managers that it’s available for viewing.

▪ After a 2 week period, payroll is posted to general ledger.

▪ Payroll adjustments can still be made but our harder to access and time consuming

▪ If there are any permanent coding changes, campuses notify payroll accountant.

▪ For perms, PA’s (personal action forms) goes to HR, HR will send to finance, and finance will give correct coding.

Connie W noted that Tom Henry and consultants will develop procedures and train employees on implementing procedures.

Jerry Kenney noted trial balance reports will not be applicable. Currently reconfiguring the current student financial system to address the deferred revenue numbers.


MaryBeth B noted that currently the accounting is not matching the general ledger. She is working with consultants on two major things:

▪ Making sure all the accounting behind all the account codes works, testing it and then feeding it into the general ledger.

▪ Writing queries for student accounts – ex student fees at Laney and using that as estimate revenue.

Connie W and Joseph B recommended an internal auditor being hired. MaryBeth B will follow up with Tom Henry.

3. Budget Prep

In preparation for the 10/11 budget Marybeth B requested the managers to be working on working on staffing budget for next year. MaryBeth recommended using the following two queries:

▪ HR_ALL_STAFF_EACH_COLLEGE: includes title, step column, step anniversary date, gross up, and yearly salary

▪ HR_ALL_STAFF_EA_SITE_ADDL_PAY: to calculate additional

MaryBeth B reported that Kyu is working on writing a report to sync everyone on a spreadsheet with HR. Currently Kyu takes a salary budget and uploads it as a journal voucher. Benefits are posted to one account.

Connie W noted that for the past few years, the amount of benefits have not been available

MaryBeth B noted once salary budget is in place, try and budget benefits based upon each type of benefit, some are % based and PERS and STRS. MaryBeth B wants business managers to begin brainstorming for the general fund in order to keep track. She noted it would be much easier if benefits could follow the payroll adjustments in order to adjust at the same time. Connie W noted IT should be able to modify that. Shirley S noted funds were encumbered in LEGACY. She would prefer to continue using %’s for benefits.

4. Payroll Adjustments

MaryBeth B reported the biggest issue with year-end close was there was a problem with the PRO RATA system 1456. People were paid the right amount but general fund was overcharged in 1351, IT was suppose to be working on a fix but just recently told that

they were not working on this. There are approx. 1000 errors per Sheryl Queen. Minh Lam assured MaryBeth B it is not happening anymore. MaryBeth B requested help in the next month. Shirley S and Alice M offered assistance. Sheryl Q still needs to provide list of corrections.

Per MaryBeth B, it was noted to keep layoffs and FTE in your campus budgets.

Next meeting – March 23rd 3 pm.


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