Academic Standards for Business, Computer and Information ...

[Pages:44]Academic Standards for Business, Computer and Information Technology

April 2012


Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12





Accounting ................................................................................. Accounting as a Profession Accounting Fundamentals Framework for Financial Reporting Financial Reporting and Analysis Compliance


Career Management ................................................................. Knowledge and Planning Organizing Leading and Directing Evaluating and Controlling


Communication ......................................................................... Foundations of Communication Etiquette Organizational Communication Electronic Communication Diversity


Computer and Information Technologies..............................15.4. Influence of Emerging Technologies Digital Citizenship Hardware Input Technologies Operating Systems Networking Software and Applications Programming

Digital Media Technology Research Emerging Technologies in Careers

Entrepreneurship ...................................................................... The Entrepreneur Entrepreneurs in the Domestic Economy Entrepreneurs in the Global Economy Business Foundations Innovation and Opportunity in Entrepreneurship


Finance and Economics ............................................................ Personal Finance Responsibility Money Management - Credit and Debt Risk Management and Insurance Saving and Investing


Global Business ............................................................15.7. Global Literacy Government and Legal System Global Economics Global Communication Global Responsibility Global Decision Making Global Business Opportunity Global Marketing Global Finance

Management ........................................................... Organization and Characteristics of Business Management Functions Management Skills Human Resource Management Management Focus


2 July 3, 2012

Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12

Marketing .........................................................................15.9. Marketing as a Profession Marketing Fundamentals Communications in Marketing Consumer Behavior Marketing Mix Research Marketing Plan Marketing Technology Marketing Law and Ethics


3 July 3, 2012

Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12


This document includes Business, Computer, and Information Technology Standards:

15.1. Accounting 15.2. Career Management 15.3 Communication 15.4. Computer and Information Technologies 15.5. Entrepreneurship

15.6. Finance and Economics 15.7. Global Business 15.8. Management 15.9. Marketing

The Business, Computer, and Information Technology Standards describe what students should know and be able to do in the field of business education at all grade levels. The standards provide the targets for instruction and student learning essential for success in all academic areas, not just business classrooms. Although the standards are not a curriculum or a prescribed series of activities, school entities will use them to develop a local school curriculum that will meet local students' needs.

Business education involves teaching students the fundamentals, theories, and processes of business. Because of the unique nature of business education, all teachers in a school will use the Business, Computer, and Information Technology Standards. The standards define the skills and strategies essential for success in life and the workplace; therefore, all teachers will assist their students in learning them through multiple classroom situations integrated in all subject areas.

The Business, Computer, and Information Technology Standards also provide parents and community members with information about what students should know and be able to do as they progress through the educational program, graduation, and the workplace. With a clearly defined target provided by the standards, parents, students, educators, community members, and other stakeholders become partners in learning success.

A glossary is included to assist the reader in understanding terminology contained in the standards. Words in bold type are included in the glossary.

4 July 3, 2012

Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12

15.1 Accounting

15.1.2. GRADE Pre K-2

15.1.5. GRADE 3-5

15.1.8. GRADE 6-8

15.1.12. GRADE 9-12

Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the

knowledge and skills needed to:





With help and support, ask Explore various accounting careers. and answer questions about

Identify knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed for careers in accounting.

Summarize professional designations, careers, and organizations within the field

careers in accounting.

of accounting, including education and

certification requirements.

Accounting as a Profession

15.1.2.B. Ask and answer questions about right and wrong (ethics) in the classroom.

15.1.5.B. Explain the need for ethics in the classroom and business.

15.1.2.C. Intentionally Blank

15.1.2.D. Intentionally Blank

15.1.2.E. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.C. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.D. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.E. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.B. Describe ethical and unethical business practices related to accounting.

15.1.8.C. Identify the parts of the accounting equation.

15.1.8.D. Describe the components of the accounting cycle. 15.1.8.E. Explore various technologies used in accounting.

15.1.12.B. Analyze the roles of policy-setting bodies in the accounting profession, e.g., American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), Pennsylvania Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA), Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP), and Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).

15.1.12.C. Analyze business transactions using Taccounts to determine their impact on a business.

15.1.12.D. Analyze, journalize, and post transactions to general & subsidiary ledgers.

15.1.12.E. Perform accounting functions using technology as a tool.

Accounting Fundamentals

5 July 3, 2012

Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12

15.1 Accounting

15.1.2. GRADE Pre K-2

15.1.5. GRADE 3-5

15.1.8. GRADE 6-8

15.1.12. GRADE 9-12

Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the

knowledge and skills needed to:





Ask and answer questions about items you or your

Identify family and business assets.

Identify, recognize, and classify short- and Analyze and journalize transactions for

long-term assets.

short- and long-term assets.

family own.

15.1.2.G. Ask and answer questions about money you or your family owes.

15.1.5.G. Identify family and business liabilities.



Identify, recognize, and classify short- and Analyze and journalize transactions

long-term liabilities.

involving short- and long-term liabilities.

15.1.2.H. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.H. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.H. Discuss the value of family and business assets over time.

15.1.12.H. Identify, calculate, and record depreciation, depletion and amortization; explain their effect on the financial statements.

15.1.2.I. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.I. Ask and answer questions about ownership in a business.

15.1.8.I. Identify and classify the classes and rights of types of stock.

15.1.12.I. Differentiate between and journalize entries for issuance or repurchase of stock and the declaration and payment of dividends.

15.1.2.J. Intentionally Blank



Discuss supplies needed to run a business. Explain the concept of inventory and its

role in business.

15.1.12.J. Analyze the various methods for maintaining and valuing inventory (FIFO, LIFO, etc.) and describe their effect on financial statements.

15.1.2.K. Intentionally Blank



Recognize and give examples of revenue. Identify and classify revenue.

15.1.12.K. Describe, calculate, and journalize the sales and cost of sales including purchases, transportation costs, sales taxes, and trade discounts.

6 July 3, 2012

Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12

15.1 Accounting

15.1.2. GRADE Pre K-2

15.1.5. GRADE 3-5

15.1.8. GRADE 6-8

15.1.12. GRADE 9-12

Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the

knowledge and skills needed to:





Intentionally Blank

Recognize and give examples of

Identify and classify expenses.

Describe and explain the criteria used to


determine expenses and journalize the

expense transactions.

15.1.2.M. Ask and answer questions about being compensated for completing a task.

15.1.5.M. Describe the different methods of how people are compensated.

15.1.8.M. Identify and give examples of net pay and gross pay.

15.1.12.M. Analyze and calculate gross pay and net pay, including regular and overtime wages, commission, and piece rate.

Framework for Financial Reporting

15.1.2.N. Ask and answer questions about business ownership in the community.

15.1.5.N. Discuss the different forms of business ownership in the community.

15.1.8.N. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different forms of business ownership (proprietorship, partnership, and corporation, etc.).

15.1.12.N. Explain how the different forms of business ownership and business operations are reported on financial statements.

15.1.2.O. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.O. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.O. Intentionally Blank

15.1.12. O. Compare and contrast the accrual basis and the cash basis of accounting; assess the impact of each on the financial statements.

Financial Reporting and Analysis

15.1.2.P. Intentionally Blank

15.1.2.Q. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.P. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.Q. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.P. Identify and describe bank statements.

15.1.8.Q. Identify and recognize financial reports and their purpose.

15.1.12.P. Analyze and perform the reconciliation of accounts.

15.1.12.Q. Prepare financial statements (including a Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss and Owner's Equity) and understand their relevance.

15.1.2.R. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.R. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.R. Intentionally Blank

15.1.12.R. Explain the primary areas of analysis (trend analysis, profitability, liquidity, capital structure) and the information that can be obtained from each.


July 3, 2012

Business, Computer and Information Technology Standards GRADES Pre K-12

15.1 Accounting

15.1.2. GRADE Pre K-2

15.1.5. GRADE 3-5

15.1.8. GRADE 6-8

15.1.12. GRADE 9-12

Pennsylvania's public schools shall teach, challenge and support every student to realize his or her maximum potential and to acquire the

knowledge and skills needed to:





Intentionally Blank

Intentionally Blank

Intentionally Blank

Analyze and perform a horizontal and

vertical analysis of the income statement

and balance sheet.

15.1.2.T. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.T. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.T. Identify and give examples of possible financial indicators for various types of business.

15.1.12.T. Assess profitability, liquidity, and solvency by calculating and interpreting financial ratios.

15.1.2.U. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.U. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.U. Intentionally Blank

15.1.12.U. Assess capital structure by calculating and interpreting financial ratios.

15.1.2.V. Intentionally Blank

15.1.2.W. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.V. Intentionally Blank

15.1.8.V. Intentionally Blank

15.1.5.W. Discuss problems associated not having enough cash.

15.1.8.W. Identify and give examples of problems associated with a business not having enough cash on hand.

15.1.12.V. Analyze and explain the use of industry averages in assessing the financial condition, operating results, profitability, liquidity, and capital structure.

15.1.12.W. Analyze business activities using cash flow statements.

15.1.2.X. Intentionally Blank

15.1.2.X. Identify costs in business.

15.1.8.X. Identify and list examples of fixed and variable costs.

15.1.12.X. Analyze and perform breakeven and cost benefit analyses to support financial decisions.

8 July 3, 2012


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