|POSITION DESCRIPTION |1. Agency 70609000/80700000 D1168000 |

|2. Reason for Submission |3. Service |4. Empl Office Location |5. Duty Station |6. OPM Cert # |

|Redescription New |HQ Field |      |      |      |

| Reestablishment Other |7. Fair Labor Standards Act |8. Financial Statements Required |9. Subject to IA Action |

|Explanation (Show Positions Replaced) |Not Applicable |Exec Pers Financial Disclosure |Yes No |

| | |Employment & Financial Interests | |

|       |10. Position Status |11. Position is |12. Sensitivity |13. Competitive Level |

| |Competitive |Supervisory |Non-Sensitive |      |

| |Excepted (32 USC 709) |Managerial |Noncritical Sens | |

|       | SES (Gen) | Neither | Critical Sens |14. Agency Use |

| |SES (CR) | |Special Sens |Dual Status |

|15. Classified/Graded by |

|a. US Office of Pers Mgt b. Dept, Agency or Establishment c. Second Level Review d. First Level Review |

| |Official Title of Position |Pay Plan |Occupational Code |Grade |Initials |Date |

| | | | | | | |

| |Public Affairs Specialist |GS |1035 |11 |gjs |10 May 05 |

|16. Organizational Title (If different from official title) |17. Name of Employee (optional) |

|      |      |

|18. Dept/Agency/Establishment - National Guard Bureau | c. Third Subdivision - Personal Staff |

| | |

|a. First Subdivision - State Adjutant General |d. Fourth Subdivision - Public Affairs Office     |

| | |

|b. Second Subdivision - Joint Force Headquarters -State |e. Fifth Subdivision -       |

|19. Employee Review. This is an accurate description of the major duties and | Employee Signature /Date (optional) |

|responsibilities of my position. |      |

|20. Supervisory Certification. I certify that this is an accurate statement of the major duties and responsibilities of this position and its organizational |

|relationships, and that the position is necessary to carry out Government functions for which I am responsible. This certification is made with the knowledge |

|that this information is to be used for statutory purposes related to appointment and payment of public funds. False or misleading statements may constitute |

|violations of such statutes or their implementing regulations. |

| a. Typed Name and Title of Immediate Supervisor | b. Typed Name and Title of Higher-Level Supervisor/Manager (optional) |

|      |      |

|      |      |

| Signature | Date | Signature | Date |

|      |      |      |      |

|21. Classification/Job Grading Certification: I certify this position has been | 22. Standards Used in Classifying/Grading Position |

|classified/graded as required by Title 5 USC, in conformance with USOPM |US OPM Position Classification Standard for the Public Affairs Series, GS-1035, |

|published standards or, if no published standards apply directly, consistently |dated July 81. |

|with the most applicable standards. | |

| | |

| Typed Name and Title of Official Taking Action |      |

|GLEN SMITH |Information For Employees. The standards and information on |

|HUMAN RESOURCE SPECIALIST |their application are available in the personnel office. The |

|(CLASSIFICATION) |classification of the position may be reviewed and corrected by |

|      | |

| Signature | Date |the agency or OPM. Information on classification/job grading appeals is |

|//signed// |10 May 05 |available from the personnel office. |

|23. Position Review | Initials |Date |Initials |Date |Initials |Date |Initials |Date |Initials |Date |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|b. Supervisor |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|c. Classifier |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |      |

| | | | | | | | | | | |

|24. Remarks: |

|Released from NGB-J1-TNC in CRA 05-1017, dated 22 Dec 05.         |

| |

|25. Description of Major Duties and Responsibilities (SEE ATTACHED) |

|NSN 7540-00-634-4265 Previous Edition Usable 5008-106 Optional Form 8 US Office of Personnel Management (USOPM), FPM CHAPTER 295 [Equivalent] |



This position is located in the Joint Force Headquarters – State, Personal Staff, Public Affairs Office (PAO).. The primary purpose of the position is to assist the state’s Public Affairs (PA) Officer at the strategic and operational level, with particular emphasis on developing segments of more complicated or sensitive communications campaigns and executing the National Guard Bureau’s (NGB’s) communication objectives.


(1) Assists the Public Affairs Officer in the formulation of long-range plans and policies to enhance public understanding, support and acceptance of Public Affairs programs and/or activities statewide.

(2) Researches and develops informational materials and complete communication campaigns for release to audiences through electronic and newspaper media. Prepared materials explain or describe the mission of the NG, NG accomplishments, policies, programs or actions taken to ensure the NG’s compliance with state and federal regulatory requirements. Written materials include news releases, display advertisements, fact sheets, feature stories, background statements, special reports, etc. Coordinates the analysis of response data on communication campaign effectiveness with programs managers.

(3) Responds to media requests for information of both a routine and controversial nature. Prepares or assembles information kits, edits informational materials drafted by subordinate public affairs specialists or unit UPAR’s, releases photographs and/or feature stories to the news media, coordinates media interviews with NG subject matter experts and arranges photographic and electronic media coverage of newsworthy NG events.

(4) Maintains close working relationships with officials of various civic, media and community groups and Department of Defense personnel, as well as state and national government officials outside the NG.

(6) Provides training to UPAR’s on PA program policies, practices and processes. Coordinates and evaluates the effectiveness of training and training materials and develops recommendations for program enhancement. Reviews all press releases, feature stories, background statements, special reports, etc., developed by UPARs, prior to their release to the media.

(7) Creates new or adapts or modifies accepted communication campaign formats to reach a target audience with a specific message. The selection of a communication campaign format is based on an analysis of targeted audience demographics and message content. After an informational campaign has been implemented, solicited and unsolicited response data is gathered to assess campaign effectiveness in reaching the target audience. If the campaign’s results do not meet expectations, the incumbent identifies issues of concern, develops alternatives and after discussing these with the appropriate administrative personal, implements the most appropriate option.

(8) Performs other duties as assigned.


Factor 1. Knowledge Required by the Position

-- Knowledge of and skill in modifying or adapting standard communication methods to new informational materials with the goal of enhancing public, special interest group or NG member’s understanding and support of NG programs and/or significant issues.

-- Knowledge of and skill in gathering and evaluating data from a variety of sources concerning the effectiveness of communication programs in reaching their target audience.

-- Knowledge of and skill in developing new informational materials, including news releases, internal publications, fact sheets and radio and television spots.

-- Knowledge of communication skills (written and verbal) sufficient for developing UPAR’s Public Affairs training materials and administrative skills sufficient to oversee and evaluate the UPAR’s training program.

-- Knowledge of organizational and research skills sufficient to locate archived subject specific print and broadcast media materials, and use these as a basis for developing current articles on the same subject or issue.

-- Knowledge of NG programs and ability to apply judgment skills sufficient for determining whether controversial information should be released for internal/external public use.

-- Skill in developing and maintaining effective relationships with media representatives, community groups and other internal/external audiences, to ensure open lines of communication between the state’s NG PA office and its audiences.

Factor 2. Supervisory Controls

The supervisor determines the goals and objectives of the State’s Public Affairs Program and identifies the resources available to the specialist. In conjunction with the supervisor, the specialist prioritizes assignments, establishes internal and external contacts and start dates. The incumbent independently resolves problems with the development, implementation, modification and analysis of the communications campaign. Issues or problems that exceed the incumbent’s experience level are referred to a senior public affairs specialist for input and consultation. Completed work is reviewed against program objectives and compliance with NGB and state policy or procedures.

Factor 3. Guidelines

Guidelines include Army, Air Force, National Guard Bureau, Department of Defense, public affairs manuals, precedent setting cases and previously encountered issues and situations. Many guidelines have limited application to problems or situations experienced by the Public Affairs Specialist at the state level. The incumbent exercises resourcefulness and initiative, using different approaches to strategies in handling, directly and/or in consultation, new or unique issues or situations requiring variations on standard communication methods and/or new policies or guidelines to address changing situations.

Factor 4. Complexity

Assignments consist of applying standard communication and analytical skills, methods and techniques to convey complex or intricate information through the media. Methods of conveyance can include oral presentations, news briefings, open forum meetings, news releases, informational spots, etc. Develops recommendations for program modification or refinement by analyzing feedback from the media and/or public affected by informational programs.

Duties of the position require employing a number of informational gathering techniques in analyzing reactions to NG informational campaigns. The various groups with which the incumbent interacts have different interests and goals in pursuing communication with the NG; therefore, the incumbent must assess the advantages/disadvantages of the various communication alternatives, available resources and the nature of the information to be communicated before selecting a communication medium and corresponding data gathering method(s).

Factor 5, Scope and Effect

The objective of the position is to plan, develop and implement new communication programs or to modify or adapt existing programs to increase target audience recognition. Evaluates and improves program effectiveness through the analysis of survey results, e-mails, direct viewer or listener input and written responses received as a result of a particular informational campaign, event or activity.

The work contributes to the efficient accomplishment of NG objectives by promoting greater support and involvement of local communities and NG members in improving the operation and work of the organization.

Factor 6, Personal Contacts

Personal contacts include officials within and outside the NGB, special interest groups or individuals having an interest in or concern with state NG matters, news media representatives and professional or trade organizations affected by agency programs. The incumbent also counsels program managers on sensitive or controversial matters, prior to the manager responding to inquiries on these.

Factor 7, Purpose of Contacts

Contacts are made for the purpose of advising program managers or UPARs on the development of informational materials, developing and/or implementing communication campaigns, coordinating the analysis of communication campaign response data with program managers, training UPAR’s on the various aspects of their duties and providing requested data on NG programs or policies to community or special interest groups.

Factor 8, Physical Demands

Work is performed in an office or equivalent setting. The incumbent may travel occasionally for training and/or staff visits. However, there are no special physical demands involved in performing the work of this position.

Factor 9, Work Environment

The work environment involves everyday risks or discomforts, requiring normal safety precautions typical of office settings or commercial vehicles such as planes or automobiles. The work is adequately lighted, heated and ventilated.


Incumbent may be required to prepare for and support the mission through the accomplishment of duties pertaining to military training, military readiness, force protection and other mission related assignments including, but not limited to, training of traditional Guard members, CWDE/NBC training, exercise participation (ORE/ORI/UCI/MEI/OCI/IG, etc.), mobility exercise participation, FSTA/ATSO exercise participation, SABC training, LOAC training, weapons qualification training, participation in military formations, and medical mobility processing within the guidelines of NGB/ARNG/ANG/State/TAG rules, regulations and laws. These tasks have no impact on the classification of this position and should NOT be addressed in any technician’s performance standards.


A. Title, Series and Grade: Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-11.

B. Reference: USOPM PCS for Public Affairs Series, GS-1035, July 81.

C. Background: This position description reflects the changes and developments that have occurred over the past ten years in the field of NG Public Affairs. It additionally takes into account the requirements of the new Joint Force Headquarters – State concept.

D. Pay Plan, Series, Title, and Grade Determination:

1. Pay Plan: The paramount requirement of the position determines the pay plan. A position falls under the General Schedule (GS) pay plan when the primary duties and responsibilities of the position are identified as requiring a knowledge or experience that is administrative, clerical, scientific, artistic, or technical in nature. The primary duties of this position require administrative knowledge of communication campaign development and analytical skills sufficient to assess the effectiveness of campaigns in reaching the desired audience. The appropriate pay plan for this position is GS.

2. Series: The primary purpose of this position is to collect, assemble, prepare and disseminate information concerning the various National Guard activities that occur within the state. This is a match to positions In the GS-1035 series, which perform work, involved in establishing and maintaining mutual communication between Federal agencies and the general public. Positions in the GS-1035 series identify communication needs and develop informational materiel’s that inform appropriate publics of the agency’s policies, programs, services, and activities.

3. Title: The basic title for positions classified to the GS-1035 series is Public Affairs Specialist.

4. Grade: See attached Factor Evaluation Statement (FES) Position Evaluation Statement.

E. Conclusion: Based on the evaluation, the position is classified as Public Affairs Specialist, GS-1035-11.

CLASSIFIER: Glen J. Smith, NBG-J1-TNC DATE: 10 May 2005




|1. Knowledge Required by the Position |1-7 |1250 |See Analysis Below |

|2. Supervisory Controls |2-4 |450 |See Analysis Below “ |

|3. Guidelines |3-3 |275 |See Analysis Below |

|4. Complexity |4-3 |150 |See Analysis Below “ |

|5. Scope And Effect |5-3 |150 |See Analysis Below |

|6. Personal Contacts |6-3 |60 |See Analysis Below |

|7. Purpose Of Contacts |7-2 |50 |See Analysis Below |

|8. Physical Demands |8-1 |5 |See Analysis Below |

|9. Work Environment |9-1 |5 |See Analysis Below |



At FL 1-7, the knowledge of and ability to apply written and oral communication principals, practices, techniques and methods serves as the foundation for the completion of assignments. Equally important to the performance of duties is knowledge of interpersonal relations practices and the ability to apply statistical methods to the analysis of program data. In this position, the incumbent utilizes the same written and verbal communication skills used to develop informational campaigns to the development and implementation of the UPAR’s training program. The UPAR’s program educates unit based public affairs personnel on the state’s PA policies, guidelines and practices and provides UPAR’s personnel with a resource for assistance when presented with unusual or delicate situations requiring a unit level response. The incumbent applies research skills to locate archived subject specific print and broadcast media materials and utilizes these as historical background material for developing current articles on the same subject or issue. Applies general and specializes statistical methods to the analysis of communication campaign surveys to assess communication campaign effectiveness in reaching the desired target audience. Applies these same statistical methods to the analysis of public affairs program effectiveness and efficiency in reaching established goals and objectives. Utilizes personal judgment and knowledge of state level NG programs and their issues to determine if controversial information should be released for internal /external public use. Applies inter-personal communication skills to the building of effective relationships with media representatives, community groups and other internal/external audiences, to insure open lines of communication between the state’s NG PA office and potential audiences. FL 1-8 is not met. At this level, assignments require an in-depth knowledge of a variety of PA programs, activities and functions and a mastery of communication principals, methods and techniques in order to resolve issues that are controversial with many and often divergent opinions which require deeper analysis to identify specific issues for discussion and the ability to communicate the Guard’s position in a manner that is not offending or inflammatory. These expectations are in excess of those associated with this position. The incumbent in this position is expected to possess a working knowledge of programs and advanced communication skills in order to inform and educate a public or special interest group on the purpose and details of NG programs, activities or functions. Although sometimes controversial, most issues are resolved with a modification to standardized communication practices that clarify or articulate the NG’s rationale for their decision and/or approach.


At FL 2-4, the supervisor determines overall assignment objectives and available resources for the specialist’s use. The supervisor then, jointly with the employee, establishes project deadlines and approaches. In this position, the incumbent independently carries out projects, using creativity in message design and program format to stimulate interest in the message. The incumbent is responsible for independently resolving problems associated with the development, implementation, analysis and modification of the communication campaigns. Issues or problems that exceed the incumbent’s experience level are referred to a senior public affairs specialist for input and consultation. Overall assignment objectives and available resources are established and communicated to the incumbent by their immediate supervisor. Keeps program managers and supervisor informed on the progress of communications campaign development, including, any implications that have impact beyond the objective of the campaign. Completed work is reviewed against program objectives and compliance with NGB and state policy or procedures. FL 2-5 is not met. At this factor level, assignments are received in terms of broad, generalized mission or functional statements with little or no technical or administrative supervision. Recommendations for new projects or public affairs program objectives are evaluated against agency-wide priorities and previously established program goals. Results achieved are considered authoritative and are usually accepted without significant change. This exceeds the level of responsibility and independence of the incumbent in this position, who is responsible for resolving or completing assignments with little, if any, impact beyond the state level and who receive guidance from the supervisor on technical aspects of communication campaign development or other technical facets of assigned projects.

FACTOR 3. GUIDELINES FL 3-3, 275 Points

At FL 3-3, available operating instructions, public affairs manuals, agency or local policies, regulations or applicable precedents are generally applicable to regular or recurring situations encountered. Available guidelines, however, may not address the more controversial, unique or unusual situations encountered. In this position, available guidelines include Army, Air Force, National Guard Bureau or Department of Defense public affairs manuals, policies, guidelines or precedent setting cases. Previously encountered situations or precedent setting cases are more applicable to issues encountered by the incumbent than available policies or guidelines. The incumbent exercises resourcefulness and initiative in creating alternative approaches to accepted communication strategies in handling, directly and/or consultatively, new or unique issues or situations. FL 3-4 is not met. Agency level policy statements and broad precedents, described in this factor level, are more appropriate for establishing an overall PA program direction, rather than providing direction appropriate for the resolution of individual issues or projects that contain complex, intricate or unusual circumstances.

FACTOR 4. COMPLEXITY FL 4-3, 150 Points

At FL 4-3, assignments include a variety of duties requiring the application of standard communication and analytical methods and techniques to convey information, orally and/or in writing. Analyzes issues specific to the assignment and then selects the most effective solution from a variety of alternatives. In this position, assignments require the application of standard communication and analytical skills, methods and techniques in order to develop communication campaigns or factual materials that convey complex information. Selects a communications format (i.e., oral presentations, news briefings, open forum meetings, news releases, informational radio spots and televisions ads) that can reach and be understood by a variety of people with varying educational backgrounds and understanding of the NG. After a communication campaign is initiated, analyzes solicited and non-solicited feedback from the media and targeted public for opportunities to enhance message recognition and retention. FL 4-3 is met. At FL 4-4, assignments require the application of advanced communication and analytical practices or techniques to resolve unusually complex or controversial communication campaign or public affairs problems or questions. Implements a variety of modified informational data gathering and analysis techniques to assess the effectiveness of the communication campaigns. Modifies accepted alternatives to address the complexities of the assignments. This exceeds the expectations of the incumbent in this position. FL 4-4 is not met.


At FL 5-3, assignments involve performing duties of a recurring nature, such as responding to media questions on agency policies, explaining the result of activities or events or researching information on issues for senior public affairs specialists. In this position, the incumbent is primarily responsible for developing communication campaigns on a variety of state or unit level issues where factual information or non-controversial, though sometimes complex data, such as questions on agency level program, NG benefits or state sponsored events or activities, is presented to the general public or a specific audience. The majority of assignments are recurring in nature and involve choosing a communication campaign format and message design from a variety of options. Assignments or projects are typically recurring with minor deviations from established standards or accepted practices. This position is responsible for providing UPARs with assistance on a regular and reoccurring basis. Assignments contribute to the mission of the state’s PA program by providing the public, NG members or NG member families with information on NG programs, state or federal policies, activities or events. Information provided through communication campaigns impact the decisions and opinions of NG members, their families and the public. FL 5-4 is not met. The incumbent is not responsible for developing the state’s PA program, only segments of it. This is short of the description for this factor level where the incumbent develops complete communication plans for an entire organization and provides advisory services to program officials. This factor level exceeds the advisory responsibilities of the position with regards to administrative level within the organization.


At FL 6-3, personal contacts are with specialized community groups or individuals from outside the employing agency where contact is not routinely established and the purpose for each is different and the roles of the participants are established during the contact. In this position, personal contacts are with special interest groups or individuals, state or federal personnel or others, from outside the NGB interested in state NG programs, activities, policies or events and UPARs. Contacts are not routine and the purpose for each is different. The role of the incumbent and the other party are established at the time of the first meeting. In this position, typical contacts include local representatives of the national news media, community or special interest groups wanting input on state level NG decisions or with trade or union organizations affected by NG programs. The PA Specialist, in an advisor capacity, also has contact with UPAR’s on unit level AP issues or programs. FL 6-4 is not met. Assignments at the state level rarely, if ever, require personal contacts with nationally or internationally known groups or individuals, either inside or outside of the NGB. Assignments predominantly require contact with state or local government officials or community or special interest groups concerned with NG activities, (i.e., noise levels as a result of military exercises near housing developments, deployments and their impact on local community employers, etc.) Issues at this level do not involve anyone beyond the state’s TAG or the NGB Public Affairs Office.


At FL 7-2, the purpose of contacts is to coordinate activities with program managers, other public affairs specialists, community groups, etc., sharing the same goals and interests as the incumbent. Assignments involve advising program managers on data collection techniques and methods of data analysis for determining communication campaign effectiveness or the methods utilized for the dissemination of information. In this position, the incumbent coordinates PA program improvement projects with the immediate supervisor, assists program managers in the development of communication campaigns, assists senior public affairs specialists by conducting historical research on issues and counsels UPARs on the resolution of unit level PA issues. FL 7-3 is not met. State level PA positions are not responsible for developing alternative approaches to address misunderstood agency policies or programs. This level of responsibility is found at the agency level, not the state level. Issues found at the state level involve policy, program and activity or event questions pertaining to state level activities or functions.


FL 8-1 is met. Work is performed in an office setting (news conference, public presentation, etc.) with no unusual physical demands. Duties are performed in a climate-controlled setting where some physical effort is required. FL 8-2 is not met. Assignments do not typically require long periods of standing, stooping, or walking.


FL 9-1 is met. The work environment involves everyday risks or discomforts requiring normal safety precautions. The normal working environment is adequately lighted, temperature controlled and ventilated. Responsibilities of the position are primarily accomplished in a climate controlled office environment. FL 9-2 is not met. The incumbent is not regularly exposed to conditions requiring special safety precautions.

FINAL CLASSIFICATION: GS-1035-11, Public Affairs Specialist.

CLASSIFIER: Glen J. Smith, NBG-J1-TNC DATE: 10 May 2005


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