Division of Behavioral Health and Recovery Recovery Supports Unit

Developed in Partnership with the

Office Of Consumer Partnerships

Updated January 2019


Table of Contents

Welcome .......................................................................................................................................page 2 Module 1: Defining Your Role ..............................................................................................page 7 Module 2: Forming Peer Partnerships........................................................................... page 19 Module 3: Working From a Trauma Informed Perspective................................... page 45 Module 4: Ethics and Boundaries in Peer Support ................................................... page 59 Module 5: Cross-Cultural Partnerships ......................................................................... page 67 Module 6: Supporting Goal-Setting ................................................................................. page 81 Module 7: Treatment Planning, Documentation and Supervision...................... page 95 Module 8: Facilitating Groups for Recovery ............................................................. page 111 Module 9: Supporting Self-Advocacy Efforts............................................................ page 121 Module 10: Planning for Success as a CPC................................................................. page 135 Appendices ............................................................................................................................ page 141

Appendix 1: References ..........................................................page 141 Appendix 2: Curriculum Contributors...............................page 144 Appendix 3: Glossary ...............................................................page 145 Appendix 4: Acronyms ............................................................page 157 Appendix 5: HIPAA ...................................................................page 161 Appendix 6: ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act)....page 162 Appendix 7: 2016 BHO Map ..................................................page 166 Appendix 8: Additional Materials .......................................page 167 Appendix 9: Online Course Review ....................................page 172



Welcome to the Certified Peer Counseling training!

This course is a continuation of the online training for Certified Peer Counselors. Please bring your notes from the online course to class, or bring any printed version to refer to and use as review. The online course has information you will need to succeed in this class and is becoming certified.

You are all here because you have found your way forward on a recovery journey. Peer support workers are not just people who have experienced mental health or substance use challenges, or parented a child with behavioral health challenges. Peer supporters are people who have experienced recovery and resiliency, and have a message of hope to share. This journey of discovery is not about the challenges you have faced; it is about the strengths you found within yourselves to overcome challenges, to reclaim a full life and a healthy family.

Activity Introductions

Let's get to know each other! Turn to a neighbor in the class, preferably someone you don't know. Meet each other, and learn a few things about each other. In particular, ask the person their name, how they became interested in peer support, and something that the person does for fun. Be prepared to share the name of your partner, and what your partner does for fun with the class! Do not discuss diagnosis, current job role, resume, etc. In other words, we want you to get to know the real person!

Course Overview

Schedule Your instructor will discuss with you the schedule for each day. The in-person training is designed to be a 36-hour course. Each day of training will include time for lunch and a break in the morning as well as a break in the afternoon.


Orientation to the CPC Course


The instructor may write your answers on the board.

1. What do you want to learn during this training?

2. What would make this a successful training for you?

3. What can you do to support others' participation?

Orientation to the Course: Take turns reading this section out loud:

In the online section of this course, we have provided for you some information to combine with the inner wisdom you have developed in your own recovery journey. You may be a person with a mental health or substance use challenge, an adult or a youth, who will support someone else as they find the way to their own recovery. Or, you may be a parent or guardian who has advocated and worked within and beyond the system to get the needs of your child, your family and yourself met, and will share that information with others earlier in their journeys.

As a group, we cross the lifespan of experience, diversity and wisdom as we join together for this next step. This in-person class will focus more on skills than information. In other words, we will be spending a lot more time thinking about how to DO things to make the concepts we have learned real for our daily practice.

You will see as we progress through this course that many skills will be relevant to all of us, whether we are young adults, people who have used mental health and/or substance use services, often including parents or family members. The varying roles you play, and the skills you will need to fulfill those roles, will be highlighted as you go through the class. Because of our shared experience with behavioral health challenges, we will often use the term "peer." In a job situation, we use "peer" as the person being served and "peer supporter" or "CPC" as the Certified Peer Counselor.

Not everyone relates to the term "peer." You may be more used to having people referred to as "clients," "recoverees," "patients," or ideally, "individuals." Common language is always difficult. The word "peer" was chosen because this is specifically peer support work. If you have lived experience, including as a parent, please understand this term is intended to be inclusive.


We have organized this manual into a workbook format. Each module will have a basic framework of information, classroom discussion points, small group exercises, examples and skill checks so that you can demonstrate what you have learned.

Course Expectations

Everyone has expectations, and one of the first things we may learn together is how to share those expectations so that we can work well together. What are the course expectations?

Come every day, and show up on time.

Remember that you can miss no more than one-half hour from this class, unless excused by an instructor, in order to complete the class. Excused absences are only given for unavoidable conflicts and emergent situations. Absences include any personal needs for coming late, long breaks, and leaving early. In no cases may a person miss more than three hours total and complete the class. Sorry, no exceptions.

Dress and demonstrate behavior appropriate for a work setting.

Participate in class discussions as indicated by your instructor.

Work with classmates in small and large groups, to learn new skills.

Foster a good learning environment: listen, support, participate, and celebrate each other.

Bring learning aids (your manual, pen or pencils, and anything else you may personally need in order to participate in this training).

Perform new skills in the Skill Checks. These will be considered toward eligibility for the exam.

Take good care of yourself. It's not easy to take part in a full week of training, so make sure to do what you need to do to be well throughout.


NOTE: There are possible circumstances when a person might be asked to leave the training. These include being disrespectful to others, being disruptive to the learning environment, and being inattentive or not participating in class activities. If the instructor is noticing a problem, they will discuss it with you. The training is designed to support each of you to succeed and for the entire class to have a valuable experience.

Activity Brainstorm Additional Classroom Agreements

As a group, come up with additional guidelines that will make this a successful learning experience for everyone. Your instructor will write them on paper that can be hung on the wall. They may be reviewed and added to during the training.


Course Overview

Transformation in the world happens when people are healed

and start investing in other people.

Michael W. Smith

POINTS TO PONDER: Why take part in this training? If you take part in this training, you will have the opportunity to add competencies, or skills, to what you already have learned about peer support. You will have discussions with new colleagues, learn how to do the work of peer support, and see examples of, and practice, new skills in peer support.

Format of the training: There are ten Modules in this training. The Modules each correspond to sets of skills that you must have in order to provide peer support in any of a variety of peer roles.

The Modules in this class are:

Module 1: Defining Your Role

Module 6: Supporting Goal Setting

Module 2: Forming Peer Partnerships Module 7: Treatment Planning, Documentation, and Supervision

Module 3: Working from a TraumaInformed Perspective

Module 4: Ethics and Boundaries in Peer Support

Module 5: Cross Cultural Partnerships

Module 8: Facilitating Groups for Recovery

Module 9: Supporting Self-Advocacy

Module 10: Planning for Success as a CPC


Module 1: Defining Your Role

IN MODULE 1 you will have the opportunity to start to Define Your Role as a Certified Peer

Counselor. You will learn about the basics, see examples, and work on exercises that will help you understand and describe your role as a CPC.


We will explore three skills as we start to define our roles: Modeling Hope and Possibility Describing Mutual Peer Support Supporting Voice and Choice


What are two or three words you would use to describe peer support? What are two or three words that describe the role of a CPC from the online course? What are one to two questions about the CPC role that you hope to answer by the

end of the class?

The Big Idea of this course

What's the Big Idea of this course? That Recovery Happens!

AND that with your own lived experience and new skills and information, you can walk with people in support of their own recovery journeys.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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