React table server side pagination


React table server side pagination

The API documentation of the TablePagination React component. Learn more about the props and the CSS customization points. Importimport TablePagination from '@material-ui/core/TablePagination'; import { TablePagination } from '@material-ui/core'; You can learn more about the difference by reading this guide. A TableCell based component for placing inside TableFooter for pagination. Component nameThe MuiTablePagination name can be used for providing default props or style overrides at the theme level. Props Name Type Default Description ActionsComponent elementType TablePaginationActions The component used for displaying the actions. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. backIconButtonProps object Props applied to the back arrow IconButton component. backIconButtonText string 'Previous page' Text label for the back arrow icon button.For localization purposes, you can use the provided translations. classes object Override or extend the styles applied to the component. See CSS API below for more details. component elementType TableCell The component used for the root node. Either a string to use a HTML element or a component. count* number The total number of rows.To enable server side pagination for an unknown number of items, provide -1. labelDisplayedRows func ({ from, to, count }) =>${from}-${to} of ${count !== -1 ? count : more than ${to}} Customize the displayed rows label. Invoked with a { from, to, count, page } object.For localization purposes, you can use the provided translations. labelRowsPerPage node 'Rows per page:' Customize the rows per page label.For localization purposes, you can use the provided translations. nextIconButtonProps object Props applied to the next arrow IconButton element. nextIconButtonText string 'Next page' Text label for the next arrow icon button.For localization purposes, you can use the provided translations. onChangePage func Deprecated. Use the onPageChange prop instead.Callback fired when the page is changed. onChangeRowsPerPage func Deprecated. Use the onRowsPerPageChange prop instead.Callback fired when the number of rows per page is changed. onPageChange* func Callback fired when the page is changed.Signature:function(event: object, page: number) => voidevent: The event source of the The page selected. onRowsPerPageChange func Callback fired when the number of rows per page is changed.Signature:function(event: object) => voidevent: The event source of the callback. page* number The zero-based index of the current page. rowsPerPage* number The number of rows per page. rowsPerPageOptions array [10, 25, 50, 100] Customizes the options of the rows per page select field. If less than two options are available, no select field will be displayed. SelectProps object {} Props applied to the rows per page Select element. The ref is forwarded to the root element. Any other props supplied will be provided to the root element (TableCell). CSS Rule name Global class Description root .MuiTablePagination-root Styles applied to the root element. toolbar .MuiTablePagination-toolbar Styles applied to the Toolbar component. spacer .MuiTablePagination-spacer Styles applied to the spacer element. caption .MuiTablePagination-caption Styles applied to the caption Typography components if variant="caption". selectRoot .MuiTablePagination-selectRoot Styles applied to the Select component root element. select .MuiTablePagination-select Styles applied to the Select component select class. selectIcon .MuiTablePagination-selectIcon Styles applied to the Select component icon class. input .MuiTablePagination-input Styles applied to the InputBase component. menuItem .MuiTablePagination-menuItem Styles applied to the MenuItem component. actions .MuiTablePagination-actions Styles applied to the internal TablePaginationActions component. You can override the style of the component thanks to one of these customization points: If that's not sufficient, you can check the implementation of the component for more detail. InheritanceThe props of the TableCell component are also available. You can take advantage of this behavior to target nested components. Demos Pagination is an important feature of any application where we need to handle large amounts of data into smaller chunks. As our data grows it becomes essential for a developer to load data from API in chunks and show in UI. It's always a good practice to fetch data in a small & precise manner to improve the efficiency & performance of the application. Doing such things also reduces the latency & load time of a server.Adding pagination to react is much easy as we have multiple pagination libraries available, but the problem with using readymade libraries is you can't simply customize them as much as you want. So in such cases, we should go for a fully reusable & generic pagination component. In this article, we will see 3 simple steps to add pagination to React & how to create a reusable & generic server-side pagination component in React.Before getting started let's list down a few major libraries to be used.React bootstrapReact-Bootstrap replaces the Bootstrap JavaScript. Each component has been built from scratch as a true React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery. As one of the oldest React libraries, React-Bootstrap has evolved and grown alongside React, making it an excellent choice as your UI foundation. We will use React Bootstrap for styling buttons, inputs, and table, etc.React hook formReact hook form was created to improve the performance and it's one of the primary reasons for the creation of this library. React Hook Form relies on uncontrolled components. This approach reduces the amount of re-rendering that occurs due to a user typing in input or other form values changing. We will use it for form inputs validation.AxiosAxios is a promise-based HTTP client for browsers with various features such as make XMLHttpRequests/HTTP requests from the browser, support promise API, intercept request & response, transform request & response data, cancel requests, Client-side support for protecting against XSRF, etc. We will use it for sending API requests.Let's see those 3 simple steps to add pagination to ReactStep 1:Add simple students table using react-bootstrap's readymade Table component and send GET request to API using Axios, see the code below.App.tsxAdd simple Node js server with GET mock students API, see code below.server.jsThe output will look like below.Step2:Add search input with a button to search & load students from API server, see code below.App.tsxAdd a filter in GET students API to match searchTerm, see code below.server.jsThe output will look like below.Step3:Create generic pagination service with the getPager method for calculating totalItems, pageSize, startPage, endPage, etc. See the code below.pagination.service.tsCreate a generic pagination component with given props, which will send GET request to API with query parameters & handle the pagination, see the code below.pagination.tsxIntegrate the pagination component into App.tsx and map the required props to handle pagination and search. Also, remove GET students API request from App.tsx as we will be handling it in the pagination component itself, see the code below.App.tsxAdd 13 more mock students (total will be 15), calculation formulas for start & end positions of students array. We will be sending recordsPerPage, pageNumber & searchTerm in URL as a query parameters from pagination component. Also, API will be sending the total count of all records & data separately in JSON object {count, data} as a response. This count & data will be used for calculations in the client, see the code below.server.jsThe final output will look like below.View complete code on Github have created a fully reusable & customizable server-side pagination component in React along with a search feature without using any third party pagination library.Page 2Pagination is an important feature of any application where we need to handle large amounts of data into smaller chunks. As our data grows it becomes essential for a developer to load data from API in chunks and show in UI. It's always a good practice to fetch data in a small & precise manner to improve the efficiency & performance of the application. Doing such things also reduces the latency & load time of a server.Adding pagination to react is much easy as we have multiple pagination libraries available, but the problem with using readymade libraries is you can't simply customize them as much as you want. So in such cases, we should go for a fully reusable & generic pagination component. In this article, we will see 3 simple steps to add pagination to React & how to create a reusable & generic server-side pagination component in React.Before getting started let's list down a few major libraries to be used.React bootstrapReact-Bootstrap replaces the Bootstrap JavaScript. Each component has been built from scratch as a true React component, without unneeded dependencies like jQuery. As one of the oldest React libraries, React-Bootstrap has evolved and grown alongside React, making it an excellent choice as your UI foundation. We will use React Bootstrap for styling buttons, inputs, and table, etc.React hook formReact hook form was created to improve the performance and it's one of the primary reasons for the creation of this library. React Hook Form relies on uncontrolled components. This approach reduces the amount of re-rendering that occurs due to a user typing in input or other form values changing. We will use it for form inputs validation.AxiosAxios is a promise-based HTTP client for browsers with various features such as make XMLHttpRequests/HTTP requests from the browser, support promise API, intercept request & response, transform request & response data, cancel requests, Client-side support for protecting against XSRF, etc. We will use it for sending API requests.Let's see those 3 simple steps to add pagination to ReactStep 1:Add simple students table using react-bootstrap's readymade Table component and send GET request to API using Axios, see the code below.App.tsxAdd simple Node js server with GET mock students API, see code below.server.jsThe output will look like below.Step2:Add search input with a button to search & load students from API server, see code below.App.tsxAdd a filter in GET students API to match searchTerm, see code below.server.jsThe output will look like below.Step3:Create generic pagination service with the getPager method for calculating totalItems, pageSize, startPage, endPage, etc. See the code below.pagination.service.tsCreate a generic pagination component with given props, which will send GET request to API with query parameters & handle the pagination, see the code below.pagination.tsxIntegrate the pagination component into App.tsx and map the required props to handle pagination and search. Also, remove GET students API request from App.tsx as we will be handling it in the pagination component itself, see the code below.App.tsxAdd 13 more mock students (total will be 15), calculation formulas for start & end positions of students array. We will be sending recordsPerPage, pageNumber & searchTerm in URL as a query parameters from pagination component. Also, API will be sending the total count of all records & data separately in JSON object {count, data} as a response. This count & data will be used for calculations in the client, see the code below.server.jsThe final output will look like below.View complete code on Github have created a fully reusable & customizable server-side pagination component in React along with a search feature without using any third party pagination library. react table server side pagination example. react bootstrap table server side pagination. react material table server side pagination. react table 7 server side pagination. react table v7 server side pagination. react-data table-component server side pagination. react table 6 server side pagination. reactjs supporting server side pagination for react-table

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