Bureau of Emergency and Special Operations, Special Services Division - Aviation


Replace one (1) set of original equipment windshields on two (2) Pennsylvania State Police, Bell 407GX Helicopters


The Pennsylvania State Police (PSP), Bureau of Emergency and Special Operations (BESO) is issuing this Invitation for Bid (IFB) for the purchase and installation of one (1) set of Polycarbonate Windshields on two (2) Pennsylvania State Police, Bell 407GX Helicopters; (N871ST), Trooper 1 – Serial No. 54451 and (N875ST), Trooper 5 – Serial No. 54449 in accordance with this statement of work.

Any questions regarding the technical aspects of this bid should be directed to Lt. Matthew Tarczynski, 717-508-0033 ext. 112 or by email at jtarczynsk@. Any questions regarding the bidding or contractual aspects of this bid should be directed to Kelly Frederick at 717-783-5502 or by email at kefrederic@.


Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) will be responsible to pick up and transport the existing aircraft from PA State Police, Capital City Airport, Aviation Patrol Unit, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania to vendor’s facility, where the requested removal and installation of new Polycarbonate Windshields will be performed. Upon completion of work, PSP will be responsible to transport the aircraft back to PSP’s Capital City Airport, Aviation Patrol Unit in New Cumberland.


Vendors are required to complete the following work utilizing the specified materials. It is the vendors’ responsibility to ensure that all labor and materials necessary to complete this replacement are included in their bid, whether required by this specification or not. The vendor shall adhere to the following conditions in performance and completion of this purchase order:


❑ All work is to be completed in accordance with Manufacturer’s Maintenance Manual, Supplemental Type Certificate Installations Instructions, or have Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) approval.

❑ Vendor shall hold a Bell Helicopter Authorized Service Center Certificate to perform requested work.

o Vendor to attach Bell Helicopter Service Center Certification with bid submission.

❑ Mechanics working on the PSP aircraft shall be FAA certified.

❑ All parts required shall be manufacturer approved, or approved by Supplemental Type Certificate (STC). All parts must be of new manufacture, except for those instances where PSP has approved the use of aftermarket or used serviceable parts.

❑ Vendor shall perform all work at their facility.


❑ PA State Police assumes the responsibility to transport one (1) Bell 407GX Helicopter (N871ST), Trooper 1 – Serial No. 54451 and one (1) Pennsylvania State Police, Bell 407GX Helicopter (N875ST), Trooper 5 – Serial No. 54449 to the vendor’s facility upon execution of purchase order.

❑ Complete removal of existing windshields and the installation of new polycarbonate windshields on two (2) Bell 407GX Helicopters shall be executed within thirty (30) days or a scheduled date mutually agreed upon by both PSP and the awarded vendor after receipt of purchase order. The completion date shall be the date the aircraft with windshield replacements are accepted by authorized PSP personnel, not the date the windshield installation on the aircraft is completed. Delays in delivery may be acceptable if, and only if, mutually agreed upon by authorized PSP personnel and the awarded vendor.

❑ Completed aircraft shall be transported to the Pennsylvania State Police, Capital City Airport, Aviation Patrol Unit, New Cumberland, Pennsylvania by PSP personnel.


❑ Vendor to remove existing original equipment windshield from two (2) Bell 407GX Helicopters.

❑ Vendor to report to PSP any unforeseen issues, damage or problems discovered after the existing windshields are removed.

❑ Vendor to install and mount one (1) set of polycarbonate windshields to two (2) Bell 407GX Helicopters in accordance with the “Materials” section of this document.

❑ Vendor is responsible to complete all necessary paint and body work to bring this ship back to the same level of finish quality as new condition.


❑ Vendor shall provide and install all materials necessary to complete replacement of one (1) set of original equipment windshields on two (2) PSP Bell 407GX Helicopters.

o Windshields - to be supplied by the vendor.

▪ One (1) set of 407GX Polycarbonate Windshields per helicopter

o Windshields must be FAA approved for this application

o Vendor to attach STC documentation for polycarbonate windshields with bid submission.


❑ Vendor agrees to allow inspection by PSP personnel throughout the duration of this purchase order and following completion of the installation of new 407GX Polycarbonate Windshields (at Contractor’s facility). These visits will be necessary to survey the quality of work being performed on PSP owned aircraft.


Vendor agrees to comply with all attachments to this purchase order as referenced on the Invitation for Bid document.

Invoice format will be in accordance with the Invitation for Bids form and subsequent Purchase Order. Failure to invoice in accordance to the Purchase Order Unit Prices could result in delay of payment.


The contract shall commence upon execution of purchase order and terminate October 31, 2014.


As a result of this Invitation for Bid, PSP will award the bid to the lowest responsive and responsible bidder.

The bidder shall complete the electronic Invitation for Bid to be found at pasupplierportal.state.pa.us and complete and attach the following to the electronic Invitation for Bid for award of the bid:

a. Reciprocal Limitations Act form.

The Department will only accept out to two (2) decimal points when entering your “Unit Price” figure on the Invitation for Bids sheet.


Payment shall be made upon satisfactory delivery of merchandise.


Bids will be submitted via the PA Vendor Portal, to be found at pasupplierportal.state.pa.us. Faxed bids and mailed bids will not be accepted.

No responsibility will be attached to any employee of the Department for the premature opening of, or the failure to open, a bid for any reason whatsoever.


All invoices for this contract MUST be sent to the following address:

Commonwealth of PA – PO Invoice

P.O. Box 69180

Harrisburg, PA 17106

All invoices MUST have the Purchase Order Number, as well as your SAP Vendor Number, on the invoice. Failure to provide this could result in a delay of your payment.



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