Come, Enter the Mikvah




The answers may surprise you

Is the “Mary” of the Roman Catholic Church the same humble Hebrew girl named Miriam who conceived Yahushua by the Spirit of Yahuweh and brought him forth in Bethlehem?

In this article I will share with you some of the messages that the Roman Catholic “Mary” speaks to multimillions of people in shrines, churches, villages, farms, and to individuals all over the world, and what she has to say about herself. I will share with you from some of the papal Encyclicals and Apostolic letters that reveal the worship that the Roman Catholic Church has lavished on this ancient imposter. I will expose who she is, and who her baby is, and her intentions for these latter days. I will also share something for you to watch for October 12-13th (2013) at the Vatican.

I will share with you from history, and from the Word. She and her baby go back to Sumer, the mysterious civilization that arose after the Flood. She appears in every ancient culture on earth as a mother-goddess holding her baby. Just know that she and her baby have absolutely nothing to do with Yahuweh, Yahushua, or the real Miriam of the Bible.

In this study, I take information from the DVD Messages from Heaven – A Biblical Explanation of Apparitions in the End Times by Eternal Productions, as well as from several other sources. This DVD shows actual footage of the worship of Mary in many places, and relays many of her messages. It gives a lot of Scripture, which gives solid understanding of who she is. To actually see millions worshipping her is a shocker for anyone who does not realize her influence all over the world, not only with Roman Catholics but with Protestants, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and people of many other beliefs. Her messages are universal. But, if you know the Word, you know they are highly dangerous, and clearly tell us the plans of Lucifer/Satan for world takeover by his kingdom.

I will begin by sharing a few things about the real humble, Jewish-Levite girl who said “yes” to Yahuweh.

Read Miriam’s words to Elisheva (Elizabeth) in Luke 1:26-55. In Luke 1:31-33, Gabriel exalts Yahushua. Miriam’s task is found in verse 31.

Luke 1:46-55 is what the church has dubbed “The Magnificat.” Beginning with verse 47, Miriam says: “My soul makes Yahuweh great, and my spirit has rejoiced in Elohim my Savior. Because He looked on the humility of His handmaid, from now on all nations shall call me blessed. For He who is mighty has done wonders for me, and set-apart is His Name…” She goes on to quote Scripture, and exalt Elohim. Yes, she was greatly blessed! She is our sister in faith! But, she drew no praise or worship to herself.

Miriam was proud of her Son’s extraordinary abilities, evidently, because in John 2 she asks Him to provide more wine for the wedding guests after the wine ran out. Evidently it was the wedding of a family member. In Hebrew culture, it was the groom’s responsibility to provide the wine. In November 2010, I wrote about this in: “John 2:1-11 – The Wedding at Kafar Cana.” I tell how Yahushua is looking forward to His wedding. Yahushua obeyed His mother and provided the wine to keep the groom from being shamed. The Roman Catholic Church uses His words and actions in John 2 to say that even today Messiah obeys His mother, so we should pray to her to ask Jesus for our needs. Of course this is ridiculous in the light of all Scripture!

Yes, her heart broke because of what people were doing to her Son. She feared for His life. His brothers and sisters probably feared too, and thought he needed to be stopped. In Matthew 12:47-50, His mother and family came to Him to try to get Him to stop teaching controversial things that were stirring up danger for Him. He made it very clear to all: “And while He was talking to the crowds, see, His mother and brothers stood outside, seeking to speak to Him. And one said to Him, `See, your mother, and Your brothers are standing outside, seeking to speak to You.’ But, answering, He said to the one speaking to Him, `Who is My mother, and who are My brothers?’ And He stretched out His hand towards His disciples, and said, `See My mother and My brothers! For whosoever does the will of My Father who is in the heavens is My brother, and sister, and mother.’ ”

He separated between his natural family and those that had left all to follow Him. He says that He did not come to bring peace to the earth, but rather division--Matthew 10:34-39, Luke 14:25-33, and Mark 8:34-38. Later, we find out from Scripture that His mother, and at least one of His brothers, joined Him in faith.

When Messiah was on the stake, He gave the care of His mother to Yochanan/John. (Joseph, being an older man, died while Yahushua was a teenager.) John 19:25-27: “And by the stake of Yahushua stood His mother…Then Yahushua, seeing His mother and the disciple whom He loved, standing by, He said to His mother, `Woman, behold your son.’ Then to the disciple He said, `Behold your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her to his own house.” At that point, evidently no one else in His family must have believed in Him enough to even go to watch him die. Where were his brothers and sisters? Why were they not standing by the stake with their mother? Messiah knew he could trust Yochanan.

We hear about Miriam one more time in Acts 1:14. She is with the 120 in the Upper Room waiting for the outpouring of the Spirit of Yahuweh. So, we know that by this time, she understood that He was the One who came to save them from their sins--He was the “Suffering Servant” of Isaiah 53. Miriam saw Him after He rose from the dead. She understood that He would send the Spirit of Yahuweh upon His disciples. She became one of His disciples. She knew that He was her Savior. Never in any of these passages of Scripture regarding Miriam was she exalted by her Son, or by the disciples! Neither in any of these passages did she exalt herself.

Here are a few titles given to her by the Roman Catholic Church, and also titles and positions she claims in her apparitions:

She is called “The Queen of Heaven.”

She is called “The Mother of God.”

She is called: “Mary, ever-virgin.”

Pope John II calls her: “The new Eve.”

The church calls herself “the Mediatrix of all graces” (the mediator between man and God, between man and her son).

She is called: “The Immaculate Conception.”

She refers to her “Immaculate Heart.”

She refers to herself as the “Co-Redemptrix” with Christ

She refers to herself as “Your Mother.”

She says her son has sent her to bring peace to the world.

She says she can pray that God withhold disasters from America, if the American people would go to confession and participate in the Eucharist and the other sacraments, and honor Sunday worship.

Here is a chart taken from Messages From Heaven that show how she claims for herself the attributes of deity, and tries to usurp the salvation of Yahushua: Please go over each Scripture …

Messiah Mary’s False Claims

1) Savior: Acts 4:11-12; Hebrews Mary claims to be a savior of mankind

7:25; Hosea 13:4

2) Suffering Servant: Acts 14:22; Mary claims to be a suffering servant

I Peter 2:21-24; Hebrews 13:12

3) Atoning work: Isaiah 53:5; Mary claims actively atone for sin

Hebrews 10:12-14; I Peter 3:18

4) Mediator: John 14:6; I Timothy Mary claims to be our mediator

2:5; Hebrews 12:29

5) Intercession: Isaiah 59:13; Mary claims to be our intercessor

Hebrews 7:25; Romans 8:14

6) Advocate: I John 2:1-7; Mary claims to be our advocate

Hebrews 9:24

7) Sinless: 2 Corinthians 5:21; Mary claims to have been

I John 3:5; Romans 3:23 immaculately conceived without sin

8) Redeemer: Psalm 31:5; Mary claims to be the Co-Redeemer

Titus 2:13-14; Revelation 5:9 with Christ –“Co-Redemptrix”

9) Omnipresent Mary claims to be omnipresent

Psalm 139:7-9; Matthew 28:20;

Hebrews 13:5

10) New Adam: I Corinthians 15: Mary claims to be the new Eve

22, 45

11) Divine: Psalm 86:10; Isaiah Mary claims to be divine--in union

44:6; Revelation 1:17; John 1:1,14 with the “blessed trinity”

12) Prince of Peace: Isaiah 9:6; Mary claims to be the Queen of

Colossians 1:19-20 peace, the key to peace on earth

13) Ascended bodily into heaven: Mary claims to have been assumed

John 6:62; I Corinthians 15:14; bodily into heaven

Ephesians 4:8-10

14) Worthy of worship: Exodus 20:4- Mary seeks worship as her right

5; Acts 10:24-26; Revelation 22:8-9

15) King of Kings: I Timothy 6:15-16; Mary claims to be Queen of

Heaven, Philippians 2:9-11;

Revelation 11:15-18; Queen of

angels, the universe, the

cosmos, hearts, and saints; Mary

claims also to be the Queen of

Revelation 12:1

16) Protector of His people: Mary claims to be a protector

Psalm 18:1-3; Psalm 119:114

17) Crush Satan underfoot: Mary claims to be the woman in

Genesis 3:15; Romans 16:20, Revelation 12, who will crush the

I John 3:8 Dragon

18) Prophet: Deuteronomy 18:18-19; Mary claims to be a prophet

Isaiah 46:10

19) Performer of miracles: John 3:2; Mary claims to perform miracles

John 11:15-45; Acts 10:38

20) Morning Star: II Peter 1:19; Mary claims to be the morning star

Revelation 22:16

Here are a few excerpts from Ad Caeli Reginam, an encyclical of Pope Pius XII proclaiming the Queenship of Mary, October 11, 1950, given at Rome from St. Peter’s, on the feast of the Maternity of the Blessed Virgin, in the sixteenth year of his Pontificate: “From the earliest ages of the catholic church, a Christian people…has addressed prayers of petition and hymns of praise and veneration to the Queen of Heaven. And never has that hope wavered which they placed in the Mother of the Divine King, Jesus Christ, nor has that faith ever failed by which we are taught that Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, reigns with a mother’s solicitude over the entire world, just as she is crowned in heavenly blessedness with the glory of a Queen…In all parts of the world we learn that devotion to the Virgin Mother of God is flourishing more and more, and that the principle shrines of Mary have been visited and are still being visited by many throngs of Catholic pilgrims gathered in prayer...She is called by St. John Damascene Queen, ruler, and lady…`O My Lady, My Sovereign, You who rule over me, Mother of my Lord, …’ Blessed Benedict XIV declared the same thing in his Apostolic Letter Gloriose Dominae, in which Mary is called `Queen of heaven and earth,” and it is stated that the sovereign King has in some way communicated to her His ruling power…Finally, art which is based upon Christian principles…has, since the Council of Ephesus, portrayed Mary as Queen and Empress, seated upon a royal throne adorned with royal insignia, crowned with the royal diadem, and surrounded by the host of angels and saints in heaven, and ruling not just over nature and its powers, but over the machinations of Satan…So it may be stated that the work of our salvation was accomplished…in which the virgin was instrumental in the salvation of the human race, just as a virgin had been closely associated with its death (Eve), if, moreover it can likewise be stated that this glorious lady had been chosen Mother of Christ `in order that she might become a partner in the redemption of the human race…it is she who, free of stain of actual and original sin, and ever most closely bound to her Son on Golgotha, offered that son to the Eternal Father together with the complete sacrifice of her material rights and motherly love, as the new Eve…” “Let all, therefore, try to approach with greater trust the throne of grace and mercy of our Queen and Mother, and beg for strength in adversity… filled with filial loyalty to their Queen Mother. Let her churches be thronged by the faithful, her feast days honored; may the beads of the Rosary be in the hands of all; may Christians gather in small numbers and large to sing her praises… May Mary’s name be held in highest reverence, a name sweeter than honey, more precious than jewels, may none utter blasphemous words, the sign of a defiled soul, against that name graced with such dignity and revered for its motherly goodness; let no one be so bold as to speak a syllable which lacks the respect due her name.”

Wow! Enough of that!

You who know the Word can clearly recognize where Scripture is misquoted and used to adore Mary instead of Yahuweh and Yahushua. She usurps the worship that should go to the Father and Son! Notice it is said that “the Sovereign King” has transferred to her His ruling power. That sounds a bit like Revelation 13:2b? “And the dragon gave him (Apollyon) his power, his throne, and great authority.” So who gave Roman Catholic Mary the right to rule with the power of Deity? -- Certainly NOT Yahuweh!

Jeremiah 7:17-20 and Jeremiah 44:17-23 speak of Israel worshipping the Queen of Heaven. It is an abomination to Yahuweh!!!

This is a painting of Mary being crowned by the Father, Son, and the “Holy Ghost” in the form of a dove.


II Timothy 4:1: “Now the Spirit distinctly says that in the latter days some shall fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading spirits, and teachings of demons.”

In Lourdes, France, approximately 5½ million come each year. It was there that she named herself “The Immaculate Conception.”

Poland’s shrine of the “Black Madonna of Poland” at Jasna Gora draws about 5 million a year. Pope John Paul II named her the Queen of Poland. There are continuing apparitions at Knock, Ireland. Four popes have honored it, as well as Mother Theresa in 1993.

Roger Oakland, President of “Understanding the Times” says that always signs and wonders come with the apparitions -- “`supernatural phenomenon,’ which they call `miracles.’ ” (This aligns to Revelation 13:11-14)

Raul Reis, Pastor of Calvary Chapel, Golden Springs, tells of the huge amount of apparitions in Central and South America. He says in most of those countries if you don’t believe in Mary, you will be cast out.

Mary always says to pray, to fast, to return to God, and work for world peace. The Roman Catholic Church is now working very hard for peace, via the Ecumenical Movement, gathering all religions under itself to end strife among religions. Mary tells people to listen to the pope.

Bleeding Madonna statues are common in Egypt. The Coptic Church and Muslims believe in Mary and worship her as the Queen of Heaven.

A young Asian man is painting oil pictures of different Marian statues, and of other paintings, and setting them up for all to see. But, the eyes of some of his pictures are excreting a liquid that is unknown, like tears. It is not oil, but it is scented. People are being healed by this “liquid,” as it is being taken off the paintings by small towels, and other light cloths.

Messages From Heaven DVD commentator: “There is monumental activity in the supernatural realm associated with each Marian apparition.”

Beware! There is a vast difference between the supernatural realm of trickery of Satan, and the Eternal realm of the Creator!

One woman interviewed at a Medugorja said: “I believe Mary will usher in global peace and unity – she is the key.” She said: “Her immaculate heart will triumph, and it will, and I believe it will be very soon.”

There is a new religion forming that will bring division between those that believe the lies of “aliens,” and those that don’t. This Mary, indeed, is not of this world, and never was of this world, at least not as a human!

This new unified religion, under the Vatican, will fall in line with the thinking of the Inquisition. The inquisition was continuing in the “papal dungeon” even in the 1800s, where people were burned alive in fiery furnaces – literally a return to Daniel 3. I encourage you to really get the message of Daniel 3 into your spirit! You will either be like the three Hebrew youths, or all the others who bowed down to the “image.”

Mary says for people to go to confession to a priest, to Mass, take the Eucharist, and guard the 7 sacraments. She teaches people to obey the pope. But, though she talks peace and love – it is only for those that obey her and obey her.

Mary tells people to pray the rosary daily. She tells people to pray that the world will be consecrated to her Immaculate Heart, so that peace might come. A priest said that in these end times “God is stepping in with Mary--the chief of His focus.”


Photo from – A painting of The Immaculate Heart of Mary


Photo from en.

Notice in both paintings, the sun disc around the head, and the fire of the sun emanating from her heart. It is all connected to the very ancient worship of Lucifer (Helel) as the sun god.

Former pastor Larry Lemis was a Methodist Church pastor for 30 years. He said he loved his work, he was happy, and even excited about his ministry. Then he said that he and a friend, pastor of a United Methodist Church, were “blindsided” by Mary and the Blessed Virgin began to turn their whole lives around. He said that at Medjugorje, everything she says is right out of the Scriptures—i.e. she tells people to pray and turn to God. Talk about deception! He did not tell how she “blindsided” them, but he converted to Roman Catholicism. Many Protestants are converted to Catholicism.

Steven Bonn belonged to the Assemblies of God church before becoming a priest. He is now a main speaker at Marian conferences. He said her messages are to 1) fast, 2) pray, 3) work for peace, 4) to turn to Jesus, and 5) the sacraments.

John Paul II is called “Mary’s pope,” or “the Marian Pope,” because he said she saved his life, when he was shot on May 13, 1981. Because May 13th was one of the days Mary appeared in Fatima, he dedicated himself to Our Lady of Fatima. This pope dedicated the world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary twice during later years.

There are quotes by John Paul II on page 221 of his book Crossing the Threshold, which state that only through Mary can the world have peace. He also says in that book that God is in all religions, so we must unite together for peace.

Rarely, the apparition encourages people to read the Bible. But, mixed in with what seems to be good is Roman Catholic propaganda that will unify all religions under the pope.

II Corinthians 11:13-15: “…Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising then, if his servants also masquerade as servants of righteousness…”

Would Lucifer/Helel, whose name means “the shining one, the light bearer, the illumined one” come in any other way but shining like the light of the sun? Sun god worship was his invention. Worshipping the gods on Sun-day was also his invention. Those that worship Yahuweh set aside Shabbat/Sabbath/Saturday as the day to honor the Creator!

Cecil Andrews, Director of “Take Heed Ministries,” said that we must test everything by the Word of God, for “experiences are most unreliable.” He is very right! Luke 6:46-49 tells us that the Word is our solid foundation, our Rock to build on. This is why the charismatic movement has become so dangerous. It is moving into all sorts of spiritualism, mysticism, and the occult. People are having many experiences, but they are not being taught the solid Word so that they might know the real Elohim of Israel.

Here are a few of her messages, from the DVD Messages From Heaven:

Each accepted apparition of the Roman Catholic Church is classed as either having the full support of the Vatican—“Full Church Approval”--or with the imprimatur of the local Bishop. Medjugorje has not been formally approved, but has been confirmed by many bishops, cardinals, and by several popes.

It was at Medjugorje that Mary said: “I am the mediator between you and God. Have faith in my intercession. I am your heavenly mother, the intercessor for mankind.” It is said that three of the six children still hear Mary’s words, and three do not.

Betania, Venezuela: These apparitions are approved by the Vatican officially.

“I am the mediator between you and God. My message is only one of faith, hope, and love. It brings reconciliation between peoples and nations. It is the only thing that can save this century from war and eternal death”. [For a number of her messages at Betania, Venezuela, refer to Appendix A of my article: “Exposing the Real Agenda of Mary Worship”/April 10, 2013]

Message from The Lady of All Nations (Amsterdam), approved by local bishops: “It was necessary for the Father and Son to send me into the world in order for me to be their advocate and to save them.” (I John 2:1- the Intercessor for mankind is Yahushua) Isaiah 59:16-18: Messiah finds no intercessor, so He will have to bring the wrath of Yahuweh to earth Himself. What happened to Mary’s intercession?

At Medjugorja she says to the visionaries that she came to save the world, but that people have to pray so that she can convert the world and save it.

Message from Our Lady of Akita (Japan): This is approved by the Vatican …

This statue weeps. She says that she will save the world from calamity if the people put their confidence in her.

Message of Our Lady of San Nicolas, Argentina--apparitions approved by local bishops: “I am the ark of peace. I am the ark of salvation—the ark that my children must enter if they are to live in the kingdom of God.” (I Peter 1:18-19) That is a blasphemous statement!

Pastor Raul Rias quotes Luke 1:46 about the real humble Miriam, mother of Yahushua. She never directed attention to herself. She calls Yahushua “my savior.” Acts 4:11-12 says there is only one Name under heaven by which we can be saved. “Mary” is not that name! Hosea 13:4, Isaiah 43:11, and Isaiah 45:21-22 declare that only Yahuweh is Savior!

This Mary claims to be omnipresent, ever-present with everyone at any time. She actually claims all three characteristics that are only possible for Yahuweh – omnipresence, omniscience, omnipotence.

Message of Our Lady of Fatima, approved by the Vatican: “My immaculate heart is a refuge for all.”

Message to Bernardo Martinez, Cuapa, Nicaragua: “I am the mother of all sinners.” She claims that because she suffered so much with her son, that she has the right to be co-redeemer with him.

Message to Father Gobbi: She is the universal mediator of grace. [However: Revelation 5:9; Isaiah 47:4] Mary claims to have suffered to atone for sin, because of her alignment with her son, when he was on the cross.

Father Gobbi was a priest in Italy. He founded the Marian Movement of Priests. He died in 2011. He had a message about the “chastisement of America,” which he received November 15, 1990. [Google the article: Marian Messages to Father Gobbi]

Medjugorje: “I love you even when you fall away from me. I ask you not to allow me to shed tears of blood for the souls that are lost.”

Message of Our Lady of La Salette, France: “For a long time I have suffered for you. I don’t want my son to abandon you. I am forced to pray to him without ceasing. You can never recompense the pain I have taken for you.”

Message of St. Bridgett of Sweden, Vatican approved: “His suffering became my suffering because his heart was mine. My son and I redeemed the world with one heart.”

Yahushua said on the stake: “IT IS FINISHED!” [I Peter 3:18; Hebrews 10:12-14, 18; Isaiah 53:5] Yet every time a priest says Mass, “Jesus” is re-crucified, and minimized down into a round wafer and a cup of wine, into round wafers for the “faithful” to eat. This hocus pocus is witchcraft!

Cecil Andrews says it well! -- “Suffering for sin is vicarious, a substitution. He took sin on himself. The punishment was death. Mary never took sin on herself. She never died under the weight of the sin of the world.” (II Corinthians 5:21)

“Sin is the transgression of the Torah.” Yahushua died to take the sin of the broken Torah by House of Ya’cob upon himself. When did Catholic Mary every guard the Torah? Mary is not a humble servant of Elohim – but a demanding jezebel who expects to be honored, worshipped, and obeyed, or else there will be punishment. Though Mary speaks with a soothing sweet and motherly voice, “she” is a narcissist. This is opposite of the personality of Yahushua’s mother, Miriam. This is the nature of the woman in Revelation 17!

Isaiah 42:8: “I, I am Yahuweh, that is My Name, and My glory I do not give to another, nor My praise to graven images.”

He abhors the statues of the Roman Catholic Church! He abhors the paintings, the crucifix, and all things man-made that represent Him, His Son, or creation (Exodus 20:4-6). “You do not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of that which is in the heavens above, or which in the earth beneath, or which in the waters of the earth. You do not bow down to them or serve them. For I, Yahuweh, your Elohim, am a jealous Elohim…”

The Message to Bruno Cornacchiola, a Bishop (Italy): Mary said: “I am she who is related to the divine trinity.”

Message of Our Lady of San Nicolas: “My children, I am the door of heaven.” (John 10:7, 9)

In a message to the Italian priest Father Stefano Gobbi, founder of the Marian Movement of Priests, Mary instructed all to venerate her statues, which is, of course, idolatry. She told people in many places: “You should look with love on every image of your blessed mother.” (Deuteronomy 4:15-16)

At the Basilica of the Virgin at Jasna Gora, she said that shrines must be built to her around the globe.

She called for a shrine to be built to Our Lady of Guadalupe. Shrines to her have popped up all over the world. One of the largest is the shrine to our Lady of Guadalupe. (“Guadalupe”: the “river of the wolf”) Many people walk for miles on their knees to come to this shrine.


Here is a traditional painting of “Our Lady of Guadalupe,” much like the one on the cactus cloak of Juan Diego, preserved at her shrine in Mexico City.

At Guadalupe, she said she would show her protection, love, and affection “for I am your merciful mother.”

Message of Mary to St. Bridgett of Sweden, Vatican approved: “I am Mary, the Queen of Heaven, and the Queen of Angels.”

The DVD commentator said: Here she has told us who she really is--the Queen of heaven, who has been worshipped for thousands of years.

Jeremiah 7:18-20: Yahuweh calls the veneration of the Queen of Heaven an abomination. It provokes Him to anger. She is no more than a pagan goddess, a demonic spirit in disguise. This Queen appears with a baby boy in her arms, presumably “Jesus.” (I Peter 3:21-22) Messiah is not returning as a baby! This “lady” is a deceiver from ancient times. She is exposed in Revelation 17:1, 15; 18:4, 7, and Isaiah 47.

This is what she says about herself in a message from The Lady of All Nations in Amsterdam, Holland: “The lady of all nations, who is the Bride of the Lord, the Queen of the King…”

Shouldn’t this raise our eyebrows? Semaraimis, wife of deceased Nimrod, married her miraculous son, the sun god Tammuz, and exalted him as a King, with herself as the Queen.

TAKE NOTE! Here is something we need to watch with spiritual discernment, testing everything by the Word of Yahuweh. This event will take place on October 12th and 13th, 2013.

Here is the announcement via Vatican media:

Pope to attend Marian Day in the Vatican October 12-13

2013-08-21 Vatican Radio – from News.VA

Vatican News: "Blessed are you for believing!" That is the theme of the Marian Day which will be held in the Vatican on 12 and 13 October next, in the presence of the Holy Father Pope Francis and all the associations of Marian spirituality. Organized by the Pontifical Council for Promoting the New Evangelization, the event is part of the celebrations of the Year of Faith - organized by the then Pope Benedict XVI to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the Second Vatican Council - and coincides with the anniversary of the last apparition of the Blessed Virgin at Fatima: It was, in fact, on October 13, 1917 when at Cova da Iria, Portugal, Our Lady appeared for the sixth and final time to the three shepherd children, Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta. Soon after, there was the so-called "miracle of the sun" the solar disc changed color, size and position for about ten minutes. In memory of this date, therefore, the original statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be brought to St. Peter's Square and exposed to the veneration of the faithful.

This is the program of the day in detail: Saturday, October 12, at 8:00 am, there will be a pilgrimage to the tomb of Peter, an hour later Eucharistic Adoration will begin with the celebration of the sacrament of reconciliation in some churches adjacent to St. Peter's Square. In the afternoon, at 17.00, the statue of Our Lady of Fatima will be welcomed by Pope Francis in St. Peter's Square and then the Pope will hold a Marian catechesis. From 19.00 onwards, the statue of the Virgin arrives at the Sanctuary of Divine Love, where the Rosary will be recited with a link up to all the Marian shrines in the world, while starting from 22.00, there will be a prayer vigil. The next day, Sunday, October 13, the statue will return to St. Peter's Square at 10.00 am, there will be a recitation of the Holy Rosary, and at 10.30 The Pope will preside at Mass."

Wow I wish I could be there! But, I must be in Israel at this critical time. For right now, today, America is sending war ships towards Syria. War is pending. Once it begins, Isaiah 17:1 could be fulfilled. But notice the rest of that chapter. In retaliation for Damascus being destroyed, Israel is also destroyed clear down to Ephraim, not far above Jerusalem. The Word says that 2/3 in Israel will die. The main target of attack is in the north. And notice, these attacks take place in Autumn--the “Fall Season” of the year. The retaliation will fall on two countries: 1) primarily Israel and 2) America.

Right now Russia is also threatening to get involved, behind Russia is China, then North Korea, Iran, and most of the Muslim world, which is huge. Is Ezekiel 38 also a part of this? I remember Avi Lipkin (Victor Mordicai) years ago saying that Isaiah 17 was directly connected to Ezekiel 38.

Below is a picture of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima being carried amidst hundreds of thousands of people at the Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima in Fatima, Portugal. This is the statue that will be brought to the Vatican on October 12th and 13th! Many healings and miracles have been attributed to this statue! What will happen when it comes to the Vatican?



Here is the well-publicized picture of Pope John Paul II praying to Our Lady of Fatima, to whom he dedicated his life (from )

From Scripture, I strongly believe that the spirit-being who is posing as the Roman Catholic Mary is the same spirit-being that impregnated Eve and Semaramis. He is known as Helel/Lucifer, the “shining one,” “the light-bearer,” the “illumined one.” (Isaiah 14:12-15) As the first Eve brought forth the pre-Flood seed of the serpent, Cain, so post-Flood Semaramis, who called herself the “second Eve,” which Mary also calls herself, was impregnated by Lucifer, and brought forth the post-Flood seed of the serpent, Tammuz. He became the sun god with many names, like Osiris, and finally Apollo/Apollyon (Revelation 9:11; 11:7, 17:8, II Thessalonians 2:3), the “son of destruction.” In Greek mythology Apollo is the son of the savior-god Zeus. The 2010 movie The Lightning Thief appears to be a fantasy-spoof for teenagers, dubbed “a bolt of family fun.” But, it is actually telling us what is really happening. As the storyline goes: The hybrid children of the sun gods (called “demi-gods”), of the Greek Pantheon – “the men of renown” in Genesis 6:2, 4 – are being trained for their task of world supremacy. At the same time Zeus is stirring up a war from his abode on Mount Olympus. (Revelation 12:7-17)

As I reported last summer in “My Declaration Assignment,” -- as at the London Olympics, a great number of the world’s people are calling for the return of the sky gods, primarily Zeus and Apollo, to rule the earth once again. America was founded for the purpose of becoming the new Atlantis by incarnating Nimrod to rule the world. Many New Age believers are calling for the Dragon to come. The Nephillim/Rephaim once ruled the earth. “As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the Son of Man.” (Matthew 24:37) Movies are presenting these things as fantasies, but the writers of these stories so often get their story-lines from “spirit guides,” of Lucifer’s kingdom. These returning Nephillim are no fantasy! This movie shows how the gods can appear as ordinary humans, yet regain their great size as Rephaim quite quickly when the need arises. Yes, as Revelation 12 tell us, there is now war in the heavenlies. We are in the days of Noah! Back then Yahuweh destroyed the earth by flood. What we are looking at now is His wrath being poured out in fire. World War III is close! America is the one that is provoking it, to fulfill Part III of the Mazzini/Pike Plan. Out of this chaos will come “the New World Order.”

The baby in the arms of these statues and paintings of Mary, or in the arms of a deified goddess in almost every ancient culture on earth, is the seed of the serpent--a Nephilim!

II Timothy 4:1: “Now the Spirit distinctly says that in the latter days some shall fall away from the faith, paying attention to misleading spirits, and teachings of demons.”

All over the world, in almost every religion and culture since the tower of Babel, there are statues and paintings of a woman holding a baby. [See some of these pictures in “Exposing the Real Agenda of Mary Worship”/April 2013] Catholic Mary’s son is not Jesus, and for sure is NOT Yahushua! He is a façade of the seed of the serpent.

John 5:43: Yahushua said: “I have come in My Father’s Name and you do not receive Me. If another comes in his own name – him you will receive.”

Sha’ul says in II Corinthians 11:3-4: “I am afraid, lest, as the serpent beguiled Eve by his subtlety, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Messiah. For indeed, if he who is coming proclaims another Yahushua whom we have not proclaimed, or if you receive a “different spirit” than you have not received, or a different Good News (Gospel) you have not accepted, you might well bear with him.”

To paraphrase: If you receive the words of the beguiling, seducing, spirits of the tempter, and believe them as Eve did, you will most likely side with the imposter, and turn from the Truth to damnable deception.

Messiah says in Matthew 24:24-25: “For false messiahs and false prophets shall arise, and they shall show great signs and wonders so as to lead astray, if possible, even the chosen ones. See, I have forewarned you!”

II Thessalonians 2:8-12 and Revelation 13:13-14 tell us that in the last days, signs and wonders will occur from a false prophet who will deceive those who do not have a “love of the truth.” Messiah prayed to Yahuweh: “Set them apart in Your Truth -- Your Word is Truth!” (John 17:17)

Semaramis was the wife of Nimrod. Legend says she was also his mother. (Nimrod: Genesis 10:6-20, 11:1-9) Nimrod “became” a gibbor – a mighty one – a Nephillim. He had it in his DNA from his father Cush, son of Ham.

Nimrod built Babel, and Nineveh. He became a legend in his time. He was elevated to the status of a god. Legend has it that Seth killed Nimrod. Later Semaraimis becomes pregnant with Tammuz. She said that they rays of the sun impregnated her, and that Nimrod, her former husband, was the sun god who impregnated her. So, baby Tammuz was called the son of the sun god – a baby sun god. Tammuz was of supernatural origin. The sun gods are called “savior.” Zeus, for example, was the savior-god of the Greeks.

It is very disturbing to see people with hands raised towards Mary’s statue, in ecstatic emotion, falling down with their heads to the ground in worship, kissing her statues, and clambering to get the tears that fall from the eyes of paintings or statues of her.

II Corinthians 11:13-15: Satan appears as an angel of light. Mary appears in brilliant light, as of the sun, shining in radiance. People who have seen Mary’s apparitions say she appears as a 3-dimensional beautiful young woman, so brilliant that it often hurts their eyes to look at her. She is seen coming out of the sun, with brilliant colors. People are being mystified by her, drawn by a supernatural force to worship her. Only those who have saturated their mind and spirit with the Word, taught to them by Yahuweh’s Spirit, will be able to stand firm against the hypnotic powers of the supernatural forces that are now descending on this earth.

Lucifer craves to usurp worship from Yahuweh’s creation, and posing as Mary, he is getting it--more than if he had posed as a man. Daily enter into the Presence of Yahuweh in worship – saturate yourself with the words of the Psalms. Besides Kent Henry worship music, and the Sons of Korah, I have discovered Chuck Girard’s beautiful prayer songs that lift the mind into His Presence.

Luke 6:46-49, Messiah says: “Why do you call me `Master, Master,’ and do not the things that I say? Everyone who comes to Me, hears My Word, and does it, I will show you whom he is like: He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on a rock. And when a flood came, and the streams burst forth against that house, but was unable to shake, for it was founded on a rock. But, the one hearing and not doing is like a man who built a house on dirt, without a foundation, against which the streams burst, and immediately it fell. And the ruin of that house was great.”

Today assess what you are building your life on – the Words of THE WORD of John 1:1, 14, or on human reasoning?

Last Shabbat, my son referred to Roman Catholic Mary as a temptress, like Satan, in Matthew 4:1-11. We read how Satan attempted Messiah to worship him. Yes, Mary comes as a seductive temptress. If indeed, Mary is an apparition of Lucifer himself, then the one who tempted Messiah is now attempting to seduce the whole world to worship him. Mary is coming with spirits of beguiling and seducing, with the spirit of python, all which are attached to the spirit of jezebel. She comes with the characteristics of Jezebel: control, manipulation, deception, and seduction to whoring against the El of Israel. In Matthew 4:1-11, the way that Messiah overcame the temptations was by using verses from Deuteronomy.

No wonder Satan hates the Word of Yahuweh! The Word is our most powerful “weapon of our warfare that is not carnal.” Mary/Isis/Lithia/Inanna/Ishtar/Astarte, etc, all have the spirit of Luciferic rebellion and whoring against Yahuweh. Yahuweh says in the first commandment: “You will have no other gods in My face!” (Exodus 20:3) He says in Isaiah 42:8: “I am Yahuweh. That is My Name. And My glory I do not give to another, nor my praise to graven images.”

Mary demands worship; so does Lucifer, so will the Beast world ruler. Mary tells people to turn to her baby, Jesus, but she does not tell people to turn to Yahuweh, at least not by His Name. She says people should return to “God.” But, “God” can refer to any god, like the “In God We Trust” god on the back of the dollar bill, which refers to the god of Free Masonry --Lucifer. [Refer to the documented DVD “The Eye of the Phoenix”]

The “jezebel” of Revelation 2:18-29 pretends to be a prophetess, (she poses as an “angel of light”), but turns the people against obedience to Yahuweh. She leads people to commit spiritual and natural whoredom--sexual freedom of all types--and to disobey the rules of clean and unclean foods by eating what has been offered to an idol. What she is leading them to do is called “the depths of Satan.”

Mary says that if people will do as she says, they will have peace--otherwise peace will be removed from the earth. She is saying that if she is obeyed and worshipped, mankind will have an era of peace, otherwise, she will unleash hell on earth. This is a Luciferic spirit! These are words that produce fear in the simple. Associated with the jezebel spirit is the highest of the satanic snake spirits – python/anaconda.

Lucifer tempted Messiah with the same temptations as he tempted Adam and Eve – i.e. 1) lust of the eyes 2) lust of the flesh 3) pride of life (I John 2:15-17) Messiah was not interested.

In 1825 there was a closed door meeting of top Jesuit leaders in Italy. Their hatred of the Bible was spoken openly, and later recorded by one who was there. He left the Jesuit Order and wrote a book on this meeting, published in 1848. You can get a PDF file of it. It is entitled: THE JESUIT CONSPIRACY THE SECRET PLAN OF THE ORDER. DETECTED AND REVEALED BY THE ABBATE LEONE. On page 98-99 it states what the Jesuits say about the Bible:

“We shall know how, by marvelous stories and gorgeous shows, to exorcise heresy from the

heads and hearts of the multitude. We shall know how to nail their thoughts upon ours so that they shall make no stir without our good pleasures. Then the Bible, that serpent, which, with head erect and eyes flashing fire, threatens us with its venom whilst it trails along the ground, shall be changed again into a rod as soon as we are able to seize it; and what wounds will we not inflict with it upon these hardened Pharaohs and their cunning magicians! What miracles we will work by its means! Oh, then, mysterious rod, we will not again suffer thee to escape from our hands, and fall to the earth! For you know but too well that, for three centuries past, this cruel asp has left us no repose; you well know with what folds it entwines us, and with what fangs it gnaws us!

Leone says: “We may recognize in this language a mind embittered and rankling with resentment against the English Bible Societies.”

From a Jesuit speaking at this meeting: “My brethren, as to the Bible, be advised by me: For our greater good let us carefully avoid this ground. If I may tell you, openly, what I think of this book, it is not at all for us, it is against us. I do not at all wonder at the invincible obstinacy it engenders in all those who regard its verses as inspired…In the simplicity of youth I fully expected, on opening the New Testament, to find there laid down, the authority of a superior chief in the church, and the worship of the Virgin, the source of all grace for mankind. I sought with the same eagerness for the mass, for purgatory, for relics, etc. But in every page I found my expectations disappointed, from every reflection that I made it resulted in doubt. At last, after having read, at least six times over, that little book which set all my calculations at naught, I was forced to acknowledge to myself that it actually sets forth a system of religion altogether different from that taught in the schools, and thus all my ideas were thrown into confusion.”

The greatest wars the earth has ever known have been fought in the spirit world, between the power of the Roman Pontiff/pope and the power of the Word of Yahuweh! Of course, they have manifested in bloody wars on earth. The pope has desired all power, as the continuing Emperor of the Roman Empire, and the representative of God on earth. When the Protestant Reformation took over so much of Europe, the power of the pope was in danger. The Jesuits (the Society of Jesus) founded by occultist Ignatius Loyola, was formed to support the pope’s right to rule the earth, and bring all mankind into subjection to the Roman Catholic pontiff. They have caused world wars, regional wars, national wars, and tribal wars between people groups – all to invade and press nations to submit to the Pope. America is submitted to the Pope, Jesuits (from the late 1500s on). Now we have a Jesuit General and a Jesuit Pope both ruling the Vatican as “echad,” -- two in union as one. Their goal is to bring the world into submission to the woman of Revelation 17. Hiding behind “your gracious mother,” Mary’s goal is to bring the world into submission to the pope. Yes, she is the woman of Revelation 17!

From at least the first century CE, Rome was called “the second Babylon.”

The Jesuits feared that the Bible would usurp the power of the Pope, because the Bible was being printed in the languages of the people, mainly in English. So, during the Council of Trent, they made an edict that no Roman Catholic was to read the Bible, with eternally severe penalties. Therefore, they reasoned, if people do not read it, they will continue to believe the pope and submit to whatever he says. The edicts of the Council of Trent are in full-force today in Vatican law.

You will notice from what is written above, Mary is honored greatly by the Jesuits. I believe they know who she really is. Satanic sacrifices are going on in the dungeons below the Vatican, and the Jesuits lead the proceedings.

But, from its inception, this order has been very Luciferic--very occult. Today, Jesuits lead the Vatican’s astronomy programs. Jesuits are some of the world’s top astronomers. Their job is to find intelligent extraterrestrial life, invite them to earth, and join them in unity under the pope and his Roman Catholic Church. Jesuit astronomers, and the top echelon of the world, want alien technology--Nephillim technology--which the fallen ones had learned from Yahuweh.

Tom Horn and Chris Putman in Exo Vaticana tell it plainly. In explaining the recent position of the Vatican on alien life, they state that a new “exo-Christology” has emerged--a term used to discuss Christological issues raised by discoveries from outer space. Horn/Putman writes on pages 540-541: “This also casts significant light on the new official position of the Vatican that not believing in aliens and being willing to accept their superior morality and coming new religion, is not only paramount to heresy but is based on a dying and antiquated belief system. Given that the Vatican holds sway over 1 billion followers as well as influencing an even greater number of peoples, governments, and policies worldwide, any puny obstacles to their revised Christianity will hardly keep most of the world’s spiritual people from wholeheartedly embracing the alien serpent-saviors on their arrival. In fact, acquiesce to ET gods will be widely and positively received by the masses of the world according to Vatican astronomer, and professor of fundamental theology, Father Giuseppe Tanzella-Nitti…The attraction seems to be that by contacting superior beings in the sky, humans will be given access to privileged knowledge, and that the resulting broadening of our horizons will in some sense bring us closer to God.”

This has been the force driving the international hierarchy since at least the 1930’s – to get the hidden knowledge of the sky gods, the technology that was once taken from Yahuweh by the Nephillim.

When did Lucifer appear as Mary first in the earth? We do not know much about what happened before the Flood, but we do after the Flood. Civilization first appeared in a mysterious culture known as the Sumerians. Most likely they descended from the lineage of Ham. Their culture was thriving at the time of Nimrod, Tammuz, and Semaramis. Another name for Nimrod is Gilgamish. We all know about “the Gilgamish Epic,” telling about the Flood. In 2003, as America stormed Baghdad and took over Iraq, German archeologists were immediately and directly sent to ancient Babylon to search for the tomb of Gilgamish. It is reported that they found it. The U.S. military was sent to protect this team from the start. The remains were taken to America, along with many artifacts from Babylon that were in a bank in Baghdad. As you read in my article “America’s Secret Destiny,” you will see why America was founded – to resurrect and reincarnate Nimrod, so that he will rule the world. (Genesis 10:6-20, 11:1-9) Nimrod built Babylon. Nimrod tried to build the tower. Now the plan has been completed, and America is expendable in the eyes of the Illuminist Jesuits, Masons, and Luciferics who founded it.

The religious system of Christianity is simply an extension of what began in Sumer. The followers of the real Messiah, who learned from the teachings of His Apostles, and guarded the Torah of Yahuweh, were called “followers of the Way” or “followers of the Nazarene.” They were never called Christians.

Roman Catholic Christianity is the extension of paganism in its purest form. Now the leaders of almost all Protestant denominations have aligned under the pope, in the “Ecumenical Movement,” denying the Protestant Reformation. Therefore, as a whole, all of Christianity is coming together under Nimrod, Semaramis, and Tammuz, once again--the original “trinity.” It is amazing how the Roman Catholics unite the Queen of Heaven with the “Holy Spirit,” in such unity that they are as one – “echad.”

Who was Sumer’s Ilithyia/Lithia, and who is the baby she holds? Was Ilithyia, or Inanna, just other names for Semaramis? One thing is for sure, that baby is NOT Jesus, or Yahushua! Do the Jesuits know about Lithia, or Ilithyia? In talking about a 1933 book A Case of Conscious by James Blish, Tom Horn, in Exo-Vaticana, relates the storyline of the novel. It is about Jesuit astronomers that go to the planet Lithia, and discover an alien race who have no idea of a Creator-God. Though very nice at first, they prove later on to be very evil. How far back do the plans of the Jesuits go to bring the “sky gods,” and their technology, to earth? Remember that anyone having Yahuweh’s technology will also have great power at his disposal. The Jesuits were in contact with aliens from the beginning of their Order, and the Roman Church was involved before that. It is obvious from their paintings, statues, and symbols, which so often show UFOs over religious scenes, even the crucifixion! Lucifer has been involved in the developing doctrines of the Roman Catholic Church since Yahushua took the keys of death and hell away from Him after His death. (Revelation 1:17-18) It is Lucifer’s vehicle, his open portal, through which he manipulates world history to go his way.

The very word “church,” comes from the German “kirke,” which comes from the name of the Greek goddess, Circe--daughter of the sun god Helios--who supposedly turned men into pigs.

Thus Mary is Lucifer’s vehicle by which he is drawing all people to worship him. It is through the Roman Catholic Church that Lucifer will bring the world to worship him as “the Dragon,” as well as worship his son, Apollyon. (Revelation 13:4)

From Exo-Vaticana, page 527: “It was the job of this goddess (Ilithyia) in antiquity to protect the very seed of the serpent that in turn generates the birth of the serpent child and future serpent-savior. So important was the goddess Ilithyia’s role in ancient days as this preserver of the serpent seed towards the birth of the serpent-savior, that shrines were erected to her by cult followers across Greece…in which terra cotta figures of immortal nurses were depicted watching over the divine children in whom the bloodline would survive. For example, on the mainland of Olympia, a shrine dedicated to Ilithyia (called Eileithyia by the Greeks) was witnessed by traveler and second-century geographer, Pausanias, in which a small inner-chamber (cella) sacred to the serpent-savior hosted a virgin priestess who `cared for a serpent who was fed on honey, barley-cakes and water.’ The shrine memorialized the appearance of a Marian-like woman with a baby in her arms, who `at a critical moment when Elians were threatened by forces from Arcadia’ was placed on the ground between the contending forces, and changed into a terrifying serpent, `driving the Arcadians away in flight, before it disappeared into the hill.’ ”

The ancient embodiment of all of this, since the days of Sumer, is encapsulated in the Vatican--secrets kept for thousands of years, learned from the priests and priestess of the serpent-savior. From the Vatican, by their own admission, will come the False Prophet, doing signs and wonders.

Mary is a supernatural being. She is not human. She has great power and authority as a supernatural being. She does signs and wonders. So, if indeed, Mary is literally Lucifer in disguise, as it appears, to what extent will he use his façade of Mary? Is she a temporary vehicle to bring the world into a unified worship? Will the Dragon drop the façade of Mary when she’s expendable?

We read about the destruction of “the woman” and her headquarters, in Revelation 17:12-18. It appears that once the façade of Mary has done her job in uniting the world’s people, that this woman who “rides the beast” to power, will be thrown off, so that the political and economic power of the Roman Pontiff and his False Prophet might join the world ruler/Beast out of the sea, and rule the world. It is the Vatican who is now calling for a one-world economic order with one to rule it. I believe Catholic Mary is expendable.

Disclosure of alien life will most likely come from the Vatican. The Vatican has been hosting aliens for many centuries, UFOs appearing over it many times, satanic rituals and human sacrifice going on in its dungeons! The only ones who will resist are those who remain faithful to Yahuweh and Yahushua through it all – enduring and overcoming, even to death if need be. (Revelation 12:11)

Do your own research. But, as a springboard for honest research, go over the first five articles I have written this year about the Vatican, Jesuits, and their plans: 1) The Deceptive Pope: Mr. Thirteen/March14, 2013,

2) Exposing the Real Agenda of Mary Worship/April 10, 2013, 3) We Played the Flute For You But You Did Not Dance/June 14, 2013, 4) The Battlefield and the Ultimate Judgment/June 25, 2013, and 5) The Sunday Laws and the Returning Inquisition/July 31, 2013.

I highly recommend you watch Messages From Heaven, (Eternal Productions), and Chris Pinto’s Tares Among the Wheat (Adullam Films), which exposes the plots of the Vatican Jesuits and the pope, and how our Bible was preserved. It is from their DVD that I got the information about the Jesuit meeting in 1825, by Leone. It is a powerhouse of documented facts you must know. It will greatly raise your desire to read the Word and let the Spirit teach you what it really says!

Don’t you long to be free of man’s control over your mind? Begin with allowing Yahuweh’s Spirit to be your Teacher! He will bring confirmation of what He has taught you, as He wills, in many ways! What a privilege to learn directly from the Creator of the Universe, the One who will conquer all of our enemies, and speak the words of Revelation 22:1-7 to us.

Please look up all the Scriptures not written out, so that you might hear fully from the Spirit for yourself. Read in context.

Let us keep seeking to know Yahuweh and Yahushua with all our heart. “You show me the path of life. In Your Presence is joy to satisfaction. At Your right hand are pleasures forever.” (Psalm 16:11)

Shalom and blessings to all of His faithful servants!


August 27, 2013


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