NGFL / NMGW – Portrait Project

NGFL / NMGW – Portrait Project

|Learning Objectives |Learning Activities |Learning Outcomes |Assessment |Key Skills |Cross Curricular |Resources |

| | | | | |Links | |

|To identify features of a |What is a portrait? |To understand what a portrait |How well were the children |Communication |History |“What is a Portrait?” |

|portrait. |Discuss children’s initial understanding of portrait art. |is. |able to organise and classify |Collaborative |Art |PowerPoint presentation. |

| |Work through “What is a Portrait?” PowerPoint | |reference sources to develop |ICT | |Sorting Portraits Smart |

| |presentation. |To examine various kinds of |ideas of portraiture? |PSE | |Notebook file. |

| |Check children’s understanding of what a portrait is by |portraits from different | | | |Examples of portraits. |

| |undertaking interactive whiteboard sorting activity. |periods considering purposes | | | |List of questions to |

| |Provide children with a variety of portraits. Children to |and intentions. | | | |support discussion of |

| |work in groups to make comparisons and general | | | | |portrait work. |

| |classifications – formal, informal, seated, standing, | | | | | |

| |moving. Study the expressions – serious, happy, relaxed, | | | | | |

| |natural pose. Choose favourites within each category | | | | | |

| |giving reasons for choice, suggesting what information | | | | | |

| |photographs give of sitter/s. | | | | | |

|To study original portrait |Katheryn of Berain |To find out about Katheryn of |Were the children able to |Communication |History |“Katheryn of Berain” |

|painting from Tudor / |Present children with and work through “Katheryn of |Berain – The Mother of Wales. |apply their understanding and |Collaborative |English |PowerPoint presentation. |

|Stuart period. |Berain” PowerPoint presentation. |To describe the purpose of and|experience of an example of |Creative |Art |Family Tree Smart Notebook|

| |Discuss purpose of the portrait for historical context - |features within a portrait |Tudor portraiture to a work in|ICT |ICT |file. |

|To find out about life of |recording an event, promoting idea of power, signifying |form the Tudor / Stuart |different areas of the |PSE | |Reproductions of Tudor and|

|influential Welsh person |social status and wealth. Discuss hairstyle /headdresses, |period. |curriculum? |C. Cymreig | |Stuart portraits. |

|that lived during Tudor / |costumes of the period. Significance and wearability of | | |Independent Research | |Materials to make |

|Stuart period. |clothing. |To find out about clothing and| | | |jewellery. |

| |Undertake chosen activities from |costumes of Tudor / Stuart | | | | |

| |Home page of presentation - |period. | | | | |

| |Further research on the life of the Mother of Wales. | | | | | |

| |Creative writing – extract from Katheryn’s Diary. | | | | | |

| |Design & make a piece of jewellery for Katheryn. | | | | | |

|To study original portrait |The Mansels |To find out about The Mansel |Were the children able to |Communication |History |“The Mansels” PowerPoint |

|painting from Tudor / |Present children with and work through “The Mansels” |family. |apply their understanding and |Collaborative |English |presentation. |

|Stuart period. |PowerPoint presentation. |To describe the purpose of and|experience of an example of |Creative |Art |Mansel Jigsaw Smart |

| |Discuss purpose of the portrait for historical context - |features within a portrait |Tudor portraiture to a work in|ICT |ICT |Notebook file. |

|To find out about life of |recording an event, promoting idea of power, signifying |form the Tudor / Stuart |different areas of the |PSE | |Reproductions of Tudor and|

|influential Welsh people |social status and wealth. Discuss appearance of characters|period. |curriculum? |C. Cymreig | |Stuart portraits. |

|that lived during Tudor / |and costumes of the period. |To find out about clothing and| |Independent Research | |Materials to make collage |

|Stuart period. |Undertake chosen activities from |costumes of Tudor / Stuart |How well did they explore | | |portrait. |

| |Home page of presentation – |period. |methods used by artists and | | | |

| |Creative writing – letters between the Mansels. |To use a range of materials to|apply imaginatively to own | | | |

| |Collage work – Tudor / Stuart style portrait. |produce a portrait in a |work? | | | |

| | |particular style. | | | | |

|To study original portrait |Philip Proger |To describe the purpose of and|Were the children able to |Communication |History |“Philip Proger” PowerPoint|

|painting from Tudor / |Present children with and work through “Philip Proger” |features within a portrait |apply their knowledge and |Collaborative |English |presentation. |

|Stuart period. |PowerPoint presentation. |form the Tudor / Stuart |experience of drawing |Creative |Art |Muddled Proger Jigsaw |

| |Discuss purpose of the portrait for historical context. |period. |materials, tools and |ICT |ICT |Smart Notebook file. |

|To find out about life of |Discuss appearance of characters and costumes of the |To produce a portrait from |techniques? |PSHE | |Reproductions of |

|influential Welsh people |period. |first hand observation. | |C. Cymreig | |portraits. |

|that lived during Tudor / |Undertake chosen activities from | |How well did they explore |Independent Research | |Variety of drawing papers.|

|Stuart period. |Home page of presentation – | |methods used by artists and | | |Range of drawing |

| |Creative writing – account describing day in the life of | |apply these to their own work?| | |implements and media. |

| |the portrait subject | | | | |Viewfinders |

| |Use classmates as model make a portrait. | | | | | |

|To appraise Portrait work |What have you learned about portraits? |To develop skills of |Are the children able to |Communication |History |“What have you learned |

|undertaken. |Display a selection of the children’s work and appraise. |appraising artwork using |express their ideas using art |Creative |English |about portraits?” |

| |Children could choose their own piece of work to display |appropriate art vocabulary. |vocabulary? |PSHE |Art |PowerPoint presentation. |

| |to the class. | | |C. Cymreig | |Selection of work from the|

| |Discuss children’s initial understanding of portrait art. | | | | |project. |

| |Work through “What have you learned about portraits?” | | | | | |

| |PowerPoint presentation. | | | | | |

| |Children to self evaluate work. | | | | | |


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