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Name:____________________________ Period: ______ WH1 Argumentative Writing Task Number One:Which time period would life have been the best to live in, the Paleolithic or the Neolithic? Anthrolopolgists have divided prehistory into two different periods: The Paleolithic and Neolithic Eras. The Paleolithic period ranged from around 2 million BC to 10 000 BC and then transitioned into the Neolithic Era. This transition became known as the Neolithic Revolution, where the way human beings lived changed. Scholars debate whether these changes benefitted society and the way human beings behaved toward each other. PART ONE: The SourcesYou will now examine several sources. You can re-examine any of the sources as often as you would like. After looking at the sources, use the rest of the time in PART ONE to answer the questions about them. These answers to these questions will be scored. Your answers will help you think about the information you have read and looked at, which should help you write your argumentative essay. Feel free to highlight the sources or take any notes down that you want. Sources for PART ONE of the Performance Task:Source One: Overview of Paleolithic Era Paleolithic;Over the last 40,000 years of the Paleolithic Age, human beings developed an array of survival tactics and social dynamics that allowed them to prosper. Researchers have pieced together evidence left by early modern humans to paint a picture of what daily life was like for them. Early modern people were nomads who survived by hunting and gathering for food. Typically, 20 to 30 people lived together in small bands... In general, men hunted and fished. Women and children gathered berries, fruits, nuts, grains, roots, or shellfish. Nomads were free to roam where ever they wanted, as long as food was available. Some people of the Paleolithic learned to travel across water, which helped them to spread to new places. Since the lifestyles of early modern humans were dependent on the group for survival, there was little to no concept of social class. A society with no social class is called “egalitarian”. This meant that men and women accepted their roles as equally responsible for the survival of the group. Nomads began the practice of burying their dead, believing the world was filled with spirits and forces that resided in animals, objects and dreams. This practice was called Animism. Source: World History: Prentice Hall 2007 pages 11-15Source 2 Overview of Neolithic EraNeolithic: Due to the Neolithic Revolution, human beings began to change their lifestyle. These changes included where they lived, the activities that filled their day, and the development of social classes. The Neolithic Revolution signified a change in the lifestyle of human beings. Settling down into permanent villages, humans developed farming techniques that allowed for the creation of a food surplus. This situation would work as a catalyst for significant changes to the lifestyles of human being. Food surplus allowed for populations to grow and provided people the time to think about ways of improving their lives. The domestication of plants and animals allowed humans to use animals for more than just food and skins. Early villages later grew into the first cities, allowing for great change in the political, economic, and social conditions for human beings. However, wars, conflicts and diseases increased as people settled in villages. During Neolithic, population’s increases caused the development of the first cities. These new living centers created opportunities for people to access new skills and ideas. Councils of elders gave way to chiefs and other leadership positions. Job specialization created social class systems. Complex religions were created that promoted the position of the priests in Neolithic society. Source: World History: Prentice Hall 2007 pages 11-15Question to answer:1. Using evidence from sources 1 & 2, what are two distinct differences between the two eras?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Though there were many advancements, humans in the Neolithic Era actually died at a younger age than in in the Paleolithic. Find evidence in Source 2 that may explain what contributed to this. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4416425-27622500Source Three: TechnologyEvidence tells us that the first humans (Paleolithic) had the ability to grasp objects and make tools. They developed self- awareness, language, a capacity for abstract thought and could imagine an plan for the future. Interestingly, the hand axe tells us much about the life of man. A small, portable and useful object.Researchers have speculated that it can be a study in symmetry, used skillfully, while others see it as a form of art, exquisitely made, used to show the skill of the maker and attract a proper mate. This indicates that people of the Paleolithic times were more advanced than once thought.3856007149273 Did you know? “Paleolithic” comes from Greek words for old, “palaios,” and stone. “lithos.”. 00 Did you know? “Paleolithic” comes from Greek words for old, “palaios,” and stone. “lithos.”. Stone hammer, used for hunting.Question to answer:3. Why was the hand axe so useful to the Paleolithic lifestyle?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Source Four: Chart Analysis: \Questions to answer:4. Identify two different ways life changed from the Paleolithic to Neolithic Era.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Source Five: Technology in Neolithic eraTo farm successfully, people had to develop new technologies. Different types of plows made of wood and new stone and metal tools were created that allowed humans to protect crops and produce higher quantities of food. New weaving techniques were used to use both animal skins and plant fibers for clothing. The use of clay pottery for cooking and storing goods helped maintain the food supply for longer periods of time. The longer periods of time in between work allows humans to think about developing new technologies. People who became skilled at crafting these new goods became artisans. Over time, Neolithic people began producing new metals that would replace many of the stone items people used.3648973154065SOME THOUGHTS:? Some have speculated that the triangles might have evolved from the shape of fish fins and fish tails.? The circular forms may be inspired by eyes.? 00SOME THOUGHTS:? Some have speculated that the triangles might have evolved from the shape of fish fins and fish tails.? The circular forms may be inspired by eyes.? Tools and pottery SOURCE:??Zhonguo zhongda kaogu faxian?(Beijing: Wenwu chubanshe, 1990), p. 55.Question to answer: 5. Why do you think that Neolithic technology was more advanced than Paleolithic?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________View the links and answer the questions that followSource Six: Video: An impressionistic portrait of prehistoric Paleolithic art from Chauvet Pont d'Arc cave in southern France containing early paintings, circa 32,000 BC. Palaolithic cave paintings6. Describe the importance of this discovery. What did it tell us about society during the Paleolithic Era?________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Source 7: Images from both eras letters A-FView the pictures and read captions to gain additional information about both Eras. A. Using recently uncovered fragments, archaeologists may be able to finally piece together one of the world’s oldest works of art. It is believed that the “Lion Man” shows a much more complex advanced culture than previously thought.(Lion-man statuette, Inv. Ulmer Museum Pr? Slg. Wetzel Ho-St. 39/88.1, Photo Thomas Stephan, ? Ulmer Museum) 2984500248285B. Remains of a 4,500-square-foot structure at the south Jordanian site of Wadi Faynan suggest an initial stage of settlement where people coalesced around communal activities and rituals. Add to that list the oval-shaped building at Wadi Faynan, known simply as O75. It dates to 11,700 years ago and, according to Bill Finlayson, director of the Council for British Research in the Levant, who led its excavation, “it appears to have been built by digging a pit and then lining the walls with a very strong mud mixture.” Some finds, including mortars for grinding found in raised platforms at the structure’s center, suggest people of the time might have used the building as a venue to collectively process plants, such as barley and pistachio.00B. Remains of a 4,500-square-foot structure at the south Jordanian site of Wadi Faynan suggest an initial stage of settlement where people coalesced around communal activities and rituals. Add to that list the oval-shaped building at Wadi Faynan, known simply as O75. It dates to 11,700 years ago and, according to Bill Finlayson, director of the Council for British Research in the Levant, who led its excavation, “it appears to have been built by digging a pit and then lining the walls with a very strong mud mixture.” Some finds, including mortars for grinding found in raised platforms at the structure’s center, suggest people of the time might have used the building as a venue to collectively process plants, such as barley and pistachio. C. Paleolithic statue The 4.7-inch limestone statue the team reassembled is a highly stylized depiction of a beautiful?woman, and resembles other famous Paleolithic "Venus" figurines discovered throughout Europe. “The fact that the sculpture is not totally realistic shows the intent was to produce a symbolic image of a woman linked to fertility," The work probably dates to about 23,000 years ago.?C. D. Neolithic jug: likely exchanged across the Mediterranean Sea. The octopus design and specialized coloring would make this valuable for trade. Made of ivory. E. Weapons and tools during the Bronze Age-The most common type are rapiers (used for stabbing rather that slashing or cutting), spear heads with hollowed end for shaft or handle –also lugs that migrate up to the tip in this period and some spear heads with small holes, possibly to make shrill noise as they went through air). We also find swords and axe heads. F. Neolithic religion becomes more complexStonehenge is an example of the cultural advances brought about by the Neolithic?Revolution—It is thought that religious ritual with many gods was of main importance. The effort and technology that went into creating Stonehenge indicated an organized government with specific religious beliefs.It seems very unlikely that Stonehenge could have been made by earlier by Paleolithic?nomads. It would have been a waste to invest so much time and energy building a?monument in a place to which they might never return. Question based on A-F7a. In viewing pictures A-C, make an argument that the Paleolithic Age was more advanced than previously thought: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7b. In what ways was the Neolithic Era more advanced than Paleolithic Era? Use pictures D-F. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Argumentative Performance TaskPART TWO: THE ESSAY: Which time period would life have been the best to live in, the Paleolithic or the Neolithic? You will now review your notes and sources in order to plan, draft, revise and edit your writing. You may use your notes and refer to the sources. Write a 5 paragraph argumentative essay that addresses this question.Be sure to include a proper introduction (the funnel).Take a stance in your essay. Make sure you establish an argumentative claim, address potential counterarguments, and support your claim from the sources you have read. Develop your ideas clearly and use your own words, except when quoting directly from the sources. Be sure to reference at least 4 sources by author or number when using details or facts directly from the sources. Review the rubric that will be used to score your essay before beginning to write. If you have questions about organization/purpose, evidence/elaboration, or conventions please ask.Manage your time carefully so that you can complete the following:Plan your multi-paragraph argumentative essayWrite your multi-paragraph argumentative essayRevise and edit the final draft of your multi-paragraph argumentative essay ................

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