Curriculum Map -
Grade 6 Social Studies (Master)
Teacher: Amy Piacentino
|Month |Content/Essential Questions |Skills |Activities/Resources |Assessment |
|August 2008 |Geography: Pre-Assessment of the location of |Geography |Geography: |Geography: |
| |countries, continents, deserts, mountain ranges and |[pic] 3.A.1 Power Indicator: Place countries, cities, |continent pie, library for continent research, desk maps, labeling maps, clothing tags activities, | |
| |bodies of water of the world |deserts, mountain ranges and bodies of water on the |vocabulary flashcards |pretest/posttest, vocabulary test |
| | |continents on which they are located. |atlases, country and political, physical thematic, world maps | |
| | | |Geography Alive | |
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| |Geography: * Continents divided into |Geography |Geography: | |
| | countries |[pic] 3.A.1 Power Indicator: Place countries, cities, | | |
| | |deserts, mountain ranges and bodies of water on the | |Geography: |
| | |continents on which they are located. | | |
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| | |[pic]5.A.2 Describe how the world is divided into | | |
| | |countries that claim sovereignty over territory, and | | |
| | |countries may be further divided into states or | | |
| | |provinces that contain cities and towns. | | |
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| | |[pic]5A.3a-c Explain ways that countries interact with| | |
| | |each other including: | | |
| | |a. diplomacy | | |
| | |b. treaties | | |
| | |c. international meetings and exchanges, e.g., United | | |
| | |Nations | | |
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|September 2008 |Geography: (continued from Aug.) |Geography |Geography |Geography |
| | |[pic]3.C.5 Power Indicator: Place countries, cities, | | |
| |* Continents divided into countries |deserts, mountain ranges and bodies of water on the |Geography Alive | |
| |*Forms of government |continents on which they are located. | | |
| | |[pic]3.A.2 Use coordinates of latitude and longitude | | |
| | |to locate points on a world map. | | |
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| | |Government | | |
| |Government: Forms of Government | [pic]5.C.4: Describe the defining characteristics of |Government | |
| | |democracies, monarchies and dictatorships. | | |
| | | | |Government |
| | |[pic]6.B.2 Compare the rights and responsibilities of | | |
| | |citizens living under various systems of government | | |
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| | |Economics | | |
| | |[pic]4 A.1Power Indicator: Explain how the | | |
| |Economics: |availability of productive resources and |Economics |Economics |
| |What events or ideas would prompt one to become an |entrepreneurship affects the production of goods and | | |
| |entrepreneur? |services in different world regions. | | |
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| |When do you ( the student) use trade-offs (opportunity|[pic]4.A.2 Explain that most decisions involve | | |
| |costs) in your life? |trade-offs and give examples | | |
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| | |History: Chronology | | |
| | |[pic]1.A.1: Construct a multiple-tier time line from a| | |
| |History: Chronology |list of events and interpret the relationships between|History: Chronology |History: Chronology |
| |What is the best strategy for placing B.C/B.C.E and |the events. | | |
| |A.D./C.E. events in order on a timeline? | |ODE lesson |timeline |
| | |[pic]1 A.2: Arrange dates in order on a time line | |ODE pretest/posttest |
| |Timelines |using the conventions of BC and AD or BCE and CE. | | |
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| | |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era | | |
| | |[pic]1.B.3 Power Indicator: Describe the early | | |
| |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |cultural development of humankind from the Paleolithic| | |
| |Hunting and gathering |Era to the revolution of agriculture. |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |
| |tool making |a: hunting and gathering | | |
| |use of fire |b: tool making |Early man (hominids) “T” charts |Group presentations/posters |
| |domestication of plants and animals |c: use of fire |History Alive | |
| |organizing societies |d: domestication of plants and animals |Vocabulary flashcards, artifact sort, Venn diagram, Video Streaming, | |
| |governance |e: organizing societies | | |
| |How could early man have survived without the use of |f: governance | | |
| |modern technology? | | | |
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|October 2008 |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |Early Civilizations: Paleolithic Era |
| |Hunting and gathering |Hunting and gathering |Hunting and gathering |Hunting and gathering |
| |tool making |[pic]1.B.3 Describe the early cultural development of | | |
| |use of fire |humankind from the Paleolithic Era to the revolution | | |
| |domestication of plants and animals |of agriculture. | | |
| |organizing societies |A: hunting and gathering | | |
| |governance |b: tool making | | |
| |Agricultural Revolution**** |c: use of fire | | |
| | |d: domestication of plants and animals | | |
| |How could early man have survived without the use of |e: organizing societies | | |
| |modern technology? |f: governance | | |
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| | |Early Civilizations: Tigris & Euphrates River Valley | |Early Civilizations: Tigris and |
| |Early Civilizations: Tigris and Euphrates River Valley|(Mesopotamia) |Early Civilizations: Tigris and Euphrates(Mesopotamia) |Euphrates(Mesopotamia) |
| |(Mesopotamia) |[pic]5.A.1.a Power Indicator: Explain reasons for the | | |
| | |creation of government such as | |posttest |
| | |a. protecting lives, liberty, and property. |Geography Alive, History Alive, Vocabulary flashcards, maps |vocabulary quiz |
| |How can ancient artifacts, dwellings, and remains help| |labeling maps | |
| |archaeologists infer/conclude about a specific |[pic]5.A.1a Explain reasons for the creation of | | |
| |culture? |government such as: | | |
| | | |Sumerian/Babylonian notes | |
| | |[pic]5.A.1.a protecting lives, liberty, |Hammurabi’s Laws comparison chart | |
| | |and property |ancient civilizations comparison chart | |
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| | |[pic]5.A.1.b Power Indicator: Providing services | | |
| | |that individuals cannot provide for themselves. | | |
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| | |[pic]1.B.4 Power Indicator: Compare the geographic, | | |
| | |political, economic and social characteristics of the | | |
| | |river civilizations in the Tigris and Euphrates river | | |
| | |valley before 1000BC including: | | |
| | |1.B.4.a location | | |
| | |1.B.4.b government | | |
| | |1.B.4.c religion | | |
| | |1.B.4.d agriculture | | |
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| | |[pic]7B.4 Read and interpret pictographs, bar graphs, | | |
| | |line graphs, circle graphs, tables and flow charts. | | |
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|November 2008 |Early Civilizations: Nile (Egypt) |Early Civilizations: Nile (Egypt) |Early Civilizations: Nile (Egypt) |Early Civilizations: Nile (Egypt) |
| | |[pic]1.B.4 a-b Power Indicator: Compare the | | |
| | |geographic, political, economic and social |Geography Alive, History Alive, Vocabulary flashcards, maps, |posttest |
| |How might our lives be different if our civilizations |characteristics of the river civilizations in the Nile|timelines, notes, Egypt culture questions, mapping lab, |maps |
| |were located near a river and dependent upon it? |(Egypt) valley before 1000BC including: |ancient civilizations comparison chart, Geo kit, videos |vocabulary quiz |
| | |a. location | | |
| |What are several "main arteries" in our society today?|b . government | | |
| | |c. religion | | |
| | |d. agriculture | | |
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| | |[pic]3.C.5 Power Indicator: Describe ways human | | |
| | |settlements and activities are influenced by | | |
| | |environmental factors and processes in different | | |
| | |places and regions including: bodies of water, | | |
| | |landforms, climates, vegetation,weathering,and seismic| | |
| | |activity. | | |
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| | |[pic]3.C.6.a-c Describe ways in which human migration | | |
| | |has an impact on the physical and human | | |
| | |characteristics of places including: | | |
| | |a. urbanization | | |
| | |b. desertification | | |
| | |c. deforestation | | |
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| | |[pic]7.C.5 Complete a research project that uses a | | |
| | |bibliography | | |
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| | |Economics: | | |
| |Economics: |[pic]4.B.5 Power Indicator: Explain how supply and | | |
| |How does the scattering of resources around the world |demand help to set the market clearing price for goods| | |
| |affect global trading? |and services and how prices reflect the relative |Economics: "On the Move" and Tokens of Trade ODE lessons |Economics: |
| | |scarcity of goods and services. | world maps | |
| | | | Hot Lava Island simulation | |
| | |[pic]3.D.9 Identify and explain primary geographic | | |
| | |causes for world trade including the uneven | | |
| | |distribution of natural resources. | | |
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| | |[pic]4.B Explain why trade occurs and how historical | | |
| | |patterns of trade have contributed to global | | |
| | |interdependence. | | |
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| | |[pic]4.C.6 Distinguish between goods and services | | |
| | |typically produced by the private sector and the | | |
| | |public sector. | | |
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|December 2008 |Early Civilization: Indus Valley (India) |Early Civilization: Indus Valley (India) |Early Civilization: Indus Valley (India) |Early Civilization: Indus Valley (India) |
| | |[pic]1.B.a-e Power Indicator: Compare the geographic, | | |
| | |political, economic and social characteristics of the | | |
| |How can society be organized to meet the needs of |river civilizations in the Indus valley before 1000BC |Geography Alive, History Alive, Vocabulary flashcards, maps, posttest | |
| |every individual citizen? |including: | | |
| | |a. location |timelines, notes, | |
| | |b. government | | |
| | |c. religion | | |
| | |d. agriculture | | |
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|January 2009 |Early Civilizations: Indus River Valley (India) |Early Civilizations: Indus |Early Civilizations: Indus |Early Civilizations: Indus |
| |continued from December |[pic]1.B.4a-e Power Indicator: Compare the geographic,| | |
| | |political, economic and social characteristics of the | | |
| | |river civilizations in the Indus valley before 1000BC |Geography Alive, History Alive, Vocabulary flashcards, maps, | |
| | |including: |timelines, notes, | |
| | |a. location | | |
| | |b. government | | |
| | |c. religion | | |
| | |d. agriculture | | |
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| | | [pic]2.A:Compare cultural practices, products and | | |
| | |perspectives of past civilizations in order to | | |
| | |understand commonality and diversity of cultures. | | |
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| | |[pic] 2.B: Analyze examples of interactions between | | |
| | |cultural groups and explain the factors that | | |
| | |contribute to cooperation and conflict. | | |
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| | |Early Civilizations: Huang Ho (China) | | |
| | |[pic]1.B.4a-d Power Indicator: Compare the geographic,| | |
| | |political, economic and social characteristics of the | | |
| |Early Civilizations: Huang Ho (China) |river civilizations in the Huang Ho(China) valley |Early Civilizations: Huang Ho (China) | |
| | |before 1000BC including: | | |
| | |a. location | |Early Civilizations: Huang Ho (China) |
| |How can geography help and hinder the development of a|b. government | | |
| |civilization? |c. religion | | |
| | |d. agriculture | | |
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| | |[pic]3.D.8a-e: Explain push and pull factors that | | |
| | |cause people to migrate from place to place including:| | |
| | |a. oppression/freedom | | |
| | |b. poverty/economic opportunity | | |
| | |c. cultural ties | | |
| | |d. political conflicts | | |
| | |e. environmental factors | | |
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| | |[pic]7.B.2 Analyze information from primary and | | |
| | |secondary sources in order to summarize, make | | |
| | |generalizations and draw conclusions. | | |
|February 2009 |Early Civilizations: China continued |Early Civilizations: China continued |Early Civilizations: China continued |Early Civilizations: China continued |
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| |World Religions/Beliefs (Buddhism, Christianity, |World Religions/Beliefs |World Religions/Beliefs |World Religions/Beliefs |
| |Hinduism, Judaism, Islam) |[pic]2.A.2 a-e Power Indicator: Compare world |ODE lesson and handouts | |
| | geographic origins |religions and belief systems focusing on geographic |Internet access or library books | |
| | founders |origins, founding leaders, and teachings including: | | |
| | main teachings |a. Buddhism |History Alive, Vocabulary flashcards, | |
| |(Belief systems and their impact on the daily lives of|b. Christianity |timelines, notes, | |
| |their followers) |c. Judaism |Religions comparison charts, library research | |
| | |d. Hinduism | | |
| | |e. Islam | | |
| | |[pic]7B.3 Organize information using outlines and | | |
| | |graphic organizers | | |
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| | |Government | | |
| |Government: Systems of Government |[pic]5.C.4 Power Indicator: Compare the defining |Government: ODE lesson: Tying it all Together: Conflict and Cooperation in Asia | |
| | |characteristics of democracies, monarchies, and | | |
| | |dictatorships. | | |
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|March 2009 |Economics: Why does trade occur? |Economics: |Economics: Partners in trade(ODE lesson) |Economics: |
| | | | | |
| | |[pic]4.B.4 Power Indicator: Explain goods and services| | |
| | |that are imported and exported and explain how this | | |
| | |trade makes countries interdependent. | | |
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| | |[pic]7A.1a-e Power Indicator: Use multiple sources to | | |
| | |define essential vocabulary and obtain information for| | |
| | |a research project including: | | |
| | |a. almanacs | | |
| | |b. gazetteers | | |
| | |c. trade books | | |
| | |d. periodicals | | |
| | |e. video tapes | | |
| | | | | |
| | |[pic]7.C.6 Communicate a position on a topic orally | | |
| | |or in writing and support the position with evidence. | | |
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| | |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and | | |
| |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and |Mississippians |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and Mississippians | |
| |Mississippians |[pic]1.D.5 a-e Power Indicator: Describe the | | |
| | |characteristics of Maya, Inca, Aztec and Mississippian| | |
| |Would scientific knowledge have changed the customs of|civilizations including: |Geography Alive, History Alive, Vocabulary flashcards, maps, | |
| |the MesoAmerican cultures? |a. location |timelines, notes | |
| | |b. government | |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and|
| | |c. religion | |Mississippians |
| | |d. agriculture | | |
| | |e. cultural and scientific contributions | | |
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|April 2009 |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and Mississippians |Early Civilizations: Incas, Aztecs, Mayas, and|
| |Mississippians (continued) |Mississippians | |Mississippians |
| | |[pic]1.D.5 a-e Power Indicator: Describe the | | |
| | |characteristics of Maya, Inca, Aztec and Mississippian| | |
| | |civilizations including |History Alive, maps, | |
| | |a. location |timelines, notes, | |
| | |b. government | | |
| | |c. religion | | |
| | |d. agriculture | | |
| | |e. cultural and scientific contributions | | |
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| | |Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: Participation| | |
| |Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities :Participation|[pic]6.A.1 Power Indicator: Explain how opportunities |Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: Participation | |
| | |for citizens to participate in and influence the | |Citizenship Rights and Responsibilities: |
| | |political process differ under various systems of | |Participation |
| | |government. | | |
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|May 2009 |People in Societies: Interaction |People in Societies |People in Societies |People in Societies |
| | |[pic]2.B.3a-d Power Indicator: Explain factors that | | |
| | |foster conflict or cooperation among countries |ODE lessons: International Summit on Asia and/or Tying it All Together: Conflict and Cooperation in | |
| | |a. language |Asia | |
| | |b. religion | | |
| | |c. types of government | | |
| | |d. historic relationships | | |
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| | |Social Studies Skills and Methods | | |
| | |[pic]7.D.7 a-e Power Indicator: Work effectively to |Social Studies Skills and Methods | |
| | |achieve group goals: | | |
| | |a. engage in active listening | | |
| |. |b. provide feedback in a constructive manner | | |
| | |c. help establish group goals | | |
| | |d. take various roles within the group | | |
| | |e. recognize contributions of others | | |
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|June 2009 | |[pic]3.C.7 a-d Describe ways humans depend on and |ODE lesson: Consequences of Change and/or World Energy Summit | |
| | |modify the environment and the positive and negative | | |
| | |consequences of the modifications including: | | |
| | |a. dam building | | |
| | |b. energy production/usage | | |
| | |c. agriculture | | |
| | |d. urban growth | | |
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