The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular Fictional ...


Fictional Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular

featuring Disney Characters.

[Opening Music Plays; picture of Walt Disney appears on the TV Screen]

Rich Fields: Walt Disney! The man who created Mickey Mouse back in 1928. The first sound cartoon was Steamboat Willie!

We pay tribute to the late Walt Disney with another Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular! Here we go!

Mickey Mouse, come on down!

[Mickey Mouse comes on down]

Minnie Mouse, come on down!

[Minnie Mouse runs on down and throws her arms around Mickey Mouse]

Donald Duck, come on down!

[Donald comes on down and high fives Mickey and Minnie]

And Daisy Duck, come on down!

[Daisy rushes on down and throws her arms around Donald and kisses him]

You are the first four contestants on The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular!

[The Price is Right Main Theme plays]

And now, here is the star of The Price is Right, BOB BARKER!!!

[Bob enters door 2 to the cheers and applause of the audience and takes the microphone from Brandi]

Bob: Welcome to The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular,as we pay tribute to the late Walt Disney!

And now, here is the first item up for bids tonight!

Rich: It's a new plasma TV!


From Panasonic, this 42 inch plasma TV brings sharp, realistic picture and sharp sound quality from Panasonic.

Bob: And we will present that to the one of you four who bids closest to the actual retail price without going over.

Your bid is first, Mickey.

Mickey: $2,000.

Bob: Mickey bids $2,000. All right, Minnie, your turn to bid.

Minnie: $3,000.

Bob: $3,000. Donald, let's hear your bid.

Donald: $4,000.

Bob: $4,000. Ok, Daisy, your bid.

Daisy: $5,000.

Bob: $5,000. [Bell Clangs] What a way to start the show tonight! One of you had bid exactly right and one of you has earned a $1,000 bonus for your perfect bid! It goes to the contestant who bid $3,000.

[Music plays; Audience cheers]

Minnie, come up here on this stage and play the first pricing game of the night. Right back here, behind the big doors.

[Minnie kisses Bob on the cheek]

Thank you, Minnie. Minnie, here's what you can win.

[Doors open]

Rich: A treadmill, and a new computer!


First, a new treadmill. You'll have fun for hours with this tradmill. Has a 150 miles per hour capacity and has 7 other setting levels.

And second, a new computer. From Dell, this computer comes complete with 450 Megabytes of RAM and a 250 Gigabyte hard drive.

Perfect for your home or office.

Bob: You're going to play One Right Price. The one right price is $6,580. Which prize does that price belong on? The treadmill, or the computer?

Minnie: The treadmill.

Bob: She believes it's the treadmill. If it's $6,580, you win both prizes. What's the price, Rachel?

[Rachel reveals the price ($6,580)]

$6,580! You win! You won both prizes! I'll see you again at the big wheel! Rich, who is our next contestant?

Rich: From Sleeping Beauty, Princess Aurora! Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!

[Aurora comes on down]

Bob: Here comes Princess Aurora. Now, here's the next item up for bids.

Rich: A new Stereo System.


From Sony, this Stereo System comes complete with radio, dual tape deck, CD Player, and audio inputs so you can amplify audio from your TV set or any other audio source. From Sony.

Bob: Let's have your bid, Aurora.

Aurora: $1,750.

Bob: $1,750. Let's hear your bid, Donald.

Donald: $2,000.

Bob: $2,000. All right, Daisy.

Daisy: $2,200.

Bob: $2,200. Mickey, wind it up.

Mickey: $3,000.

Bob: $3,000. Actual retail price: $2,675.

[Music plays; Audience cheering]

Daisy wins the stereo system. Come up here, Daisy. Hi, Daisy.

Daisy, wait til you hear what Rich has to say.

Rich: Oh, Daisy, Daisy! Get your game face on 'cause you're gonna play Plinko! For a chance to win up to $100,000 in cash!

Bob: $100,000 Plinko! Let's come back here to the Plinko board. I'll give you one Plinko chip and you can win 4 more with 4 prizes.

What's the first prize, Rich?

Rich: First, we have a blender. Make smoothies, and many other favorite drinks.


Bob: Now, the price is not $50. Is the 5 or the 0 right?

Daisy: 5.

Bob: 5, Rebecca. [Price 58] Right! Next prize.

Rich: This cookie jar has a fantastic look and has a rubber gasket to seal in the freshness of all kinds of cookies.


Bob: Which one is it. 2 or 5.

Daisy: 5.

Bob: 5. [15] Right! And let's charge on!

Rich: Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse In Living Color Volume 2 on DVD. It contains lots of classic Mickey and Minnie Mouse cartoons

from the old days of the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950's. Including such cartoons like The Nifty Nineties, The Little Whirlwind, Mickey's Delayed Date, The Simple Things, and more.


Bob: Is the 5 right or the 9 right?

Daisy: 9.

Bob: 9, Rebecca. [Price: 29] Right! And the last prize, Rich.

Rich: This breadmaker makes fresh bread in less than 30 minutes.


Bob: $75 is not the right price. Is it the 7 or the 5.

Daisy: 7.

Bob: 7. [Price $70] Right again! You got 'em all! The lovely Rebecca will give you 4 more Plinko chips to go with the one you have.

You can win up to as much as $100,000. Here's the $20,000 slot. Hold one Plinko chip flat against the board and release it any place you wish.

[Daisy drops the first Plinko chip]

And this one is going to be worth: $1,000. You have $1,000 thus far. Let's have the next one.

[Daisy drops the second chip]

Lookin, good! Looking good! $20,000!!!

You have $21,000 now. Do that again!

[Daisy drops her third chip]

A little off to the side and it goes in $500. $21,500.

[Daisy drops her fourth chip]

Here comes her fourth Plinko chip. And this one is headed for.... $1,000. Put that last one in the $20,000.

[Daisy drops her last Plinko chip]

This one is looking interesting! Looks like it's good! $20,000!!! A total of 42,500. Come on down, Daisy!

Thank you for playing Plinko on The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular. And we'll be back for another pricing game after this message.


Bob: Rich, I need another contestant to fill this vacant spot in Contestants Row.

Rich: Then, Bob, I will fill it with... From Beauty and The Beast... Belle! Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!

Bob: Here she comes! Here she is now. Welcome aboard. I believe the next item up for bids is on the turntable.

Rich: I believe you're right, Bob. Here it is now. A new set of golf clubs.


Golf like Tiger Woods with this set of golf clubs from Rawlings. Comes complete with balls, and clubs. From Rawlings.

Bob: What's your bid, Belle?

Belle: $2,000

Bob: $,2000. What's your bid, Mickey?

Mickey: $2,175.

Bob: $2,175. How about it, Aurora.

Aurora: $1,775.

Bob: She says $1,775. And now, Donald Duck.

Donald: $2,100.

Bob: $2,100. Actual retail price of the golf clubs: $2,275. Mickey wins!

[Music plays; Audience cheering]

Mickey Mouse, come up here with me and play your pricing game that awaits for you! Hi, Mickey. Mickey, we would love to give you that.

Rich: A new car!


A 2006 Chevrolet Corvette Coupe. You'll be cruisin' the streets. Comes complete with 400-hp LS2 6.0L aluminum-block V8 engine,

Standard Active Handling System, Available Six-Speed Paddle Shift with Automatic Modes. Comes complete with standard features, plus these

options: hidden integral radio antenna, rear opening hood with underhood lamp, solar-ray light-tinted glass and California emission.

It's a Chevrolet Corvette Coupe.

Bob: You're going to play One Away. The car is not $34,674, but each number is one away from the correct number.

You want a 2 or a 4.

Mickey: 4.

Bob: You got it. Now, the 4: 3 or 5.

Mickey: 5.

Bob: 5 is yours. How about that 6? 5 or 7.

Mickey: 7.

Bob. 7. And 3 or 5.

Mickey: 5.

Bob: 5. You now have a price of $45,785. If that is the right price, you own that car. But if even one number is right, the game continues.

So ask them "Ladies, do I have at least one number right?".

Mickey: Ladies, do I have at least one number right?

[horn honks]

Bob: You have at least one number right. So this game continues. Ask them "Ladies, do I have two numbers right?".

Mickey: Ladies, do I have two numbers right?

[horn honks]

Bob: You do have two numbers right! Ask them "Ladies, do I have three numbers right?".

Mickey: Ladies, do I have three numbers right?

[horn honks]

Bob: You have three numbers right! Ask them "Ladies, do I have four numbers right?"

Mickey: Ladies, do I have four numbers right?

[horn honks]

Bob: Four numbers are right! I know you're gonna win it the way things are going. Now, ask them "Ladies, do I have all five numbers right?"

Mickey: Ladies, do I have all five numbers right?

[horn honks; bell ringing; audience cheering]

Bob: You win the car! $45,785! Congratulations! And we're going to roll out the big wheel and at least one contestant will have a spin for $1,000,000 after these words.


Rich: Closed captioning on The Price is Right paid for in part by the following...

[Fee plug plays]

Bob: It is time for the showcase showdown. Our top winner during this half hour is Mickey Mouse.

Get $1.00 in one spin or a combination of 2 spins, you win $1,000 and a bonus spin.

If the wheel stops on one of these two green sections in your bonus spin, you win $5,000 more.

If the wheel stops on the $1.00 in your bonus spin, you will win $1,000,000.

The contestant nearest to $1.00 without going over will be in the showcase tonight.

Minnie Mouse, since you won the least, get over there and spin that wheel.

[Minnie spins the wheel]

Here goes Minnie with her first spin of the first showcase showdown.

And she gets... [wheel stops on 95 cents] 95 cents! You don't wanna spin anymore, do you? No. I didn't think so.

All right, Daisy, it's your turn.

[Daisy spins the wheel]

Daisy duck already won $42,500 in Plinko. And let's see if she can try to add an additional $1,000,000.

[wheel stops on 45 cents]

No in one spin. 45 cents. Spin it again. Get yourself 55 cents this time.

[Daisy spins the wheel again]

45 cents to build on. And here comes the 55. Getting close! Stop! Stop! [55 doesn't quite make it] Oh! So close!

I'm sorry, Daisy, but spend your money wisely. All right, Mickey, it's your spin.

Mickey won a brand new car in One Away and he's hoping to pick up $1,000 for gasoline.

[wheel stops on 25 cents]

And you have a quarter. Spin it again. You have to beat 95 cents. Mickey needs 75 cents in this spin in the worst way.

25 cents and... It is not going to work. Mickey, enjoy your new car.

Minnie, you've won the first showcase showdown. You'll be in the showcase at the end of the show.

And we will be back for more pricing games after this announcement.


Bob: Rich, who is our next contestant?

Rich: I'm glad you asked 'cause from TaleSpin, Rebecca Cunningham! Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!

Bob: Here comes Rebecca Cunningham. From the back of the audience. And now she's coming down the aisle and into contestants row.

And we're ready to see the next item up for bids.

Rich: A trip to Miami, Florida.


You and a guest will fly round-trip coach from Los Angeles to Miami, Florida for a 6-night stay at the The Miami Beach Wyndham Resort.

You'll enjoy beach watersports, fine dining and golf. We've included a rental car.

Bob: And what's your bid, Rebecca?

Rebecca: $3,000.

Bob: $3,000. All right, Aurora.

Aurora: $3,500.

Bob: $3,500. Ok, Donald, your bid.

Donald: $4,000.

Bob: $4,000. And let's hear from you, Belle.

Belle: $2,575.

Bob: $2,575. [Bell clangs] One of you is exactly right. I have a $1,000 bonus for that perfect bid. It goes to the contestant who bid $4,000.

[Music plays; Audience cheering]

Donald is the winner! Donald wins! The last of our first four contestants. Donald has escaped from contestants row.

Come with me to the big doors. Hi, Donald. Donald, here's what you can win.

Rich: It's a new hot tub!


This Beach Comber hot tub seats up to eight adults. Comes with nergy-saving cover, special lighting, flexible jetting for the neck, back and feet and ease of maintenance Immerse yourself in inspiration for body, mind, and soul.

Bob: Donald, your game is Side By Side. You must tell me which way these numbers go to make the right price. [Numbers: 70,50]

If you put the numbers this way, you'll make $5,070. Or if you put the numbers this way, you'll make $7,050.

You choose the correct way and you'll win the hot tub.

[Donald puts the price to $7,050]

Donald believes the price is $7,050. Is that the right price?

[Bell rings, main theme plays, audience cheers]

$7,050. You win the hot tub! I'll see you at the big wheel.

Another game after this message.

Rich: The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectacular salute to Walt Disney will continue here on CBS,


Bob: We need another contestant, Rich.

Rich: I'll get you one, Bob. From Alice in Wonderland... Alice! Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!

Bob: Here's Alice. Right here in the front row. She didn't come on down. She stood on up. Here's the next item up for bids. It's coming down.

Rich: A new chandelier.


From Sea Gull Lighting, this Eighteen-Light Cypress Chandelier has a Grecian Stone finish, seeded water glass, and Supplied with 144'' of wire.

Bob: Let's hear your bid on the chandelier, Alice.

Alice: $7,500.

Bob: Alice bids $7,500. Belle?

Belle: $6,000.

Bob: $6,500. And now, Rebecca..

Rebecca: $6,310.

Bob: Rebecca has settled on $6,310. And now, Princess Aurora is about to speak.

Aurora: $6,001.

Bob: $6,001.


You have all overbid. The lowest bid here is $6,000. Erase the bids, please. Go lower than $6,000, Alice

Alice: $3,500.

Bob: $3,500. What's your bid, Belle?

Belle: $3,100.

Bob: $3,100. And now, I go back again to Rebecca Cunningham from TaleSpin.

Rebecca: $3,300.

Bob: Rebecca has settled on $3,300. And now, Princess Aurora is about to speak.

Aurora: $3,000.

Bob: $3,000. The actual retail price of the chandelier is $3,590. Alice wins!

[Music plays; Audience cheering]

Alice, join me up here for your pricing game.

Hello, Alice. Alice, we wanna give away another one of these.

Rich: A new car!


A 2006 Pontiac Solstice GXP. You'll ride in style in this car. Comes with a 177 hp, DOHC 2.4L Ecotec® engine, Aisin® 5-speed manual Transmission or optional automatic transmission, Coil-Over Bilstein® Monotube Shocks, Convertible cloth top stowable in rear clamshell exterior, 4-wheel disc brakes, and California emission. The Pontiac Solstice.

Bob: And your game is Cover Up. $61,516 is not the right price. Cover up the 6 with the 1 or the 2. Cover up the 1 with the 0, 1 or 2 and so on

right down the line. Get busy.

[Alice covers up the 6 with a 2, then covers the 1 with a 0 and then the 5 with a 2 and then covers the 1 with a 9, and the 6 with a 0]

She believes the price is $20,290. Is she a winner?


No. But don't despair. You'll get another chance if there are any numbers right. Are there any numbers right?

[4 dings; the 2,0,9,0 are right]

Everything, but the 2 is right. Cover up that 2.

[Alice covers up the 2 with a 4]

Alice believes that the price is $20,490. Is that the right price?

[bell rings; theme plays; audience cheering]

$20,490. That is the right price! Drive carefully. Five winners in a row. Will we have a perfect show?

We'll be back with another contestant after this.


Bob: We need one more winner for a perfect show. Get me a winner!

Rich: All right, Bob. I'll get you a winner. How about you, Megara. From Hercules! Megara!

Come on down! You're the next contestant on The Price is Right!

Bob: In the far left corner of the studio. She's now in the aisle. And here she comes! Welcome, Megara. Here's the next item up for bids.

Rich: A new Home Theater System.


A complete home theater together in one compact system. With 6 channel A/V receiver. 5-disc carousel DVD changer, speaker package and


Bob: And you, Megara, get the first bid on that prize.

Megara: $4,100.

Bob: $4,100. And now, Belle.

Belle: $6,000.

Bob: $6,000. All right, Rebecca.

Rebecca: $4,450.

Bob: $4,450. And Princess Aurora gets the very last bid of the night.

Aurora: $1.

Bob: $1. [Bell clangs] Aha! Another perfect bid! One of you is exactly right! Another $1,000 bonus! It's for the contestant who bid $4,450.

[Music plays; Audience cheering]

Rebecca is the winner! Rebecca wins, so Rebecca plays the last pricing game. Right over here, Rebecca. Hi, Rebecca.

Rebecca, you're going to play the Race Game. We have a prize that's $3,630, one that's $4,100, one prize that's $3,490, and one that's $1,900.

They're over there behind that curtain. Here they are.

[Race Game prize cue plays]

Rich: Appliances for your kitchen! A refrigerator, a dishwasher, a microwave oven and a range.


From Whirlpool, a refrigerator. Keep all your cold drinks nice and cold with this refrigerator. Comes with 5 different cold temperature levels.

Second, a dishwaser from Gibson. Comes with 5 different levels of washing action and 2 different drying options. Easy to operate.

Third, a microwave oven. From Tappan, this microwave uses 1,000 watts of power. Comes with 10 different power levels, built-in timer to keep

track of how much time is left, food defrost option, popcorn setting, and many more features. From Tappan.

And finally, from Kenmore a range with oven. This electric range comes with an electric clock, built-in timer to keep track of how much time is left in your cooking, the oven cooks foods to perfection. From Kenmore. And there they are, Bob.

Bob: Rebecca, I want you to take those price tags, place them on the prizes that they might fit on. Run back here pull this arm down.

[pulls the arm down; buzzer] If you hear that buzzer, run back and make changes. You can do it for as long as 45 seconds. Any questions?

Rebecca: No.

Bob: On your mark, get set, go!

[Rebecca runs and puts the $3,630 on the refrigerator, the $1,900 on the microwave, the $4,100 on the range, and the $3,490 on the dishwasher;

then runs back over and pulls the arm down; buzzer; big readout reads 2]

Bob: Two right, two wrong! Switch two of them

[Rebecca runs back and switches the $3,630 and the $3,490 and runs back and pulls the arm down again; bell rings; theme plays; audience cheers]

Bob: You won! You won 'em all!

[The Barker's Beauties reveal the prices]

You won all 4 prizes. Enjoy them.

We'll be back with the second showcase showdown after this commercial message.


Rich: Closed captioning paid for in part by the following...

[fee plug plays]

Rich: Contestants not appearing on stage will receive VocoPro's Duet easy-to-use digital Karaoke System.

With state-of-the-art party favor for amateurs and enthusiasts. The ultimate choice for karaoke entertainment. From VocoPro.

And a telephone from Invention Submission Corporation. Inventors, ISC can try to patent your idea and submit it to companies.

Call 1-800-288-IDEA. And now, here's Bob Barker with our Showcase Showdown.

Bob: Thank you, Rich. Spin that wheel, Donald Duck.

[Donald spins the wheel]

Donald's first spin is going to be.... [wheel stops on 20 cents] 20 cents. Wanna spin again?

Donald: Yeah.

Bob: Go right ahead.

[Donald spins again]

20 cents. Now looking for 80 cents. [70 would be pretty good. [wheel stops on 70 cents] 90 cents total. Over there you go.

All right, Rebecca Cunningham your spin.

[Rebecca spins the wheel]

Here goes Rebecca Cunningham's first spin. She must beat 90 cents. [wheel slows down] Rebecca, it's looking good! You may have 95 cents, Rebecca. Get on 95. Get on 95 cents! [wheel stops on 95 cents] And Rebecca Cunningham's got 95 cents. Over there you go.

All right, Alice. You're up.

[Alice spins the wheel]

Alice is trying to shoot for that $1.00. The wheel is flashing before our very eyes. It's beginning to slow down, and it may seem like Alice

may need to spin again. [wheel stops on 40 cents] 40 cents. Spin it again, Alice. [Alice spins again]

40 cents to build on. This last spin will decide. Will it be Rebecca Cunningham or Alice who goes into the showcase.

Alice, I'm afraid it's not going to work. [wheel stops on 80 cents] You have gone over by 20 cents. Enjoy your prizes.

Rebecca, you're going to be in the showcase after these words.


Bob: Rebecca Cunningham from TaleSpin is the top winner in our showcase tonight. [Applause]

And Minnie Mouse, you are the runner-up tonight. Each of you will have a showcase of fantastic prizes to bid on.

The one of you who bids closest to the actual retail price of your own showcase without going over wins your showcase.

But if you're the winner and are $250 or less away from the retail price of your own showcase, you win both showcases.

In addition to winning your showcase, you will also have a chance to spin the big wheel for $1,000,000.

Now, in the unfortunate event that we do have a double overbid, of course, neither of you will win your showcase,

but the one who is less over the retail price of your showcase will get a chance to spin the big wheel for $1,000,000.

So, we're going to have a $1,000,000 spin on the big wheel no matter what happens.

Now, Rebecca, as top winner, you may bid on this first showcase or pass it to Minnie.

And now, we're ready for showcase number one.

Rich: This showcase is devoted to the late Walt Disney, who created Mickey and Minnie Mouse.

Mickey and Minnie Mouse debuted in 1928. Back then, he had to draw his characters with pencils and paper.

But nowadays, people can draw digital art using MS Paint or Photoshop on their new computer.


From Gateway, this computer comes with 512 Megabytes of RAM, 300 Gigabyte hard drive, and a 20 inch flat screen

monitor. Ideal for your home or office. And, another thing Walt Disney had in his early days of Mickey Mouse is

that he moved to the city where he started all his artistic career that you're going to: A trip to Kansas City, Kansas.


You and a guest will fly round-trip coach from Los Angeles to Kansas City, Kansas.

You'll enjoy a 6-night stay at the Chase Suite Hotel Overland Park.

Enjoy, sightseeing, complimentary breakfast buffet, and more. We've also included a rental car.

And in 1937, Walt Disney Productions released Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

That movie is now on DVD nowadays. You can play it on your new big-screen TV and DVD Player!


This big screen TV is 38 inches. Produces clear picture and sharp sound. With picture-in-picture tuner and universal remote.

And watch your favorite movies on this DVD player. From Sony, this DVD Player can play DVD, VCD, SVCD, CD and

other media formats. From Sony. And this showcase devoted to the late Walt Disney can be yours if the price is right.

Bob: Rebecca Cunningham, are you going to bid or pass.

Rebecca: I think I'll pass.

Bob: Ok, Minnie Mouse, it's your showcase. What do you bid?

Minnie: $45,500

Bob: $45,500 is Minnie's bid on her showcase. Rebecca Cunningham, this is YOUR showcase.

Rich: This showcase begins with a new bedroom set.


From Ashley Furniture, this bedroom set is perfect for any bedroom.

And a mattress. Kingsdown matress. A very comfortable mattress that'll send you off to dreamland almost immediately.

And for the game room, here's a new pinball table.


This pool table is perfect for any play room. Don't scratch while shooting the 8-ball.

And finally, we figured that this would be a great finish: A new sailboat!


The eliminator 260 Eagle XP ski boat. Make some wake with this powerful 26-foot boat that features a 300 Horserpower 5.7-liter Mercury Engine,

Bow railing, boat cover and custom gel coat. Trailer included.

And this showcase can be yours if the price is right.

Bob: Rebecca Cunningham, what do you want to bid on this showcase?

Rebecca: $38,000.

Bob: $38,000.

[The Price is Right theme plays]

Minnie here, bid $45,500. After this commercial message, we will find out who wins their showcase. We'll be right back.


Bob: Rebecca, I'll begin with you. You bid $38,000. Rebecca Cunningham, the actual retail price of your showcase is.... $37,990. [Buzzer]

Oh! You're over by $10. Minnie, as long as you do not go over, you win your showcase, no matter how far you miss it.

Your bid is $45,500. Minnie, the actual retail price of your showcase is.... $45,501. You win BOTH showcases!

[bell clanging, siren whooping, audience cheering and screaming]

With a difference of only $1. That's a good bid! And you get to spin for $1,000,000. Let's go over to the wheel and do it!

All right. Give it a spin! Go, Minnie!

[Suspenseful music plays as Minnie spins the wheel]

Around it goes! She's shooting for $1,000,000. Here it comes! Come on down! Go! Go! Go! [wheel stops on the $1.00]

She got it!

[bell clanging, siren whooping, audience cheering and screaming; fireworks exploding as confetti drops from the ceiling]

You did it! $1,000,000. Oh, what a night!

[The Price is Right main theme plays]

You won a lot of nice prizes. I hope you enjoyed yourself. You won $1,059,581 in cash and prizes. Congratulations.

And here comes Mickey Mouse. I'll be with you both very shortly.

Bob Barker reminding you to help control the pet population. Have your pets spayed or neutered. Good night, everybody.

[The Price is Right main theme continues playing]

Rich Fields: This is Rich Fields speaking for The Price is Right Million Dollar Spectaculat, A Mark Goodson Television Production.

Price is Right is a trademark of Mark Goodson Productions

All Disney Characters appearing on the show are trademarks of the Walt Disney Company.

Roger Rabbit and Jessica Rabbit are trademarks of Amblin Entertainment.

© 2006 David Frangioso

All Rights Reserved


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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