
高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Unit 11 Scientific Achievements

Designed by Xu yun xiang


技能目标Skill goals

Talk about science and scientific achievements.

Practise expressing intentions and wishes.

Learn about Word Formation(I).

Write a persuasion essay.



通过学习了解人类的科学成就,帮助学生认识到这些成就深刻地改变了人类生产和生活的方式和质量,同时也深刻地改变了人类的思维观念和对世界的认识,并继续改变着世界的面貌,极大地推动了社会的发展。 激发学生学科学、爱科学,把科学知识转化成科技成果,报效祖国,为祖国的繁荣富强贡献自己的力量。


将warming up 和speaking 整合在一起,通过谈论科学成就,讨论最重要的科学成就,练习表达自己的观点和愿望,上一节“口语课”

将Listening 和 workbook 中的Listening 整合在一起,上一节“听力课”。

把Pre-reading, Reading 和post-reading整合在一起,上一节“阅读课”。

将Grammar和 workbook中的语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。

将Integrating Skills 和 Workbook 中Integrating skills 整合在一起上一节“综合实践课”。


The first period Speaking

The second period Listening

The third period Reading

The fourth period Grammar

The fifth period Integrating Skills (I)

The sixth period Revision

高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Designed by Xu yun xiang 累计节次________

|课题 |Unit 11 Scientific Achievements |

|节次 |The First Period |课型 |Listening and Speaking |

|教学目标 |1. Target goals: |

| |Words and expressions : Solar energy breakthrough |

| |Patterns: (expressing intentions and wishes) |

| |If I got the money, I would…/My plan is to …/I hope that…/I |

| |want/wish/hope/intend/plan to… /I’d like to…/ I’m thinking of …. |

| |2. Ability goals: |

| |Be able to talk about scientific achievements |

| |Learn to express intentions and wishes |

| |3. Learning ability goals: |

| |Talk about great scientific achievements that have changed the world. Practice expressing intentions and |

| |wishes by talking about which scientific project is the most important. |

|教学重点 |Talk about great scientific achievements. Learn the patterns used to express intentions and wishes. |

|教学难点 |How to express intentions and wishes. |

|教学方法 |Group work / Discussion (cooperating learning ) |

|教 学 程 序 |教学调控 |

|Step 1 Greetings and Lead-in | |

|Have a free talk about the science, scientist and scientific achievements. | |

|T: Who can tell what scientific achievements you think changed the world? | |

|Possible answers: | |

|Electricity, cars, aeroplanes, telephones, radio and television, The Theory of Gravity, the Internet, | |

|solar energy, genetic engineering and cloning, etc. | |

|Step 2. Discussion (Warming up) | |

|1. Among the great scientific achievements that have changed the world, which one do you think is the | |

|most important? Why? | |

|2. What are some other scientific achievements that you think are important? | |

|3. Do these achievements have anything in common? If so ,what ? | |

|Possible answers: ( to be omitted) | |

|Some language points: | |

|1. solar= sol +ar, adj. 太阳的,日光的,来自太阳的,关于太阳的,利用太阳光和热的。 例: | |

|a solar system 太阳系 ;the solar year 阳历年 (lunar year 阴历年) | |

|2. energy un. 能量,精力,活力 | |

|All moving objects have energy. | |

|所有运动着的物体都具有能量。 | |

|Young people should have energy. | |

|年轻人应当有活力。 | |

|区别force ,power & strength | |

|He is always full of ___________ as though he never knew tiredness. | |

|A. strenghth B. energy C. force D. power | |

|3. achievement cn. (常用复数形式)功绩,成就,功业。 un. 完成,达到,其反义词为 failure 失败 做不到。 | |

|例如: | |

|His achievements are worthy of record. | |

|他的功业是值得记载的。 | |

|Because of the heavy rain, the achievement of the task might be delayed. | |

|因为大雨,任务的完成可能被耽搁。 | |

|4. have … in common with 与……有共同处,和……一样,共享,共用。例如: | |

|My opinion have much in common with theirs. | |

|我的意见和他们的有许多共同之处。 | |

|Real friends should have everything in common. | |

|真正的朋友应该不分彼此。 | |

|Free medical treatment in this country covers not only mental disease but also __________ sickness | |

|A. normal B. average C. regular D. ordinary | |

|5. Which one do you think is the most important? | |

|句型:疑问词+do you think/guess/expect/believe/….+ 其它(陈述语序)?该句型常 | |

|用来征询对方对某一疑问点的判断、认识、看法、猜测等,或请求对方重复一遍。 | |

|Where do you think we shall meet? | |

|How many people do you guess attended the lecture? | |

|How do you suppose they will deal with the waste? | |

|What did you say was the matter with her? 你说她怎么了? | |

|What do you expect they had better do? 你希望他们最好做什么? | |

|Mon is coming. What present _____for your birthday? | |

|A. you expect she has got B. you expect has she got | |

|C. do you expect she has got D. do you expect has she got | |

|Step3. Speaking | |

|T: Suppose we are in the year of 2015. You are scientists. You are working on different projects. All of | |

|you need money and want to get money to complete your project. You will introduce your project and | |

|explain why it is the most important. One member will listen to all the scientists and ask questions. At | |

|the end of the discussion, he or she must decide who will get the money and why. | |

|1. Present some useful expressions:(shown on the screen) | |

|If I got the money, I would…. | |

|My plan is to… | |

|I hope that… | |

|I want/wish/ hope/ intend/ plan to … | |

|I’d like to … | |

|I’m thinking of … | |

|2. Some language points: | |

|1. Work on 从事于(某工作);致力于;工作 | |

|My father is working on a new book. 我爸爸正在写一本新书。 | |

|He is still working on inventing a new type of machines for English study. | |

|他仍在致力于发明一种学习英语用的新式机器。 | |

|2. 句型:make it +adj. +inf | |

|This makes it necessary for the farmers to grow corn in dry areas. | |

|这使农民有必要在干燥地区种植玉米。 | |

|The highly advancing science and technology will make it possible for human beings to land on Mars. | |

|日益高速发展的科学技术将会使人类登上火星成为可能。 | |

|3.If I got the money, I would ….. | |

|本句为虚拟结构,表示与现在事实相反的假设。 | |

|If there were no advertising, people could not know about the goods in their local shop. | |

|如果没有广告,人们就不能了解当地商店里的商品。 | |

|If I had enough money, I should/would travel around the world. | |

|如果我充足的钱,我就会周游世界。 | |

|3. Group work.(five minutes) | |

|4. Act-out | |

|Five minutes later, some students should be asked to act out their work. | |

|Step5. Summary and Homework | |

|Summary: | |

|In this class, we’ve mainly talked about scientific achievements. From this class we’ve learnt more about| |

|science and scientific achievement. Moreover, we’ve learnt some useful expressions to express intentions | |

|and wishes. | |

|Homework: | |

|1. Practise using the useful expressions. | |

|2. Preview the reading part. | |

|教学反思: |

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高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Designed by Xuyunxiang 累计节次________

|课题 |Unit 11 Scientific Achievements |

|节次 |The Second Period |课型 | Listening |

|教学目标 |1. Target goals: |

| |constitution, Neil Armstrong, Alexander G Bell, Ray Tomlinson, eureka |

| |2. Ability goals: |

| |Introduce some great scientists and their achievements to students by doing some listening exercises. |

| |3. Learning ability goals: |

| |By listening to the introduction of some scientists and their achievements help students learn more about |

| |scientific achievements. Improve their listening ability by doing listening exercises. |

|教学重点 | Listen to materials about some great scientists and their achievements. |

|教学难点 | How to improve their listening ability |

|教学方法 | Listening/ speaking/ discussing |

|教 学 程 序 |教学调控 |

| Step1. Revision | |

|Check the homework. | |

|Ask some students to express their intensions and wishes using the patterns learned in this unit. | |

|Ask students to say more about scientific achievements. | |

|Step 2. Pre-listening | |

|The listening material contains two parts. You are going to hear some words said by some famous people at| |

|the time when they achieved success. | |

|1. An introduction to Neil Armstrong, Alexander Graham Bell and Ray Tomlinson : | |

|In 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first man to walk on the moon, uttering the immortal| |

|phrase, “On small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” | |

|Name: Neil Armstrong NASA Astronaut(former) | |

|Personal Data: Born August5, 1930 in Wapakoneta, Ohio. Married. Two sons. | |

|Education: Bachelor of Science degree in aeronautical engineering from Purdue University, Master of | |

|Science degree in aerospace engineering from University of Southern California. He holds honorary | |

|doctorates from a number of universities. | |

|Special Honors: He is the recipient of many special honors, including the Presidential Medal for Freedom | |

|in 1969; the Robert H. Goddard Memorial Triphy in 1970; the Robert J. Collier Trophy in 1969; and the | |

|Congressional Space Medal of Honor, 1978. | |

|Experience: From 1949 to 1952, he served as a naval aviator; he flew 78 combat missions during the Korean| |

|War. During 1971—1979, Armstrong was professor of aerospace engineering at the University of Cincinnati, | |

|where he was involved in both teaching and research. Currently serves as Chairman, All Systems, Inc. Deer| |

|Park, N.Y. | |

|NASA Experience: Armstrong joined NACA, (National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics), NASA’s | |

|predecessor, as a research pilot at the Lewis Laboratory in Cleveland and later transferred to the NACA | |

|High Speed Flight Station at Edwards AFB, California. He was a project pilot on many pioneering high | |

|speed aircraft, including the 4,000 mph X-15. He has flown over 200 different models of aircraft, | |

|including jets, rockets, helicopters and gliders. | |

|In 1962. Armstrong was transferred to astronaut status. He served as command pilot for the Gemini 8 | |

|mission, launched March 16, 1966, and performed the first successful docking of two vehicles in space. | |

|In 1969, Armstrong was commander of Apollo II, the first manned lunar landing mission, and gained the | |

|distinction of being the first man to land a craft on the Moon and the first man to step on its surface. | |

|Armstrong subsequently held the position of Deputy Association Administrator for Aeronautics, NASA | |

|Headquarters Office of Advance Research and Technology, from 1870 to 1971. He resigned from NASA in 1971.| |

|Alexander Graham Bell: | |

|As a young man, Alexander Graham Bell taught deaf students in schools and universities and tutored them | |

|privately to help them communicate. He was trained in this work by his parents. | |

|In 1862, Bell enrolled as a “student teacher” at a boy’s school near Edinburgh, Scotland. There he taught| |

|music and elocution in exchange for instruction in other subjects. Later, he became a full-time teacher, | |

|using Visible Speech in teaching a class of deaf children. In April, 1971, Bell went to Massachusetts, | |

|where he met with great success. | |

|As a teach of the deaf , Bell was determined to help deaf people speak, so that they could take part in | |

|the speaking world, rather than be insolated and alone. To do this, he tried to find a way to make sound | |

|visible. Bell got his idea for making sound visible from his knowledge of how the ear hears. | |

|Ray Tomlinson---Inventor of E-mail | |

|E-mail has become one of the most commonly used forms of communication, yet its invention passed with | |

|little note. Unlike some other communications breakthroughs, like the telegram or phone, nobody thought | |

|that email would grow as big as it has. Even the inventor of e-mail, Ray Tomlinson, didn’t know he was | |

|creating something important. But despite its humble beginnings, e-mail has become an important messages,| |

|or by a disabled person simply to communicate, e-mail is definitely here to stay. | |

|2. Read the question in the listening part | |

|Step 3 Listening (to be omitted) | |

|Step 4 Post-listening | |

|Dealing with the listening exercises. | |

|Step 5 Workbook | |

|Deal with the listening exercises on workbook. | |

|Before listening to the materials, ask students to say something about Yang Li wei | |

|T: On October 15, 2003 China sent its first manned spaceship to space. Who is the first astronaut?(Yang | |

|Liwei) | |

|T: What do you know about him and his mission? (He was born in 1965 in Liaoning Province. He is 168cm | |

|tall/ ) | |

|T: Ok. Now let’s listen to the tape and you will learn more about him and his mission. | |

|Step 6 Homework | |

|1. Remember the three great men and their achievements. | |

|2. Preview the reading part | |

|教学反思: | |

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高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Designed by Xuyunxiang 累计节次________

|课题 |Unit 11 Scientific Achievements |

|节次 |The Third Period |课型 | Reading |

|教学目标 |1. Target goals: |

| |Likely Zone , private, grasp, master, perfect, arrange, rely, failure, locate, set foot in , rely on . |

| |Whatever reat achievements the future may have in store for China, it is likely that many of them will be |

| |born in northwestern Beijing. |

| |Not all the new companies can succeed, but the spirit and creativity they represent are more important |

| |than money. |

| |2. Ability goals: |

| |Learn about the development of Zhongguancun and great achievements China has made in recent years. |

| |Encourage the students to become interested in hi-tech. |

| |3. Learning ability goals: |

| |Learn to be involved, co-operate and solve problems by group activities. |

|教学重点 |The development of Zhongguancun and great achievements China has made in recent years. |

|教学难点 |How to understand the text and get the main idea of the text. |

|教学方法 |Listening / Reading / Discussing |

|教 学 程 序 |教学调控 |

| Step 1. Revision | |

|Check the homework | |

|1. Go over the three great names Neil Armstrong , Alexander G Bell , Ray Tomlinson and how they changed | |

|the world. | |

|2. Go over the word and expression in this unit. | |

|Step 2. Pre-reading | |

|1. A free talk about Zhongguancun and the great achievements China has made in recent years. | |

|2. Dealing with the questions in the pre-reading part. | |

|(Possible answers to be omitted) | |

|3. Picture talking | |

|T: Look at the picture on page 3. Do you know where it is? It is a statue of a DNA molecule. It is the | |

|symbol of the Zhongguancun Scientific and Technological Garden. | |

|Step 3. Reading | |

|1. Scanning: | |

|Read the text and answer the following two questions. | |

|(1). What kind of spirit has made Zhongguancun a success? | |

|(It is the spirit of creativity and scientific skill that has made Zhongguancun a success/) | |

|(2). What are the two mottos mentioned in the text for the park? | |

|One is “Relying on science, technology, and knowledge to increase economic power.” The other os | |

|“Encouraging pioneering work and accepting failure.” | |

|2. Careful reading | |

|(1). Finish Exercise 1 in the post-reading (the answer to be omitted) | |

|(2).Some more comprehensive questions | |

|1. What is NOT true about Zhongguancun? | |

|A. It is located in Haidian District, in northwestern Beijing. | |

|B. It was set up as a special economic Zone in the 1990s. | |

|C. Half of companies are doing IT business. | |

|D. It is not a good place for new hi-tech companies. | |

|2. Xiang Yufang returned to China and opened a company in Zhongguancun because _____________. | |

|A. he wanted to see more of the world. | |

|B. he enjoyed working with the best scientists in his field | |

|C. he could enjoy his work and contribute to his country at the same time | |

|D. he only missed his friends and family | |

|3. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the text? | |

|A. Chemical element for curing cancer. | |

|B. Long March rocket series. | |

|C. Humanoid robot. | |

|D. Clone technology. | |

|4. According to the author, what is becoming increasing popular in China? | |

|A. The Internet, B. Robot C. Space flight. D. Genetics. | |

|5. According the author, Zhongguancun is home to __________. | |

|A. only a few research institutions and universities | |

|B. several IT companies | |

|C. more and more retuned overseas Chinese | |

|D. a number of science parks | |

|6. How is “failure” understood in Zhongguancun? | |

|A. There are fewer failures in Zhongguancun? | |

|B. Some of its researchers and scientists will try hard not to fail. | |

|C. There are more failures than successes. | |

|D. The best thing about failure is what you learn every time you fail. | |

|3.Skimming and summarizing : | |

|(1).Reading the text again | |

|(2). Group work(cooperative learning) to sum up the main idea of each part. | |

|Part1. (Paras 1—2 ): General introduction of Zhongguancun. | |

|Part2. (Paras 3—7) Why Zhongguancun attracts more and more overseas Chinese. | |

|Part3 (Paras 8--9) The positive effect zhongguancun has had on both business and science and the spirit | |

|of Zhongguancun. | |

|Step 4 Post-reading | |

|Complete Exercise 2 in post-reading | |

|Step5. Summary and Homework | |

|Summary: | |

|In this class, we’ve Learned more about Zhongguancun by reading the passage. As a new center of science | |

|and technology, it is know to the world. It is called “China’s Silicon Valley”. And we learned about the | |

|spirit of Zhongguancun, I hope you will the remember the spirit and it will encourage you to study hard | |

|and be the guide of your life. | |

|Homework: | |

|Revise the text and underline the difficult language points, if any | |

|教学反思: | |

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高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Designed by Xuyunxiang 累计节次________

|课 题 |Unit 11 Scientific Achievements |

|节 次 |The Fourth Period |课型 | Language points study |

|教学目标 |1. Target goals: |

| |whatever, likely, in store (for sb), be home to, contain&conclude, grasp, make it + adj. +for sb to do |

| |sth, run, set foot in/on, effect, rely&depend, |

| |2. Ability goals: |

| |Learn the usage of the language points above and use them freely. |

| |3. Learning ability goals: |

| |Learn about the difference of the words with close meanings and learn to use them correctly. |

|教学重点 | Learn about the difference of the words with close meanings |

|教学难点 | Learn to use them correctly and freely. |

|教学方法 | Summarizing and practicing |

|教 学 程 序 | |

| Step 1. Revision | |

|Ask some students to say something about Zhongguancun and tell what is the spirit of it. | |

|Step2.Listening and Reading aloud (to be omitted) | |

|Step 3. Explanation of the key language points. | |

|1. Whatever | |

|① whatever 引导一个让步状语从句,相当于no matter what , “无论,不管” | |

|Whatever books you may read, just remember to absorb what is of some value. | |

|不管你要读什么样的书,都 要记住要吸收书中的有价值的东西。 | |

|Whatever work you do , you must keep on until you have finished it . | |

|无论做什么工作,都要坚持把它做完。 | |

|.②whatever 还可引导主语从句和宾语从句,此种用法不能用no matter what代替. | |

|Whatever he did has nothing to do with our company. | |

|他做什么都与我公司无关。 | |

|I will do whatever you wish. 我会做你希望做的任何事情。 | |

|2.likely | |

|likely 常用句型: | |

|sb./sth is likely to do sth.(不可用probable和 possible) 某人或某事可能会…… | |

|It is likely that … 很可能会…… | |

|Are they likely to arrive on time? 他们能按时到达吗? | |

|An accident is likely to happen if you are not careful enough.如不小心,就可能出事故。 | |

|It is not likely that he should have said so.他不可能这么说。 | |

|区别:likely, possible & probable | |

|①三者表示的可能性由大到小依次是probable>likely>possible. | |

|②probable的句型 | |

|sth is probable…/ It is probable that … | |

|Snow is probable during the night. 夜间有可能下雪。 | |

|It is probable that he will take over his father’s business. | |

|他很可能会接管父亲的生意。 | |

|③possible 句型 | |

|sth is possible./ It is possible for sb, to do …(不可用probable和likely) It is possible that … | |

|It is possible for us to learn English well.我们学好英语是可能的。 | |

|It is possible that his illness will get worse.他的病情可能恶化。 | |

|3.in store (for sb).等待着(某人),就要到来,必将发生 | |

|There’s a pleasant surprise in store for you when you get home. | |

|你回到家会发现一个惊喜。 | |

|Who knows what the future has in store for us? | |

|谁知道未来等待着我们的是什么。 | |

|There are better days in store for you. 有好日子等着你。 | |

|4. …is home to… 意为:“……是……的发源地” | |

|This place is home to pandas.这个地方是熊猫的发源地。 | |

|That mountain is home to this kind of wolves.那座山是这种狼的大本营。 | |

|5. set foot in(on) 进入,踏进 | |

|He said he would never set foot in that house again. | |

|他说他永远不再踏进那座房子了。 | |

|They were filled with joy when they set foot on Chinese soil in late July. | |

|当7月底踏上中国的土地时,他们兴奋不已。 | |

|foot的相关短语: | |

|set foot (in) 到达,进入,踏上 get to one’s feet 站起来 | |

|rise to one’s feet 站起来 struggle to one’s feet 挣扎着站起来 | |

|keep one’s feet on the ground 脚踏实地 stand on one’s own feet 自立,自助 | |

|put one’s feet up 躺下休息, 将双腿平放着休息 | |

|put one’s feet down 坚持立场, 拿定主意 | |

|6. run vi. &vt. ①跑,奔 ②(机器)转动,运转 ③(公共车辆)行驶 ④流动⑤延伸 ⑥控制、主持(团体、组织) |教师展示短语,请学生|

|Translate the following into Chinese: |翻译 |

|He ran across the road. 他跑过马路。 | |

|The engine runs well. 发动机运转良好。 | |

|Most of motor vehicles run on petrol.大部分机动车的行驶以汽油作燃料。 | |

|This machine is not running correctly. 这台器运转良不正常。 | |

|The buses run every ten minutes.公共汽车每十分钟一班。 | |

|The river has run dry. 这条河已经干涸了。 | |

|The road runs beside the river. 这条路沿着河边延伸。 | |

|The couple have run a school in that mountain village.夫妇俩在那个山村办了一所学校。 | |

|run相关短语: | |

|run across偶然遇到 / run after追逐 / run away 逃走 / run into/ 碰撞、偶然遇到 / run out of 用光、耗尽 | |

|7. effect n. 结果,影响 | |

|One of the side effect of the drug is the easiness of habit-forming. | |

|这种药的副作用之一就是容易上瘾。 | |

|Alcoholic drink can have a bad effect on your body. | |

|含酒精的饮料会对你的身体有很坏的影响。 | |

|effect 的相关短语: | |

|take / come into /go into effect 开始生效 / be in effect 有效,在实施中 / be of no effect毫无作用 | |

|8. rely & depend | |

|两者都有“依赖”的意思 | |

|rely指在“过去经验的基础上,依赖、相信某人或某物,希望从中得到支持或帮助”。 | |

|depend 指“出于依赖而依靠他人或他物,以取得支持或帮助,这种依赖可能有过去的经验或了解为依据,也可能没有”。| |

|Fill in the blanks: | |

|He can be relied on to keep secret. | |

|He can depend on his wife for sympathy. | |

|Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help/to help us. | |

|I relied on you (your)coming early. | |

|You can rely on /upon it that it well rain this weekend. | |

|She cannot be relied on to tell the truth. | |

|You can rely on our own efforts to do it. | |

|Step4.Practice | |

|(见《立体课堂》相关练习) | |

|教学反思: | |

| | |

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| | |

高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Designed by Xuyunxiang 累计节次________

|课题 |Unit 11 Scientific Achievements |

|节次 |The Fifth Period |课型 | Grammar |

|教学目标 |1. Target goals: |

| |Learn the Grammar ----- Word Formation |

| |2. Ability goals: |

| |Study the ways of forming a word and enlarge students’ vocabulary. |

| |3. Learning ability goals: |

| |Be able to use context clues and what they know about word parts to guess the meaning of new words. |

|教学重点 |The ways of forming a word |

|教学难点 |How to guess the meaning of a new word. |

|教学方法 |Explaining and practising |

|教 学 程 序 | |

|Step 1. Lead in(to be omitted) | |

|Step 2.Grammar | |

|Give the students about the word formation | |

|语言的基本要素之一是词汇,在语言发展的最初阶段,人们使用的是少量而简单的词汇,这些词表示日常简单的事物和概念| |

|,这些词是语言中最基本的词,在语言学上称之为原生词(primitives), | |

|也叫基本词或根词。英语里的原生词大都是单音节的。随着社会的发展与进步,语言的扩充与融合使 语言变得复杂,原有 | |

|的有限的原生词已不够用,人们便创造了一些新词来表示新的事物与概念。按照语言一定的规律创造新词的方法,称之为构| |

|词法(word-formation or word-building) | |

|英语构词法主要有以下几种: | |

|(1)转化法(conversion) | |

|不添加任何成份,不改变词形,把一个单词由一种词类转化为另一种词类的方法。(名词→动词,形容词→动词,动词→名词 | |

|,副词→名词)如: | |

|button(纽扣)→to button (扣纽扣) correct(正确的) →to correct(改正) to feed(喂)→feed(一顿,一餐) | |

|native(本地的)→native(本地人) | |

|up(在上) →to up(举起,抬高) | |

|(2)合成法(compounding) | |

|把两个或两个以上的词组成一个新词叫合成法。 | |

|方式:1.直接写在一起。2.用连字符(-)连接。3.由两个分开的词构成。 | |

|合成形容词 | |

|构成方式 | |

|例词 | |

| | |

|形容词+形容词 | |

|red-hot | |

| | |

|形容词+名词 | |

|first-class, full-time, part-time | |

| | |

|形容词+现在分词 | |

|good-looking, free-thinking, | |

| | |

|形容词+过去分词 | |

|ready-made | |

| | |

|形容词+名词-ed | |

|good-tempered, middle-aged, cold-blooded | |

| | |

|名词+名词-ed | |

|iron-willed | |

| | |

|名词+形容词 | |

|world-famous, day-long | |

| | |

|名词+现在分词 | |

|beauty-loving, freedom-loving, job-hunting, time-saving | |

| | |

|名词+过去分词 | |

|man-made, water-covered, | |

| | |

|副词+形容词 | |

|ever-green | |

| | |

|副词+现在分词 | |

|hard-working, far-seeing | |

| | |

|副词+过去分词 | |

|well-prepared, quickly-cured, well-known | |

| | |

|数词+名词 | |

|five-year | |

| | |

|数词+名词+形容词 | |

|five-year-old | |

| | |

|数词+名词-ed | |

|four-legged, six-storied | |

| | |

|合成动词 | |

|构成方式 | |

|例词 | |

| | |

|名词+动词 | |

|day-dream | |

| | |

|副词+动词 | |

|overcome, upturn翻起 | |

| | |

|形容词+动词 | |

|white-wash | |

| | |

|合成名词 | |

|构成方式 | |

|例词 | |

| | |

|名词+名词 | |

|horseback , bank-note, newspaper, cellphone, | |

| | |

|形容词+名词 | |

|back-yard, forehead, | |

| | |

|动名词+名词 | |

|hiding place, reading-room | |

| | |

|动词+副词 | |

|get-off, break in, | |

| | |

|副词+动词 | |

|output, overflow | |

| | |

|合成副词:however, maybe, wherever, whenever, forever | |

|合成代词:whoever,, whatever, everyone, nobody, myself, something, anything, nothing | |

|(3)缩略法(shorting) | |

|把一个词缩短,不增减意义,也不改变意义。 | |

|①略去后部,保留前部 | |

|approx(approximately 大约),exam(examination 考试) ,Fri(Friday 星期五) | |

|②略去前部,保留后部 plane(aeroplane飞机), phone(telephone电话) | |

|③略去两头,保留中部 flu(influenza流感), tec(detective侦探) | |

|④略去中部,保留两头字母 ft(foot, feet英尺),St(Saint圣), hr(hour小时) | |

|⑤保留某些字母,加以合并 Lfd(limited有限的),gove(government政府) | |

|⑥保留开头一个字母 P(page页),UN(United Nations联合国),VOA(Voice of America美国之音), NATO(North Atlantic | |

|Treaty Organization北大西洋公约组织,北约) | |

|(4)词缀法/缀合法(affixation) 或派生法(derivation) | |

|由词根附加前缀或后缀构成新词的方法。由缀合法产生的新词称之为派词(derivations),缀合法产生的词汇是英语词汇的 | |

|主体。 | |

|常用的词缀有: | |

|前缀 | |

|前缀 | |

|含义 | |

|例词 | |

| | |

|a- | |

|处在…… | |

|arise, aside, alone | |

| | |

|en- | |

|使可能 | |

|enrich, enable, enslave | |

| | |

|dis- | |

|不,否定 | |

|dissatisfy, dishonest, disappear, disorder, | |

| | |

|un- | |

|不 | |

|做相反动作 | |

|unable, unknown, uncommon, uncomfortable, unfair, | |

|unclose, undress, uncover, untie | |

| | |

|in- | |

|im- | |

|ir- | |

|il- | |

|不,非 | |

|inactive, incapable, inpatient, incorrect | |

|impossible, impersonal, impolite, immature, impractical | |

|irregular, irresponsible | |

|illogical, | |

| | |

|non- | |

|不,非 | |

|non existent, non-interference, non-conductor, non-stop | |

| | |

|de- | |

|向相反方向发展 | |

|Decentralize(分散), defrost(解冻) | |

| | |

|anti- | |

|反(对) | |

|anti-freeze, anti-fascist | |

| | |

|mis- | |

|错误的,坏的 | |

|misdoings, misunderstand, misfortune | |

| | |

|re | |

|重复,再 | |

|rewrite, remarry, reunite, recycle, | |

| | |

|co- | |

|共同 | |

|co-exist, co-operate, co-education | |

| | |

|ex | |

|以前的 | |

|Ex-husband, ex-president | |

| | |

|tele | |

|远程 | |

|telephone, telegraph, telescope | |

| | |

|super- | |

|在上面,超级 | |

|supermarket, superpower, | |

| | |

|under- | |

|在……之下 | |

|underline, underestimate, underground, | |

| | |

|inter- | |

|相互,之间 | |

|international, interact, inter-change | |

| | |

|sub- | |

|下,次 | |

|subtitle, submarine, subconscious, subcontinent, | |

| | |

|trans- | |

|过,穿过,变 | |

|transformation(变形), translate | |

| | |

|vice- | |

|副 | |

|vice-premier, vice-president | |

| | |

|semi- | |

|半 | |

|semifinal, semicircle, semi-automatic | |

| | |

|bi | |

|两个 | |

|bicycle, biennial两年一次的 | |

| | |

|tri | |

|三个 | |

|triangle三角形, tricycle三轮脚踏车, triplets三胞胎 | |

| | |

|mul- | |

|多,多种 | |

|multiply, multi-national, multi-coloured | |

| | |

|kilo- | |

|千 | |

|kilometre, kilogramme | |

| | |

|后缀 | |

| | |

|后 缀 | |

|例 词 | |

| | |

|名 | |

|词 | |

|-er | |

|farmer, weaver, pain-killer, murderer, , villager, stranger, speaker, cooker, recorder, heater | |

| | |

| | |

|-ess | |

|actress, waitress, princess, hostess | |

| | |

| | |

|-or | |

|conductor, sailor, transistor, operator, | |

| | |

| | |

|-ar | |

|beggar scholar, liar, pedlar/peddler (沿街叫卖的小贩,货郎) | |

| | |

| | |

|-ese | |

|Chinese, Portuguese, Japanese | |

| | |

| | |

|-ian | |

|musician, Egyptian, physician | |

| | |

| | |

|-ist | |

|scientist, dentist, communist, socialist, | |

| | |

| | |

|-ent/-ant | |

|assistant merchant, agent, servant, student | |

| | |

| | |

|-ment | |

|argument, judgment, government | |

| | |

| | |

|-ness | |

|happiness, greatness, illness, coldness, sleeplessness | |

| | |

| | |

|-tion | |

|dictation, preparation, repetition, action, information, invention | |

| | |

| | |

|-ing | |

|building, wedding, painting | |

| | |

| | |

|-ship | |

|leadership, friendship, hardship | |

| | |

| | |

|-age | |

|shortage, marriage, leakage | |

| | |

| | |

|-ty | |

|loyalty, cruelty, penalty, sixty, twenty, thirty, certainty | |

| | |

| | |

|-th | |

|truth, warmth, length, growth, fifteenth, fourth | |

| | |

| | |

|-ance | |

|acceptance, assistance, reliance, appearance | |

| | |

| | |

|-ence | |

|dependence, confidence, reference, entrance, defence | |

| | |

| | |

|-ful | |

|mouthful, handful, plateful, | |

| | |

| | |

|-al | |

|refusal, denial, arrival survival | |

| | |

| | |

|-y | |

|difficulty, possibility, | |

| | |

| | |

|-dom | |

|freedom, wisdom, kingdom | |

| | |

| | |

|-ism | |

|socialism, materialism | |

| | |

|注意: -ese, -ian, -ist 既可以构成名词,又可以构成形容词。 | |

|-er 构成的名词,既有表示人的,又有表示物的。 | |

| | |

|后 缀 | |

|例 词 | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|形 | |

|容 | |

|词 | |

|-al | |

|central, industrial, national, natural | |

| | |

| | |

|-an | |

|European, American, Australian | |

| | |

| | |

|-ern | |

|eastern, northern, southern | |

| | |

| | |

|-able | |

|reasonable, horrible, terrible, believable, comfortable, forgettable, sensible | |

| | |

| | |

|-ful | |

|careful, cheerful, grateful, faithful, | |

| | |

| | |

|-ish | |

|childish, Swedish, selfish | |

| | |

| | |

|-ive | |

|destructive, collective, active, creative, effective | |

| | |

| | |

|-y | |

|thirsty, dirty, windy, sunny, cloudy, healthy, funny | |

| | |

| | |

|-less | |

|careless, hopeless, helpless, homeless, sleepless, fearless, limitless | |

| | |

| | |

|-en | |

|golden, wooden, woolen | |

| | |

| | |

|-ous | |

|courageous, famous, continuous, serious, various | |

| | |

| | |

|-ary | |

|imaginary, revolutionary, secondary | |

| | |

| | |

|-ic | |

|realistic, historic, poetic | |

| | |

| | |

|-some | |

|troublesome, burdensome, lonesome, handsome | |

| | |

| | |

|-like | |

|childlike, womanlike, manlike | |

| | |

| | |

|-ant | |

|ignorant, significant, observant, important | |

| | |

| | |

|-ent | |

|diligent, silent, excellent, frequent | |

| | |

| | |

|-ly | |

|lively, friendly, lovely, weekly, brotherly, motherly | |

| | |

| | |

|-ish | |

|childish, foolish | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|后 缀 | |

|例 词 | |

| | |

|动 | |

|词 | |

|-ize | |

|realize, modernize, mechanize, criticize, | |

| | |

| | |

|-en | |

|widen, strengthen, lengthen, sharpen, widen, shorten, quicken, deepen | |

| | |

| | |

|-fy | |

|Simplify, beautify, terrify, | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

|后 缀 | |

|例 词 | |

| | |

|副 | |

|词 | |

|-ward(s) | |

|forward, northward, backward, downward | |

| | |

| | |

|-ly | |

|slowly, quickly, carefully, loudly, happily, friendly | |

| | |

|Step 3.Practice | |

|1.Match the right words from the right column with the words on the left. | |

|( ) 1. enrich | |

| | |

|A. trying to find jobs | |

| | |

|( ) 2. semicircle | |

| | |

|B. remove, get rid of ice, frost | |

| | |

|( ) 3. troublesome | |

| | |

|C. of, having, using imagination | |

| | |

|( ) 4. sharpen | |

| | |

|D. make or become sharp | |

| | |

|( ) 5. job-hunting | |

| | |

|E. half a circle | |

| | |

|( ) 6. limitless | |

| | |

|F. causing trouble | |

| | |

|( ) 7. imaginative | |

| | |

|G. make rich, improve in quality, | |

|flavour, etc. | |

| | |

|( ) 8. defrost | |

| | |

|H. without limit | |

| | |

|2.Use the appropriate form of the words to fill in the blanks. | |

|1. The mother didn’t know why her daughter was crying _______. (noise) | |

|2. He was one of the best _______ in yesterday’s football match. (play) | |

|3. Look! How ______ Kate is laughing! (happy) | |

|4. It snowed ____ last night and now the streets are covered with snow. (heavy) | |

|5. Edison was a great ______. During his life he had many ______. (invent) | |

|6. More and more _____ have come to visit China over these years. (foreign) | |

|7. We want _________ reasons for your failure to help. (satisfy) | |

|8. Please give me some reference work. It will ______ my task. (simple) | |

|9. The boy had the _______ of being half starved. (appear) | |

|10. The police have _______ a plot against the President. (cover) | |

|11. The doctor said that Mary’s mother needed an _______.(operate) | |

|12. She hoped that her son would become a _______. (music) | |

|13. Few ______ words made us excited. (speak) | |

|14. The days on the moon get hotter than ______ water. (boil) | |

|15. Thank you for your _________. (kind) | |

|16. Many college students work while they are studying because they want to make some money for their | |

|college _____. (expensive) | |

|17. Most international ______ letters are written in English, too. (busy) | |

|18. The boy noticed an ______ mistake on his paper, but he decided not to say anything about it. (correct) | |

|19. When in Rome, do as the _____ do. (Rome) | |

|20. The teacher was pleased with her _______. (honest) | |

|3.根据上下文语境和提示的首字母,在划线处写出一个合适的词。 | |

|A. Rafting | |

|Rafting is an exciting adventure. A raft is a small boat that you can use to paddle down rivers and streams.| |

|Rafting is a good way to experience n________. If you want a normal rafting trip, choose a quiet stream or | |

|river that is wide and has few f______ trees or rocks. If you are looking for more e_______, you may want to| |

|try whitewater rafting. Whitewater rafting is more a_________ and difficult than normal rafting. It is done | |

|on rivers and streams where the water moves q_______. You have to be c________ not to hit rocks, trees and | |

|other dangers. The name “W________” comes from the fact that the water in these streams and rivers looks | |

|white when it moves quickly. | |

|B. Are we endangered? | |

|Steve Jones is an environmental expert who tries to keep animals and plants from becoming endangered. If we | |

|know more about what causes e________, we may be able to take m_______ before it is too late. A species can | |

|become e_______ for different reasons. Animals and plants must have a habitat or home, which is c_______ and| |

|clean, and where there is enough food and other resources. They are all used to their environment; that is, | |

|they have learnt how to live s_______ in their habitat. | |

|Keys: 1. G 2. E 3. F 4. D 5. A 6. H 7. C 8. B | |

|2.1. noisily 2. players 3. happily 4. heavily 5. inventor; inventions 6. foreigners 7. satisfactory 8.| |

|simplify 9. appearance 10. uncovered 11. operation12. musician 13. spoken 14. boiling 15. kindness 16. | |

|expenses 17. business 18. uncorrected 19. Romans 20. honesty | |

|3. A篇nature, fallen, excitement, adventurous, quickly, careful, Whitewater | |

|B. 篇endangerment, measures, endangered, comfortable, successfully | |

高 二 英 语 下 册 教 案

Designed by Xuyunxiang 累计节次________

|课题 |Unit 11 Scientific Achievements |

|节次 |The Sixth Period |课型 | Integrating Skills |

|教学目标 |1. Target goals: |

| |boom, rejuvenating, impressive, genetic, genome, byte, broadband, humanoid, put forward. In 1995, the |

| |Chinese government put forward a plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education”. |

| |2. Ability goals: |

| |Learn about scientific achievements in different fields made by Chinese. |

| |3. Learning ability goals: |

| |Enable the students to realize that scientific achievements rely on science and education and knowledge |

| |will help them to achieve their goals |

|教学重点 |Learn about scientific achievements in different fields made by Chinese. |

| |Help the students to realize that scientific achievements rely on science and education and knowledge |

| |will help them to achieve their goals |

|教学难点 | How to write a persuasion essay. |

|教学方法 | Task-based teaching method. |

|教 学 程 序 | |

|Step 1. Revision | |

|Give the Chinese meanings of the following | |

|1. Solar system 太阳系 | |

|2. drawing pin 图钉 | |

| | |

|3.central heating 集中供暖 | |

|4. zebra crossing 斑马线(人行横道线) | |

| | |

|5. comrade –in-arms 战友 | |

|6. looker-on旁观者 | |

| | |

|7. one-parent-family单亲家庭 | |

|8. absent-minded 心不在焉的 | |

| | |

|9. broken-hearted心碎的 | |

|10. left-handed惯用左手的 | |

| | |

|11. easy-going好说话的 | |

|12. long-lasting耐用的 | |

| | |

|13. smooth-talking 花言巧语的 | |

|14. broken-down 破旧不堪的 | |

| | |

|15. baby-sit 看孩子 | |

|16. overcharge 超额收费 | |

| | |

|Step 2. Lead in (to be omitted) | |

|Step 3. Reading | |

|1. Fast reading | |

|Try to answer the following two sentences | |

|(1). What plan has helped Chinese scientists make many breakthrough? | |

|(2). Which scientific fields are mentioned in the text? | |

|Possible answers: | |

|(1). The plan for “rejuvenating the nation by relying on science and education.” | |

|(2). Exploring space, genetic research, computer engineering and medical science. | |

|2. Careful reading | |

|Read the passages again carefully, trying to understand them more exactly and pay attention to some detailed | |

|information. After that, work in groups to complete the chart after the passages according to what you’ve | |

|learnt from the text. | |

|Suggested answers: | |

|Field | |

|Achievements | |

|Importance | |

| | |

|Exploring space | |

|Developed Long March rocket series | |

|Safe, used to send satellites into space, prepare for the nation’s first manned flight | |

| | |

|Genetic research | |

|A new kind of rice which allow farmers to increase production; Completed part of the international human | |

|genome project in 2000 | |

|A leader in the field of genetic research; | |

|Proving that Chinese scientists are the best among the world. | |

| | |

|Computer engineering | |

|A new high-speed | |

|broadband network was recently started; | |

|Developed the supercomputer Shenwi; built the nation’s first humanoid robot | |

|The internet is becoming increasingly popular | |

| | |

|Medical scienc | |

|Created a chemical element that can fight cancer cells | |

|Gives hope to cancer patients all over the world; makes China one of the world leaders in the battle against | |

|the deadly disease. | |

| | |

|3. Dealing with some language points (to be omitted) | |

|Step 4 Listening and reading aloud | |

|Step 5.Writing | |

|Pre-writing: | |

|1. Some suggested words: | |

|Significant, outstanding, breakthrough, culmination, cooperative achievement complexity demonstrated potential| |

| | |

|2. Read the tips on page 8 carefully | |

|Writing: | |

|Possible version: | |

|The publication of the detailed structure of 99% of the human genome is the culmination of one of the largest | |

|scientific undertakings in history. Initiated in 1990, the Human Genome Project involved the cooperative work | |

|of hundreds of scientists in 20 sequencing centres in countries including China, France, Germany, Great | |

|Britain, Japan and the United States. | |

|The achievement is important. Not only has it given a glimpse into the extraordinary complexity of the | |

|structure of human DNA but it has also demonstrated the huge potential of cooperative scientific endeavour | |

|organized on an international basis. | |

|Moreover, the project’s completion has already produced medical breakthrough, scientists assert that the | |

|achievement can assist research into cancers such as leukemia, and may also extend far beyond to the other | |

|deadly diseases. | |

|Step 6. Summary and homework (to be omitted) | |

|教学反思: | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

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