Dear student

DSCI 510: Principles of Programming for Data ScienceFall 2020 Course Specific PoliciesDr. Jeremy AbramsonDear students,We all come from different backgrounds and hope for an excellent learning experience in a great learning environment. This handout is to clear my expectations and policies for this course.Intellectual property policies: This is a clarification that any misuse, inappropriate dissemination, or attempted sale of class recordings and handouts, as well the appropriation of intellectual property is not acceptable. It is student’s responsibilities towards the appropriate use and handling of these recordings under existing SCampus policies regarding class notes (). Students are not permitted to create their own class recordings without the instructor’s permission. Violations of these policies will be met with the appropriate disciplinary sanction.?Netiquettes PoliciesBe respectful and considerate towards each other. Pay attention to the cultural and background differences.Live sessions (i.e. “lecture”) will be recorded and should be posted on the course websiteIt is preferred that students attend the live sessions during its listed time according to the university schedule of the class. If a student cannot consistently attend the during this time, please let the instructor know via email before the semester begins.As lecture is recorded, there is no need to notify for one-off absences from “live” lecture. You are, of course, responsible for the material covered during that period.While in live sessions make sure to show your complete first name and last name, as in the roster; this is so I know who you are, and can attach a name to a face!When in a live session, please try to have your VIDEO ON. This greatly helps build a sense of community, and helps student and instructor build a relationship. However, Internet signal issues can happen which may result in having have to turn off video in order to at least having a reasonable quality audio.In live sessions, please be respectful to the learning “environment”: be attentive, have proper background, follow attires’ norms as in on-ground classrooms, and be in a stationary location (not driving). Notice all of these are helpful to reduce distraction for others who are present.While considering the above, we do understand “life happens”. If you have child, pet, or other issue to address during session, please feel free to do so! While in live sessions, instructor will have everyone on MUTE to avoid unwanted background noises. You need to UNMUTE yourself when you need to talk and then MUTE yourself when done. While in live sessions, if you have question please use the Blue Hand feature of Zoom to raise your hand, or type your question in the Chat feature of Zoom. Instructor will stop at suitable points during live discussion and will answer the questions. TA may be present at Chat and answer the questions there. Note that even though we are “remote”, normal rules of lecture still apply! I may “call on” you to answer a question during the live session. Be prepared and engage!The course has a Piazza Discussion Forum at: . The TA or instructor will check Discussion Forum once every few days to provide answers.While on Chat, Discussion Forum, and email, be respectful and sensitive to background differences. Do not criticize and offend another person in public. Communication PoliciesStudents are required to use their USC email account for any contact with instructor through email. It is required to include the course number (DSCI 510) in the subject of the email. The instructor will make every attempt to reply to emails within 24-36 hours. It may take longer over weekends and holidays. The instructor does not respond to emails sent from non-USC accounts or email that does not have the course number on its subject. Instructor's office hours are open to all students and there is no need for prior appointment. However, if a student would like to have a private Zoom appointment, they can request it by email. Provide several time windows that works for you so that I can select the one that works for me. Simple questions will be answered by email, but for more complex discussions students may need to make an appointment for Zoom meeting. To promote independence and critical thinking, students are encouraged to try to find their answers by checking the video lectures, textbooks and other course materials. If the answer is not forthcoming, please post a question on the Piazza boar or email the TA. If you still do not find the answer you need, email the instructor.In-Class Work PoliciesThere may be a variety of in-class work for students during the scheduled class sessions. There will be some other forms of work for students who cannot attend synchronized sessions (will be announced as lecture proceed.). In-class work is a replacement for both participation and attendance and it requires students to produce a small deliverable. All in-class activities are open-note with a limited time. We will have some practices in class during the first week. Possible forms of in-class work are:Answering a question using Poll feature of Zoom. This is anonymous and not graded. No cooperation with other students is permitted.Answering a multi-choice question using related feature of Zoom. This will be graded. No cooperation with other students is permitted.Answering a question using Chat feature of Zoom. Answers should be send ONLY to TA or instructor. This will be graded. No cooperation with other students is permitted.Working in a small team on a question during Break-out room feature of Zoom. Then one of the students, as reporter, will post the answer on behalf of the team. No cooperation with other teams is permitted.Different forms of in-class work will have different point values. The point value will be announced at the time of the activity. The lowest three scores on in-class work will be dropped. For teamwork, all members will receive the same grade for the work submitted. Team members may change from one in-class work to the next. Members in teams will be assigned randomly and is not optional.In-class work may be assigned at any point during the class; students who miss the work for any reason such as arriving late or leaving early will not have an opportunity to make up the work.Technology PoliciesYou need to have access to a computer the following:The course website (via DEN/D2L and Blackboard)The course videoconference (via Zoom and/or Cisco WebEx)The course forum (via Piazza)A computer with the Anaconda Python3 distributionAn inquisitive mind and a great attitude!Exam and Homework PoliciesUnless explicitly stated by the instructor, all exams, homework, labs, projects, etc. should be individual work. You are allowed to “consult” the Internet (stackoverflow, etc.) as much as you like, but copying/pasting code is plagiarism and is a violation of the university academic ethics policy. Violations will be subject to that policy, and will be referred to student judicial affairs. We use detection software such as TurnItIn and MOSS, so please do not do this. WRITE YOUR OWN CODE.All labs and homeworks should be submitted via a common format: lastname-firstname-assignment.extension. For example, if I’m turning in Homework 4, it would be If I am turning in lab 6, it would be Abramson-jeremy-lab6.ipynb. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in a deduction of 10% of the points for that assignment. There will be no make-up exams unless there is a documented emergency. Email the instructor as soon as possible to discuss alternate arrangements in this case.Policies in relation to the team projects will be announced with project requirements later in the semester. ................

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