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Pandas Bantam EliteTryout ProcessWelcome all players and parents to the 2017/18 Pandas Bantam Elite tryouts. We have almost 40 athletes trying out for the 19 positions on this year’s team. Over the first three sessions a general assessment of the players will be made which will enable the coaches to reduce the number of players remaining to be between 25 and 30. Please remember that coaches pick players but different coaches may value and prioritize the following player attributes differently.The general assessment will be done based on:Skating - speed, balance, agility & powerCore Skills - passing, puck handling, shooting, checking, goaltendingEffort - work ethic/desire, compete level, puck pursuitTeam Play - support, positional play, working with othersGame Applications - Read & React, O-Zone entries, D-Zone coverage, puck retrieval & possession, transition, individual & team tacticsIntangibles - body language, leadership, bench and dressing room behaviour, scouting reports, past- historyPlayers are asked to remain in their dressing following the final skate. Shortly after the completion of the third session a coach will address the players as a group with general comments about what the players not selected may want to focus on improving over the season. Following the coach, a team/organization representative will enter the room and read off the names of the players that have been selected to continue and the next ice time will be given to those players. Anyone whose name is not read out will be released to pursue a second tryout with another club or to join the appropriate ELITE level team.?Information for those not selected will be provided a form outlining (the player’s) options moving forward through the tryout process.Players and parents need to keep in mind that the release of a player is a point-in-time decision - at these tryouts, with these athletes and given the player’s current abilities, she was not successful but it in no way signals what her future potential will be. Parents are asked to wait in their vehicles while the release process is underway as it is an emotional time for the athletes and walking through a crowd of parents is very uncomfortable for all. Players are also encouraged not to car pool on the third session if possible.Tryouts will continue at Bill Hunter Arena Wednesday Sept. 13 at 6:30PM for the players selected to continue. The Edmonton Female Athletic Club has asked us to be down to 20 players by September 17 following the league mandate. Individual player meetings will take place and assessments will be provided to players released during the second phase of tryouts and moving forward until the final team selection has been determined, on or before September 29. Team selection and releases are made at the discretion of the coaching staff. Any emails during the tryout period need to be sent to the Bantam Director Dean Bruce at: bdirector@ Player selection disputes with be handled in the following manner:Player/parent will submit a formal dispute and a non-refundable dispute fee of $150 to the category director following which the EFAC Vice President will select a review committee of not less than 3 individuals to review ONLY the process and procedures leading up to the player’s release. These procedures may include; ensuring player evaluations were completed, enough opportunity was given to the player and that the tryout procedure form was provided during the tryout process. Thank you for choosing the Panda Organization and we wish all athletes the best of luck.EFAC Pandas Bantam Elite Coaching Staff ................

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