The Salvation Army

Croydon Citadel


Little Pandas Pre-school Prospectus


Address: The Salvation Army

The Lighthouse

Booth Road



TEL: 020 8680 1924



Staff at Little Pandas

Marlene Jones Certificate in Pre-school

Manager Practice, Level 2, Diploma in

Health & Safety Officer Pre-school Practice Level 3,

Safeguarding Co-ordinator Anti-Bias Practice, Food Hygiene Paediatric First Aid, Health & Safety,

Safeguarding Children for Managers plus Levels 1, 2 &3

Sarah Weston NNEB, Safeguarding Children

Deputy Manager

Health & Safety Officer for Managers plus levels 1, 2&3, Paediatric FirstAid, food hygiene

Behaviour Management Co-ordinator Health & Safety, Behaviour Management. Level 3 Certificate in Management.

Louise Lawrence-Wrist Safeguarding Children Level 1,

Pre-school assistant &2, Paediatric First Aid,

SENCO Diploma in Home based childcare (Level 3), Food Hygiene

Amanda Felton

Pre-school assistant CACHE L 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People Workforce, Cache L 2 Food Safety and Nutrition in Health and Social Care or Early Years.

Staff at Little Pandas

Atsuko Higuchi Children and Young People Workforce L3 Diploma

Pre-school assistant Safeguarding children L 1&2

Ant-Bias First Aid, Food hygiene

Wendy Spear CACHE Level 3 NVQ in Children’s

Pre-school Assistant Care, Learning and Development

Safeguarding Level 1&2, Food

Food Hygiene & Safety

Paediatric First AID

Pre-school Assistant Level 2 NVQ in Children’s Care

Jaly Vivegananda Learning and Development

Relief Pre-school assistant Safeguarding Level 1&2, Paediatric First Aid.

Registered Person: Andrea Burn


Little Pandas Pre-school

We are members of the Pre-school Learning Alliance. We are authorised to accommodate 35 children aged from 2 years until they start mainstream school, which is approximately five years of age.

Ofsted, (The Office for Standard in Education) are the regulating body.

The Pre-school operates two sessions on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 9:30 am and 12:00 pm and 12:30 pm and 3:00 pm with a wrap over session. On Thursdays we operate one session between 9.30 and 12.00. We also have an optional lunch club until 12.45 pm on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. A packed lunch must be provided if your child stays the whole day (two sessions). Please pack icepacks in the lunchboxes to help keep the food cool.

Please note we do expect children to arrive promptly. The doors will be locked at 9:45 am and your child arriving after this time will be marked late. This late mark will be noted in the late register. Your child’s place will be jeopardised should your child be continually late. In order to maintain security and ratios at all time, we would respectfully ask parents who are late not to bring their children for the session after 9:45 am without prior arrangements or in the event of an emergency.

The Pre-school does not accept responsibility for anything lost in the Lighthouse. Coats, pushchairs etc are left entirely at owner’s risk.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army is a church and registered charity at work in 120 countries. It has a well-established history of exceptional social care. The Salvation Army is one of the largest non-government funded organisation for social services.

The Salvation Army has been established for over 145 years with emphasis on the spiritual needs of the individuals. The Salvation Army is part of the Christian Church and teaches Christian principles in line with the mainstream Christian denominations.

Christian pre-school

As an integral part of The Salvation Army, a Christian church, we believe in creating an environment of love and respect for each other, for God, for faith and for those who have different life-views.

We will not impose our faith on children or their families but we will celebrate the Christian faith through the singing of a simple prayer song at the end of every session and the teaching of bible stories from time to time. We will celebrate other religious festivals and enjoy discovering the faith of children from a variety of backgrounds (see Curriculum).

At the end of every academic year we hold a Leavers’ Service where we celebrate the uniqueness of every child and present a gift of a Bible to the children who are leaving to go to nursery or school reception.

Parents can expect to receive information about activities and events at The Salvation Army but there will be no pressure or expectation to attend.

Our Aims and Objectives

At Little Pandas we aim to:

• Provide a safe and stimulating environment

• Build on your child’s existing skills and experiences

• Encourage your child in their thinking

• Develop communication skills

• Encourage your child to work towards achieving the Early Learning Goals Foundation Stage framework

We think it is important to develop a partnership between you the parent / carer and the Pre-school. This has proven to be a vital aid to your child’s learning and helps with the transition from home to Pre-school. We will provide a stimulating environment helping your child to explore, investigate and motivate your child to learn independently.

Little Pandas is committed to equal opportunities. Our mission is that the Pre-school is seen to be continually working in harmony with the local community, a happy and safe place to be. We will ensure that the children are having fun, that they develop at their own pace, achieve their full learning potential and enjoy and want to learn. We will work with and encourage parents.

The staff at Little Pandas will always put the children’s needs first. We will always work together as a team, supporting all who work at Little Pandas and parents alike.

Little Pandas recruit staff under an Anti-bias Policy. We encourage staff to develop to their own full potential, providing all opportunities for training. Little Pandas staff promotes positive images of the school and will respect and abide by confidentiality.

All our staff and volunteers are sympathetic to the aims and objectives of The Salvation Army, with a number being active members of either the same or other churches.

Working in Partnership with parents/carers

We believe that all parents/carers are as much an integral part of the Pre-school as the children are. Strong partnerships between parents/carers and the staff team will mean that the children are better cared for, their development enhanced and the group will be enabled to create a stronger sense of community and belonging. Communication with parents/carers is vital, especially with regards to their child’s development.

Anti-Bias Policy

We are committed to anti-discriminatory practise. All children will be treated with equal respect and consideration, taking into account their gender, cultural, linguistic and religious backgrounds as well as disability.

Our various policies and procedures are available to view at any time. Please ask a member of staff for assistance should you wish to view these.

Policy for Special Educational Needs

Our main aim in our curriculum is that children learn through play and that staff at Little Pandas support and extend their learning.

We do recognise that some children have special educational needs. Our policy for special needs is aimed at children who need extra support. This will be discussed with parents and if needed, outside agencies will be referred to for guidance help and support. At all times the parents will be consulted and informed of any decisions made. All paperwork will remain confidential but open for the parent’s perusal.

For more information on our Special Needs Policy, please refer to the Policies and Procedures.

Registration Process

Open Morning

Prior to commencement at the Pre-school, you will be invited to attend an open morning. Here, you will receive an admission pack containing: Admission Form, Photo and Website permission form, Email leaflet, Prospectus, “All about me” booklet and the term’s dates. You will also be able to book an optional home visit should you wish one.

Home Visit If Requested

A home visit is a good opportunity to meet both you and your child in a relaxed atmosphere, in your own environment.

Open Day

You will be invited to attend an open day at the Pre-school with your child. You will be able to experience and explore some of the activities your child will take part in during their time at the Pre-school.

Settling In

We view each child as an individual and our policy will be adapted to each child’s individual needs. We operate an open door policy and encourage parents to take part in their child’s settling in.

Staff should be sympathetic to the anxieties shown by some parents ensuring they spend sufficient time with the parents and children to reassure them and gain their confidence. Strategies for leaving the children will be discussed with the Key person.

Parents are asked to prepare their children and themselves in the following manner:

➢ Read stories relating to starting school / preschool.

➢ Talk about the event in a positive manner.

➢ Avoid triggers of early morning stress by making sure you have plenty of time to get ready, have breakfast, walk or drive to the group in a relaxed manner.

➢ Ensure that you are available during the first week to spend time with your child at the group or be available to return to the group should your child become distressed.


As we endeavour to bond with your child and partake in activities, we do encourage a high attendance record. As part of your child’s transfer under the Foundation Stage, attendance will be recorded and passed on to the next educational establishment. If your child fails to attend for a period of two weeks without informing the Pre-school, your child’s place will be jeopardised. Failure to attend for a period of two weeks without notice will result in your child’s place being withdrawn. Your child’s name will then be returned to the waiting list.


Fees are at present £10 per session, £20 for the whole day. The fee for lunch club is £2.00. Discount is offered for siblings attending. All fees must be paid in advance on the first day of attendance; this can be done weekly – on the first day of attendance for that week, monthly or termly. Fees can be paid in either cash or cheque. Please make cheques payable to The Salvation Army. Absences must be paid for as our general rule is that if a place is booked, it must be paid for. Parents will be asked to sign a Parental Agreement to this effect.

We are also in receipt of Early Years Funding for three year olds (from the term after their third birthday) and four year olds. Details can be supplied on request.

Your child’s place may be jeopardised if you fail to pay your fees in advance, without any explanation to the Pre-school Manager. Arrears of more than two weeks will likewise affect your child’s place. If your child is absent for two weeks without explanation, Little Pandas reserves the right to remove your child’s name from the register.

Health & Safety

Medical information

It is important that parents give as much medical detail as possible when completing the Information on Child forms, including medical conditions, asthma, allergies, and any possibility of their child being affected by HIV/Aids or hepatitis. This is to ensure best care for the child and responsible care for the staff looking after them.

No Smoking Policy

At Little Pandas we operate a no smoking policy for staff, parents and visitors alike both within the Pre-school, its perimeter and any Pre-school event.

No Mobile phones Policy

We now operate a No Mobile Phone policy for all staff, parents and visitors to Little Pandas. Staffs are expected to keep mobile phones in their personal belongings during sessions, only having access to them during their lunch breaks. Parents and visitors are also asked not to use their mobile phones once inside the building, including the reception area, toilets and play room.


We realise that there may be occasions when an alternative person may need to drop off or collect your child. Ideally, we would want to meet this person beforehand. If this is not possible, kindly inform the Pre-school Manager if anyone other than the usual parent / carer is to collect your child and you will be asked to complete the collection board. When your child is collected, the person collecting them will be asked to complete and sign a collection form. We operate a password system within the Pre-school. Names of the people authorised to collect your child on a regular basis will be kept on file on the admission forms.


Little Pandas has an accident book. All accidents, however minor, will be recorded in this. On collection of your child, you will be asked to sign acknowledgement of the accident. Every effort will be made by staff to capture each accident; however, it is natural for children to obtain minor scratches and bruises during normal play.

Likewise, if a child has had an accident at home or away from the Pre-school, please inform a member of staff.


At Little Pandas we see it as imperative to be first aid trained. Therefore all staff are trained or currently undertaking training in first aid. We will endeavour to contact you should your child require hospital treatment. We do expect parents to attend the hospital to release staff members as soon as is possible.


Please telephone before 9:45 if your child is not able to attend their allocated session at the Pre-school due to illness. This will enable us to correctly complete the register. To protect other children please keep your child at home for 48 hours after he/she has been unwell with sickness and/or diarrhoea. For contagious diseases the appropriate time exclusion guidelines apply. For more information please see the Manager.

Fire drill

We hold regular fire drills at Little Pandas. These are recorded in a fire drill book, which is available for your perusal should you so wish. Please speak to a member of staff for more details. Little Pandas’ assembly points are situated in the area under the flyover or on the green behind the main building.

Snack at midmorning/mid afternoon

A healthy snack and either milk or water is offered to children during each session. Arrangements can be made for children with special dietary needs, as children are not allowed to bring food and drink from home. We operate an individual open snack bar system and no child is forced to take part in snacks. However, fresh water is available for the children at all times.


In the interest of safety and risk of loss, children are asked not to wear jewellery. Stud earrings are the only earrings acceptable.


We would appreciate it if all outdoor clothing was named and if a change of clothing could be provided in the event of your child needing to be changed during a session. Because of health and safety, we prefer not to have carrier bags. If items are brought in a carrier bag, please hand them to a member of staff where they will be put away from the children’s reach.

Protective clothing is supplied when children are working with paints and messy activities or playing with the water. Accidents, however, do happen. Please send your child in appropriate clothing for play and not in their best clothes. We recommend that children refrain from wearing open toed sandals as this is a health and safety issue if a piece of equipment was to fall on their foot. It is also recommended that children wear suitable footwear whilst playing on large garden apparatus.

Sun protection

When the weather is hot and sunny parents are requested to ensure that their child has the appropriate sun cream on before attending Little Pandas. If more cream is needed during the day, parents are asked to provide the cream and the written permission allowing staff to help the children to do so.


We operate a “no smacking” policy. Parents are informed of any inappropriate behaviour by their child within the Pre-school. Please see our Policies and Procedures within the Parent portfolio.

We also request that staff and parents consider their own behaviour towards children, parents and visitors so that everyone is respected for who they are, whatever their age, gender, race or personality.

Safeguarding Children

As a professional childcare establishment we are legally bound to report any form of suspected abuse, which may become evident while a child is in our care. For more details of our Safeguarding Children Policy, please see the Parent portfolio.


We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum and principles of care. This scheme runs from birth until the end of the Reception school year where the child then learns under the School’s Key stage 1.

The Early Years Foundation Stage is broken down into four foundational principles:

A Unique Child

This emphasises that every child is a competent learner from birth. This covers areas such as resilience, capabilities, confidence and self assurance of a child.

Positive Relationships

This area encourages children to be strong and independent from a base of a loving and secure relationship with both the parent/carer and the child’s Key person working in partnership for the best interests of the child.

Enabling Environments

This principle concentrates on the child’s learning environment. It plays a key role in supporting and extending the child’s learning and development.

Learning and Development

This area looks at how children can learn and develop in many different individual ways and at different rates. All the areas of learning and development are inter-connected but are equally important.

Characteristics of effective learning

The EYFS recognises that children learn and develop best when they can

Play and explore

Learn actively

Create and think critically

so all play activities provide opportunities for children to explore, get involved and choose their way of doing things.


Children learn about themselves, about others, about the world around them in

such a variety of ways according to their personality, their life experience and the opportunities they are given to explore new skills and make new discoveries. Much of their learning in their early years is through play and relationships. The Pre-school therefore aims to provide a safe, creative, stimulating and caring environment in which children can explore and make discoveries which will build a strong foundation for the rest of their lives – the foundation of being valued and loved for who they are and learning to love and value others.

The aims expressed above are achieved through providing play and learning opportunities in such a way that enhances relationships and works towards ensuring that children develop at their own pace and yet are encouraged to push their own boundaries as appropriate.

We work towards the seven areas of the Early Learning Goals, as laid down in The Foundation Stage. There are three prime areas and four specific areas they set out what most children are expected to achieve by the end of the Foundation Stage (age of 5) and help those who work with children aged 0-5 to focus on what children need to learn. They are not a curriculum with lots of different subjects to cover, but are six broad dimensions of learning.

Expressions of the Early Learning Goals

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

I will begin to gain confidence to tackle many things. I will begin to feel good about myself!

I will learn to be on my own in Pre-school and become more confident about this

I will be able to dress up and find out how it feels to be someone or something else

I will be able to play by myself and learn to share and play with friends

I will feel confident about speaking to adults and friends

I will begin to understand my feelings and be able to talk about them

I will be able to choose what I would like to do and find out about different ways to do it

I will make choices and decisions for myself and learn how to find out about lots of exciting things

I will learn about other cultures and beliefs and understand that these should be treated with respect

I will discover a growing sense of justice and responsibility

Communication and Language

There will be opportunities to talk to other children and adults, and learn how to ask questions and explain what I need

I will use longer sentences and be able to use language to help me think and solve problems

I will learn how to listen to people around me and join in with conversations

I will enjoy listening to stories and make up my own


I will learn about books, how to handle them, look at print and talk about the pictures

I will begin to make marks on paper and know about writing

I will learn about letter shapes and sounds and how they all fit together to make words


I will play with sand and water and this will help me to learn about volume, shape and space

I will play with blocks and construction toys, thread beads and do puzzles

Adults will talk to me as I play, and I will learn new words and ideas about number, area, volume, quantity and shape

I will use paint, paper and glue and this will also help me to understand about shape and size

I will learn number rhymes and songs

I will play with different things and sort them into groups for colours, size, shapes and other qualities

I will begin to recognise numbers in the world around me

Understanding the world

I will find out about where I live and go to school. Later I will learn more about the world.

I will meet different people and go to many places

I will be told some things and sometimes I will be able to find out things for myself

I will make models using a range of materials

I will want to know why things happen and what makes things work

I will begin to learn about what has happened in the past

I will be able to learn about forces as I push and pull a truck, or ride a bike, or build with tubes, planks and blocks

I will look closely at animals and plants, and find out about change

I will learn about the way plants grow

I will enjoy cooking and tasting

I will use technology such as tape recorder or computer

Physical Development

I will begin to use tools, scissors, glue sticks and staplers to help me explore different ideas and ways of making things

I will enjoy using my arms and legs to run, jump and climb

I will learn how to balance, how to play with a ball, and have fun with my friends

I will get better at using my hands to fasten my coat, put on my shoes and hold a paintbrush or a pencil

I will learn how to play safely and be aware of the needs of others

I will learn about my body and how important it is to keep healthy

Expressive arts and Design

I will begin to use lots of different materials and make marks, patterns and pictures

I will learn how to mix colours and use them in different ways

I will listen to music from different cultures

I will learn about different musical instruments, how they work, and which country they come from

I will sing and play and dance

I will begin to remember rhymes and songs, and make up my own tunes

I will dress up and play in an imaginary world where I am in charge and can make things happen

I will find out how things smell, how they taste and how they feel

I will do hundreds more things in a hundred different ways but what is most important is that while I am in the Foundation Stage…..


Workshop approach

We operate on a self-help workshop approach where the children choose which activities they want to engage with. This encourages their independence and development as they make their own choices but with adults around them who can help them to explore and discover the world and people around them.

We encourage indoor and outdoor play equally.

Story time: The children come together for a story.

Library time: Children are given a book and book bag and on return of the book they can choose a new book to enjoy at home with their family.

Creating a link with the community

Occasionally, we have special events and visitors. We believe the children enjoy and thrive from these sessions. A photographer will attend once throughout your child’s school year.


We believe that children benefit from outdoor experiences and therefore outings are undertaken at Little Pandas. For full details of our outings policy, please see our Parent portfolio.

Celebrations / Festivals

Birthdays are important to children. You are welcome to bring in a birthday cake. We will sing happy birthday to your child and they, in turn, can blow out the candles. We encourage parents to attend this “celebration”.

As we are a Christian Pre-school, we naturally celebrate events from within the Christian calendar. Additionally, we will often observe festivals from other religions. Again, please feel free to speak to the Manager or member of staff for more details or information.

Lost Child Policy

We have a policy on lost children. Again, please refer to our Parent portfolio.

Late Collection Policy

We appreciate that due to unforeseen circumstances parents/carers may occasionally be unable to collect their children on time. However, should a parent/carer fail to collect a child within fifteen minutes of the end of a session without prior warning the following procedures will be followed:

• Every effort will be made to contact the parent/carer

• If unable to do so, the emergency contact will be contacted and asked to collect the child immediately

o Each parent will agree a unique password on registration in order to ensure that emergency adults, other than those already agreed, are able to collect the child by using the password agreed

• Two members of staff will remain at the setting with the child. Due to possible legal implications WE ARE NOT ABLE TO TAKE THE CHILD ANYWHERE ELSE!

If this is unsuccessful, by 12:45 or 3.30 pm WE WILL THEN INFORM THE POLICE who will advise us on the next course of action. This is a Social Services directive. Our insurance covers the Pre-school from 9:30 am to 3.00 pm.

When the child is collected, you will be issued with a late collection slip. This will indicate that a fine of £10 will be levied to cover staffing costs, phone calls etc.

Complaints Procedure

Naturally, we hope that both you and your child enjoy your time whilst at Little Pandas and have no complaints. However, should you wish to complain please contact the Pre-school Manager.

If you wish to complain further, you can contact:

Major Noreen Batt, one of the corps officers for The Salvation Army and the Registered Person on 020 8680 9924, Chris Waldock, The Salvation Army’s Community Services Director and/or The Croydon Pre-school Learning Alliance on 020 8656 6012.

Should your complaint not be satisfied or at any point in the complaints procedure, you may contact Ofsted at 90 Union Street, London, SE1 0FS on 0300 123 1231 or on the internet website .uk

Notice of termination

Four weeks’ written notice must be given for termination of attendance at Little Pandas Pre-school.

Little Pandas reserves the right to withdraw a placement should a child continue to be unsettled within the period of a month of attendance or the child’s behaviour is continually disruptive and affects the full potential of learning within the Pre-school.


You can be assured that matters discussed and recorded by a member of the Pre-school team will be treated in a confidential manner.

Play today?

You say you love your children

And are concerned they learn today:

So am I – that’s why I am providing

A variety of kinds of play.

You’re asking me the value

Of blocks and other such play?

Your children are solving problems -

They will use that skill every day.

You’re asking what the value is

Of having your children play?

Your daughter/son is creating a tower -

She/he may be a builder some day.

You’re saying you don’t want your son

To play in that sissy way?

He’s learning to cuddle a doll -

He may be a father someday.

You’re questioning the interest centres -

They just look like useless play?

Your children are making choices -

They’ll be on their own someday.

You’re worried your children aren’t learning

And later they have to pay?

They’re learning a pattern for learning -

For they’ll be learners always.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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