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Knowsley Learning Disability Partnership Board

Minutes – Friday 30th September 2011


|Andrea Kelly |Personal Secretary for the Integrated |

| |Commissioning Team |

|Dot Ashton |Citizen Advocacy Manager, Knowsley Disability Concern |

|Joanne Thompson |Self Advocate, Merseyside Partners |

| |In Policymaking |

|Joyce Duckworth |Manager, Knowsley Disability Concern |

|Karen Green |5 Boroughs Partnership |

|Katie Hardaker |BIG Development Worker, Knowsley |

| |Disability Concern |

|Maria Smith |Parent |

|Michelle Ablewhite |Partnership Board Co-Chair, BIG Group |

|Michelle Dickson |Self Advocacy Support, Merseyside Partners |

| |In Policymaking |

|Michelle McLeod |Speech and Language Therapist, 5 Boroughs Partnership |

|Mike Edwards |Support Worker, Knowsley Health & |

| |Wellbeing |

|Nita Cresswell |Partnership Board Chair, Director of Commissioning, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing |

|Paul Jones |Locality Manager, Brothers of Charity |

|Sarah Turner |Learning Advisor, Knowsley College |

|Steven Daley |Support Worker, KMBC |

|Stuart Sheridan |Partnerships Officer, Knowsley Health & |

| |Wellbeing |

|Tim Hall |Children’s Team, Knowsley Health & |

| |Wellbeing |

|Vicki Hornby |Parents Together Project Coordinator |

1. Introduction & Apologies

Everyone introduced themselves.

Apologies from

|Debra Lawson |Commissioning Manager, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing |

|Mark Fox |Service Manager, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing |

|Gill Beesley |Alternative Futures |

|Rachel Cleal |KIPS @ 5 Boroughs |

|Lisa Woods |BIG Group |

|Jez Hunt |Service Manager, Knowsley Health & Wellbeing |

|Lorna Pink |5 Boroughs Partnership |

2. Ground Rules

Michelle Ablewhite read through the ground rules.

Nita told the group that Item 6 “Improving Together” will be moved to the November meeting as the person who was due to speak about this item has sent apologies.

3. Minutes of the Last Meeting and Matters Arising

The group read through and agreed the minutes of the July meeting.

4. Castlebeck – Winterbourne View

This item has been put on the agenda after the Panorama Programme showing abuse in a Castlebeck home.

The home has now been closed and all the other Castlebeck homes are being inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC).

One person from Knowsley is in a Castlebeck home and they are being closely monitored.

CQC are not allowing any more people to be placed in a Castleback home until further notice.

The National Valuing Families Forum gave questions to Partnership Boards to answer.

1. How many people do you buy places for in private hospitals?

• One person with a learning disability is in a private hospital (not a Castlebeck hospital). Five people with mental health issues are in private hospitals (one of these is a Castlebeck hospital).

2. How many people do you buy places for in NHS units?

• There is only one person in an NHS Hospital, Calderstones in Lancashire.

3. How many people that you buy places for are sectioned under the MentalHealth Act?

• We will work with Mental Commissioners to establish this and bring an answer back to the Board

4. Do you visit an establishment before you buy a place for someone there?

• Visits are made to places before a patient is placed there. We feel we need to understand and record this better .

5. How soon after the placement do you check if it is working well?

• After a person is placed the Care Managers visit regularly to make sure a person is settling in, then the visits are made once a year.

6. Do you review the placements annually?

• Yes

7. Do you receive reports about how the treatment is progressing?

• The hospitals send reports to the Care Managers. However we need to understand these better and make sure we receive them for all patients.

8. Do you involve families when you are choosing a placement? (And)

9. Do you check with families how they think their relative is doing?

• Families are involved in choosing a placement for their relative and are checked with to make sure the placement is working well.

10. Do you put long term advocacy in place for people who do not have families?

• Most of the people in placements have long-term advocates, but not all. We need to understand why and make sure this is happening.

11. What systems to do they have in place to alert them to potential problems?

• We curently rely on CQC reports and contact from safeguarding teams in other areas. We feel we need to improve this system and will discuss it again at this Board.

There are around 50 people in out of area placements but most of these are within Merseyside.

CQC are going to be involving carers, families and advocates in future reviews of care homes. Information on this will be sent out with the minutes.

This topic will be talked about again at a future meeting.

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|Actions |By Who? |

|Send out information about CQC reviews – for more information about getting involved with CQC |Stuart |

|inspections, see here: | |

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5. The Challenging Behaviour Foundation

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation was set up by families and carers.

It provides information and support to other families caring for people with challenging behaviour.

The Challenging Behaviour Foundation have made a charter. This is an agreement about how we will support people with challenging behaviour.

Knowsley now have a Positive Behaviour Support Service which supports families, staff and care providers to manage and understand behaviour.

The board showed some concern about the definition of challenging behaviour and felt it didn’t reflect the differing types of behaviour.

Board members felt that the term ‘Challenging Behaviour’ was outdated and that the charter suggests the problem lies with the person and not their environment.

Stuart suggested that the group read the non-easy read document to see if it was explained any better.

The board read through the non-easy read document and it does cover the right issues.

The board agreed to sign up to the charter but recommend that the easy read document is updated.

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|Actions |By Who? |

|Knowsley LDPB to sign up to the Challenging Behaviour Charter |Stuart |

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|Email the non-easy read documents to the Board |Stuart |

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6. Willis House Inpatient Services Consultation

It has been proposed that Willis House will close as an inpatient service and open as a stronger community based service.

It will be open from 8am to 8pm and staff will be able to visit homes and families. There will be a helpline to cover weekends.

The inpatient service will moved to the Byron Unit in Warrington.

Joyce told the board that KDC’s Citizen Advocacy Service has agreed to support the Byron Unit, but there will need to be a review to look at how much can be provided.

The consultation has been extended until the end of October. This is to allow time for people who are in Willis House and ex-patients to be consulted.

Michelle would like to see pictures of the Byron Unit. Karen can send pictures round to the board to view.

Vicki raised some concerns about the easy-read document. Joyce told the board that KDC will be bringing a proposal to the next meeting about easy-read.

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|Actions |By Who? |

|Add KDC’s Easy-Read Proposal to the next agenda |Stuart |

|Send pictures of the Byron Unit to the Board |Karen Green |

7. Taxi Consultation

Nita told the board that Knowsley needs to have a contract in place for taking people to and from services. The way that we decide which company to give the contract to is called a Tender Process.

Nita wants people to be involved in this tender to look at what we need from a taxi service and which company meets these needs.

Staff from Knowsley will be talking to as many groups as possible for input.

The contract will begin mid-January and will run for two years.

Joyce was concerned about service users who are used to a certain driver, they may feel anxious with a new company.

The tender will be going in the next three weeks and all service users will be contacted to let them know about the change.

8. Disability Development Fund Bids

Merseyside Partners in Policy Making Bid

This was sent out to the board with changes about three weeks ago.

The board approved the bid.

KDC Advocacy Project

This has been emailed to the board prior to this meeting.

The bid is for £8,000 to increase resources to allow more self advocacy support for younger people and people in transition.

External funding will be looked for to continue with the project.

The board approved the bid.

Any Other Business

• Michelle Dickson is attending Mental Capacity Act training on Monday and Autism Awareness training on Tuesday of next week.

• Michelle Dickson also told the board that many family members/carers don’t agree with Knowsley’s new charging policy. Nita agreed to feedback to Dawn Boyer about this.

Joyce told the board that the Physical Disability Partnership Board have also raised this issue and the User Led Organisation will be looking at this as well. This will be picked up by the Learning Disability Partnership Board in a future meeting.

• Joyce told the board that from the 3rd October, direct payments will be made net of contribution. This means that payments into people’s bank accounts will be reduced by the amount people need to contribute in future.

• KDC are helping service users to understand these changes. Joyce feels that KDC will need extra funding for this advocacy – Nita will discuss this with Dawn Boyer.

• Stuart has sent the Health Self Assessment to the SHA. Knowsley has improved in a lot of areas but not around Criminal Justice. This will now be validated in November and fed back to the board.

• Michelle Dickson & Joanne are involved in a health DVD which will be filmed next week.

• Vicki has started peer support sessions for parents with learning disabilities in Halewood, Huyton, Kirkby and Whiston. Contact Vicki for further details.

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|Actions |By Who? |

|Speak to Dawn Boyer about funding for advocacy work and charging policy feedback. |Nita |

Next Meeting:

Friday 25th November 11am to 1pm

Faraday Room, Old School House,

St Johns Road, Huyton.

Symbols from Knowsley Picture Dictionary, Makaton, Widgit Rebus, PCS and Change have been used in this document


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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