
Planning and Controlling Process


Professional Designer

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The fashion industry is a very competitive business filled with talented, creative people who set styles and trends. Even a small designer with plans to grow should develop a business plan. A business plan will help crystallize the designer's vision as well as gauge the worth of activities to accomplish business goals.

The fashion industry is a very difficult industry for one to succeed in because there is a lot of competition and not a lot of demand. To make it big in this field one has to have a lot of talent, patience, drive, courage and the ability to work very hard. Fashion design is not for everyone because it takes a lot of time and nerves to succeed. This career can have one work until sunrise to finish designs and meet deadlines. To people who really enjoy this type of work though, it would not make a difference because they would be doing what they truly love to do. Therefore, although being a fashion designer could bring one much frustration, stress, long working hours and an irregular salary, it could also bring a lot of money and fame, give one a sense of pride, a way to express creativity, and an opportunity to make people look and feel good. A fashion designer has to go through many, sometimes stressful and long stages before the clothing is made. Sometimes there can be a great difference between what is considered stylish and what the people actually buy. After the designer has completed the research process, the next step would be predicting what the trend will be in about six months to a year. After predicting the next trend however, the designer then makes original sketches and if he or she works for a company shows the sketches to the owners to make sure that they suit the company’s style and image. If the designer works for a department store though, the garments can be reproduced to sell right away. Also, the samples can be photographed and put in a catalog and be made only with order. All of it depends on where and by whom the designer is employed. in fashion design also, requires many certain qualities and skills. Being creative, sensitive to beauty, confident, driven, hard-working, passionate and cooperative is required in this field. Without these qualities one cannot be a successful fashion designer.


• To know work map of professional Designer.

• To know planning process of a professional Designer.

• To know how to develop the plan by work

• To know controlling method of a professional Designer according to plan.

• To know the prospect of a professional Designer.

• To know the successful designer strategy of planning & controlling.


There are different types methodologies for any research. They are as follow

1. Historical method.

2. Philosophical method.

3. Case study method.

4. Survey method.

5. Descriptive method.

6. Anthropological method.

7. Experimental method.

8. Observation method.

I would like to follow observation method and survey method. Besides I will collect data primary and secondary both source.

Other source also used from daily weekly & monthly newspaper & Internet.

I will like to follow interview & questioner method for data collection. I will take the interview probable ten Fashion house where worked minimum fifteen Professional Fashion Designers.

After this I will analysis this data to get the result.


Dhaka city and surroundings areas.


1. It takes time to take interview.

2. Lack of Information.

3. Time limitation

4. Shortage of money.

Time requirement:

Total time will be required for six weeks.

Money required:

To complete the project it required nearly 5000 BDT.

Work Schedule:

|Activities |No of weeks |

|Proposal preparation |First week |

|Data and information collection |Second and third week |

|Analysis of data |Fourth week |

|Report writing |Fifth week |

|Editing and correction of report |Fifth &sixth week |

|Printing and binding of books |Sixth week |


This research work is very important study for professional Development, because Plan & Control is important part of professional person. To achieve something in professional life one must know how to plan & control.

2. Literature Review


Plan is typically any diagram or list of steps with timing and resources, used to achieve an objective. See also strategy. It is commonly understood as a temporal set of intended actions through which one expects to achieve a goal. For spatial or planar topologic or topographic sets see map.

Plans can be formal or informal:

Structured and formal plans, used by multiple people, are more likely to occur in projects, diplomacy, careers, economic development, military campaigns, combat, or in the conduct of other business. In most cases, the absence of a well-laid plan can have adverse effects: for example, a non-robust project plan can cost the organization time and money.

Informal or ad-hoc plans are created by individuals in all of their pursuits.

The most popular ways to describe plans are by their breadth, time frame, and specificity; however, these planning classifications are not independent of one another. For instance, there is a close relationship between the short- and long-term categories and the strategic and operational categories.

It is common for less formal plans to be created as abstract ideas, and remain in that form as they are maintained and put to use. More formal plans as used for business and military purposes, while initially created with and as an abstract thought, are likely to be written down, drawn up or otherwise stored in a form that is accessible to multiple people across time and space. This allows more reliable collaboration in the execution of the plan.


Planners are the professionals that have the requisite training to take or make decisions that will help or balance the society.


The term planning implies the working out of sub-components in some degree of elaborate detail. Broader-brush enunciations of objectives may qualify as metaphorical roadmaps. Planning literally just means the creation of a plan; it can be as simple as making a list. It has acquired a technical meaning, however, to cover the area of government legislation and regulations related to the use of resources.

Types of planning:

There are many types of planning.

Architectural planning

Business plan

Comprehensive planning

Contingency planning

Economic planning

Enterprise architecture planning

Environmental planning

Event planning and production

Family planning

Financial planning

Land use planning

Landscape planning

Life planning

Marketing plan

Network resource planning

Operational planning

Site planning

Strategic planning

Succession planning

Urban planning


The discipline of planning has occupied great minds and theoreticians. Concepts such as top-down planning (as opposed to bottom-up planning) reveal similarities with the systems thinking behind the top-down model.

The subject touches such broad fields as psychology, game theory, communications and information theory, which inform the planning methods that people seek to use and refine; as well as logic and science (i.e. methodological naturalism) which serve as a means of testing different parts of a plan for reliability or consistency.

The specific methods used to create and refine plans depends on who is to make it, who is to put it to use, and what resources are available for the task. The methods used by an individual in their mind or personal organizer, may be very different from the collection of planning techniques found in a corporate board-room, and the planning done by a project manager has different priorities and uses different tools to the planning done by an engineer or industrial puter consultants give up on automated scheduling and resort to an old-fashioned plan-board to agree on who does what when.Planning (also called forethought) is the process of thinking about and organizing the activities required to achieve a desired goal.

Planning involves the creation and maintenance of a plan. As such, planning is a fundamental property of intelligent behavior. This thought process is essential to the creation and refinement of a plan, or integration of it with other plans; that is, it combines forecasting of developments with the preparation of scenarios of how to react to them.

An important, albeit often ignored aspect of planning, is the relationship it holds with forecasting. Forecasting can be described as predicting what the future will look like, whereas planning predicts what the future should look like.

Planning in organizations:

In organizations, planning is a management process, concerned with defining goals for company's future direction and determining on the missions and resources to achieve those target. To meet the goals, managers may develop plans such as a business plan or a marketing plan. Planning always has a purpose. The purpose may be achievement of certain goals or targets.

Main characteristics of planning in organizations are:

Planning increases the efficiency of an organization.

It reduces the risks involved in modern business activities.

It facilitates proper coordination within an organization.

It aids in organizing all available resources.

It gives right direction to the organization

It is important to maintain a good control.

It helps to achieve objectives of the organization.

It motivates the personnel of an organization.

It encourages managers' creativity and innovation.

It also helps in decision making.

The planning helps to achieve these goals or target by using the available time and resources. The concept of planning is to identify what the organization wants to do by using the four questions which are "where are we today in terms of our business or strategy planning? Where are we going? Where do we want to go? How are we going to get there?

Planning in public policy:

Public policy planning includes land use planning, urban planning and spatial planning. In many countries, the operation of a town and country planning system is often referred to as "planning" and the professionals which operate the system are known as "planners".

It is a conscious as well as sub-conscious activity. It is "an anticipatory decision making process" that helps in coping with complexities. It is deciding future course of action from amongst alternatives. It is a process that involves making and evaluating each set of interrelated decisions. It is selection of missions, objectives and "translation of knowledge into action." A planned performance brings better results compared to an unplanned one. A manager's job is planning, monitoring and controlling. Planning and goal setting are important traits of an organization. It is done at all levels of the organization. Planning includes the plan, the thought process, action, and implementation.Planning gives more power over the future. Planning is deciding in advance what to do, how to do it, when to do it, and who should do it. This bridges the gap from where the organization is to where it wants to be. The planning function involves establishing goals and arranging them in logical order.


means evaluate the performance with standard set by organization. In other words to evaluate the performance with objective.

Controlling is the process of measuring difference between standered goal and actual goal. According to Harold Koontz,

Controlling is the measurement and correction of performance in order to make sure that enterprise objectives and the plans devised to attain them are accomplished.

According to Stafford Beer,

Management is the profession of control:

Characteristics of Control

Control is a continuous process

Control is a management process

Control is embedded in each level of organizational hierarchy

Control is forward looking

Control is closely linked with planning

Control is a tool for achieving organizational activities

Control is an end process

The elements of control:

The four basic elements in a control system —

(1) the characteristic or condition to be controlled

(2) the sensor

(3) the comparator

(4) the activator

The Characteristic or Condition to be Controlled

The first element is the characteristic or condition of the operating system which is to be measured. We select a specific characteristic because a correlation exists between it and how the system is performing. The characteristic can be the output of the system during any stage of processing or it may be a condition that is the result of the system. For example, it may be the heat energy produced by the furnace or the temperature in the room which has changed because of the heat generated by the furnace. In an elementary school system, the hours a teacher works or the gain in knowledge demonstrated by the students on a national examination are examples of characteristics that may be selected for measurement, or control.

The Sensor

The second element of control, the sensor, is a means for measuring the characteristic or condition. For example, in a home heating system this device would be the thermostat, and in a quality-control system this measurement might be performed by a visual inspection of the product.

The Comparator

The third element of control, the comparator, determines the need for correction by comparing what is occurring with what has been planned. Some deviation from plan is usual and expected, but when variations are beyond those considered acceptable, corrective action is required. It involves a sort of preventative action which indicates that good control is being achieved.

The Activator

The fourth element of control, the activator, is the corrective action taken to return the system to expected output. The actual person, device, or method used to direct corrective inputs into the operating system may take a variety of forms. It may be a hydraulic controller positioned by a solenoid or electric motor in response to an electronic error signal, an employee directed to rework the parts that failed to pass quality inspection, or a school principal who decides to buy additional books to provide for an increased number of students. As long as a plan is performed within allowable limits, corrective action is not necessary; however, this seldom occurs in practice.

Map Out a Business Plan

Much in the way you sketch your next great creation or draw out your patterns before sewing, set aside some time to map out what your vision is for your company and create a business plan. You can find several templates and examples online to help you get started. By following along with the template, you will be forced to consider questions like – who are your stakeholders? What is the operations plan? Are you planning to work solo or do you need to incorporate? What is your marketing plan, major messaging and key areas of differentiation.  Business plans are often modified as your dreams become reality, but spending time in this planning phase is crucial, for your own sanity and if you ever hope to have an investor take you seriously.

Develop Customer Profiles

Who is your target customer? I can’t count how many times I’ve heard designers say “everyone” because they feel their product is so great! Even saying “women over 25″ is too general. A great way to get specific is to develop customer profiles or personas. Give your 35 year old, college-educated, zumba dancing, Africa-safari going, major metropolitan living, mom of two girls aged 2 and 6 looking for comfortable separates that will help her stand out, a name. Give her a face!  And then design for her.

Being clear on who your target is not only helps line up your image and brand so that it resonates with that target, it allows you to research further into her experience. Host a focus group, invite friends or friends of friends over for tea and have them talk to you about what they are looking for in their closet each morning. In addition, a clear target helps with public relations and securing media coverage. As a quick example, we know that the Nylon skews a bit younger, is edgy and tied to music and underground culture.  W Magazine, on the other hand, attracts a more sophisticated, polished and affluent reader. Perhaps there are aspects of your line that appeal to both, but make sure your pitch is targeted to appeal to the specific vibe of the publication.

Make Budgeting Your New BFF

It’s important to make sure you have enough savings to keep you afloat during the first few months. As a designer, you also need to map out start up costs (and likely get an accountant) and get your books in order for tax time. Consider how much money you need to pay for portions of your design business that you may not always operate yourself. For instance, a sales staff, seamstresses, a PR and marketing budget, bookkeeping, etc.

Commit to Losing (a bit) of Control

As a designer/business owner, you will have a great deal of creative control, after all, it’s your design and your business. Even so, you’ll need to be open to advice and guidance from those who are skilled in areas you struggle with. Allow your brand to evolve in ways you never expected, and be open to opportunities that come your way (just make sure they fit with your overall brand identity!).

Example of a Business Plan for a Fashion Designer

Design Business

The fashion industry is a very competitive business filled with talented, creative people who set styles and trends. Even a small designer with plans to grow should develop a business plan. A business plan will help crystallize the designer's vision as well as gauge the worth of activities to accomplish business goals.

Will you be the next Vera Wang and become known for exclusive gowns and wedding dresses? Are you interested in making cheaper goods for a mass market consumer that could end up on the rack in Kmart? Answering these questions will affect every aspect of your business plan.

Develop an overview of the situation in the fashion marketplace in which your business will operate. What are the fashion trends that you'll capitalize upon? Who are the key competitors in your sector? What are the prevailing pricing structures in your sector? Where are efficiencies being realized in manufacturing and distribution? You will need to do your homework to answer these questions; in the process, you will come to know more about your business and your vision than you would have known otherwise.

Position Your Product

Determine what your product offering will be. Fashion is characterized by businesses at all levels of the spectrum from haute couture to Chinese imports. Within the fashion universe, you'll need to determine what kind of fashion house your business will represent. Your business plan will need to demonstrate your unique product offering in words and images. Fashion trends change from season to season, but you'll need to capture the broader essence of your product as a business liability.

You will need to select a name for your product line as well as legally trademark your label. Your design logo is part of your positioning your business.

Manufacturing Your Goods

Discuss how you will mass produce your product line if mass distribution is your business' goals. Most clothing is manufactured overseas, and you'll need to address the expertise of the company that will be manufacturing your fashion line in your business plan. You will need to note who your suppliers will be in your business plan.

Targeting a high-end customer will allow you to charge significantly more for your designs, but your cost of goods will also be higher since you'll need to use finer materials.

Financing Your Business

Determine your source of funding to create and manufacture your clothing line. Your business plan should reflect how you will balance those two opposing forces. You'll need to state how your pricing and costs will result in profit or loss for a year or more depending on the extent of your plan's scope.

Distribution of Merchandise

Discuss your plans for distributing your merchandise. Outline your plan for contacting store buyers operating in your area of the industry in person and at trade shows like Magic, the huge fashion apparel trade show. Make appointments to show them your clothing line as well as any press materials about yourself and your company. If your product is haute couture, you'll want to reach out to specialty stores and individuals such as celebrities and offer them samples to feature in store or to wear on the red carpet

3. Data collection and Research Methodology(Observation Method)


As the part of the study I choose renowned fashion house of our country Sadakalo. SADAKALO have strong & professional design team. SADAKALO have Design studio where Professional designers work according to Plan. Talent Designers group work here to give us something new & exciting I visit there studio several time for my research work


Sadakalo journey started not with a commercial view but from the thought of realizing a dream a dream of design concept with only two colors, black &white.

In Bengali sada means white and kalo means black so together sadakalo is the Bangli paraphrase of Sadakalo.


Tahsina Sahin and Syed Md. Azharul Hoque establish Sadakalo. So we can say that they are the mother organizer of sadakalo.

Tahsina Sahin completed her graduation in Charukola from University of Dhaka, then take post graduation from Shanto-marium University in Robindra Shangit.

Syed Md. Azharul Hoque complete his Master’s from Jagonnath University.

Total management system has following department

← Admin & Human Resource Department

← Accounts Department

← Sample Room

← Product Development Dept.

← Information Technology Dept.

← Design Development Dept.

Objective of Sadakalo to Plan & Control of the Design Unit

← To create unique team

← To satisfy customer

← To inspire new Designer

← To Work in Professional way

← To established strong design team

← To establish professionalism

← To develop our Fashion Industry

Inspiration of Sadakalo


For the last six decades, 21st February has come to signify the colors black and white. On this day, people countrywide gather at the Shahid Minar, wearing black and white, carrying garlands, to commemorate the Bengali language martyrs of 1952. That is why, Sadakalo, ever since its birth, has deeply felt the honor of eagerly participating in this particular occasion through the bond of ‘black and white’ Sadakalo inspired by the great language movement. It also took inspiration from `71, our great liberation war, White & Black color. White is the combination of all 7 color and Black is absence of all color.

Work Area:

Sadakalo has a wide range of work area. They have

❖ Design Studio

❖ Dyeing & Printing Unit

❖ Embroidery Unit

Work Plan of Sadakalo

Theme based Design:

Sadakalo first introduce identical dresses for parents and children and also brought in the theme of similar dresses for couples.



← Unique design unit 1 design1 copy

← Less copy

← Limited Use of Color

Concept Based Design:

The concept of working only with two color seemed not enough so sadakalo went on to work with even more theme based concepts. To share ideas of designers Sadakalo first launched “Designers Corner” in Bangladesh. This brought under one roof some of the designers like Bibi Russell, Roxana Salam, Sharbary dutta,Monapali, kiron Uttam and many more.


Color Based Design:


The name of SADAKALO it refers to SADAKALO work only in three color. BLACK, WHITE, GRAY.Though in competitive colorful world its quite difficult to work with these three color. SADAKALO take this challenge willingly only to prove themselves unique. SADAKALO use different motif in different season.

Color &Design Variation of product of SADAKALO:

We know that SADAKALO with three color, white black & grey. SADAKALO emphasis the design variation & their main product is

Motif Based Design Motif

A decorative design or pattern is called motif.

A distinctive feature or dominant idea in an artistic or literary composition

Decorative image or design, especially a repeated one forming a pattern: the colorful hand-painted motifs which adorn narrow boats

A decorative device applied to a garment or textile: floral or other motifs are then appliquéd to net veils

A motif establishes a pattern of ideas that may serve different conceptual purposes in different works

Sadakalo use theme based motif every year

• Strip - 2012

• Flower - 2011

• Star - 2010

• Music - 2009

• Geometry - 2008

Analyze different Motif of SADAKALO in different year

• Strip - 2012:


In 2012 SADAKALO use stripe motif only creates for formal look. Stripe means straight. It gives confident to person personality. Stripe also recover human figure lacking. The main motif stripe but here also use another natural and abstract motif.

Flower - 2011

[pic] [pic] [pic]


Though floral motif is common motif. SADAKALO use floral motif especially in 2012.Behind the story is only for refreshing look. In floral motif not only use flower, here also use leaf different type of line and abstract form. Floral motif exposed by different media or form of design like block print, hand paint, karchupi, embroidery, tie dye,

• Star - 2010

[pic]. [pic]

In 2010 theme base design was star. Star is natural motif. Sadakalo use star motif blending of floral shape and abstract shape some time mix media .In star motif they use shape star to inspire of nature. This motif use in different media. Block print, embroidery, different type of hand stitching, screen print, stencil etc.

• Music - 2009

[pic] [pic]

Musical motif is an easily recognizable melodic or rhythmic phrase that repeats and develops prominently throughout a given composition. A motif can be rhythmic, melodic or chordal in nature. Originally a french term, motif translates to "motive" or "pattern" in english. Confusing the issue as to what defines a musical motif are a number of similar terms that are occasionally used synonymously, but which in fact have different meanings

• Geometry - 2008

[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

The geometrical shapes are widely used in creation of SADAKALO designs; these are, in fact, indispensable to any design. Squares, rectangles, circles, lines and triangles are all used to create different elements, these shapes play a significant role. Not only this, these indispensable geometries are employed to create creative and inspiring DRESS too. In fact, you can play with them and create innovative elements on your own. Just go through the 20 examples of the usage of geometrical shape usage in come up with your own and share them with us.


Women Collection:

In Woman collection the main products are Sharee, Kamiz, Blouse and Tops.


Fabric basically cotton base, color is White, Black, & Grey. Print block, tie-dye, karchupy, jardosy, hand paint, spray paint, and machine embroidery.

[pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Sharee, Fabric- Cotton, Motif- Geometric, Floral.


Picture: Item-Sharee, Fabric- Cotton, Motif- Peacock, Model-Shoma.

Design Variation:

Some times in black surface print by hand paint, with mix of embroidery sequence work.

Sometimes white surface work with machine embroidery, block print, decorative materials uses. Some designs are gray fabric ornamented by mix media.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Sharee, Fabric- Cotton, Motif- Star, Floral, Model- Champa, Mala.


All season especially summer collection fabric is cotton base. In festival time use various type of fabric like silk georgette siphon wild silk etc. Print block, tie-dye, karchupy, jardosy, handpaint, spray paint, machine embroidery.

[pic] [pic]

Picture: Item, Kamiz, Fabric- Cotton, Mixed, Occasion- Casual.

Design Variation:

Design played in black surface white paint, bids, sequence. Black surface white block print, gray block print mix with embroidery. White surface with tie die, hand paint. White surface with black & grey appliqué. Grey surface with black & white mix media work play nicely.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Kamiz & Salwar, Design- Embroidery, Motif- Floral


SADAKALO create interesting design variation blouse which is unique. Design played by tie die block print, calligraphy, hand paint, machine print, screen print.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Blouse, Type- Sleeveless High Neck, Sleeveless Round Neck,

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Blouse, Type- Full Sleeve, Short Sleeve, Cap Sleeve,


Fabric is mainly cotton based. In occasion silk, linen, satin, georgette also use. Hand embroidery, machine embroidery, karchupy, jardosy, screen-print, block print and mix media are used.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Tops, Type- Full Sleeve, Puff Sleeve, Sleeveless, Motif- Geometric, Abstract, Floral, Design- Embroidery, Screen Print.

Men Collection:

In men collection, main product is Panjabi, Fatua and T- Shirt.

Fabrication- woven fabric, cotton, silk, linen, knitted fabric are used.

Motif: Natural motif, geometric motif, abstract, historical motif are used.

[pic] [pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- Panjabi, Design- Block Print, Motif- Abstract, Occasion- Casual.

[pic] [pic]

Picture: Sadakalo Dress for Couple, Picture: Item- Panjabi, Motif- Star, Item- Panjabi, Sharee, Model- Ferdouse, Occasion- Festival

Design variation

[pic] [pic] [pic]

[pic] [pic]

Picture: Item- T- Shirt, Motif- Geometric, Language

Kid’s collection:

Babyfrock, salwar kamij, fotua, t-shirt, kids shirt, pant etc.

[pic] [pic]

Picture: Kid’s Dress, Item- Kamiz, T-Shirt, Motif- Brotherhood

Design variation:

In kids collection maximum fabrication is white & gray. Block print, screen print, Hand Embroidery, m/c embroidery are mainly used for design variation.

House hold product:

Certain, Bed cover, Bed sheet, pilocover, table matt, wall matt, sopha matt, fashion accessories, gift item, are product of sadakalo.


Picture: Household, Item- Mug, Motif- Parent’s DayS

Set of hand painted coffee/tea mugs from Sada Kalo that says Baba (Father) and Ma (Mother) in Bangla - perfect for gifts in Father's Day or Mother's day or for any day for that matter. I got these as gifts and use them often and always get asked where I got them from because they are so unique.


Picture: Gift Item- Cup, Mug, Motif- Father’s Day, Mother’s Day

Fashion Accessories; Crafts and Gift items; Souvenirs; Books, especial event like mother’s day, father’s day, women’s day etc product also available in the show room.

Design Studio of SADAKALAO

A Design Studio or Drawing Office is a workplace for Designers and Artisans engaged in conceiving, designing and developing new products or objects. Facilities in a Design Studio include furniture art equipments best suited for Design work and extending to Work Bench, Small Machines, Computer equipments, Paint shop and up to large presentation boards and screens.

The size and conveniences also depends upon the type of the Studio. Freelance designers engaged in Product design often have a small set up of their own and the smallest being within their apartment or bedroom. The Ambience of a Design Studio is often notable for its marked informality. Number of Designers working in a typical design studio may vary widely from a single individual to up to 1000 members. In such large studios apart from designers the staff may also consist of other technicians and Artisans engaged in prototyping and engineering detailing in addition to administrative staff.

Smallest Studios are usually makeshift one operated by individuals, while the medium to bigger ones may be owned and operated by a Manufacturer involved in consumer goods or by design firms engaged in Design services catering to different firms and industries. Such independent design studios may also function as a Design Studio as well as Design firm.

SADAKALO is one of the popular FASHION HOUSE in Bangladesh. They have already explored international area. We know that their Head Office at Gulshan. In Gulshan SADAKALO have small but very nice Design Studio. Here Designers work freely, they share their ideas to each other. For Example, at first one designer generate a idea and start to make sample, other co-worker (Designers) share & improve the design. Designers innovate new Design & try to implement this design to the final product.

Equipment of SADAKALO Design studio:

• 3 Block table

• 2 screen print table

• 6 sewing machine

• 4 embroidery machine

• 1 overlock machine

• 2 carchupy frame


There are two type of sample are improve in this studio.

➢ Approve sample

➢ Without approve sample

➢ Approve sample :

Approve sample at first create by a designer or team of designers. Then they approve it by Chief Designer. This sample made in design studio. Here also correction or modify or remade the design. For example (approve of one panjbi design is only block print, but in the studio when designer implement the design they change design they also include embroidery in the block print )

➢ Without approve sample:

In some times chief Designer give some target to the designers. Like they create some design which is implemented & also have some production value . In this case designers work individually in the design studio. At first they create design and make sample in the design studio, then they show it to the chief designer for its approval. If the design is approve then it goes to final production

Sample Room

At the sample Room we can customize our services to your individual needs to create a cost effective pre production process that, guarantees perfect design, fit and quality.

Our designers have combined industry experience in all facets of garment construction including high fashion women and men’s wear, sportswear, children's, uniforms, swim wear and accessories.

We provide you with accurate pattern making, grading and specifications for onshore manufacturers and marker making, plotting and exchange data formats to offshore factories.

Choose from electronic, paper or cardboard formats for your patterns and information.

In house sample making saves you time and reduces your run around, lowering associated cost, minimizing risks of errors and unnecessary prototypes

Sample room Management of SADAKALO

Sample making process

Idea of a design by designers

Requisite to raw materials

Making sample by his/her attention

Send to chief design section

Modification (if needed)



Sample Making Process

According to theme sample making of new product or to develop a product it is very long term and brain storming process. It is done by some discipline and systematic process.

Idea of a design by designers

At first designer generate different idea and plan for a product. For example, one designer think about of a kamiz, now s/he plan it’s design then color. S/he think about different things like age group, target customer, occasion, season.

Requisite to raw materials

After complete the plan or idea designer requisite for raw materials. Raw material mean’s fabric, accessories and other logistic support like sewing machine, printing board, dyeing materials embroidery and working staff.

Making sample by his/her attention

When designer get his/her requisite materials then s/he make sample by his/her attention. To produce a sample according to expecting design, it is an important step. So in this period designer complete the job attentively. When a sample is produced, if designer wants to change something, s/he does it.

Send to Chief Designer

Sample of a design is dream to a designer. To approve the sample means to approve the design. So designer sends the sample to the chief Designer. Here designer must explain every step of design, purpose of design, costing of design, profit margin, and total production cost. Chief designer analyze the design of sample.


Chief designer is the one who is expert and experienced. To emphasis profit margin and to click the customer chief designer modify the design, if it necessary. Then it made it again. The chief Designer of SADAKALO (Sahin Ahamed) always emphasis few thing of design, 1ST of all season, because the season of Bangladesh is mainly summer, it is humid and hot weather. So design must be simple & comfortable. Target group age, occasion.


To select a design it is achievement of designer. After selection of a design, if it goes to bulk production, then it sends to producer. Otherwise it store by store keeper. Store keeper store it sample room and it record by sticker number.

Production Process of SADAKALO

Management of SADAKALO takes decision to produce a bulk production.

At first took the sample from sample room. Then send it for production. There are two type of Production process.

1. Company production

2. Suppliers production

Personal Production

Send the sample

Send raw materials (fabrics, accessories & others as per needed)

Target date (production)

Send to Q.C Team

Quality control of the product

Send to store or show room

Production Process by Suppliers

SADAKALO is renowned fashion house in Bangladesh. They have strong design team. They have few of reliable and dedicated suppliers. Because SADAKALO follows the international merchandising policy. For example international buyers send their Design & materials & produced it by different suppliers of different country. SADAKALO also follow this system.

Chief Designers (give sample according to estimate)


Send raw materials (fabrics, accessories & others as needed)

Target date (production)

Send to Q.C Team

Quality control of the product

Send to store or show room

Design process

The development and formulation of a design requires rigorous involvement and in most of the cases follows some or the other process. The process involved should be a course of action that would make reaching the goal very much easier and simpler. Design can be defined to conceive the idea for some artifact or system and/or to express the idea in a form. It would also mean reaching the goals within constraints. Here, the goals consist of the purpose like who is the design for? What is the use of the design? etc. The constraints on the other hand are the materials and the platforms to be used. Overall it is a very challenging job to create a design that is aesthetic, creative and innovative at the same time.

If the designer is gifted with artistic talent and creativity then obviously the outcome is highly enhanced. Every individual has his own methodology for approaching the problem but even then a designer or a group of designers develop a specific format which assist them in making their task much simpler. This method can then be worked upon in order to develop and improve it for the best of purposes. Irrespective of the stages in the design process there are certain factors which have to be dealt with before starting the works. Some of these may be:

▪ Identify the target market - The market that a firm is catering to is segregated on the basis of gender, age, social and economic segment. Here the market is a group of people or the consumers. Each market segment is going to have different requirements and expectations from a design and all of these have to be satisfied by the designer, in order to make it a success.

▪ Maintaining an Identity for the brand - Every company has a specific look and caters to a particular clientele. The price ranges are also fixed since generally they cater to a specific target market. All this has to remain more or less constant so that the company has a proper brand identity.

The design process in a nutshell and a very basic form may constitute of the following stages. These stages may overlap or may be treated as separate units. The designer only has the prerogative for deciding on these matters.

For starters these stages can be summarized as:

Research & Analysis

Before getting to know the problem and understanding the task, if one simply jumps into it, the only outcome is going to be a disaster. We will not have to look far before we come at a dead end. Proper research and planning is very important before starting a project, however big or small it may seem. The question that might arise here is that how much time should be devoted to this particular stage and the answer to that would be, in a proportional manner. This proportion has to be maintained keeping in mind the various segments that we come across during designing. For example in case of apparel or fashion oriented products research could comprise of an adequate study of the current fashion trends and forecast. Fashion forecast may be customized according to the clients requirement or could be even accessed through existing ones in the market

Design Process of SADAKALO (Followed by one designer)

Each designer is different, but mine is usually thus: I collect pictures, clippings from magazines, pictures from random google image search; I watch movies read magazines and I let everything soak into my brain. Here I want to mention that Sadakalo work only three colors so I always careful to select the design. When it's time to draw and sketch I let my brain work like a giant coffee filter and let all the things that have been interesting to me drip through to the page. So, even though I've been watching lots of Japanese samurai anime movies and collecting pictures of Arts and Crafts era motifs, what comes out the other end can be entirely different. I like to keep up to date on trends and not only what's new, but what's next. Forecasting services such and the colour service provided by pantone can be a lifesaver. After i have a bundle of ideas I try to think of how these can be translated into fabric and look for swatches or I draw swatches onto the design board. A design board can be quite large and not only have a drawing of a dress, but fabric swatches, pictures from where-ever, beads, trims, any number of things. When I have enough that i like I will usually see a theme rise from the sketches. and I refine everything to fit the theme. I don't choose all my themes, sometimes they choose me, Sometimes i dye fabrics or print them or shred them and put them back together to get the desired effect. When I've worked out a few that are not for sale, I try to translate these cutting edge out there ideas into things that real people can wear.. This includes selecting fabrics, colors, shapes and silhouettes, and then the technical process of making Sharee Panjabi Tops, whatever including drafting patterns for the sewing room, sourcing threads, etc. .I doubt you will find many designers who will show pictures of their creative process, for many it's a closely guarded secret.

|4 Results and Discussion | |

Planning is one of the executive functions of the brain, encompassing the neurological processes involved in the formulation, evaluation and selection of a sequence of thoughts and actions to achieve a desired goal. Planning & Controlling is the process through which standards for performance of people and processes are set , it monitor and take corrective actions. In design studio of Sadakalo they perfectly used it. Planning & controlling system help a design process go to right way. Controlling is one of the managerial functions like planning, organizing, staffing and directing. It is an important function because it helps to check the errors and to take the corrective action so that deviation from standards are minimized and stated goals of the organization are achieved in a desired manner. According to modern concepts, plan& control is a foreseeing action whereas earlier concept of control was used only when errors were detected. The fashion industry is a very challenging filled for creative people who set styles and trends. When this style & goal set professional way it becomes easier. Even a small designer with plans to grow should develop a business plan. A business plan will help crystallize the designer's vision as well as gauge the worth of activities to accomplish business goals. The advice offered for professional designer is easy-to-read and easy-to-apply to your life.  By using valuable resource, you will understand the real definition of professionalism and why true professionals stand out in their companies, organizations, and in life.

|5 Overall Conclusions and Future Recommendations |

|Findings of Design of Sadakalo |

|The design House of Sadakalo have some limitations with their design, product variation fabrication & others sector of |

|the policy making which is limitation their planning process These are briefly discussed below: |

|Sadakalo design variation depends on only surface base. Limitation of pattern Design. Limitation of color. Specific |

|Target Customer(Only Middle class).Limitation of Product Category Marketing policy are not strong (advertising, |

|communication etc) . Out sourcing product are minimum. All are effect of limitations of professionalism |

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|Recommendation: |

|To improve the present status of Sadakalo as customer, as a analyzer of Sadakalo I have the following Recommendation:  |

|Sadakalo must develop their Designers |

|Designers should be practice professionalism |

|To improve Pattern base design which design plan |

| Give more freedom in workplace |

|Make unique Design( one Design one user) |

|Improvise Color Grade  |

|Improvise Customer Group( upper class, lower middle class) |

|Take different type of advertising policy  |

|Collect our Traditional Product |

| Recruit professional designer |

|To improve motif. |

|To select design according to various type of theme.  |

|Design should be realistic . |

|Design must be dominate modern fashion. |

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