Trifold Practice

TrifoldPractice4.docx10/30/16Look at the Insurance Company brochure (also a link on the web site). It’s landscape aspectSee the fold linesNotice marginsText doesn’t go directly to the fold lines6 panels; three on each sideThe order of panels:Page 1 has panels 5,6 and 1Page 2 – panels 2,3,4We will create a 2-page, landscape, non-facing pages documentCreate a brochure folderDownload the Brochure file from web siteSave inside your Brochure folder.Unzip it…result: four files: a tif, a logo, Encapsulated postscript. . . eps , and some textGoals: Create a single master page with 3 columns. Apply the master to two landscape pages, that will be back to back, not facingHere are the pages layout we will use: Landscape dimensions would be 11” x 8 1/2”. Therefore, each of three columns on a page should be:3.666 inches (11”/3 columns)We will specify margins = 3/8” = .375”,(Ignore bleed area…won’t use)The red lines are fold lines, where the brochure will be foldedClear so far?Start a new InDesign documentReset EssentialsNow;New Document2 Pages (NOT facing) Landscape orientation Margins: .375” (Click the link tool to make all the same value)Columns: 1 (therefor gutter value is immaterial)… … Click OKOpen the Transform and Pages panelsPages :Transform Panel:Because we don’t have facing pages, the A master only has a single page We will add two guides (vertical lines that don’t print) to the master These will become fold markers, where the tri-fold document will be foldedDouble-click A-Master words to select itNow, we create the columns; on masterFrom the menu bar: Layout>Create GuidesSpecify 3 columns, no gutter (will take care of manually) Click PreviewClick OKWe next want to specify values for where we want four additional guides, one each on either side of the two existing guidesWe DON’T want text to be right up against the folds. . . need marginsHere is what we want to end up with:So, as you can see, we need to add four guides…one each to the left and right of the two blue (fold) guides that are already there. (make sure you are still on the Master!)First, let’s add a right margin guide for that leftmost first panel , (# 1 above) just to the left of the fold line and OK: Drag a ruler-guide from the left ruler (ctrl-R) to almost the first fold-guide:We want the new guide (#1) to be 3/8” (.375”) to the left of the first fold (guide) mark (which is at x=3.667)Let’s see: 3.667-.375…too much math!!Let InDesign do the math:Select your new guideIn the Transform palette set the X value to: 3.667-.375 There is no y valueHere is mine so far…math results in 3.292”The left-column is now done; it has left and right margins:Next, we need to specify the margins for the middle column (panel) (# 2 and #3 above)We will add a 3/8” margin (.375) to the right side of the first (left) fold line. To do so:Drag a guide just to the right of the fold lineUse the Transform panel to set the X-value to 3.667+.375Here is mine nowRepeat the process for the second blue fold line:It’s at 7.3333”, so new margins go at 7.333-.375 and 7.333 + .375(#3 and #4)AndMy Master so far:Save as Brochure1.inddOpen Page 1…should look exactly like the master (so should Page 2)Let’s create a gradient, then apply itWe need to choose the two colors to use for the two gradient stopsLet’s use industry standard: PANTONE colorsAdd a New color to the Swatches PaletteOpen the Swatches panel (Window>Color>Swatches)Click the Swatch panel menu (upper right corner drop down), Choose New Color SwatchSet the Color Mode to PANTONE + Solid Coated(Pantone is a company that has created industry-standard colors)Then choose 5595 CClick AddClick DoneLook at your Swatches Panel now.Create the new Gradient Recall that a gradient has stops that describe colors to use.A gradient is a gradual change in colors between specified stops.Will use paper (we know it as white ) and the new Pantone color as the two stops colorsMake sure nothing is selectedWe want the swatch to go From the new PANTONE color to Paper Click the Swatches palette menu againThis time, choose New Gradient SwatchName it Brochure GradientType :LinearClick the first "stop" on the Gradient RampAs the Stop Color: choose Swatches (says to get the color from the swatches panel)Click on the first stop againClick the Pantone swatch we just added Click the end stopClick on Paper Drag a color to the slider at the desired locationTo have more white, slide the middle slider left towards the greenClick Add, then OK, then DoneNote:If not working, drag this way: Drag a color down to the slider or, scroll down in the listYou have a new swatch in the gradient paletteSave your document as Brochure2Check to see if you are on Page 1Next, create a Rectangle Frame to hold the gradient (The text frame is for text only)The Rectangle Frame tool is used to place graphics, color, gradients,…anything other than textWe’re going to create a Rectangle Frame that fills the panel farthest on the right (Panel #1) and extends partially towards the left, into the second panel (Panel # 6)The rectangle should extend beyond all the margins; we’ll then fill with the gradient.(Again, check to make sure you’re NOT on the Master)Click the Rectangle Frame tool Choose No fill for nowDraw the box (frame) :Click the upper left reference box of the transform paletteUse these values: X=5.5; Y= -.125; H=8.75; W=5.635Y is negative because we are going above the actual brochure…look above to see...)The “x” means it’s empty, but not for longFill with the GradientSelect the Rectangle frame you just addedSelect your new Brochure Gradient:The gradient is automatically applied, but it goes in wrong direction (left to right)Click the Gradient Swatch Tool: in toolboxDrag from bottom to top, while holding down the Shift key: (Or top to bottom, depending on how you defied the gradient…want light on top, darker on bottom)Save as brochure3.inddIf necessary, fit Page 1 to fill the window (View>Fit page in Window)Import (Place) a logo Deselect everything…Important…Edit>Deselect All orUse the Selection tool, click in pasteboard areaChoose File>Place and browse to the logo.eps file that was in the zipped file:Uncheck Replace Selected Item Place it anywhere except Panel # 1 Now, drag it to the intersection of top and left margins of Panel # 1: ULC should be x=7.708 and y = .375Note: We are linking to the assets, so you must send them to the printing company separately. or embed insteadLinking saves space because you only need to save the graphic once, can reuse as many time as you wantTo embed graphics:Window>LinksChoose the placed file.Right-click on the link name:Choose Embed LinkAdd the company (your) NameGoal: Click below the logo and create a text frame that extends from the left margin to the right margin of the panelMake it about 1.3” tall (H:) It’s going to hold your’s and the company’s names. You can resize if it’s too small to hold your nameHere are the Transform values for me (upper left corner)X=7.7; Y = 1.2; W=2.9; H=1.3Type (Your Name Here)<enter> Insurance <Enter> Company on three lines, using 24 point Charlemagne font, 25 pt leading… automatically will be all capsThe result:You might need to increase the text frame size via the Selection Tool, or shrink the size of the fontAlso, tighten the text frame sizeSave as brochure4.inddAdd a Rectangle Frame to hold a Graphic (lilyGray.tif): see belowBelow the company name and stretch across part of panels 6 and all of panel 1Choose the Rectangle Frame … Drag from the left side of the gradient (5.5” from the left edge of the paper) to the right edge , and about 2.25” tallMy upper left reference values:X:5.5Y:2.475W:5.5H: 2.25Note. My frame overwrote the logo and name. If yours did also, adjust your layers panel:Pretty good mess, huh!!File>Place and select the lillygray.tifIt fills the rectangle. If it doesn’t, click inside the rectangle.Actually it’s cropped. Click and hold on the circle:…release the mouseUse the white arrow and move the image inside the frameMove the graphic so the white lily is about centered… Select the frameNote again that the picture is cropped by the rectangle box size.Click and drag using left mouse buttonCreate 3 small graphics Deselect allWe will create three- 1” squares in the pasteboard area, each filled in with our new Pantone color, and then add a small white graphic to each.Click the actual rectangle tool (NOT the text frame, and not the graphics rectangle tool) tool. Click in the pasteboard area and enter 1” as the Height and Width)Fill with your Pantone colorCopy/paste two times (watch where it pastes, then place as below)Watch where the squares end upNext, we will add a diamond, an ellipse and a star, fill each filled with paper (white) Goal: Select the first square; add a white diamondSteps: Create a new square, .60” x .60 “Choose a fill color of PaperUse Transform center reference point to rotate it 45 degrees Result:We want both centers to be aligned : horizontally and verticallyOpen the Align palette (Window>Object & Layout> Align) Or, use the Control Panel:Use the tools and align center horizontal and verticalResult:Next: Second SquareDraw a white ellipse and place it inside the second square (Select the ellipse tool and then click the artboard) W: .9 x H: .7”Center align both objects, as you did aboveNext: Third Square: Draw a polygon / star (5 sides) , H, W = .8”, Inset 40%Now add a Text frame to each and type a word into each, use a script font (I chose Script MT Bold, 14 points):You may have to reselect the font Here is the starleft63500Don’t use the Align window and try to center---center manually insteadGroup each text frame, the graphic object, and the squares:Select all three related elements at a timeObject>GroupOr Ctrl-GRepeat for the other two iconsSave as brochure5.inddDrag the icons to Panel # 1Drag the icons from the pasteboard area to the right margin of panel 1Move the lily picture up/shrink to make more room for the graphicsWant to space the three equally vertical.Use the Align Panel: Select all three graphics (Shift-click) and choose Distribute Vertical Centers:You might View>Extras>Hide Frame Edges to see results so farAdd the Logo Again, as part of Return Address-Scaling and rotationWe want to be able to mail this, so we want to add a return addressDeselect everything (Edit>Deselect all)File>Place logo.eps again,Temporarily Place in Panel #5 or #6 and then drag it to the center panel, in the upper right corner ResizeScale by 75%: using the Transform tool:Don’t worry that the 75% changes to 100%It’s now smallerRotate Choose the center reference for the rotationEnter -90 degrees as the rotation:Position it at right margin of column 2 (Panel # 6)(Recall links versus embed)…Window>Links, and then right-click the graphic, choose Embed)Add Return AddressCreate a Text frame 2.4” wide, and .72” tall, anywhere(You can resize, if necessary)Switch font to: Times New Roman, 12 pt Type the return addressThe (YourName here) Company600 Forbes Ave,Pittsburgh, PA 15282Rotate the text frame -90 degreesReposition itAdjust sizes, position of logo and address so they look OKHide, then show again, the Frame GuidesSave as Brochure6.inddRecall that the page we are creating contains panels # 5, #6 and #1. We've already taken care of panels 6 and 1. Now, we need to add content to panel #5 (---left-most) panel on Page # 1)First: Add a background color (Pantone) to Panel #5 (left-most on page 1)…recall panels 5,6, 1 on page 1Choose the Rectangle Frame tool (NOT a text frame) and drag out a rectangle.( Recall use Text frame for text, rectangular frame for all else)It should extend from the fold line on the right of the panel, out to the borders of the paper on the other three sides:Fill the rectangle, not with a graphic, but with the Pantone color we added.Just click the Fill iconSelect your Pantone color swatch:Add a text FrameNow, drag out a Text frame between the column’s margins (on top of the colored section).Add placeholder text to fill itType>Fill with Placeholder Text ORRight-click >Fill with Placeholder textSave as Brochure7Skip next if no time…Select the Text toolClick at the beginning of the new text frame’s textType “The Insurance <Enter> Company Story” add a space don’t press enterSelect your text and make the font larger, try 14 pointsChanging the Case of textType>Change Case>UPPERCASEAdd Logo again and Wrap TextCreate a Rectangle frame 1” wide and .75” tall in the pasteboard areaFill with Pantone PaperDrag to the upper left corner:Deselect all (If the square is selected, the logo is put there, let’s put into paste area, resize, then drag)File> Place the Logo into paste/scratch areaDrag to ULC, on top of rectangleSelect the LogoIf the logo isn’t seen, remember layers/stacking order…choose Object>Arrange>Set BackWrap the TextWindow>Text WrapChoose Wrap around Bounding Box:Change the offsets in the Wrap palette to .1875:May have to reduce text size ( I had to change to 15 pt)Save as Brochure8.inddQuestions on Page # 1? Select Page 2Add a Rectangle Frame over the entire page 2, Fill with new Pantone swatch colorAdd three text framesAdd three Text frames, one / panel (column) Transform Values: (upper left corner reference point)H:4.25W:2.9Y=1.5Figure x values on your own…hint, leftmost frame is .X=375 –the margin size---use the margins to help place.We will add our logos above the text frames, so needed some room, that’s why Y=1.5”. We will also add a textbox at the bottom, thus the 4.25” heightRemember: To hide/show frame edge: View>Extras>Hide Frame Edges)Link the text FramesIn the past, we did the threading “after the fact”. Instead, we’re going to connect the panels in advance.Choose the Selection toolSelect the first text frameClick its outport (Small box, lower right corner) of Panel 1:Click anywhere in Panel 2Click the outport of Column 2Click anywhere in column 3Select the column on leftRight-clickAdd Placeholder text…all three panels are filled!!!Add the IconsGo back to Page #1Copy each icon, one at a timePaste above each of the three columns Add a Bottom-Text FrameBelow the three columns, add a text frame from margin to marginChoose upper left reference:X:.375Y: 6.625Width: 10.5H: 1.125Fill with placeholder textAdd a small frame at the bottomChoose a script 40 point fontType ”See us for all your Insurance Needs”You might need to move the text frame above it up a bitYou could also stretch the text horizontally (Character tab)Save as Brochurefinal.inddExport as brochurefinal.pdf Export as brochure.jpgTo be able to view on the Web, embedded in a page, we saved a jpg. You can’t insert a pdf, so you wouldn’t be able to have navigation etc.; the pdf would occupy the entire page ................

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