Performance Assessment: Building a Scale Model Structure



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3900: Apprenticeship Safety

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of handling material and wood products; using fasteners, adhesives and sealants; and understanding concrete and its uses as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Solid Wood Products and Wood Joinery 020101f; Manufactured Construction Products 020101g; Fasteners, Adhesives and Sealants 020101h; Introduction to Concrete 020101i

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|use solid wood products and joinery | | | |

|use manufactured construction products | | | |

|apply fasteners, adhesives and sealants | | | |

|describe the ingredients, production, placing | | | |

|and curing of concrete | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe types and characteristics of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe types |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|solid wood products |types and characteristics of |and characteristics of solid |describe types and |describe types and |evidence of this performance |

| |solid wood products. |wood products. |characteristics of solid wood |characteristics of solid wood |task. |

| | | |products. |products. | |

|1.2 describe how lumber is milled, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe how |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|seasoned, stored and ordered |how lumber is milled, |lumber is milled, seasoned, |describe how lumber is milled,|describe how lumber is milled,|evidence of this performance |

| |seasoned, stored and ordered. |stored and ordered. |seasoned, stored and ordered. |seasoned, stored and ordered. |task. |

|1.3 describe the application of solid wood|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|mouldings |the application of solid wood |application of solid wood |describe the application of |describe the application of |evidence of this performance |

| |mouldings. |mouldings. |solid wood mouldings. |solid wood mouldings. |task. |

|1.4 describe wood joining methods for |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe wood |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|fabrication and installation |wood joining methods for |joining methods for |describe wood joining methods |describe wood joining methods |evidence of this performance |

| |fabrication and installation. |fabrication and installation. |for fabrication and |for fabrication and |task. |

| | | |installation. |installation. | |

|use manufactured construction products |

|2.1 describe the application of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|panel products |the application of panel |application of panel |describe the application of |describe the application of |evidence of this performance|

| |products. |products. |panel products. |panel products. |task. |

|2.2 describe the application of engineered|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|wood products |the application of engineered |application of engineered |describe the application of |describe the application of |evidence of this performance|

| |wood products. |wood products. |engineered wood products. |engineered wood products. |task. |

|2.3 describe the application of synthetic|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|and metal products |the application of synthetic |application of synthetic and|describe the application of |describe the application of |evidence of this performance|

| |and metal products. |metal products. |synthetic and metal products. |synthetic and metal products. |task. |

|apply fasteners, adhesives and sealants |

|3.1 identify types and function of |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify types|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|fasteners |types and function of |and function of fasteners. |identify types and function of|identify types and function of|evidence of this performance|

| |fasteners. | |fasteners. |fasteners. |task. |

|3.2 identify types and functions of |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify types|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|adhesives |types and functions of |and functions of adhesives. |identify types and functions |identify types and functions |evidence of this performance|

| |adhesives. | |of adhesives. |of adhesives. |task. |

|3.3 identify types and functions of |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify types|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|sealants |types and functions of |and functions of sealants. |identify types and functions |identify types and functions |evidence of this performance|

| |sealants. | |of sealants. |of sealants. |task. |

|describe the ingredients, production, placing and curing of concrete |

|4.1 identify the ingredients and |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|production of concrete |the ingredients and production|ingredients and production |identify the ingredients and |identify the ingredients and |evidence of this performance|

| |of concrete. |of concrete. |production of concrete. |production of concrete. |task. |

|4.2 describe the placement and curing of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|concrete |the placement and curing of |placement and curing of |describe the placement and |describe the placement and |evidence of this performance|

| |concrete. |concrete. |curing of concrete. |curing of concrete. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3402: Building Materials

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the area of hand tools, including their uses and safe storage as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Hand Tools 020102a

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|identify and describe the uses of hand tools | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe the use of measuring, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the use|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|marking, laying-out, aligning and squaring|the use of measuring, marking,|of measuring, marking, |describe the use of measuring,|describe the use of measuring,|evidence of this performance |

|tools |laying-out, aligning and |laying-out, aligning and |marking, laying-out, aligning |marking, laying-out, aligning |task. |

| |squaring tools. |squaring tools. |and squaring tools. |and squaring tools. | |

|1.2 describe the use of cutting tools |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the use|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|(edge, tooth, scraping and sanding |the use of cutting tools |of cutting tools (edge, tooth,|describe the use of cutting |describe the use of cutting |evidence of this performance |

|abrasives), boring and drilling tools |(edge, tooth, scraping and |scraping and sanding |tools (edge, tooth, scraping |tools (edge, tooth, scraping |task. |

| |sanding abrasives), boring and|abrasives), boring and |and sanding abrasives), boring|and sanding abrasives), boring| |

| |drilling tools. |drilling tools. |and drilling tools. |and drilling tools. | |

|1.3 describe the use of assembling, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the use|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|dismantling and clamping tools |the use of assembling, |of assembling, dismantling and|describe the use of |describe the use of |evidence of this performance |

| |dismantling and clamping |clamping tools. |assembling, dismantling and |assembling, dismantling and |task. |

| |tools. | |clamping tools. |clamping tools. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3407: Hand Tools Theory

Description: Students demonstrate the safe use and safe storage of hand tools as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Hand Tools 020102a

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|use hand tools | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 use measuring, marking, laying-out, |I can consistently use |I can usually use measuring, |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

|aligning and squaring tools |measuring, marking, |marking, laying-out, aligning |use measuring, marking, |measuring, marking, |evidence of this performance |

| |laying-out, aligning and |and squaring tools. |laying-out, aligning and |laying-out, aligning and |task. |

| |squaring tools. | |squaring tools. |squaring tools. | |

|1.2 use cutting tools (edge, tooth, |I can consistently use cutting|I can usually use cutting |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

|scraping and sanding abrasives), boring |tools (edge, tooth, scraping |tools (edge, tooth, scraping |use cutting tools (edge, |cutting tools (edge, tooth, |evidence of this performance |

|and drilling tools |and sanding abrasives), boring|and sanding abrasives), boring|tooth, scraping and sanding |scraping and sanding |task. |

| |and drilling tools. |and drilling tools. |abrasives), boring and |abrasives), boring and | |

| | | |drilling tools. |drilling tools. | |

|1.3 use assembling, dismantling and |I can consistently use |I can usually use assembling, |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

|clamping tools |assembling, dismantling and |dismantling and clamping |use assembling, dismantling |assembling, dismantling and |evidence of this performance |

| |clamping tools. |tools. |and clamping tools. |clamping tools. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3412: Hand Tools Practical

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the area of portable power tools, including their uses and safe storage as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Portable Power Tools 020102b

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|use portable power tools | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of portable saws |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

| |of portable saws. |portable saws. |maintenance of portable saws. |maintenance of portable saws. |task. |

|1.2 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of portable planing and shaping equipment |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

| |of portable planing and |portable planing and shaping |maintenance of portable |maintenance of portable |task. |

| |shaping equipment. |equipment. |planing and shaping equipment.|planing and shaping equipment.| |

|1.3 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of portable drilling and fastening |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

|equipment |of portable drilling and |portable drilling and |maintenance of portable |maintenance of portable |task. |

| |fastening equipment. |fastening equipment. |drilling and fastening |drilling and fastening | |

| | | |equipment. |equipment. | |

|1.4 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of portable abrasive tools |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

| |of portable abrasive tools. |portable abrasive tools. |maintenance of portable |maintenance of portable |task. |

| | | |abrasive tools. |abrasive tools. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3417: Portable Power Tools

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the area of stationary power tools, including their uses and safe storage as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Stationary Power Tools 020102c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|use stationary power tools | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of stationary saws |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

| |of stationary saws. |stationary saws. |maintenance of stationary |maintenance of stationary |task. |

| | | |saws. |saws. | |

|1.2 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of stationary planing tools |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

| |of stationary planing tools. |stationary planing tools. |maintenance of stationary |maintenance of stationary |task. |

| | | |planing tools. |planing tools. | |

|1.3 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of stationary drilling, grinding and |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

|sanding tools |of stationary drilling, |stationary drilling, grinding |maintenance of stationary |maintenance of stationary |task. |

| |grinding and sanding tools. |and sanding tools. |drilling, grinding and sanding|drilling, grinding and sanding| |

| | | |tools. |tools. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3422: Stationary Tools

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of cutters, bits and abrasives, explosive-actuated tools, and pneumatic and fuel-powered tools, their uses and safe storage as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Cutters, Bits and Abrasives 020102d; Explosive Actuated Tools 020102e; Pneumatic and Fuel Powered Tools 020102f

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|maintain tools and accessories | | | |

|use explosive-actuated tools | | | |

|use pneumatic and | | | |

|fuel-powered tools | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe the equipment used to |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|maintain chisels, plane irons and scrapers|the equipment used to maintain|equipment used to maintain |describe the equipment used to|describe the equipment used to|evidence of this performance |

| |chisels, plane irons and |chisels, plane irons and |maintain chisels, plane irons |maintain chisels, plane irons |task. |

| |scrapers. |scrapers. |and scrapers. |and scrapers. | |

|1.2 describe the types and uses of sanding|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|abrasives |the types and uses of sanding |types and uses of sanding |describe the types and uses of|describe the types and uses of|evidence of this performance |

| |abrasives. |abrasives. |sanding abrasives. |sanding abrasives. |task. |

|1.3 describe the types, uses and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|maintenance of saw blades |the types, uses and |types, uses and maintenance of|describe the types, uses and |describe the types, uses and |evidence of this performance |

| |maintenance of saw blades. |saw blades. |maintenance of saw blades. |maintenance of saw blades. |task. |

|1.4 describe the types, uses and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|maintenance of drill bits and router bits |the types, uses and |types, uses and maintenance of|describe the types, uses and |describe the types, uses and |evidence of this performance |

| |maintenance of drill bits and |drill bits and router bits. |maintenance of drill bits and |maintenance of drill bits and |task. |

| |router bits. | |router bits. |router bits. | |

|use explosive-actuated tools |

|2.1 differentiate between high- and |I can consistently |I can usually differentiate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|low-velocity explosive-actuated tools |differentiate between high- |between high- and low-velocity|differentiate between high- |differentiate between high- |evidence of this performance |

| |and low-velocity |explosive-actuated tools. |and low-velocity |and low-velocity |task. |

| |explosive-actuated tools. | |explosive-actuated tools. |explosive-actuated tools. | |

|2.2 describe |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|explosive-actuated tool power loads (low- |explosive-actuated tool power |explosive-actuated tool power |describe explosive-actuated |describe |evidence of this performance |

|and high-velocity), power load strength |loads (low- and |loads (low- and |tool power loads (low- and |explosive-actuated tool power |task. |

|and safety requirements |high-velocity), power load |high-velocity), power load |high-velocity), power load |loads (low- and | |

| |strength and safety |strength and safety |strength and safety |high-velocity), power load | |

| |requirements. |requirements. |requirements. |strength and safety | |

| | | | |requirements. | |

|2.3 describe |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|explosive-actuated tool fasteners, |explosive-actuated tool |explosive-actuated tool |describe explosive-actuated |describe |evidence of this performance |

|accessories and applications |fasteners, accessories and |fasteners, accessories and |tool fasteners, accessories |explosive-actuated tool |task. |

| |applications. |applications. |and applications. |fasteners, accessories and | |

| | | | |applications. | |

|2.4 assess base material suitability and |I can consistently assess base|I can usually assess base |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|related fastening requirements |material suitability and |material suitability and |assess base material |assess base material |evidence of this performance |

| |related fastening |related fastening |suitability and related |suitability and related |task. |

| |requirements. |requirements. |fastening requirements. |fastening requirements. | |

|2.5 describe |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|explosive-actuated system safety and |explosive-actuated system |explosive-actuated system |describe explosive-actuated |describe |evidence of this performance |

|firing procedure |safety and firing procedure. |safety and firing procedure. |system safety and firing |explosive-actuated system |task. |

| | | |procedure. |safety and firing procedure. | |

|2.6 perform tool maintenance and use an |I can consistently perform |I can usually perform tool |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|explosive-actuated tool safely |tool maintenance and use an |maintenance and use an |perform tool maintenance and |perform tool maintenance and |evidence of this performance |

| |explosive-actuated tool |explosive-actuated tool |use an |use an explosive-actuated tool|task. |

| |safely. |safely. |explosive-actuated tool |safely. | |

| | | |safely. | | |

|use pneumatic and fuel-powered tools |

|3.1 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of pneumatic tools |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

| |of pneumatic tools. |pneumatic tools. |maintenance of pneumatic |maintenance of pneumatic |task. |

| | | |tools. |tools. | |

|3.2 describe the operation and maintenance|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of |the operation and maintenance |operation and maintenance of |describe the operation and |describe the operation and |evidence of this performance |

|fuel-powered tools |of fuel-powered tools. |fuel-powered tools. |maintenance of |maintenance of |task. |

| | | |fuel-powered tools. |fuel-powered tools. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3427: Accessory Tools

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of site and building layout, footing preparation, construction design principles and construction footing as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Preliminary Building Procedures 020103a; Building Loads and Forces 020103b; Foundation Supports 020103c

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|follow preliminary site and building layout | | | |

|procedures in preparation for footing placement| | | |

|use construction design principles to | | | |

|counteract the forces that act upon buildings | | | |

|and structures | | | |

|construct footings | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe initial on-site procedures |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe initial|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |initial on-site procedures. |on-site procedures. |describe initial on-site |describe initial |evidence of this performance |

| | | |procedures. |on-site procedures. |task. |

|1.2 describe building layout procedures |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |building layout procedures. |building layout procedures. |describe building layout |describe building layout |evidence of this performance |

| | | |procedures. |procedures. |task. |

|1.3 describe the use of levelling |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the use|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|equipment |the use of levelling |of levelling equipment. |describe the use of levelling |describe the use of levelling |evidence of this performance |

| |equipment. | |equipment. |equipment. |task. |

|1.4 describe excavation and shoring |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|procedures |excavation and shoring |excavation and shoring |describe excavation and |describe excavation and |evidence of this performance |

| |procedures. |procedures. |shoring procedures. |shoring procedures. |task. |

|use construction design principles to counteract the forces that act upon buildings and structures |

|2.1 describe the loads and forces that act|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|upon a building |the loads and forces that act |loads and forces that act upon|describe the loads and forces |describe the loads and forces |evidence of this performance |

| |upon a building. |a building. |that act upon a building. |that act upon a building. |task. |

|2.2 describe the compressive, tensile and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|lateral forces that act on a building and |the compressive, tensile and |compressive, tensile and |describe the compressive, |describe the compressive, |evidence of this performance |

|how those forces are counteracted |lateral forces that act on a |lateral forces that act on a |tensile and lateral forces |tensile and lateral forces |task. |

| |building and how those forces |building and how those forces |that act on a building and how|that act on a building and how| |

| |are counteracted. |are counteracted. |those forces are counteracted.|those forces are counteracted.| |

|2.3 describe construction design |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|principles used to counteract loads and |construction design principles|construction design principles|describe construction design |describe construction design |evidence of this performance |

|forces |used to counteract loads and |used to counteract loads and |principles used to counteract |principles used to counteract |task. |

| |forces. |forces. |loads and forces. |loads and forces. | |

|construct footings |

|3.1 describe types of footings |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe types |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |types of footings. |of footings. |describe types of footings. |describe types of footings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|3.2 describe layout and construction of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe layout |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|footings |layout and construction of |and construction of footings. |describe layout and |describe layout and |evidence of this performance |

| |footings. | |construction of footings. |construction of footings. |task. |

|3.3 describe types of piles and their |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe types |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|construction |types of piles and their |of piles and their |describe types of piles and |describe types of piles and |evidence of this performance |

| |construction. |construction. |their construction. |their construction. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3432: Building Foundations

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of site and building layout, footing preparation, construction design principles and construction systems as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Concrete Flatwork 020103d; Foundation Systems – Part A 020103eA; Foundation Systems – Part B 020103eB

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|construct concrete flatwork | | | |

|construct foundation systems | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe sub-grade preparation, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|reinforcement and concrete placing |sub-grade preparation, |sub-grade preparation, |describe sub-grade |describe sub-grade |evidence of this performance |

|requirements for slabs on grade |reinforcement and concrete |reinforcement and concrete |preparation, reinforcement and|preparation, reinforcement and|task. |

| |placing requirements for slabs|placing requirements for slabs|concrete placing requirements |concrete placing requirements | |

| |on grade. |on grade. |for slabs on grade. |for slabs on grade. | |

|1.2 describe forming methods and concrete |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe forming|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|placement methods for slabs on grade |forming methods and concrete |methods and concrete placement|describe forming methods and |describe forming methods and |evidence of this performance |

| |placement methods for slabs on|methods for slabs on grade. |concrete placement methods for|concrete placement methods for|task. |

| |grade. | |slabs on grade. |slabs on grade. | |

|construct foundation systems |

|2.1 describe the components and erection |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|processes for modular foundation form |the components and erection |components and erection |describe the components and |describe the components and |evidence of this performance |

|systems |processes for modular |processes for modular |erection processes for modular|erection processes for modular|task. |

| |foundation form systems. |foundation form systems. |foundation form systems. |foundation form systems. | |

|2.2 describe steel reinforcement, concrete|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe steel |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|placement and form removal for concrete |steel reinforcement, concrete |reinforcement, concrete |describe steel reinforcement, |describe steel reinforcement, |evidence of this performance |

|foundations |placement and form removal for|placement and form removal for|concrete placement and form |concrete placement and form |task. |

| |concrete foundations. |concrete foundations. |removal for concrete |removal for concrete | |

| | | |foundations. |foundations. | |

|2.3 describe moisture protection and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|backfill requirements for foundation |moisture protection and |moisture protection and |describe moisture protection |describe moisture protection |evidence of this performance |

|systems |backfill requirements for |backfill requirements for |and backfill requirements for |and backfill requirements for |task. |

| |foundation systems. |foundation systems. |foundation systems. |foundation systems. | |

|2.4 describe permanent wood foundation |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|systems |permanent wood foundation |permanent wood foundation |describe permanent wood |describe permanent wood |evidence of this performance |

| |systems. |systems. |foundation systems. |foundation systems. |task. |

|2.5 describe insulated concrete systems |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |insulated concrete systems. |insulated concrete systems. |describe insulated concrete |describe insulated concrete |evidence of this performance |

| | | |systems. |systems. |task. |

|2.6 describe alternative foundation system|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|types |alternative foundation system |alternative foundation system |describe alternative |describe alternative |evidence of this performance |

| |types. |types. |foundation system types. |foundation system types. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3437: Foundations Theory

Description: Students demonstrate knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of site and building layout, footing preparation, construction design principles and construction systems as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Concrete Flatwork 020103d; Foundation Systems – Part A 020103eA; Foundation Systems – Part B 020103eB

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|construct concrete flatwork | | | |

|construct foundation systems | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 demonstrate sub-grade preparation, |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|reinforcement and concrete placing |sub-grade preparation, |sub-grade preparation, |demonstrate sub-grade |demonstrate |evidence of this performance |

|requirements for slabs on grade |reinforcement and concrete |reinforcement and concrete |preparation, reinforcement and|sub-grade preparation, |task. |

| |placing requirements for slabs|placing requirements for slabs|concrete placing requirements |reinforcement and concrete | |

| |on grade. |on grade. |for slabs on grade. |placing requirements for slabs| |

| | | | |on grade. | |

|1.2 demonstrate forming methods and |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|concrete placement methods for slabs on |forming methods and concrete |forming methods and concrete |demonstrate forming methods |demonstrate forming methods |evidence of this performance |

|grade |placement methods for slabs on|placement methods for slabs on|and concrete placement methods|and concrete placement methods|task. |

| |grade. |grade. |for slabs on grade. |for slabs on grade. | |

|construct foundation systems |

|2.1 demonstrate the erection processes for|I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|modular foundation form systems |the erection processes for |erection processes for modular|demonstrate the erection |demonstrate the erection |evidence of this performance |

| |modular foundation form |foundation form systems. |processes for modular |processes for modular |task. |

| |systems. | |foundation form systems. |foundation form systems. | |

|2.2 demonstrate steel reinforcement, |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|concrete placement and form removal for |steel reinforcement, concrete |steel reinforcement, concrete |demonstrate steel |demonstrate steel |evidence of this performance |

|concrete foundations |placement and form removal for|placement and form removal for|reinforcement, concrete |reinforcement, concrete |task. |

| |concrete foundations. |concrete foundations. |placement and form removal for|placement and form removal for| |

| | | |concrete foundations. |concrete foundations. | |

|2.3 demonstrate moisture protection and |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|backfill requirements for foundation |moisture protection and |moisture protection and |demonstrate moisture |demonstrate moisture |evidence of this performance |

|systems |backfill requirements for |backfill requirements for |protection and backfill |protection and backfill |task. |

| |foundation systems. |foundation systems. |requirements for foundation |requirements for foundation | |

| | | |systems. |systems. | |

|2.4 demonstrate how to build permanent |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate how |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|wood foundation systems |how to build permanent wood |to build permanent wood |demonstrate how to build |demonstrate how to build |evidence of this performance |

| |foundation systems. |foundation systems. |permanent wood foundation |permanent wood foundation |task. |

| | | |systems. |systems. | |

|2.5 demonstrate how to build insulated |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate how |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|concrete systems |how to build insulated |to build insulated concrete |demonstrate how to build |demonstrate how to build |evidence of this performance |

| |concrete systems. |systems. |insulated concrete systems. |insulated concrete systems. |task. |

|2.6 demonstrate how to build alternative |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate how |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|foundation system types |how to build alternative |to build alternative |demonstrate how to build |demonstrate how to build |evidence of this performance |

| |foundation system types. |foundation system types. |alternative foundation system |alternative foundation system |task. |

| | | |types. |types. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3442: Foundations Practical

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of installation of floor frame supports and construction of floor frames as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Floor Frame Support 020103f; Floor Frames 020103g

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|install floor frame supports | | | |

|construct a floor frame | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 identify beam support types |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify beam |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |beam support types. |support types. |identify beam support types. |identify beam support types. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|1.2 describe the design and construction |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|of beams |the design and construction of|design and construction of |describe the design and |describe the design and |evidence of this performance |

| |beams. |beams. |construction of beams. |construction of beams. |task. |

|1.3 describe methods used to anchor the |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe methods|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|floor frame to the foundation |methods used to anchor the |used to anchor the floor frame|describe methods used to |describe methods used to |evidence of this performance |

| |floor frame to the foundation.|to the foundation. |anchor the floor frame to the |anchor the floor frame to the |task. |

| | | |foundation. |foundation. | |

|construct a floor frame |

|2.1 describe the components of a |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|residential floor frame |the components of a |components of a residential |describe the components of a |describe the components of a |evidence of this performance |

| |residential floor frame. |floor frame. |residential floor frame. |residential floor frame. |task. |

|2.2 describe the layout and installation |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|procedures for floor frame systems |the layout and installation |layout and installation |describe the layout and |describe the layout and |evidence of this performance |

| |procedures for floor frame |procedures for floor frame |installation procedures for |installation procedures for |task. |

| |systems. |systems. |floor frame systems. |floor frame systems. | |

|2.3 describe joist restraints and subfloor|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe joist |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|sheathing installation |joist restraints and subfloor |restraints and subfloor |describe joist restraints and |describe joist restraints and |evidence of this performance |

| |sheathing installation. |sheathing installation. |subfloor sheathing |subfloor sheathing |task. |

| | | |installation. |installation. | |

|2.4 describe the components and the |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|installation of engineered floor systems |the components and the |components and the |describe the components and |describe the components and |evidence of this performance |

| |installation of engineered |installation of engineered |the installation of engineered|the installation of engineered|task. |

| |floor systems. |floor systems. |floor systems. |floor systems. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3447: Floor Frames

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the areas of basic drawing techniques, orthographic projection and production of isometric drawings as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Drawing Basics 020104a; Orthographic Drawings – Part A 020104bA; Orthographic Drawings – Part B 020104bB; Pictorial Drawings and Sketching 020104c; Drawing Standards 020104d

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|use drawing instruments | | | |

|draw orthographic projections of objects | | | |

|use sketching and pictorial drawing techniques | | | |

|to produce isometric drawings | | | |

|create orthographic views, section views, | | | |

|detail views and a cutting list for a shop | | | |

|project | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe the functions of drawing |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|instruments |the functions of drawing |functions of drawing |describe the functions of |describe the functions of |evidence of this performance |

| |instruments. |instruments. |drawing instruments. |drawing instruments. |task. |

|1.2 complete geometric shape exercises |I can consistently complete |I can usually complete |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|using drawing instruments |geometric shape exercises |geometric shape exercises |complete geometric shape |complete geometric shape |evidence of this performance |

| |using drawing instruments. |using drawing instruments. |exercises using drawing |exercises using drawing |task. |

| | | |instruments. |instruments. | |

|1.3 describe the applications of geometry |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|in trade situations |the applications of geometry |applications of geometry in |describe the applications of |describe the applications of |evidence of this performance |

| |in trade situations. |trade situations. |geometry in trade situations. |geometry in trade situations. |task. |

|1.4 draw objects incorporating shapes and |I can consistently draw |I can usually draw objects |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|angles |objects incorporating shapes |incorporating shapes and |draw objects incorporating |draw objects incorporating |evidence of this performance |

| |and angles. |angles. |shapes and angles. |shapes and angles. |task. |

|draw orthographic projections of objects |

|2.1 describe the concept and principles of|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|orthographic projection |the concept and principles of |concept and principles of |describe the concept and |describe the concept and |evidence of this performance |

| |orthographic projection. |orthographic projection. |principles of orthographic |principles of orthographic |task. |

| | | |projection. |projection. | |

|2.2 draw orthographic projections of |I can consistently draw |I can usually draw |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|objects |orthographic projections of |orthographic projections of |draw orthographic projections |draw orthographic projections |evidence of this performance |

| |objects. |objects. |of objects. |of objects. |task. |

|use sketching and pictorial drawing techniques to produce isometric drawings |

|3.1 describe sketching and pictorial |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|drawing methods |sketching and pictorial |sketching and pictorial |describe sketching and |describe sketching and |evidence of this performance |

| |drawing methods. |drawing methods. |pictorial drawing methods. |pictorial drawing methods. |task. |

|3.2 use isometric drawing techniques |I can consistently use |I can usually use isometric |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

| |isometric drawing techniques. |drawing techniques. |use isometric drawing |isometric drawing techniques. |evidence of this performance |

| | | |techniques. | |task. |

|3.3 produce isometric drawings |I can consistently produce |I can usually produce |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |isometric drawings. |isometric drawings. |produce isometric drawings. |produce isometric drawings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|create orthographic views, section views, detail views and a cutting list for a shop project |

|4.1 identify drawing conventions for |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify drawing|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|orthographic and section views and details|drawing conventions for |conventions for orthographic |identify drawing conventions |identify drawing conventions |evidence of this performance |

| |orthographic and section views|and section views and details.|for orthographic and section |for orthographic and section |task. |

| |and details. | |views and details. |views and details. | |

|4.2 describe the requirements for a |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|cutting list |the requirements for a cutting|requirements for a cutting |describe the requirements for |describe the requirements for |evidence of this performance |

| |list. |list. |a cutting list. |a cutting list. |task. |

|4.3 produce drawings and a cutting list |I can consistently produce |I can usually produce drawings|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|for a shop project |drawings and a cutting list |and a cutting list for a shop |produce drawings and a cutting|produce drawings and a cutting|evidence of this performance |

| |for a shop project. |project. |list for a shop project. |list for a shop project. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3452: Sketching & Drawing

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the interpretation of working drawings and construction documentation as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Drawing Interpretation Principles – Part A 020104eA; Drawing Interpretation Principles – Part B 020104eB;

Drawing Interpretation Principles – Part C 020104eC; Drawing Interpretation Principles – Part D 020104eD;

Drawing Interpretation Principles – Part E 020104eE

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|interpret a set of working drawings and | | | |

|construction documents | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 identify the paper language |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|conventions used on working drawings |the paper language conventions|paper language conventions |identify the paper language |identify the paper language |evidence of this performance |

| |used on working drawings. |used on working drawings. |conventions used on working |conventions used on working |task. |

| | | |drawings. |drawings. | |

|1.2 describe architectural drawings |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |architectural drawings. |architectural drawings. |describe architectural |describe architectural |evidence of this performance |

| | | |drawings. |drawings. |task. |

|1.3 describe structural drawings |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |structural drawings. |structural drawings. |describe structural drawings. |describe structural drawings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|1.4 describe mechanical drawings |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |mechanical drawings. |mechanical drawings. |describe mechanical drawings. |describe mechanical drawings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|1.5 describe electrical drawings |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |electrical drawings. |electrical drawings. |describe electrical drawings. |describe electrical drawings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|1.6 describe shop drawings |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe shop |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |shop drawings. |drawings. |describe shop drawings. |describe shop drawings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|1.7 identify the different orthographic |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|views found on a set of working drawings |the different orthographic |different orthographic views |identify the different |identify the different |evidence of this performance |

| |views found on a set of |found on a set of working |orthographic views found on a |orthographic views found on a |task. |

| |working drawings. |drawings. |set of working drawings. |set of working drawings. | |

|1.8 describe specifications, discrepancies|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|and path in a set of working drawings |specifications, discrepancies |specifications, discrepancies |describe specifications, |describe specifications, |evidence of this performance |

| |and path in a set of working |and path in a set of working |discrepancies and path in a |discrepancies and path in a |task. |

| |drawings. |drawings. |set of working drawings. |set of working drawings. | |

|1.9 interpret working drawings |I can consistently interpret |I can usually interpret |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |working drawings. |working drawings. |interpret working drawings. |interpret working drawings. |evidence of this performance |

| | | | | |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: None

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the application of mathematical concepts to solve problems in both metric and imperial measurements as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Math Concepts – Part A 020104fA; Math Concepts – Part B 020104fB; Math Concepts – Part C 020104fC;

Math Concepts – Part D 020104fD; Math Concepts – Part E 020104fE

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|apply math concepts to solve problems using | | | |

|both the metric and imperial systems of | | | |

|measurement | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe math equations and order of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe math |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|operations |math equations and order of |equations and order of |describe math equations and |describe math equations and |evidence of this performance |

| |operations. |operations. |order of operations. |order of operations. |task. |

|1.2 describe calculator functions and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|operations |calculator functions and |calculator functions and |describe calculator functions |describe calculator functions |evidence of this performance |

| |operations. |operations. |and operations. |and operations. |task. |

|1.3 describe the metric and imperial |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|measurement systems |the metric and imperial |metric and imperial |describe the metric and |describe the metric and |evidence of this performance |

| |measurement systems. |measurement systems. |imperial measurement systems. |imperial measurement systems. |task. |

|1.4 perform calculations involving |I can consistently perform |I can usually perform |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|fractions |calculations involving |calculations involving |perform calculations involving|perform calculations involving|evidence of this performance |

| |fractions. |fractions. |fractions. |fractions. |task. |

|1.5 convert measurements between metric |I can consistently convert |I can usually convert |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|and imperial systems |measurements between metric |measurements between metric |convert measurements between |convert measurements between |evidence of this performance |

| |and imperial systems. |and imperial systems. |metric and imperial systems. |metric and imperial systems. |task. |

|1.6 perform calculations using the |I can consistently perform |I can usually perform |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|Pythagorean theorem |calculations using the |calculations using the |perform calculations using the|perform calculations using the|evidence of this performance |

| |Pythagorean theorem. |Pythagorean theorem. |Pythagorean theorem. |Pythagorean theorem. |task. |

|1.7 determine the perimeter and centreline|I can consistently determine |I can usually determine the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|perimeter for various shapes and buildings|the perimeter and centreline |perimeter and centreline |determine the perimeter and |determine the perimeter and |evidence of this performance |

| |perimeter for various shapes |perimeter for various shapes |centreline perimeter for |centreline perimeter for |task. |

| |and buildings. |and buildings. |various shapes and buildings. |various shapes and buildings. | |

|1.8 determine the area and volume for |I can consistently determine |I can usually determine the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|various shapes and objects |the area and volume for |area and volume for various |determine the area and volume |determine the area and volume |evidence of this performance |

| |various shapes and objects. |shapes and objects. |for various shapes and |for various shapes and |task. |

| | | |objects. |objects. | |

|1.9 perform ratio and proportion |I can consistently perform |I can usually perform ratio |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|calculations |ratio and proportion |and proportion calculations. |perform ratio and proportion |perform ratio and proportion |evidence of this performance |

| |calculations. | |calculations. |calculations. |task. |

|1.10 perform percentage calculations |I can consistently perform |I can usually perform |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |percentage calculations. |percentage calculations. |perform percentage |perform percentage |evidence of this performance |

| | | |calculations. |calculations. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: CRA3462: Math Concepts

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in estimating forming materials, concrete materials and floor systems materials as required in the carpenter trade.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre, complete with basic hand and power tools, and to instruction from an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Estimate Foundation Forms and Concrete Material Requirements 020104g; Estimate Floor Systems Material Requirements 020104h

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|calculate the quantity of forming material and | | | |

|concrete required for concrete foundations | | | |

|calculate the quantity of framing materials | | | |

|required for conventionally framed floor and | | | |

|floor support systems | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 describe the difference between a |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|material takeoff and an estimate |the difference between a |difference between a material |describe the difference |describe the difference |evidence of this performance |

| |material takeoff and an |takeoff and an estimate. |between a material takeoff and|between a material takeoff and|task. |

| |estimate. | |an estimate. |an estimate. | |

|1.2 estimate material requirements for |I can consistently estimate |I can usually estimate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|forming strip footings, pad footings and |material requirements for |material requirements for |estimate material requirements|estimate material requirements|evidence of this performance |

|foundation walls |forming strip footings, pad |forming strip footings, pad |for forming strip footings, |for forming strip footings, |task. |

| |footings and foundation walls.|footings and foundation walls.|pad footings and foundation |pad footings and foundation | |

| | | |walls. |walls. | |

|1.3 estimate concrete volume requirements |I can consistently estimate |I can usually estimate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|for footings, pilings and foundation walls|concrete volume requirements |concrete volume requirements |estimate concrete volume |estimate concrete volume |evidence of this performance |

| |for footings, pilings and |for footings, pilings and |requirements for footings, |requirements for footings, |task. |

| |foundation walls. |foundation walls. |pilings and foundation walls. |pilings and foundation walls. | |

|1.4 estimate concrete volume requirements |I can consistently estimate |I can usually estimate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|for floor areas |concrete volume requirements |concrete volume requirements |estimate concrete volume |estimate concrete volume |evidence of this performance |

| |for floor areas. |for floor areas. |requirements for floor areas. |requirements for floor areas. |task. |

|calculate the quantity of framing materials required for conventionally framed floor and floor support systems |

|2.1 calculate material takeoffs for floor |I can consistently calculate |I can usually calculate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|support systems |material takeoffs for floor |material takeoffs for floor |calculate material takeoffs |calculate material takeoffs |evidence of this performance |

| |support systems. |support systems. |for floor support systems. |for floor support systems. |task. |

|2.2 calculate material takeoffs for floor |I can consistently calculate |I can usually calculate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|frames |material takeoffs for floor |material takeoffs for floor |calculate material takeoffs |calculate material takeoffs |evidence of this performance |

| |frames. |frames. |for floor frames. |for floor frames. |task. |

|2.3 calculate material takeoffs for |I can consistently calculate |I can usually calculate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|sub-floor coverings |material takeoffs for |material takeoffs for |calculate material takeoffs |calculate material takeoffs |evidence of this performance |

| |sub-floor coverings. |sub-floor coverings. |for sub-floor coverings. |for sub-floor coverings. |task. |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |



Level: First Period Apprenticeship

Prerequisite: None

Description: Students develop knowledge, skills and attitudes in the practice of workshop health and safety, communication and career planning.

Parameters: Access to a materials work centre and to instruction from an individual with specialized training in occupational health and safety (and understanding of the carpentry industry) and/or an individual with journeyperson certification as a carpenter.

ILM Resources: Safety Legislation, Regulations and Industry Policy in the Trades 020101a; Climbing, Lifting, Rigging and

Hoisting 020101b; Hazardous Materials and Fire Protection 020101c; Construction Equipment Safety 020101d; Apprenticeship Training Program Orientation 020101e

This sample rubric is for assessing technical elements that students need to know to be successful if they challenge the first-period apprenticeship exam. The rubric does not include the last two common outcomes that address the demonstration of teamwork and personal management and identification of steps to achieve personal goals. It is the certificated teacher’s responsibility to ensure that all outcomes are taught and assessed.

|Assessment Tools |Notes |

|Checklist |Prior to instruction, a copy of the checklist should be provided to the student to review outcomes that will need to be demonstrated. |

| |The student may use this checklist as a guide when completing this course. |

| |The teacher should review and sign the checklist when the course is complete to ensure student outcomes have been successfully demonstrated. |

|Rubric |Prior to instruction, a copy of the rubric should be provided to the student to review and reflect on meeting expectations set out in the criteria. |

| |This rubric may be used as one element of an assessment process. Teachers should use both formative and summative assessments to ensure students’ competency |

| |in this course. |



|Student Outcomes |Student |Teacher |Student, Teacher or Instructor Comments |

| |Check |Check | |

|describe legislation, regulations and practices| | | |

|intended to ensure a safe workplace in the | | | |

|carpenter apprenticeship trade | | | |

|describe the use of PPE and safe practices for | | | |

|climbing, lifting, rigging and hoisting in the | | | |

|carpenter apprenticeship trade | | | |

|describe the safety practices for hazardous | | | |

|materials and fire protection in the carpenter | | | |

|apprenticeship trade | | | |

|apply safe work practices with construction | | | |

|equipment | | | |

|describe the process for managing an | | | |

|apprenticeship to journeyman certification | | | |

|demonstrate communication skills and workshop | | | |

|safety as they pertain to occupational health | | | |

|and safety standards | | | |

|demonstrate an understanding of the carpenter | | | |

|apprenticeship trade and of apprenticeship | | | |

|opportunities that exist by creating a personal| | | |

|career portfolio | | | |

Teacher Signature Date



|Student Name: |Date: |

|Level |

|Criteria |

|1.1 demonstrate the ability to apply the |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate the|I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHS), |the ability to apply the |ability to apply the |demonstrate the ability to |demonstrate the ability to |evidence of this performance|

|Regulation and Code |Occupational Health and Safety|Occupational Health and |apply the Occupational Health |apply the Occupational Health |task. |

| |Act, Regulation and Code. |Safety Act, Regulation and |and Safety Act, Regulation and|and Safety Act, Regulation and| |

| | |Code. |Code. |Code. | |

|1.2 explain the core requirements |I can consistently explain the|I can usually explain the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|applicable to all industries |core requirements applicable |core requirements applicable |explain the core requirements |explain the core requirements |evidence of this performance|

| |to all industries. |to all industries. |applicable to all industries. |applicable to all industries. |task. |

|1.3 explain the role of the employer and |I can consistently explain the|I can usually explain the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|employee in regard to occupational health |role of the employer and |role of the employer and |explain the role of the |explain the role of the |evidence of this performance|

|and safety legislation |employee in regard to |employee in regard to |employer and employee in |employer and employee in |task. |

| |occupational health and safety|occupational health and |regard to occupational health |regard to occupational health | |

| |legislation. |safety legislation. |and safety legislation. |and safety legislation. | |

|1.4 explain industry practices for hazard |I can consistently explain |I can usually explain |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|assessment and control procedures in four |industry practices for hazard |industry practices for hazard|explain industry practices for|explain industry practices for|evidence of this performance|

|main hazard categories |assessment and control |assessment and control |hazard assessment and control |hazard assessment and control |task. |

| |procedures in four main hazard|procedures in four main |procedures in four main hazard|procedures in four main hazard| |

| |categories. |hazard categories. |categories. |categories. | |

|1.5 identify and describe hazard |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify and |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|assessment tools that both employees and |and describe hazard assessment|describe hazard assessment |identify and describe hazard |identify and describe hazard |evidence of this performance|

|employers must use in assessing and |tools that both employees and |tools that both employees and|assessment tools that both |assessment tools that both |task. |

|controlling work-site hazards |employers must use in |employers must use in |employees and employers must |employees and employers must | |

| |assessing and controlling |assessing and controlling |use in assessing and |use in assessing and | |

| |work-site hazards. |work-site hazards. |controlling work-site hazards.|controlling work-site hazards.| |

|1.6 identify and describe engineering |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify and |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|controls that provide the highest level of|and describe engineering |describe engineering controls|identify and describe |identify and describe |evidence of this performance|

|worker protection |controls that provide the |that provide the highest |engineering controls that |engineering controls that |task. |

| |highest level of worker |level of worker protection. |provide the highest level of |provide the highest level of | |

| |protection. | |worker protection. |worker protection. | |

|1.7 identify and describe employer |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify and |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|administrative controls that limit hazards|and describe employer |describe employer |identify and describe employer|identify and describe employer|evidence of this performance|

|to the lowest level possible |administrative controls that |administrative controls that |administrative controls that |administrative controls that |task. |

| |limit hazards to the lowest |limit hazards to the lowest |limit hazards to the lowest |limit hazards to the lowest | |

| |level possible. |level possible. |level possible. |level possible. | |

|1.8 describe the responsibilities of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|employees and employers to apply emergency|the responsibilities of |responsibilities of employees|describe the responsibilities |describe the responsibilities |evidence of this performance|

|procedures |employees and employers to |and employers to apply |of employees and employers to |of employees and employers to |task. |

| |apply emergency procedures. |emergency procedures. |apply emergency procedures. |apply emergency procedures. | |

|1.9 describe positive tradesperson |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|attitudes with respect to the legal |positive tradesperson |positive tradesperson |describe positive tradesperson|describe positive tradesperson|evidence of this performance|

|responsibilities for all workers |attitudes with respect to the |attitudes with respect to the|attitudes with respect to the |attitudes with respect to the |task. |

| |legal responsibilities for all|legal responsibilities for |legal responsibilities for all|legal responsibilities for all| |

| |workers. |all workers. |workers. |workers. | |

|1.10 describe the roles and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|responsibilities of employers and |the |roles and responsibilities of|describe the roles and |describe the |evidence of this performance|

|employees with respect to the selection |roles and responsibilities of |employers and employees with |responsibilities of employers |roles and responsibilities of |task. |

|and use of personal protective equipment |employers and employees with |respect to the selection and |and employees with respect to |employers and employees with | |

|(PPE) |respect to the selection and |use of personal protective |the selection and use of |respect to the selection and | |

| |use of personal protective |equipment (PPE). |personal protective equipment |use of personal protective | |

| |equipment (PPE). | |(PPE). |equipment (PPE). | |

|2. describe the use of PPE and safe practices for climbing, lifting, rigging and hoisting in the carpenter apprenticeship trade |

|2.1 select, use and maintain specialized |I can consistently select, use|I can usually select, use |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|PPE and materials for climbing, lifting |and maintain specialized PPE |and maintain specialized PPE|select, use and maintain |select, use and maintain |evidence of this performance|

|and loading |and materials for climbing, |and materials for climbing, |specialized PPE and materials |specialized PPE and materials |task. |

| |lifting and loading. |lifting and loading. |for climbing, lifting and |for climbing, lifting and | |

| | | |loading. |loading. | |

|2.2 describe manual lifting procedures, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|including correct body mechanics |manual lifting procedures, |manual lifting procedures, |describe manual lifting |describe manual lifting |evidence of this performance|

| |including correct body |including correct body |procedures, including correct |procedures, including correct |task. |

| |mechanics. |mechanics. |body mechanics. |body mechanics. | |

|2.3 describe rigging hardware and the safe|I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|work load |rigging hardware and the safe |rigging hardware and the |describe rigging hardware and |describe rigging hardware and |evidence of this performance|

| |work load. |safe work load. |the safe work load. |the safe work load. |task. |

|2.4 select the correct equipment for |I can consistently select the |I can usually select the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|rigging typical loads |correct equipment for rigging |correct equipment for |select the correct equipment |select the correct equipment |evidence of this performance|

| |typical loads. |rigging typical loads. |for rigging typical loads. |for rigging typical loads. |task. |

|2.5 describe hoisting and load-moving |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|procedures |hoisting and load-moving |hoisting and |describe hoisting and |describe hoisting and |evidence of this performance|

| |procedures. |load-moving procedures. |load-moving procedures. |load-moving procedures. |task. |

|3. describe the safety practices for hazardous materials and fire protection in the carpenter apprenticeship trade |

|3.1 describe the roles, responsibilities, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|features and practices related to the |the roles, responsibilities, |roles, responsibilities, |describe the roles, |describe the roles, |evidence of this performance|

|WHMIS program |features and practices related|features and practices |responsibilities, features and|responsibilities, features and|task. |

| |to the WHMIS program. |related to the WHMIS |practices related to the WHMIS|practices related to the WHMIS| |

| | |program. |program. |program. | |

|3.2 describe the three key elements of |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|WHMIS |the three key elements of |three key elements of WHMIS.|describe the three key |describe the three key |evidence of this performance|

| |WHMIS. | |elements of WHMIS. |elements of WHMIS. |task. |

|3.3 describe handling, storage and |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|transportation procedures when dealing |handling, storage and |handling, storage and |describe handling, storage and|describe handling, storage and|evidence of this performance|

|with hazardous materials |transportation procedures when|transportation procedures |transportation procedures when|transportation procedures when|task. |

| |dealing with hazardous |when dealing with hazardous |dealing with hazardous |dealing with hazardous | |

| |materials. |materials. |materials. |materials. | |

|3.4 describe safe venting procedures when |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe safe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|working with hazardous materials |safe venting procedures when |venting procedures when |describe safe venting |describe safe venting |evidence of this performance|

| |working with hazardous |working with hazardous |procedures when working with |procedures when working with |task. |

| |materials. |materials. |hazardous materials. |hazardous materials. | |

|3.5 describe fire hazards, classes, |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe fire |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|procedures and equipment related to fire |fire hazards, classes, |hazards, classes, procedures|describe fire hazards, |describe fire hazards, |evidence of this performance|

|protection |procedures and equipment |and equipment related to |classes, procedures and |classes, procedures and |task. |

| |related to fire protection. |fire protection. |equipment related to fire |equipment related to fire | |

| | | |protection. |protection. | |

|4. apply safe work practices with construction equipment |

|4.1 identify construction equipment |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

| |construction equipment. |construction equipment. |identify construction |identify construction |evidence of this performance|

| | | |equipment. |equipment. |task. |

|4.2 use safe work practices when working |I can consistently use safe |I can usually use safe work |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

|with construction equipment |work practices when working |practices when working with |use safe work practices when |safe work practices when |evidence of this performance|

| |with construction equipment. |construction equipment. |working with construction |working with construction |task. |

| | | |equipment. |equipment. | |

|5. describe the process for managing an apprenticeship to journeyman certification |

|5.1 describe the contractual |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|responsibilities of the apprentice, |the contractual |contractual responsibilities|describe the contractual |describe the contractual |evidence of this performance|

|employer and Alberta Apprenticeship and |responsibilities of the |of the apprentice, employer |responsibilities of the |responsibilities of the |task. |

|Industry Training |apprentice, employer and |and Alberta Apprenticeship |apprentice, employer and |apprentice, employer and | |

| |Alberta Apprenticeship and |and Industry Training. |Alberta Apprenticeship and |Alberta Apprenticeship and | |

| |Industry Training. | |Industry Training. |Industry Training. | |

|5.2 describe the purpose of the record |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|book |the purpose of the record |purpose of the record book. |describe the purpose of the |describe the purpose of the |evidence of this performance|

| |book. | |record book. |record book. |task. |

|5.3 describe the procedure for changing |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|employers during apprenticeship |the procedure for changing |procedure for changing |describe the procedure for |describe the procedure for |evidence of this performance|

| |employers during |employers during |changing employers during |changing employers during |task. |

| |apprenticeship. |apprenticeship. |apprenticeship. |apprenticeship. | |

|5.4 describe the purpose of the course |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|outline |the purpose of the course |purpose of the course |describe the purpose of the |describe the purpose of the |evidence of this performance|

| |outline. |outline. |course outline. |course outline. |task. |

|5.5 describe the procedure for advancing |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|through apprenticeship |the procedure for advancing |procedure for advancing |describe the procedure for |describe the procedure for |evidence of this performance|

| |through apprenticeship. |through apprenticeship. |advancing through |advancing through |task. |

| | | |apprenticeship. |apprenticeship. | |

|5.6 describe employment opportunities in |I can consistently describe |I can usually describe |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|this trade |employment opportunities in |employment opportunities in |describe employment |describe employment |evidence of this performance|

| |this trade. |this trade. |opportunities in this trade. |opportunities in this trade. |task. |

|6. demonstrate communication skills and workshop safety as they pertain to occupational health and safety standards |

|6.1 use various types of communication to |I can consistently use various|I can usually use various |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

|provide |types of communication |types of communication to |use various types of |various types of communication|evidence of this performance|

|trade-related information, employing |to provide |provide |communication to provide |to provide trade-related |task. |

|standard terms for components and |trade-related information, |trade-related information, |trade-related information, |information, employing | |

|operations |employing standard terms for |employing standard terms for|employing standard terms for |standard terms for components | |

| |components and operations. |components and operations. |components and operations. |and operations. | |

|6.2 identify key areas of responsibility |I can consistently identify |I can usually identify key |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|that an employee has in regards to shop |key areas of responsibility |areas of responsibility that|identify key areas of |identify key areas of |evidence of this performance|

|and trade safety |that an employee has in |an employee has in regards |responsibility that an |responsibility that an |task. |

| |regards to shop and trade |to shop and trade safety. |employee has in regards to |employee has in regards to | |

| |safety. | |shop and trade safety. |shop and trade safety. | |

|6.3 explain the correct use of fire |I can consistently explain the|I can usually explain the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|extinguishers, and explain fire prevention|correct use of fire |correct use of fire |explain the correct use of |explain the correct use of |evidence of this performance|

|techniques |extinguishers and explain fire|extinguishers and explain |fire extinguishers and explain|fire extinguishers and explain|task. |

| |prevention techniques. |fire prevention techniques. |fire prevention techniques. |fire prevention techniques. | |

|7. demonstrate an understanding of the carpenter apprenticeship trade and of apprenticeship opportunities that exist by creating a personal career portfolio |

|7.1 refine and present a personal career |I can consistently refine and |I can usually refine and |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|portfolio, showing evidence of strengths |present a personal career |present a personal career |refine and present a personal |refine and present a personal |evidence of this performance|

|and competencies |portfolio, showing evidence of|portfolio, showing evidence |career portfolio, showing |career portfolio, showing |task. |

| |strengths and competencies. |of strengths and |evidence of strengths and |evidence of strengths and | |

| | |competencies. |competencies. |competencies. | |

|7.2 demonstrate knowledge of workplace |I can consistently demonstrate|I can usually demonstrate |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|requirements, rights and responsibilities|knowledge of workplace |knowledge of workplace |demonstrate knowledge of |demonstrate knowledge of |evidence of this performance|

|and relate this knowledge to personal |requirements, rights and |requirements, rights and |workplace requirements, rights|workplace requirements, rights|task. |

|career or employment expectations |responsibilities and relate |responsibilities and relate |and responsibilities and |and responsibilities and | |

| |this knowledge to personal |this knowledge to personal |relate this knowledge to |relate this knowledge to | |

| |career or employment |career or employment |personal career or employment |personal career or employment | |

| |expectations. |expectations. |expectations. |expectations. | |

|7.3 outline the educational requirements |I can consistently outline the|I can usually outline the |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to |I have not yet provided |

|to move into the carpenter |educational requirements to |educational requirements to |outline the educational |outline the educational |evidence of this performance|

|apprenticeship trade |move into the carpenter |move into the carpenter |requirements to move into the |requirements to move into the |task. |

| |apprenticeship trade. |apprenticeship trade. |carpenter apprenticeship |carpenter apprenticeship | |

| | | |trade. |trade. | |

|7.4 use technologies, tools and |I can consistently use |I can usually use |I sometimes need assistance to|I often need assistance to use|I have not yet provided |

|information systems appropriately for job|technologies, tools and |technologies, tools and |use technologies, tools and |technologies, tools and |evidence of this performance|

|preparation |information systems |information systems |information systems |information systems |task. |

| |appropriately for job |appropriately for job |appropriately for job |appropriately for job | |

| |preparation. |preparation. |preparation. |preparation. | |

|Teacher feedback and assessment. | |


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