TRUE COLORS Reflection

TRUE COLORS Assignment

Now that you have had a chance to study the four colors and figure out your personality traits, it is time to write. This will be a multi-paragraph reflective piece.


Include a lead, background on the True Colors and a thesis.

Body Paragraph #1:

Think about the colors that are predominate in you. How do these colors fit your personality? Explain. What colors are lacking in you, and how do you know this?

Body Paragraph #2:

Reflect on your friends and family members. Include details on a few people (maybe a couple of family and a couple of friends). What colors are they? How do their colors fit with you and your personality?

Body Paragraph #3:

What advice can you give to yourself regarding your new knowledge of the colors? How do you bring absent colors in to balance your personality? What will be the biggest challenges you will face because of the colors you do have or the colors you do not? What have you learned about how you deal with people or how you might be able to better understand them?


What is your overall impression of the True Colors? Leave us with something to consider. Make a point. Whatever you do, leave us thinking, “Wow. That was amazing.”


This is an informal, reflective paper, so feel free to use the first person pronoun “I.” Though, your writing style and voice can be more casual than a formal essay, if you hare looking to score a four, five, or six in the Six Traits on this first writing assignment, you might want to consider the following:

• Spelling and punctuation

• Rich and sufficient details to explain what you are thinking.

• Vivid and specific word choice.

• A variety of sentence types and lengths.

• Accurate transitions.

Remember – to receive a good grade on this paper…the reader needs details, details, details!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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