
Name____________________________________Ms. SmithPersonality PortfolioPsychologyLearning Target: Students will create a portfolio to demonstrate their understanding of the personality theories and perspectives and its application to their own lives. We are connecting the personality perspectives to the coolest person you know…YOU! Your task is to create a personality portfolio that demonstrates your understanding of personality theories. You can use Word, Power Point, Google Docs or a program of your choice to put together your portfolio. Follow the steps below & the rubric to earn the best grade possible. Item #1: What is your Meyers Briggs Personality Type? (Personality test reflection)Item #2: Your “hierarchy of needs” Item #3: 6 word stories – Each 6 word story must have a picture with it, you can take the picture yourself, use Google images, tumblr, pinterest, etc. OR you can create a collage for each 6 word story. You should use the words from your 50 slips project to help you write your 6 word stories. Total of 6 – 6 word storiesPsychoanalysis – Write a 6 word story for TWO of the following:Something the ID would want (keep it school appropriate)Your superegoYour egoA defense mechanism For example, “Wake up, fake smiles and laughs” (denial ) or “Go to study hall, not home” (superego)Humanist – Write a 6 word story for one of the following:Your freshmen self Your future self (pick any age)43891204655820Your future goals (college, job, family)Traits Perspective – Write a 6 word story for each bullet point:The traits you are most proud ofThe traits you want to change about yourselfSocial Learning/Behaviorist – Write a 6 word story forA trait, behavior, idea, thought that you inherited from a parent, care giver, sibling, relative, etc. Item 4: Your task is to analyze your 50 slips you collected from your peers and family members. You will write a short letter to yourself answering the following questions:What traits were you happiest to know that others saw in you?What perspective (humanist, psychoanalytic, behaviorism, traits) do your 50 slips best match? Why? Any other thoughts? How will I be graded?ItemExpected contentPoints Earned/Points PossibleItem #1 Personality Test Reflection-Personality tests results from BOTH tests-2 paragraph reflection on the results- what you learned, anything surprise you, does this match your personality/20Item #2Maslow Hierarchy-Colorful and neatly done Hierarchy of YOUR needs. A short written explanation for each level is needed. /20Item #36 -6 word stories-6 completed 6 word stories (see page one for the topics)-6 word stories must have visuals -Visuals should be creative and neatly done /40Item #450 slips Analysis -Short letter typed on what you learned about 50 slips…make sure to answer the questions/15Mechanics-Neatly done-Correct spelling/Grammar/3Format-Done in a paper/packet format-Stapled together (or bound)/2Total/100 ................

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