Common Proofreading Symbols - Morgan Park High School

Common Proofreading Symbols (adapted from Capital Community College)

|Symbol |Meaning |Example |

| |insert a comma |[pic] |

| |apostrophe or single |[pic] |

| |quotation mark | |

| |insert something |[pic] |

| |use double quotation marks |[pic] |

| |use a period here |[pic] |

| |delete |[pic] |

| |transpose elements |[pic] |

| |close up this space |[pic] |

| |a space needed here |[pic] |

| |begin new paragraph |[pic] |

| |no paragraph |[pic] |

Common Proofreading Abbreviations (The abbreviation would appear in the margin, probably with a line or arrow pointing to the offending element.)

|Written |Abbreviation |Meaning |Example |

| |Awk |awkward expression |The storm had the effect of causing millions of dollars in damage. |

| | |or construction | |

| |Cap |faulty capitalization |We spent the Fall in Southern spain. |

| |CS |comma splice |Raoul tried his best, this time that wasn't good enough. |

| |Dict |faulty diction |Due to the fact that we were wondering |

| | | |as to whether it would rain, we stayed home. |

| |Dgl |dangling construction |Working harder than ever, this job proved to be too much for him to |

| | | |handle. |

| |- ed |problem with |Last summer he walk all the way to Birmingham. |

| | |final -ed | |

| |frag |fragment |Depending on the amount of snow we get this |

| | | |winter and whether the towns buy new trucks. |

| |lc |lower case |The President of the company murdered his Wife. |

| |MLA |review MLA format |Smith,2 |

| | | |“Love is blindness.” (Jones, 23) |

| | | |The Road Not Taken |

| || | |problem in parallel form|My income is bigger than my wife. |

| |P/A |pronoun/antecedent |A student in accounting would be wise to see |

| | |agreement |their advisor this month. |

| |POV |wrong point of view |I think that the symbolism was quite effective. |

| | | |You should not take freedom for granted. |

| |rep |unnecessary repetition |The car was blue in color. |

| |R-O |run-on sentence |Raoul tried his best this time that wasn't good enough. |

| |sp |spelling error |This sentence is flaude with two mispellings. |

| |- s |problem with final -s |He wonder what these teacher think of him. |

| |S/V |subject/verb agreement |The problem with these cities are leadership. |

| |Th |weak/incorrect thesis |In this essay, I will exploit the problem associated with underage |

| | | |drinking. |

| | | |In the short story, the characters must all make important decisions.|

| |trans |weak transition |Then you have the next effect of the disaster. |

| |vb |incorrect verb form |The horrible words printed about the boss practically ruin his |

| | | |career. |

| |V/T |verb tense shift |He comes into the room, and he pulled his gun. |

| |Wdy |wordy |Seldom have we perused a document so verbose, |

| | | |so ostentatious in phrasing, so burdened with too many words. |

| |WT |weak/incorrect title |“The Story of an Hour” |

| | | |Freedom |

| |WW |wrong word |What affect did the movie have on Sheila? |

| | | |She tried to hard to analyze its conclusion. |


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