Study Guide for Soul Surfer - Polk School District


Name: ______________________________________________________________Period________

You will receive TWO daily grades for the following assignments. One grade is for the study guide and the second grade is for the journal entries.

Soul Surfer Study Guide & Journal Topics

These questions are arranged by chapters and should be answered completely. Feel free to use your book as a reference tool when you are working on this assignment. Journal entry assignments can be found in a separate section at the back of this packet.


1. How old was Bethany when she wrote this book?

2. Bethany says that her book does not have an ending. Why?

Chapter One “Halloween Morning”

3. How does Bethany decide where the best surfing will be each time she goes out?

4. What is her room décor?

5. What are the two criteria that surfers use to judge a wave?

6. In Hawaii what are flip flips called?

7. Why were there no shoes in Bethany’s closet?

8. What was the “Blue Crush” and why was it called that?

9. At the time of the attack Bethany was home-schooled. Why?

10. Who was Ginger?

Chapter Two: “Roots”

11. Where was her dad born?

12. Who was Monk?

13. Where did her mom grow up?

14. When and where did her parents meet each other?

15. What were her mom’s and dad’s nicknames?

16. How does this chapter demonstrate the closeness of the Hamilton family?

17. What role does faith play in the Hamilton household?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Three: “A Serious Competitor”

18. Why was Bethany so competitive?

19. Who were her two brothers?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Four: “A Mostly Normal Life”

20. Bethany mentions three specific things that she likes about where she lives. Explain one thing that you like about where you live.

21. Name three things that Bethany said she enjoyed doing with her friends.

22. What is something that Bethany doesn’t like?

Chapter Five: “Attack”

23. Who was in the water with Bethany when the shark attacked?

24. What did the paramedic tell Bethany that encouraged her?

25. How does Bethany respond to the attack? Explain.

26. What does her reaction reveal about her strength of character?

27. How does her reaction foreshadow her ability to persevere?

28. Have you ever experienced adversity that you eventually overcame with determination? If so, what happened?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Six: “Dark Hours”

29. As soon as Bethany’s youth counselor, Sarah Hill, heard the news she began to pray. What verse did God give her that encouraged Bethany’s family?

30. What does Holt tell Bethany when he visits?

31. How does his description of the events immediately following the shark attack paint a portrait of Bethany’s perseverance?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Seven: “Surgery”

32. The surgeon explained that several things were in her favor to make recovery possible. One of them was that she was in good physical condition to start with. Name two other things that went right for her.

Chapter Eight: “The Road Back”

33. Right after the surgery before Bethany realized that she could indeed surf again, she planned to settle for another career. What was it?

34. What was the purpose of Bethany’s second surgery?

35. If you lost an arm, what is something that is important to you that you would probably have to give up?


Chapter Nine: “Why I Do It”

36. Bethany explains why she surfs as “a force that moved body and soul.” What do you have in your life that you do even though you have to sacrifice for it?

Chapter Ten: “Keeping the Faith”

37. Write two or three sentences that summarize in your own words how Bethany used her faith in God to deal with the loss of her arm.

38. How does Bethany’s passion for surfing motivate her?

39. Why is motivation an important aspect of perseverance?

40. When Bethany tells Alana that she’s more afraid of not surfing, can you appreciate her logic? Explain.

41. What does this rationalization say about Bethany’s incredible courage?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Eleven: “An Outpouring of Aloha”

42. Mike told Bethany that he made the surfboard with aloha. What is something that you have done with aloha?

43. Many other things besides the surfboard were done for Bethany with the aloha spirit. Name three of them.

44. When the prosthesis doesn’t work as planned, how does Bethany’s community of supporters step in to help her through the stressful situation?

45. How is Cheri’s conversation with Bethany an example of the importance of community?

46. Why is it important to have a network (large or small) of supportive people?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Twelve: “On Being Kind of Famous”

47. According to Bethany, being famous is both a blessing and a curse. How is it a blessing and how is it a curse?

Chapter Thirteen: “Back in the Waves”

48. When did Bethany surf again?

Chapter Fourteen: “Aftermath”

49. Bethany’ biggest excitement is working with World Vision. What is that organization?

50. When Bethany asks why she had to lose everything, what does her father say?

51. How does his answer encourage Bethany toward an attitude of thanksgiving rather than despair?

52. Tom tells his daughter to pray and to listen for what comes next. Why is it often difficult to exercise patience during life’s hardships?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Fifteen: “Part of a Plan”

53. Write two or three sentences that explain Bethany’s testimony.

54. Sarah tells Bethany that compassion can move people to do great things and can also provide a new perspective. Why does compassion change the way we view things?

55. When Bethany takes a break from the medical table to assess her emotions, what do you think is going through her mind?

56. How does the Thai woman’s story impact Bethany?

57. What is the significance of Bethany’s success in convincing the young child to reenter the ocean and ride the surfboard?

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Sixteen: “That was Then, This is Now”

36. Bethany says that she “has had many incredible opportunities”, what does she say is her most incredible opportunity?

37. Did Bethany keep a ‘movie journal’, and who does she say the journal was kept for?

38. What was Bethany’s top favorite moments over those five years?

39. How does Bethany’s performance at regionals impact people around the world?

40. Bethany is largely unaware of her global influence. Is it possible that you are making choices that either positively or negatively impact the people around you? Explain.

***Journal Entry***

Chapter Seventeen, “My Movie Journal”

41. Who played Bethany in the movie “Soul Surfer”, and who was the director?

42. Who played Bethany’s mom and dad in the movie?

43. When they shot the church scene what did Bethany tell the movie crew?

Chapter 18, “Even a Surfer Can Survive Hollywood!”

44. What did Bethany find was the most surprising thing about making a movie?

45. What are two of Anna Sophia Rob’s big roles?

46. What scene did the director say was the hardest scene to shoot?

47. What did YOU as a student learn from the book, “Soul Surfer”? (1 paragraph)

Journal Entries for Soul Surfer

Directions: Write at least 10-line responses for each entry. Clearly label each response.

1. Theme 2:Perspective: Human vs. Eternal (after chapter 2)

-Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT)“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.”

a. According to Proverbs 3:5-6, what is the reward for trusting in the Lord and seeking His will? Why should we forsake our human understanding and perspective for His?

b. In what ways did Bethany exhibit this belief?

2. Theme 2: Perspective: Human vs. Eternal (after chapter 3)

-Romans 8:28 (NIV) “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

a. In what ways is Romans 8:28 an encouragement to maintain an eternal perspective amidst life’s difficulties?

b. How does the phrase “in all things” emphasize God’s power?

c. In what ways did Bethany exhibit this belief?

3. Theme 1: Perseverance: Overcoming Adversity with Faith (after chapter 5)

-2 Corinthians 4:8-9 (NLT) “We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We are perplexed, but not driven to despair. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God. We get knocked down, but we are not destroyed.”

a. 2 Corinthians 4:8-9 is an empowering anthem for perseverance. How does this passage offer incredible encouragement to persist (to keep on going) when we’re confronted with adversity (trouble/problems/difficulty)?

b. In what ways did Bethany exhibit this belief?

4. Theme 1: Perseverance: Overcoming Adversity with Faith (after chapter 6)

-Philippians 4:13 (NIV) “I can do everything through Him who gives me strength.”

a. Tom and Bethany quote Philippians 4:13. How is the verse a source of strength for people facing hardships? For people who must persevere?

5. Theme 3: Community: The Body of Christ (after chapter 8)

-Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 (NIV) “Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their work. If one falls down, his friend can help him up. But pity the man who falls and has no one to help him up!”

-Proverbs 17:17 (NLT) “A friend is always loyal, and a brother is born to help in time of need.”

a. What do these verses say about the importance of community?

b. According to the Ecclesiastes passage, what are two reasons that friendship is important?

c. In what ways did Bethany exhibit this belief?

6. Theme 1: Perseverance: Overcoming Adversity with Faith (after chapter 10)

-Romans 5:3-5 (NLT) – “We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation. And this hope will not lead to disappointment. For we know how dearly God love us, because He has given us the Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with his love.”

a. How does the Romans passage relate to Bethany’s situation?

b. Can you point to specific examples where she grows in endurance and strength of character?

7. Theme 3: Community: The Body of Christ (after chapter 11)

-Proverbs 12:25 (NLT) –“Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging word cheers a person up.”

-1 Thessalonians 5:11 (NIV) – “Therefore encourage one another and guild each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

a. What do these verses have to say about encouragement?

b. How does encouragement relate to the overarching theme of community?

c. Have you ever been an encouragement to someone who needed a word of support? Or have you been the recipient of such support? If so, what happened?

8. Theme 2: Perspective: Human vs. Eternal (after chapter 14)

-Proverbs 3:5-6 (NLT) “Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Seek His will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.”

a. According to Proverbs 3: 5-6, what is the reward for trusting in the Lord and seeking His will?

b. In what ways did Bethany exhibit this belief?

Soul Surfer Test II

Directions: Choose one of the following activities to complete. Neatness, effort, creativity, and appropriateness to the book will be determining factors in your grade. Each item will be presented to the class; your presentation may include direct presentation to the class or posted on the bulletin board (whichever is more appropriate). Your project is due Friday, February 28.

1. Write a Letter to the Author. After reading the book, write a letter to Bethany expressing your feelings and reactions to her story. You must have at least three supporting paragraphs along with your introduction and closing paragraph. Your letter must be at least 250 words and correctly written in letter format. Your response must be typed.

2. Create a Jeopardy game based on the book. Compose thirty questions based on information found in the book including the answers. Include directions on how to play the game. Create a gameboard using Powerpoint/Prezi or some other type of program which can be viewed and played on the Smartboard by the class.

3. Character Trait Chart. Create a chart with three columns using technology. Each column is headed with the name of one of the book's main characters. As you read the book, keep a record of the traits each character possesses and include a description of an incident that supports each trait. Write a 250-word essay describing how one of the characters changes from the beginning to the end of the story using specific references from the book. This must be typed with a title page.

4. Fashion a mobile from items related to the story. Your mobile must include at least twelve (12) items directly related to the story. Your mobile must also have a centrally located, illustrated card indicating the title of the book, your name, and your class period. Each item must have a card attached noting the item's connection to the story.

5. Create a diorama based on a scene from the story. This should be no smaller than a shoebox and no bigger than poster paper size. Your diorama must contain at least twelve (12) items which relate directly to the book and its theme. Separately, include a map guide to your diorama along with a description of each item's connection to the story. The descriptions must be typed.


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