Articles from Ramamental

[Pages:7]Articles from Ramamental


2011-12-05 10:12:30 admin

(s ch izo p hrenia)

. (PositiveS ymptom s) 2

1) Psychotic dimension

2) Disorganization dimension disorganized behavior disorganized speech

(Delusion) persecutory delusion, delusion of reference Schneider delu sion Schnesidoemratic de lusbioizna,rrreeligdieoluussiodnelusbioiznarre dgerlaunsdioio nse

(Ha llucinat ion) auditoryhallucination

tactile somatic

hallucination auditory hallucination


Dasissoorcgiaant ioi znesd,sinpceoehcehrentspeech, tangentia lity loose

Disorgan izedbeh avior

. (NegativeSy m ptoms)


Affective flattening

Avolition Asociality

(pa thognomonic) 1. Au dib leth o ughts 2. Voic e sarguing ( ) 3. Voices commenting 4.Som aticp ass ivit y 5. Thought withdrawal 6. Thought insertion 7. Thought broadcasting 8.Del usional perce pt ion 9.De lusionofcontrol A. 2 1 1. 2. 3. disorganized speech 4. grossly disorganized behavior catatonic behavior 5. flat affect, alogia avolition bizarre delusion, voice commenting voice discussing B. social/ occupational function C. 6 active phase ( A) 1 prodromal residual phase

DSM-IV 5 1. Catatonic type stupor, negativism, rigidity, excitement posturing

2. Disorganized type incoh erence ,loo senin gcoaftaas tosnoicciatytipoen , 15-25

3. Paranoid type catatonic disorganized type 2 2 4.Und ifferentiat edtype 3 5. Residual type 1

0.1-0.5 1000 2.5-5.3 1000 (lifetime prevalence) 7.0-9.0 1000 15-54


1. ( 2)


(dopa minemheyspoolitmhebsicis)mes oc ortica l tractdop aminergichyp eract ivity


synaptic receptor dopamine

receptor type 2


( ) ( )

(%) 1.0 8.0 12.0 12.0 40.0 47.0

3. ventricle limbic periventricle

4. cerebral blood flow glucose metabolism frontal lobe



(criticis m ) ((heoxsptrileitsys) ed- emo t ion) (emotional overinvolvement)

2. drifthypoth esis ) (s(doocwianl ward causation hypothesis)

s tress-diathesismodel

1. Secondary and substance-induced psychotic disorders deliriu m

2. Mood disorders mania depression vegetative symp toms

3. D elusional d isorder delusional diso rder 4. Personality disorder cluster A


. (prodromal phase)


. (ac tivephase) A

. (residual phase) flat affect 25 2-3 (complete remission) (incom ple teremission)

3 The natural history of schizophrenia : a five-year follow-up

22 % 1

35 % 2


8% 3

35% 4

( 4 ) 4.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. paranoid catatonic 6. 7. 8. mood disorders 9. 10.

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. disorganized undifferentiated 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

. 1. 2. 3. 4.

3-6 . 2 1) (sedatingeffect) chlorpromaz ine300-500 ben./zodiaz ehpainloeperidol 6 -1 0./ 2 2) 10 0300 . chlorpromazine long acting 5 1 . (electroconvulsive therapy) E CT catatonic severe depression . 1) (ps y choth erap y)

2) ( fa milyco u n se l in g o rpsychoed uc a tion) 3) (grouptherapy) 4) (milieu therapy)

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