Department of Sociology and Anthropology

African-American Studies Program

508 Lamar Hall

University of Mississippi

University, MS 38677

Phone: 662 915 7421



1999 Ph.D., Sociology, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Dissertation: “The Logic of Ethnomedical Healing in an African-American Community”

1978 M.S., Technology & Human Affairs, Washington University in St. Louis

Thesis: “Federal Toxic Substances Regulation and Cost-Benefit, Risk- Benefit, and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis”

1977 B.A., Environmental Science, Duke University

Self-designed program. Received the university’s first bachelor’s degree in

environmental science.


2012-present Associate professor of Sociology and African-American Studies, University of Mississippi

2005-2012 Assistant professor of Sociology and African-American Studies, University of


1999-2005 Assistant professor of Sociology, Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME

1994-1999 Graduate research assistant, University of Illinois

1993-2005 Contributing editor, Heart & Soul magazine, New York, NY

1993-2004 Contributing writer, HealthQuest magazine, Chalfont, PA

1989-94 Founding editor, Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved,

Meharry Medical College, Nashville, TN

1987-89 Senior researcher, “Eyes on the Prize” documentary production team,

Blackside Inc., Boston, MA

1984-86 Staff writer,East West Journal, Brookline, MA

1986-87 Visiting researcher, University of Massachusetts/Boston

1985-86 Visiting lecturer, Tufts University Experimental College, Medford, MA

1980-84 Staff scientist, Center for Science in the Public Interest, Washington, DC

1978-81 Policy analyst, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, DC

1979-80 Assistant to the Science & Public Policy Advisor, North Carolina Governor’s

Office, Raleigh, NC


2005-present University of Mississippi

Introduction to Sociology

African-Americans and the News

African-Americans and the Criminal Justice System

The African-American Experience

Race and Ethnicity

Senior Seminar in African-American Studies

Sociology of Health Disparities (Graduate)

Teaching Sociology (Graduate)

Professional seminars I and II (Graduate)

Collaborative Writing Seminar (Graduate)

1999-2005 Bowdoin College

Introduction to Sociology

Traditional Healing in Sociohistorical Perspective

Media Representation of Reality

Sociology of News

Sociology of Urban Life

Sociological Perspectives on the Urban Landscape

1996-97 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Introduction to Sociology

1985-86 Tufts University Experimental College

Politics, Media, and the News: Sorting Through the Images


2019 Johnson, K.A. African American Tea Party Supporters: Explaining a Political Paradox.

Lanham, MD: Lexington Books.


2019 Florez, I.A., Schulenberg, S.E., Lair, E., Wilson, K., Johnson, K. “On the Relationship

Between Meaning and Racial Prejudice: Examining Self-Transcendence and

Psychological Inflexibility in a Sample of White College Students.” Journal of Contextual

Behavioral Science 12: 1-6.

Johnson, K.A., Johnson, W.M., Thomas, J.M., Green, J.J. “Microaggressions and

Spatial Variation on a Southern University Campus: Where Are the Safe Spaces for

Vulnerable Students?” Social Problems. Available at:

2016 Harris, B.H., Dellinger, K., Jackson, J.T., Johnson, K.A., Skipper, J., Sonnett, J.

Thomas, J.T. and the Critical Race Studies Group. “The Symbolic Lynching of

James Meredith: A Visual Analysis and Collective Counter Narrative to Racial

Dominance,” Sociology of Race and Ethnicity 216 (January 23); 1-16. Available at:


Johnson, W.M. and Johnson, K.A. “Karl Schwesig’s Schlegelkeller: Anatomy of

a Rejected Warning of Prewar Violence at LIFE magazine.” International Journal of

Politics, Culture, and Society. Published online on June 12.

2015 Sonnett, J., Johnson, K.A., and Dolan, M.K. “Priming Implicit Racism in Television News: Visual and Verbal Limitations on Diversity.” Sociological Forum, 30(2): 328-347.

2011 Johnson, K.A., Dolan, M., Sonnett, J. “Speaking of Looting: An Analysis of Racial Propaganda in National Television Coverage of Hurricane Katrina.” The Howard Journal of Communications, 22: 302-328.

2010 Johnson, K.A., Sonnett, J., Dolan, D., Reppen, R., Johnson, J. “Interjournalistic Discourse about African-Americans in Television News Coverage of Hurricane Katrina.” Discourse & Communication, 4(3): 243-262.

2009 Dolan, M., Sonnett, J., Johnson, K. “Katrina Coverage in Black Newspapers Critical of Government, Mainstream Media.” Newspaper Research Journal 30(1): 34-42.

2008 Johnson, K. A., Dixon, T.L. “Change and the Illusion of Change: Evolving Portrayals of Crime News and African Americans in a Major Market. The Howard Journal of Communications, 19: 1-19.

2002 Johnson, K. A. “Modern Doctors and Traditional Black Patients: Bridging a Treacherous Divide.” Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education, 8(1): 21-27.

1991 Johnson, K. A. “Objective News and Other Myths: The Poisoning of Young Black Minds.” Journal of Negro Education, 60(3): 328-41.


2018 Johnson, Kirk A., Willa M. Johnson, John Green, and James M. Thomas. “Microaggressions at the University of Mississippi”


2002 An American Health Dilemma, Vol. 2, by W. Michael Byrd and Linda A. Clayton, Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(22), June 12, p. 3009.

2001 An American Health Dilemma, Vol. 1, by W. Michael Byrd and Linda A. Clayton, Journal

of the American Medical Association, 285(9), Mar. 7, p. 1219

America Becoming: Racial Trends and Their Consequences, Vols. I and 2, edited by Neil J. Smelser, William Julius Wilson, and Faith Mitchell, Journal of the American Medical Association, 286(11), Sept. 19, p. 1385.

1998 VanEschen, Penny, Race Against Empire: Black Americans and Anti-Colonialism, 1937-1957, Contemporary Sociology, May 1998, Vol. 27, Issue 3, pp. 304-305.


1997 Johnson, Kirk, Claire McIntosh, and Harriet Washington. Health and Healing for African-Americans. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

1995 Johnson, Kirk. Keeping Your Company Healthy. Emmaus, PA: Rodale Press.

1993 Thompson, Mavis with Kirk Johnson. The Black Library Guide to Obesity. New York: Henry Holt & Co. (Reprinted, Kensington Publishing, 2000)

Singleton, LaFayette with Kirk Johnson. The Black Library Guide to Stroke. New York: Henry Holt & Co. (Reprinted, Kensington Publishing, 2000)

Henry, Lester with Kirk Johnson. The Black Library Guide to Diabetes. New York: Henry Holt & Co. (Reprinted, Kensington Publishing, 2000)


1998 Johnson, Kirk. “Free Your Mind of Slavery’s Legacy,” Heart & Soul Feb: 69-72.

1994 Johnson, Kirk. “The Color of Health Care,” Heart & Soul Spring: 52-7.

1992 Johnson, Kirk. “African Healing,” Essence Mar: 24-8.

1991 Johnson, Kirk. “Bias in Black and White,” Cable in the Classroom Feb: 8-11.

1989 Johnson, Kirk. “Pulaski Said No to Aryans; Will it Say Yes to Black Mayor?” The Tennessean Sep 21: 14.

1987 Johnson, Kirk. “Black and White in Boston,” Columbia Journalism Review 26(1): 50-2.

Johnson, Kirk. “Media, Examine Thyself,” Boston Business Journal Feb 2: 16.

Johnson, Kirk. “Black and White TV in Boston,” The Wall Street Journal May 7: 31.

1986 Johnson, Kirk. “Is Alternative Health Care Elitist?” East West Journal Mar: 24-36.

Reprinted: Utne Reader Jan/Feb 1988: 86-91.


2019 Lift Every Voice award for coauthoring “Microaggressions at the University of


2015 Lift Every Voice award, for service in the areas of diversity, multiculturalism, and

inclusion, University of Mississippi

2009 Phi Beta Sigma Fatherhood Award, University of Mississippi

Pi Beta Phi Scholarship Dinner invitee, University of Mississippi

2007 “Random Acts of Kindness” Award, University of Mississippi Student Alumni Council

2006 Named “One person at the University whose impact on a graduating senior was

significant,” University of Mississippi

1998 W.E.B. DuBois Graduate Research Paper Award, University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign

1997 Honorable Mention Scholar, Society for the Study of Social Problems

Geisert Fellowship Award, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, for dissertation


Named to “An Incomplete List of Teachers Ranked by their Students as Excellent,”

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, for TA work in Introduction to Sociology

Distinguished Service Award, Black/Latino/a Sociology Society, University of

Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Graduate Teaching Certificate, University of Illinois

1995 Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society

Honorable mention, William Harvey Writing Competition Awards, for Heart & Soul magazine article on hypertension and African-Americans, “Under Pressure”

1994 Graduate College Fellowship, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

New York Association of Black Journalists Magazine Award for public affairs

reporting for Essence magazine report, “Saving Our Children”

1992 Award of Distinction, Association of American Medical Colleges, for the

Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved

1991 Selected awards for PBS television documentary, “Eyes on the Prize: America’s Civil Rights Years, 1965-1984,” produced by Blackside, Inc.:

• 4 Emmy Awards, National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences

• Silver baton, DuPont-Columbia Awards

• 2 nominations, Television Critics’ Association

• 2 Blue Ribbons, American Film and Video Festival

• Silver Plaque, Chicago International Film Festival

• Best of Category (History), San Francisco International Film Festival

• Erik Barnouw Award, Organization of American Historians

• “Most Inspiring Sequel,” TV Guide

• Award of Excellence, National Association of Black Journalists

• Grand, Gold, and Silver Awards, Worldfest-Houston International Film


• Best of Festival Award, National Educational Film and Video Festival

1985-86 Community Research Fellowship (University of Massachusetts-Boston)

1979 U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Bronze Award for health policy work on EPA’s

national school asbestos-abatement program.

1978-80 Presidential Management Internship providing two years of employment and policy and management training at any federal agency, sponsored by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management.

1977-78 Full Tuition Scholarship (Washington University)

1973-77 Angier B. Duke Memorial Scholarship (full tuition award; Duke University)

1973 National Achievement Scholarship for Outstanding Negro Students (Duke University)


2020 Invited speaker, “Five Myths About Race and the News,” presentation sponsored by

the University of Mississippi Center for Cross-Cultural Engagement and Inclusion,

February 20

Invited speaker: “Microaggressions at the University of Mississippi”, University of

Mississippi Dept. of Psychology Colloquium Series, February 21

2019 Invited speaker: Summer 2019 Colloquium Series: Insights into the Research Process,

Georgia State University Library. “Microaggressions at the University of Mississippi”

August 11

Panelist, “What To Do When Racist Crap Happens: Teaching Resources”,

University of Mississippi Critical Race Studies Group Faculty Development

Luncheon, April 19

Panelist, "History, Confederate Symbolism, and Racism at the University of

Mississippi: An Exploration of the last 170 years." sponsored by UM Solidarity,

April 19

Speaker, “Methodological Considerations in the UM Microaggressions Study”,

Public Policy Leadership 210 (Research Methods in Public Policy), April 15,

repeated October 3.

2017 Presider (“Political Sociology”) and presenter (“African American Tea Party Members:

Exploring a Political Paradox”), Southern Sociological Society annual meeting,

Greenville, SC

2016 Invited speaker, “Recent Racial Advocacy Work at the University of Mississippi,”

Dr. Laura Antanow’s Cultural Context of Education graduate class, UM School of

Education, September 5

2015 Invited speaker, “What’s Up With African American Tea Partiers: Exploring a Political

Paradox,” Department of Sociology and Anthropology Fall Lecture Series, University of


2011 Invited speaker, “Voodoo Theory: Why The Henrietta Lacks Family Says Things That

Make You Want to Scratch Your Head,” University of Mississippi Common Reading

Program, November 11

Classroom speaker, “Sociological Perspectives on ‘The Immortal Life’”

(12 presentations)

Invited speaker, “Interjournalistic Talk About African-Americans During Katrina:

A Discourse Analytical Approach,” North American Conference on Critical Discourse

Analysis, University of Utah, April 18-19.

2010 Invited speaker, “Writing about Mississippi Delta Poverty,” Wintersession course,

University of Mississippi School of Journalism and New Media, January 15

2009 Paper presentation, “Looting Up A Storm: Television’s View of Race and Theft During

Hurricane Katrina,” National Association of African-American Studies annual meeting,

Baton Rouge, LA, Feb 5

Invited speaker, “More Than a Prayer: An Ethical and Religious Response to Poverty

and Disaster,” Religion Forum sponsored by the Department of Philosophy and

Religion, April 10

2007 Paper presentation, “News Images of African-Americans and Looting During Hurricane

Katrina,” Midsouth Sociological Association annual meeting, Mobile, AL, October 20

Keynote speaker, Seventh Annual Black History Banquet, University of Mississippi

Residence Hall Association

Panelist, AKA Sorority Black History Month discussion, University of Mississippi

Panelist, panel discussion on the future of the black press for Black History Month, Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics (2/28/08)

2006 Invited presentation, “Katrina as Curriculum: Considering Media Coverage of

Race and Class in America”, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass

Communication, San Francisco

Invited presentation, Liberal Arts Spring Faculty Forum, “The Making of ‘Eyes on

the Prize’: Understanding the Significance of Civil Rights Era Documentary”

2005 Invited presentation, “News Coverage of Hurricane Katrina”, Dept. of Journalism,

University of Mississippi, November 2

2004 Invited presentation, “Evolving News Portrayals in a Local Market,” Regular

session on Media Sociology, American Sociological Association annual meeting,

San Francisco, August 14

Invited speaker, “The Evolution of African-American News Imagery in a Local Market,”

Faculty Seminar Series, Bowdoin College, February 6

2003 Invited speaker, Writers’ Workshop presentation, October 1

Invited speaker, “The Effects of African-American Newspaper Journalists in Racial

News Reporting,” March 20

2002 Guest presentation, Global Media and Politics (GOV 236), Bowdoin College,

April 15

2001 “Diversity and Uniformity in African-American Ethnomedical Healers,” American

Anthropological Association annual meeting, Washington, DC, November 23

Invited Speaker, Student Multicultural Conference, Bowdoin College, October


Invited Speaker, Students of Color Retreat, Bowdoin College, September 10

Invited Speaker, Maine Day, Bowdoin College, September 28

2000 “The Victory of Voodoo: Why African-American Healers Succeed Where Doctors

Fail.” Africana Studies Program “Works in Progress” Series, Bowdoin College

Invited speaker, Race awareness conference, October 15

Invited speaker, Panel discussion following screening of “Is Paris Burning?,”

November 13

1999 “Traditional African-American Healing in a Modern Urban Center,” Faculty Seminar Series, Bowdoin College

1997 “Caring for African-American Patients: Why Color-Blindness Doesn’t Work,”

Humana Health Care Corporation, Chicago, IL

“Modern Doctors and Traditional Black Patients: Bridging a Treacherous Divide,”

Midwest Sociological Society annual meeting, Des Moines, IA

“The Role of Mental Health Professionals in Treating Traditional African- American

Patients,” Regional Conference on Crossing Cultural Bridges, cosponsored by the

Texas Department of Mental Health and Mental Retardation and the Mental Health

and Mental Retardation Authority of Harris County, Houston, TX

1996 Keynote, Third Annual Colloquium, University of Illinois Urban Health Program, “Managed Care: What is it Managing, and Should You Care?”

Panelist, University of Illinois Cerebral Cafe, “The Status of African-American Males”

1994 Radio interviews on “The Color of Health Care” (Heart & Soul article):

New York City, Washington DC, Boston, Chicago, Cleveland, New Orleans, Montgomery, Bethesda, Nashville

1986 Presentations on original research regarding African-American media images:

Annual meeting, Operation PUSH, Chicago

Annual meeting, National Association of Black Journalists, Miami

Special meeting, Boston Black Media Coalition

Chapter meeting, Boston Association of Black Journalists

Media briefing, University of Massachusetts, Boston

Numerous radio and television interviews, Boston

1984 Testimony on health promotion and disease prevention programs

Subcommittee on Health and the Environment

U.S. House of Representatives

1982 Testimony on reauthorization of Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, & Rodenticide


Subcommittee on Department Operations, Research, and Foreign Agriculture

U.S. House of Representatives

1982 Testimony on lead poisoning and children

Subcommittee on Health and the Environment

U.S. House of Representatives

1978 Testimony on asbestos hazards in public schools

Virginia House of Delegates


2017 PI, Summer Course on Grantwriting in the Social, Behavioral, and Economic

Sciences, National Science Foundation ($103,777)

2017 Co-PI, Dehumanization and the Construction of Violence: A Comparative Mixed-

Method Study of Minorities in France and India, National Science Foundation

($1,212,473) (Declined)

2016 Office of Research and Sponsored Programs Investigative Grant, University of


College of Liberal Arts Senior Faculty Research Grant, University of Mississippi

2015 College of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant, University of Mississippi

2009 College of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant, University of Mississippi

2007 Faculty Research Program Grant, University of Mississippi

College of Liberal Arts Summer Research Grant, University of Mississippi

2006 Faculty Research Program Grant, University of Mississippi

2005 Travel Grant, Lyndon Baines Johnson Library

2002 Faculty Leave Supplement, Bowdoin College

Faculty Research Grant, Bowdoin College

1987 Community Research Grant, University of Massachusetts-Boston


2020 Turner, DeAndrea. “More African Americans Dying of COVID-19 in Mississippi,

Nationwide. .


2019 Interview on African American Tea Party Supporters for the Kim Wade Show, WYAB-

FM, 103.9, Jackson, MS

Ciccotta, Tim. “Ole Miss Professor Wants Students Kicked Out of School for

Microaggressions. Breitbart, December 16.


Schneider, Christian. “Ole Miss Professor Proposes Expulsion, Criminal Penalties for

Students Reported for Bias.” The College Fix, December 12.


Payne, Daniel. “Slurs, Swastikas and White Power Signs: The Ways Prejudice Persists

at UM.” The Daily Mississippian, November 22. swastikas-and-white-power-signs-the-ways-prejudice-persist-at-um/

Rand, Slade. “Lost in the Fallout: The UM Race Diary Project’s Hidden Meaning.” The

Daily Mississippian. April 11.


2018 Rand, Slade. Ole Miss Leadership Addresses Vitter’s Response to UM Race Diary

Project.” The Daily Mississippian, November 30.


DesignDesk. “Sociologists’ Report Finds Bias Concerns on Campus.” The Daily

Mississippian, October 12.

Henderson, Sarah. “Ole Miss Professors Publish Race Diary Project, Highlight Campus

Discrimination.” The Daily Mississippian, October 10.

Hoffman, Emily and Kimberly Russell. “Campus Leaders Discuss MLK’s Impact on

Them, Society. The Daily Mississippian, April 5.


2011 Seelye, Katherine. “Voters Defeat Many G.O.P.-sponsored Measures,” The New York Times, Nov. 9

2009 Interview on University of Mississippi Presidential debate for .

2008 Crary. D. “Unspoken Fear: Is Obama At Risk?” The Memphis Commercial Appeal February 27.

Healy, P. “Bill to Stay on Attack, Hillary on High Road. The Memphis Commercial Appeal January 25.

1996 Bradlee, Ben Jr. and Adam Pertman. “Simpson Unbowed on Trial Eve: In Interview, Cites Broad Public Support, Condemns Media,” Boston Sunday Globe Sept 15: A1, A18.

1992 Cohen, Jeff and Norman Solomon. “It Took an Explosion to Wake Up the Media,” Seattle Times May 9: 24.

1991 Anon. “AMA Charges Racism in Nation’s Health Care,” Nashville Banner May 14: A1.

Gore, Mary Jane. “Writing for Publication,” Clinical Laboratory Science 4(4): 204-6, 208.

1990 Media research cited by U.S. Supreme Court in landmark case (Metro Broadcasting

v. FCC) that secured access by minorities to broadcast licenses.

Butler, Lacrisha. “Poor, Underserved Health Journal’s Aim,” The Tennessean Jul 19: 4B.

Kim, Howard. “Hospitals Stretch to Meet Needs of Young and Old,” Modern Healthcare Sep 3: 22-4.

1988 McCabe, Bruce. “Liz Walker” [race bias in news reporting], Boston Globe Jan 25: 28.

1987 Gelbspan, Ross. “Study: Media in Boston Reinforce Racism by News Coverage Decisions,” Boston Globe Jan 28: 22.

O’Connor, Brian Wright. “Media Portray Blacks with Old Stereotypes,” Bay State Banner Jan 29: 1.

DeSilva, Bruce. “Study Says Boston’s News Media Reinforce Negative Black Images,” Hartford Courant Jan 29: A7.

Anon [editorial]. “A Better Self-Image,” Bay State Banner Feb 5: 4.

O’Connor, Brian Wright. “Boston Media Officials Object to Study Results,” Bay State Banner Feb 5: 3.

Higgins, George V. “True Talk About Drugs,” Wall Street Journal Apr 13: 21.

McCabe, Bruce. “Ch. 2 in Aftermath of Street Cop,” Boston Globe Dec 10: 24.

Martins, Gus. “Racial Sensitivity Seminars for WGBH-TV Managers,” Bay State Banner Dec 24: 8.

1983 Anon. “Nixon Stirs Flood of Duke Memories,” Los Angeles Times Sep 27: 12.



2019 Panel moderator, “Envisioning a Queer Feminist South”, Southwestern Women’s

Studies Association Conference, Oxford, MS

Peer reviewer for special issue of Sociological Forum, “Foresight is 2020: Race

and Gender in the Upcoming Election,” edited by Matthew Hughey

Academic editorial board for Taking Sides: Clashing Views in Race and Ethnicity

(McGraw Hill Education)

2016 Member, Program Committee, Southern Sociological Society

Presider, Research Incubator on Race, Southern Sociological Society meeting,

Greenville, SC

2013-15 Proposal reviewer, Research Opportunities for Undergraduates, National Science


Consultation with National Science Foundation to increase number of fellowship

proposals from junior minority scholars

2011 Manuscript reviewer, American Sociological Review

Proposal reviewer, National Science Foundation Minority Postdoctoral Fellowships

Textbook reviewer, Pearson Publishing Co.

2010 Proposal reviewer, National Science Foundation Social, Behavioral, and Economic

Sciences (SBE) Minority Postdoctoral Research Fellowships

2008-09 Manuscript reviewer, Sociological Spectrum

2003-04 Manuscript reviewer, Social Forces

2002 Editorial Board member, The Minority Health Reader by Prof. Thomas LaVeist,

Johns Hopkins University School of Public Health

Peer reviewer, Annals of Behavioral Science and Medical Education

2001 Editorial Advisory Board member, Collegiate Press

2000 Discussant, panel on electronic texts for introductory sociology courses, American Sociological Association annual meeting, Washington, DC

1999 Peer reviewer, Teaching Sociology

1995 Copy editor, Adult Aphasia Rehabilitation, by Gloriajean Wallace, Ph.D.

Butterworth Heinemann

1994 Copy editor, It Just Ain’t Fair: The Ethics of Health Care for African-Americans, by Annette Dula and Marian Segundy, Praeger Press [selected chapters]

1994 Manuscript reviewer, Sage Publications

1992-97 Peer reviewer, Family Medicine


2017 Member, UM Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP) Topic Selection Task Force

Member, University of Mississippi College of Liberal Arts Post-Charlottesville Working Group

2016 Moderator, Southern Foodways Alliance Student Conference, University of Mississippi

2011-present Member, Common Reading Experience Review Committee, 8/11

Member (cochair, 2015 to present), Book Selection Subcommittee, Common Reading Experience Review Committee

2010 Participant, “Readathon” to celebrate Banned Books Week

Faculty judge, University of Mississippi-sponsored Regional Science Fair

2009 Recruitment letter writer, Office of Admissions

Panel discussant, William Christenberry installation (“Site/Possession”)

Participant, Black History Month committee

Organizer, Black History Month panel discussion, “What Does It Mean to Have a

Black President?”

2007-08 Member, Planning Committee, First African-American Studies Symposium, University of Mississippi

Faculty moderator, The Omazing Race, Office of Alumni Affairs, University of Mississippi

Interviewer, Scholar’s Day (cancelled)

Moderator, panel discussion and screening of “Soldiers with Swords” for Black History Month, Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics.

Moderator, panel discussion on the mainstream and black press for Black History Month, Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics

Panelist, panel discussion on the future of the black press for Black History

Month, Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics

Moderator, discussion and screening of “Soldiers with Swords” for Black History Month, Overby Center for Southern Journalism and Politics.

2006-07 Member, Faculty Senate, University of Mississippi

Member, Academic Events/Planning Committee, Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology,

University of Mississippi

2006 Member, Search Committee for History/African-American Studies position, University of


2000-04 Member, Africana Studies Committee, Bowdoin College

2001-02 Member, Faculty Affairs Committee, Bowdoin College

Faculty representative, Reception for visiting prospective students of color

2000-01 Member, Grievance Committee for Student Complaints of Sex Discrimination or Discrimination on the Basis of Physical or Mental Handicap, Bowdoin College

Faculty co-host, Common Hour, Bowdoin College

Faculty host, “Indecision 2000” (student/faculty Presidential political debate), Bowdoin College

Participant, Hewlitt Working Group on the Contemplative Mind, Bowdoin College


2013-20 Informal mentor to junior faculty members: Annie Cafer, Brian Foster, Kristin Hickman,

Amy McDowell, Catarina Passidomo, Jodi Skipper, James Thomas, Ana Velitchkova,

Lexi O’Donnell

2015-17 Co-chair, Critical Race Studies Group

2011-15 Member, Critical Race Studies Group

2013 Chair (fall semester), Critical Race Studies Group

2014 Movie Night presenter: “A Sociological Reading of SpongeBob Square Pants”

2011 Member, Search Committee, Biological Anthropology assistant professor position,

University of Mississippi

2010-12 Member, departmental working group on race and gender

2009 Facilitator, Department discussion group on conduct of SOC 101 classes

2009 Member, Search Committee, Southern Studies/Sociology assistant professor position

2007-12 Presentations at “Meet the Faculty” meeting for new graduate students

Presentations, “How to Survive Being a Teaching Assistant” for new graduate students

2008-2010 Presentations, ‘Collegiality in Academia,” Graduate Student Proseminar

2001-2002 Co-organizer, Study Away Night

2000 Organizer, Sociology/Anthropology Majors Student Dinner

1994-99 Graduate student advisor, Black and Latino/a Sociology Students, Inc.,

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)

1995-96 Curriculum Committee member, UIUC


2010 Faculty judge, 22nd Annual Region VII Science and Engineering Fair

2008 Volunteer, Mississippi Democratic Party primary

Invited speaker, Black History Month program, Jordan Chapel C.M.E. Church,

Oxford, MS

2007 Presentation on trip to San Francisco to Mrs. Carr’s 3rd grade class, Oxford

Elementary School

2006 Travel assistance for overnight trip to Memphis Zoo, Mrs. Laura Carr’s 3rd grade

class, Oxford Elementary School

1992-93 Op-ed writer, The Tennessean

1989 Volunteer, Geriatric psychiatry ward, Boston City Hospital

Occasional chef, Cambridge (MA) Baptist Church homeless kitchen

1987 Organizer, citywide coalition to heighten race awareness at WGBH-TV, Boston

1979 Volunteer reading tutor, Washington, DC


2017 Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Heather Gregory (Sociology)

“Abstinence-Based Sex Education: A Mixed-Method Evaluation of Experiences

with and the Effectiveness of Sex Education in the Deep South”

2017 Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Danielle Buckingham (Sociology)

“Invisible Labor: A Mixed Method Study of African American Women and their

Emotional Labor in the Academy”

2017 Internship committee member (University of Mississippi)

Levi Crafton (Sociology)

“Broadening International Relationships, Meeting the Needs of International

Students: An Internship with the Office of Global Engagement

2017 Dissertation committee member (University of Mississippi)

Ivonne Florez (Psychology)

“On the Relationship Between Meaning and Prejudice: Examining Self-

Transcendence and Value-Behavior Consistency in a Sample of College


2013 Dissertation committee member (University of Mississippi)

Greg Richards (Political Science)

“The Political Power of the Black Church”

2013 Dissertation committee member (University of Mississippi)

Chanse Travis (Political Science)

“The Political Power of the Black Church”

2013 Thesis committee chair

Hope Owens Wilson (Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, University of


2012 Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Jamiko Delavaux (Sociology)

2012 Dissertation committee member (University of Mississippi)

Telisha Bailey (History)

“Please Don’t Forget About Me: The History of Crime and Punishment in

Parchman Prison, 1890-1980”

2012 Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Juan Thurmond (Sociology)

“Language as Microaggression: The New Lexicon of American Racism"

Internship supervisor (University of Mississippi)

Thomas Moncrief (Sociology)

"Informing the Development of a Youth-Led Organization in Biloxi, Mississippi"

2011-2012 Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

, Zachary Jarjoura (Sociology)

Internship committee member (University of Mississippi)

Tiffiney Grey (Sociology)

Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Robert Reese (Sociology)

2010-2011 Dissertation committee member (University of Mississippi)

Amanda M. Nagel (History)

“Democracy for Whom?: World War I, African Americans, and the Fight for

Democracy, 1914-1921”

Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Jazmine Walker (Sociology)

“A ‘Groupness’ Analysis of Identity with the Reproductive Rights Movement

Thesis committee member (Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, University of Mississippi)

Gloria Howell

“Crime Coverage Analysis: Representations of African Americans in Memphis Media”

Brian Foster

“Crank Dat Soulja Boy: Understanding Black Male Hip Hop Aspirations in

Rural Mississippi

2010. Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Alexis Assimacopoulos (Anthropology)

“Let the Good Times Roll: Hurricane Katrina, The Blues, and New Normalcy in

New Orleans”

Gregory Sims (Sociology)

“Hurricane Katrina: Images and Voices of African-American Women”

2008. Dissertation committee member (University of Mississippi)

Michelle Craddock (Mathematics)

“Reflexivity and the Grothendieck Property for Positive Tensor Products of Banach


Nicholas Brown (History)

“More than ‘Mere Pin Pricks’: Dr. Harold Moody and the League of Colored

People’s Revolutionary Challenge to British Colour bar, 1931-1948”

Daphne Chamberlain (History)

“'And a Child Shall Lead the Way': Children's Participation in the Jackson,

Mississippi Black Freedom Struggle, 1947-1967”

Thesis committee member (University of Mississippi)

Elsie Pate (Southern Studies)

2006-2007 Honor’s Project Advisor (Sally McDonnell Barksdale Honors College, University of


Udochi Onwubiko

Racial imagery in advertising (withdrawn)

Faculty sponsor, Independent-study students (Bowdoin College)

2001-02 Annie McGlaughlin

2000-01 Lindsay Pettingill

Ezra Miller

Faculty sponsor, Honors students (Bowdoin College)

2004-05 Monica Guzman

2001-02 Laura Rodriguez

Faculty co-sponsor, student-designed major (Bowdoin College)

2000 Scott McCabe

July 2020


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