George West ISD Parent Involvement Policy

2011-12 Falfurrias Elementary School Parent Involvement Policy

As per Public Law 107-110, the No Child Left Behind Act, Falfurrias Elementary School has adopted the following policy to ensure that the staff coordinates all possible programs to provide quality services to our children and families and to afford parents substantial and meaningful opportunities to participate in the education of their children.

Our goal is to maximize opportunities for all parents to participate in ways that will help all children to be successful, not only in the State’s academic content and academic achievement standards but also to provide opportunities for parents to assist us in maximizing our students’ potential to become successful citizens upon completion of their public school careers.

To reach our goal, the staff and representative parents have drafted the following policy outlining the ways in which parents are encouraged to participate in the life of the school.

Specifically, we have included opportunities in the following:

1. Development, evaluation, and revision of the parental policy

2. Development/Revision of the purpose, evaluation and revision of the School-Parent Compact

3. Parent involvement in decision-making to design, implement, and evaluate our school wide program (our educational program)

4. Participation in informational meetings regarding our Title I, Part A participation, school wide objectives and program plan/Campus Improvement Plan, state assessments and proficiency expectations, and accountability measures for the school

5. Participation in training sessions to build parents’ abilities to assist their children

6. Participation in meetings, conferences, or other such activities to be advised of students’ academic achievement progress in a timely manner and to discuss ways to assist students who do not meet expectations

7. Parent participation in instructional activities.

8. Participation in designing or providing suggestions for school staff development to help the school personnel to value parents’ contributions and ways to reach out to more parents, ensuring greater potential for staff and parents to work as equal partners.

9. Participation in activities in which the school staff describes/explains the curriculum in use, local assessments used to measure student progress, and the levels of proficiency students are expected to meet

10. Participation in the evaluation of the Parent Involvement Policy and the effectiveness of involvement activities

11. Increased and timely communication regarding the qualifications of the specific instructional staff members who work directly with each child.

The staff at Falfurrias Elementary School invites parents to offer suggestions for improving our efforts to involve parents in meaningful ways. Please call Marie R. Vidaurri, Principal at (361) 325-8041 or email Marie R. Vidaurri at mvidaurri@bcisd. to give us your suggestions or to discuss opportunities for you to work directly with us.

Parent Participation in Decision-Making – Schoolwide Planning (Design, Implementation, & Evaluation)

1. Site-Based Decision Making:

Falfurrias Elementary School conducts site-based decision-making meetings quarterly. We encourage parents to attend these sessions, and, at the close of each session, we will ask for input from the audience on topics discussed. If parents would like to offer topics for discussion at these meetings, please contact Marie R. Vidaurri, Principal, and these items will be placed on meeting agendas for future meetings as soon as possible.

We encourage parents to participate as voting members of this committee, and interested parties should call Marie R. Vidaurri 361-325-8041.

In addition to encouraging participation at these meetings and to ensure that we make every effort possible for all parents to learn about the actions/decisions of the committee, the SBDM will disseminate this information through the following:

▪ Summarized in monthly calendars, parent letters, newspaper articles

▪ Summarized on the Falfurrias Elementary Schools website:

▪ Parent-Teacher conferences

▪ School functions: Back to School, Open House, Meet the Teacher, STAAR Assemblies, End of Six Weeks Assemblies, Campus Activities

2. Review of the Campus Improvement Plan / Schoolwide Program Plan

In addition to the above opportunities, the school’s improvement plan, which clearly defines our efforts to improve our educational program, is available upon written request, and as soon as possible, we will send a copy of the plan to persons requesting the plan.

Or, if parents wish, they may contact the principal for a time to come to the school to review a copy of the plan. Translators, a place for reviewing, and note-taking materials will be provided to parents who choose to review the plan at the school. To ensure that we provide parents this time and materials, we request that parents make appointments. As well, we encourage visiting parents to leave with the school their suggestions for improvement either in written form or verbally with Marie R. Vidaurri, Principal.

Annual Parent Meeting

Each year in September, staff members/parent representatives/teachers will host a meeting to discuss the school’s participation as a Title I, Part A school wide program. Translators will be available, as needed, and the school will accommodate the needs of disabled parents, as well. We will address the following topics:

▪ The requirements of the school for planning and goal setting

▪ Our school’s accountability data, State assessments, and proficiency expectations for students on these assessments

▪ A summary of our school’s prioritized needs and the objectives in our schoolwide program plan to address identified needs and those to address achieving our vision

▪ A summary of the major initiatives of our educational program

▪ An explanation of the curriculum in use and local assessments, including the levels of proficiency students are expected to meet A review of the parent involvement policy and the school-parent compact

At this annual meeting, parents will be invited to offer suggestions for improving the educational plan, as per the requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. In a follow-up meeting with the site-based decision-making team, members will address and act on, as appropriate to the school’s goals, the suggestions parents have offered.

Parental Involvement Opportunities

In addition to involving parents in the decision-making process, Falfurrias Elementary School will offer the following: (1) opportunities to help build parents’ capacities to assist their children with academic needs; (2) opportunities for parents to be involved in the instructional program, either as observers or as volunteers; and (3) opportunities for parents to offer suggestions for the staff’s professional growth to build the school’s capacities to work with our parents as equal partners.

1. Building Parent Capacities To Help Children

▪ Meetings to share mutual expectations for students at each grade level in Mid-Year and End of Year conferences.

▪ Fall and spring meetings for parents of Limited English Proficiency (LEP) students to discuss the ESL/Bilingual program, ways they may assist their parents, and opportunities in the county for their participation in adult language development

▪ Monthly newsletters

▪ Monthly Calendar of events

▪ Back to School Orientation: Meet the Teacher

▪ Open House

▪ End of Six Weeks Awards Assemblies

▪ Student Handbook/Information

▪ Parent/Teacher conferences

▪ Parent Surveys

▪ Internet Resources: GradeBook, and bcisd.

▪ Daily Homework assignment and Behavior sign-offs/folders

▪ Home visits

▪ Phone calls

▪ Review and revision of the School Parent Compact (included in Appendix C)

2. Communicating Student’s Academic Progress

To provide parents with timely information about their children’s academic performance, we offer multiple activities, and we encourage parents to call for conferences with their children’s teachers during the teachers’ conference periods any time during the school year.

Measures we take to communicate formally with parents regarding their children’s academic progress include the following:

▪ Fall and Spring Open House

▪ Fall and Spring student performance conferences

▪ Meetings with parents of students required to participate in the Optional Extended Year/Day Program (state requirement)

▪ Three-week, written progress reports for students at-risk of failing

▪ Daily teacher conference periods, when teachers are available to confer with parents (Please call ahead to ensure that records for review are readily available and to ensure availability of the teacher and/or the principal)

▪ Providing the School-Parent Compact, defining teachers’, parents’, and students’ responsibilities for learning

▪ Internet On-line Resources: Grade Speed and

3. Volunteering and/or Observing the Instructional Program

We encourage parents to participate as volunteers working with students and/or teachers, as observers in the classroom, and as sponsors of instructional activities, such as creating materials for activities in classroom. If parents choose to participate in any of these opportunities, please call Susana Soliz, parental contact person, at 361-325-8041 to learn how to participate in such activities.

Please note: All parent volunteers who work with students fall under the same requirements as classroom teachers – they must undergo background checks and TB testing. Please do not let this matter keep you from volunteering. Remember: even teachers must go through these checks to ensure the safety of all of our children!

4. Building School Staff Members’ Capacities To Work with Parents as Partners

The school staff seeks ways to improve their abilities to work with parents as equals. To assist us in this endeavor, we currently

▪ At SBDM meetings, members discuss ways to work more effectively with parents

▪ During conferences and meetings with parents, staff informally seeks input from parents

▪ Conduct Parent Surveys

▪ Parent suggestions during school events

▪ Staff Development for Parental Involvement

Parent Input: Annually on a formal basis, the school sends out a survey (See Appendix A) to all parents. One question specifically asks for parents’ input on barriers and another requests suggestions for staff’s growth opportunities to help us work more closely with parents and to reach out to those parents who seldom participate in their children’s education. We urge parents to complete the survey and offer ideas to help us help parents and to work with parents equally in educating all of our children.


The state of Texas has developed a required set of standards that must be taught in Texas schools – Texas Essential Knowledge & Skills (TEKS). TEKS is the foundation of the curriculum at Falfurrias Elementary School. Mastery of the content standards, apart from informal assessments and unit tests given in individual classrooms, is evidenced in the results of the State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) in grades Third through Fifth. C-Scope Curriculum will guide instruction along with state adopted materials.

With reading as the foundation of students’ understanding for all content subjects, our school has taken the balanced literacy approach and our curriculum/instructional content is based on the Texas Reading Academies along with Balanced Literacy Trainings. After school enrichment program is offered to students to support reading.

In mathematics, teachers are implementing small group instruction that focus on differentiated instruction. Teachers are using conceptualized means of instruction to ensure students receive multiple levels of experiences from concrete to abstract experiences. Teachers use a hands-on approach to instruct math concepts.

Character Development Program, Project Wisdom, is implemented as part of our school wide program. The counselor will provide lessons to promote character development through morning announcement, classroom lessons, and small group lessons. The purpose of the program is to improve students’ self-concept and self-esteem.

Students are given multiple opportunities for tutorial enrichment. Students that need support participate in extended day programs that target Math and Reading. Selected students are encouraged to participate in the Accelerated Reading Club on a weekly basis. Reading Specialists work with students in small group setting to improve reading comprehension, levels, and frequency. Math Specialist works with students on basic and prerequisite skills. Students use leveled books, manipulatives and technology to enhance reading skills.

Local Assessments

Falfurrias Elementary School uses various assessment measurements to determine the progress of our students in mastering the state’s content standards and to guide instruction and professional development.

Informal Assessments: These assessments include benchmark assessments, observational records, anecdotal records, portfolios, performance logs, running records, and on-going assessments. These assessments are closest to the day-to-day routine of teaching and learning, and the results of these assessments assist the staff in making changes to instruction for both content and the way each delivers instruction.

Formal Assessments: These assessments include norm-referenced tests that tell teachers and parents how children are doing in comparison with other students. C-Scope end of unit assessments are given after each unit is taught. Teachers provide a copy of an analysis to determine the outcome of the instruction and materials. The results of these assessments are often expressed in percentiles.

Others are criterion-referenced assessments, such as the TAKS and Benchmarks, which tells teachers and parents how well students are doing to master standards.

The assessments used at Falfurrias Elementary School include:

|Assessment |Formal (F) or |Grade Level |Content Area |Timeline |Performance Level |

| |Informal (I) | | | | |

|Rigby and Fontas & |F |2nd – 5th |Reading |September |On grade level |

|Pinnel | | | |January | |

|Reading | | | |April | |

|Benchmarks | | | | | |

|Observation Records |I |All |All |Throughout the |Individual student’s |

| | | | |school year |success on assignments |

|TPRI |F |2nd |Reading |Beginning |Developed |

| | | | |Middle |Skills |

| | | | |End | |

|Ascend Math |F |2nd – 5th |Basic Skills |Beginning |Reports |

| | | |Vocabulary |Middle | |

| | | | |End | |

|Reading Plus |F |2nd – 5th |Basic Skills |Beginning |Reports |

|iStation | | |Vocabulary |Middle | |

| | | |Fluency |End | |

Evaluation of Parent Involvement

The purpose of evaluating the parent involvement policy and activities for involvement is four-fold:

1. To indicate involvement of parents in improvement of the educational program at Falfurrias Elementary School.

2. To evaluate the effectiveness of the policy and activities to increase parent involvement in meaningful opportunities to participate as our partners

3. To identify barriers to parent participation, especially for the parents of special populations students

4. To improve our efforts to work with all parents through continuous revision and improvement to the PI policy.

To assist us in this evaluation process, the SBDM including parent representatives will determine procedures for evaluating activities and for collecting this data (See Appendix B), which will be reviewed in the spring of each school year. This review will provide direction for our improvement efforts.

Additionally, with the input of parents serving on the SBDM or on the Parent Advisory, Falfurrias Elementary School will disseminate an annual survey to all parents regarding the overall effectiveness of our efforts to work equally with parents.

Development, Evaluation, and Revision of the Parent Involvement Policy & The School-Parent Compact

|Development of the Parent Involvement Policy |

|Timeline |Development Strategies |Progress Check |

|September |The Site-Based Decision Making committee (SBDM) meets with parent representatives to select a | |

|SBDM and |parent advisory | |

|Parent Advisory |The SBDM with help from the Parent Advisory reviews and revises the annual Parent Involvement | |

|Committee |Policy | |

|September |The Parental Involvement Policy draft is available to all parents for input upon request | |

|Parent Meeting | | |

|October |SBDM & parent advisory members review parent input to finalize the Parent Involvement Policy | |

|SBDM and Parent |The Policy is available to all parents | |

|Advisory Committee | | |

|Evaluation of the Parent Involvement Policy |

|Evaluation Purpose: Overall evaluation of the parent involvement policy, to be conducted with the involvement of parents, is to determine the |

|effectiveness of the content and activities included in the policy for improving the academic quality of the school and for identifying barriers to greater|

|participation, especially for parents of special populations’ students. |

|Timeline |Evaluation Strategies |Progress Check |

|At the close of each formal meeting |Participants will participate in an evaluation for each session in regard to the value of the| |

|or training |content and provide suggestions for improvement and topics for additional meetings/trainings | |

|April |For parent involvement in classroom visits and other instructional activities, the school | |

| |will send out an annual survey to evaluate the opportunities parents have had to participate | |

| |in the planning and implementing of the instructional program (See example in Appendix A) | |

| |School staff will also conduct telephone and personal interviews with parents, as | |

| |opportunities are available, to complete the annual survey | |

| |At parent conferences, the staff will ask parents for improvements to the School-Parent | |

| |Compact and its value in their working with the school | |

|Mid May |The parent advisory and SBDM members will disseminate a formal one to two-page evaluation | |

| |regarding the value and effectiveness of opportunities for involvement provided to parents | |

| |throughout the year and for the value of the school-parent compact (See example in Appendix | |

| |C) | |

|Annual Revision of the Parent Involvement Policy and the School Parent Compact |

|Use of Data & Revision to the Parent Involvement Policy: The campus SBDM and Parent Advisory will use the findings of the evaluation measures to revise, |

|if necessary, the existing policy, improving upon and increasing opportunities to involve parents in the life of the school. |

|Timeline |Annual Revision Strategies |Progress Check |

|On or before Mid May |The parent advisory and SBDM members will review individual session evaluations and returned| |

| |surveys of the Parent Involvement Policy for the upcoming school year | |

| |The School-Parent Compact will be revised, as appropriate, from responses to the annual | |

| |evaluation and/or through meetings conducted or conferences held with parents | |

|Dissemination of Revised Parent Involvement Policy and the School Parent Compact |

|Timeline |Activity |Progress Check |

|Beginning of School Year |Falfurrias Elementary School will provide the revised Parent Involvement Policy upon the | |

| |request of parents | |

| |School-Parent Compact will be included in the Student handbook | |

| |Disseminated annually to all parents | |

Appendix A: Parent Involvement Survey (Overall Evaluation)

|Falfurrias Elementary School Parent Involvement Evaluation |

|Please Note: The personal information requested in the next section is optional. We welcome you to complete as much as you wish or to leave |

|it blank. However, we request your assistance in improving our parental involvement program and urge you to respond to the ten questions |

|below the personal information. |

|Name: | |# of students currently enrolled at the school: | |

| | | | | | |

|Instructions: Please respond to the following by placing a check mark (() in the appropriate box. |

| | | | |YES |NO |

|1. |Falfurrias Elementary has provided opportunities for parents to be involved in the decision-making | | |

| |process. | | |

|2. |The number of opportunities for parent involvement has increased over school year 2011- 2012. | | |

|3. |The school provided meaningful educational activities for helping parents to help their children. | | |

| |The most meaningful session I attended was _________________________ | | |

| |on the topic: ____________________________________ | | |

|4. |I was given the opportunity to participate in development of the Parent Involvement Policy and the | | |

| |School-Parent Compact either by written notice or scheduled meeting. | | |

|5. |The school provided information about my child(ren)’s performance on state assessments that I was able to | | |

| |understand easily. | | |

|6. |The school responds to parents’ requests for training. | | |

|7. |Do barriers exist that need to be overcome to gain more parent involvement? | | |

| |If yes, please describe here and offer suggestions for improvement: | |

| | | |

| | | |

|8. |I have ideas about activities I wish the district would offer. (Please list below) | | |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | | |

|9. |I was given sufficient and flexible opportunities to talk with teachers about my child’s progress. | | |

|10. |I have suggestions for areas in which teachers need help so that they work better with parents. These | | |

| |include… (Please include your ideas below.) | | |

| | |

| | |

| | |

Appendix B: Evaluation Worksheet

|Parent Involvement – Evaluation Strategies |

| |Requirement Addressed |Activity |Evaluation Measure(s) |Evaluation |Timeline |

| | | | |Instrument | |

|1. |Informing parents of |Parent Conferences |Close of session |Interview |Close of session |

| |performance and ways to|Parent Meetings |interview—teacher records |questions; |Survey: April |

| |help child | |responses; |Annual Survey | |

| | | |Annual survey | | |

|2. |Develop evaluation of |Parent Advisory Meetings |Suggested comments and |Parent Surveys |April |

| |School-Parent Compact | |participation from Parent |Input from school | |

| | | |Advisory Committee |meetings | |

|3. |Title I informational |Parent meetings |Parent responses and feedback |Input from parent |September |

| |meeting | | |meetings | |

|4. |Informing parents of |Open House |Parent responses, input, and |Questions in |End of each |

| |expectations and |Parent Conferences |suggestions |meetings and |Semester |

| |accountability measures| | |conferences |Survey: April |

|5. |Provide parents |Parent Meetings |Annual Survey |Interview |Survey: April |

| |opportunity for | | |Questions | |

| |suggestions of staff | | | | |

| |trainings | | | | |

|6. |Parental Involvement |Providing a parent resource room on campus| | |Daily |

| |opportunities to assist|or provide parents with take home | | |Weekly |

| |in instructional |activities. | | |As needed |

| |activities | | | | |

Appendix C: School-Parent Compact

Parent/Student/Teacher Compact

Parent/Guardian Agreement

I want my child to do his/her best in school. Therefore, I will do the following:

- See that my child is punctual and attends school regularly.

- Support the school to maintain proper discipline.

- Set a time for homework and review regularly.

- Stay aware of what my child is learning.

- Read with my child and let my child see me read for enjoyment.

- Provide a well-balanced breakfast.

- See that my child attends school ready to learn.

- Ensure that my child follows the school dress code policy.

Signature: _______________________________________________

Student Agreement

It is important that I do the best I can in school. Therefore, I will do the following:

- Respect all adults in my school.

- Come to school unless I am sick or have a family emergency.

- Come to school with a good attitude and be ready to learn.

- Complete and return homework assignments.

- Follow the school rules.

- Ask questions when I don’t understand.

- Follow the school’s dress code policy.

Signature: _________________________________________________

Teacher agreement

It is important that students do their best! I will do the following:

- Provide a caring and supportive environment.

- Provide appropriate homework assignments for students.

- Be available to assist parents.

- Keep parents informed about their child’s progress.

- Make learning compulsory, yet enjoyable.

Signature: ____________________________________________________

Principal agreement

Together we can attain a recognized campus. Therefore, I will do the following:

- Ensure that positive communication exists with teachers, parents, students, and administration.

- Encourage Teachers to provide appropriate homework regularly.

- Provide an environment that is conducive to learning and teaching.

- Make decisions that fully support learning for all students.


Marie R.Vidaurri

Falfurrias Elementary Principal

100 E. Allen * Falfurrias, Texas 78355 * 361-325-8041 * Fax: 361-325- 3067 *

Brooks County Independent School District



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