Initial Parent Questionnaire

Initial Parent Questionnaire

Please read each of the following questions and answer them as completely and accurately as you can. If you choose to type your answers to the questions, please type in the questions as well. We will go over these questions during the interview portions of the custody evaluation.

Your Name: _____Luis Hernandez______ DOB: 09/17/1981____

Child(ren)’s Name: _Alexander Hernandez__ DOB: coolest dob! 11/11/11

_______________________ DOB: _______________

_______________________ DOB: _______________

1. What is your understanding of the reasons(s) that the court ordered a custody evaluation in your case? Tell the story about why you and your former spouse have ended up needing this custody evaluation.

I believe having a custody evaluation would be the smarter thing to do for the wealth being of my son, so the commissioner would be able to make the most educated decision about the custody

At first glance making a 50-50 decision would be the easy thing to do

But the commissioner has some concerns about Fabiola’s moral character. Like hiring a hit man to hurt his ex father in law and plan illegal drugs on his car (yes I know it sound out of a movie), and having a abusive boyfriend that Fabiola had to call the cops while Alexander was on her custody

2. What kinds of things have kept you and the other parent from reaching an agreement or settlement about the time sharing arrangements for your children? For example, it might be a difference in parenting philosophy or communication problems.

I am afraid of my sons wealth being since Fabiola has show a lack of moral character and at some points she can be very abusive physically and verbally, as she was with me and her older son Isaac while were together.

3. If you could make the decision on your own, what would you like the time sharing and parenting plan to be? Why do you feel that this is the best plan? Please describe in detail, including dates, time blocks, transfer arrangements and the like.

I believe how it’s now set up is working for Alexander since there is no need for him to have a babysitter or day care to look over him. I have legal and physical custody. Fabiola has Alexander every other weekend and parenting time every Thursday.

The transfer have been completed by my parents for the last 2 years since there is a protective order against Fabiola so she is not able to be near me or my home

Since my son was born I have always try to be available for him as much as possible, I even change my work schedule so I can take time for him so I can volunteer at his school and take him to his extra curriculum actives like Karate class, swimming class, ice skating, soccer and many other.

My Original work hours before Alexander was born was from 11:30 AM to 8pm but since Alexander was born I step down from a managing position at my work that I work for 12 yrs to a less demanding position from 5:45 AM to 12:00 pm so I can focus on what really maters to me my son Alexander

4. What do you think the other parent would like the time sharing and parenting plan to be?

I would be hard to tell what Fabiola wants since there has been no communication at all for the last 2 years due to the protective order, and the only time we talk about parenting plan was during mediation and unfortunately we did not agree with each other since she was requesting full custody of Alexander

5. Would you expect the custody and time sharing plan to change as your child(ren) get older?

In what ways?

I am not sure it’s hard to tell

6. Have you considered joint legal or physical custody in your case? Why or why not?

Not really because I am really concern about my son’s wealth being when he is with Fabiola since she has proven several times in the past that she has sever issues

7. What are the temporary custody and visitation arrangements presently? Please describe in detail, including transportation arrangements in place.

Fabiola has Alexander every other week and every Thursday

Exchanges are completed by my parents for the last 2 years since there is a protective order against Fabiola, so my parents will pick up Alexander from Fabiola’s parking lot at her work and when Alexander has to be drop off my parents will take him to the West Valley fitness center and Fabiola will pick him up after Fabiola picks up her older son at the same place from day care.

8. How are these temporary arrangements working for you?

The temporary arrangements have been working good for Alexander since we get to spend time together and have some good bonding time with each other. And there is no need to have Alexander drop off at some day care or babysitter since I am free from work at the same time Alexander gets off from school and I don’t have to worried about leaving my son with any strangers

9. How do you think the existing temporary arrangements are working for the child(ren)?

I believe the temporary arrangements are working good for Alexander because he gets time with both parents and there is no need for any kind of day care for Alexander, I am a firm believer that children should not be left with strangers to care for and for that reason I have arranged my time so I can care for my child

10. When did these custody arrangements begin?

We started having share parenting time 2 years ago

11. How did these temporary custody arrangements come about?

The temporary custody arrangement came about after the protective order was set in place

12. What are your concerns about the other parent?

Fabiola can be physically and verbally abusive against other people, as she was against her older son Isaac and myself, at one point she was send to anger management classes by the court before her and I separated

Fabiolas current relationship with her boyfriend is a big concern since there has been police reports of domestic violence at her house while my son was with her

13. Do you have major concerns about the other parent in any of the following areas? Please provide examples.

Substance Abuse?

Neglect of Children?

Fabiola has been know to leave her children untended while they sleep

Physical Health?

Mental Health?

Before we married Fabiola made false medical documents showing she was positive for pregnancy


Potential for Suicide?

A couple years ago Fabiola was detain on the mental institute because she had a knife and claim she would take her older sons life away and hers too.

Another time I came home and there she was laying down on a sofa, and a open bottle of Ibuprofen was open and the pill where spill all over the floor while she was faking to be unresponsive

Potential for Violence?

While I was married to her she would push me, hit me and block the way out of the room, screaming and trying to provoke me to hit her back to make me get in trouble with the cops, but always I keep my self calm to avoid problems, she was very physical and verbally abusive.

I was not able to do much since my son was only a few months old and I knew that if I move out would be hard for the court to give me custody since he was so small baby. So what I did was send off my son to leave with my parents full time away since she would threat me that she would take my son away and I would never see him again. So I stay with Fabiola for 2 years and took her physical and verbal abuse knowing that my son was okay leaving with my parents full time

Emotional Abuse of Children?

Not sure since I haven’t seen her for the last 2 years


14. What do you think are the other parent’s concerns about you? Please provide specific examples.

Fabiolas has never seen me a father to our child so it would be hard to know what negative thinks she could say about me from first hand

15. Have you ever been involved in custody litigation before? When and Why?

Very briefly when Fabiola was requesting the custody or her older son

16. When were you and your co-parent originally married?


17. When did you physically separate?


18. Is your divorce final? If so, when?

Yes January 2016

19. Have you re-married or are you cohabiting? __no_____. If so, when did you re-marry or move in with your partner? ______________.

20. If you are remarried or cohabiting, does this person have children living in the home? _____. If so, how many children are there and what are their ages?

21. Are you planning to move away from the area in the future? __no___. If so, when are you planning to move and why?

22. If you are moving or planning to move with the children, what plans will you make so that the children remain in contact with the other parent? You may continue on the back of this page if necessary

23. If you are moving or planning to move without the children, what are your plans to keep in contact with them? You may continue on the back of this page if necessary


24. Where were you born?

Mexico Guadalajara

25. Your father’s name, occupation, age:

Patrick, retire, 55

26. Your mother’s name, occupation, age:

Laura, retire, 54

27. Describe the relationship that you currently have with each of your parents. How much contact do you have with each parent? What kinds of emotional or financial support do you receive from each parent? Is your relationship with either parent different now than it was when you were a child? If so, describe these differences.

Father: I live with both of my parents as it is very traditionally from Latin families.

I receive no financial support from my parents I pay rent every month, and help them with their medical needs.

My father had Leukemia plus in the last year he had both kneads replace and retina surgery on both eyes.


My mother had 2 back surgeries in last year’s and an tumor remove.

I am very glad I am healthy and able to help my family, since they are my biggest strength and support in my life.

They have always been with me to help with the difficulties on my life and as much I help them they are willing to help me too like any other family would

28. Are your parents still married? __Yes____. Why or why not?

29. If your parents are separated, please list any stepparents and stepsiblings.

30. Please list your siblings, their ages, marital status, and occupations.

Alma 32 yrs married for 10 years human resources

Raul 23 yrs marry on 04/30/2016 Sprint sales rep

31. What, if any, was your religious upbringing?


32. Has anyone in your family ever abused alcohol or drugs?


33. Has anyone in your family ever been arrested? Who and why?


34. Has anyone in your family experienced serious emotional problems? Who and why?


35. Has anyone in your family ever been accused of abuse of neglect of an adult or child? Who and why?


36. What schools did you attend and when? Please fill out the section below. If you changed schools (for example, you attended more than one elementary school), please explain why.

Please list your elementary school(s): La Paloma Elementary

Did you enjoy elementary school? ___yes___ Why or why not?

It was fun I had a fun and happy childhood

What were your grades? A B and C’s

In what kinds of extra-curricular activities did you participate?


Cap scouts

Describe your social life during elementary school.

Fun with many friends and always doing something fun or traveling

Please list your junior high or middle school(s):

I don’t remember the name of my junior high

Did you enjoy middle school? __yes__ Why or why not?

What were your grades? A B and C

In what kinds of extra-curricular activities did you participate?




Piano lessons

Describe your social life during junior high/middle school.

I remember going camping with my dad and boyscouts

School dances

Church activities

Please list your high school(s):West high

Did you enjoy high school? __yes____ Why or why not?

What were your grades? A B C

In what kinds of extra-curricular activities did you participate?

Track and field


Math club

Piano lessons

Describe your social life during high school.

I had a really fun time during high school had many friends and I when to different school dances with several of my friends it was super fun

I enjoy doing sports in high school

Did you graduate from high school? ____yes_ When? __99____ GPA?___dont remember average probably ____

37. Describe any post-high school training you have had, degrees obtained and dates received.

When to community college to work on my generals

University of Phoenix Bachelor in accounting

38. Describe your work history in the section listed below. List your employment beginning with the most recent, backward for the past ten years, or since you left high school. Please list supervisor and contact telephone numbers for jobs you have had in the past three years. Please explain your reasons for changing jobs. You may continue on the back of this page if necessary.

Current (most recent) Job Title: CMA account manager

Employment Dates:2004 Discover card financial


customer service

Call quality


Call quality


Team coach

Account manager

Reasons for Leaving: still working at Discover card for the last 12 years

Supervisor and Contact Number: Todd Wheeler

Next Most Recent Job Title:

Employment Dates:


Reasons for Leaving:

Supervisor and Contact Number:

Next Most Recent Job Title:

Employment Dates:


Reasons for Leaving:

Supervisor and Contact Number:

39. Have you ever been in the military? Dates of service? Discharge was honorable/dishonorable?


40. Have you ever been arrested? Have you ever been convicted of a crime? Please provide a comprehensive report of all arrests and convictions. You may continue on the back of this page if necessary


41. Do you have a religious affiliation? If so, please describe your church attendance.

LDS attend every Sunday and have strong religious beliefs and serve a LDS mission on Raleigh NC for 2 years when I was 19 years old

42. Have you ever been investigated by a social service agency such as the Division of Child and Family Services? When and why? Please provide all GRAMA releases for any social service involvement. You may continue on the back of this page if necessary


43. How much alcohol do you drink? How frequently? none

44. Do you use or have you ever experimented with illicit drugs, such as marijuana or cocaine? never

45. Do you have any health problems? Please describe. None other seasonal allergies and back surgery 4 years ago

46. Have you ever had a head injury? no

47. Are you under a doctor’s care for anything, including medications? If so, please list your physician’s name, address and telephone number. none

48. Are you taking any prescribed medications? What are they? Seasonal Allergies Allegra

49. Have you ever seen a counselor or psychotherapist? If so, list the name, address and telephone number of the counselor, the approximate date when you received therapy, and why.

Just marriage counseling


50. Had you been in serious a relationship or marriage before the marriage/relationship that led to this evaluation? If so, please describe the relationship(s), including dates of marriage or cohabitation, names of ex-spouses or serious partners and reasons for separation. Also include a list of any children from the previous relationships and the location and /or status of those children. You may continue on the back of this page if necessary. None

51. Where did you meet your co-parent in this evaluation? What attracted you to this person? How did your relationship develop?

I met Fabiola through my Grandmother, her and her family attended to the same church in Mexico

52. How long did you date before cohabiting or getting married?

Around 2 year

53. How did you decide to cohabit or get married?

Fabiola produce false medical documents of pregnancy so I would propose to her and we would get married

54. Was one person more interested in pursuing cohabitation or marriage than another?

Yes Fabiola was more interested on pursing marriage since during that time she was having a evaluation for her older son, and Fabiola told me several times after our marriage she only married me so she would look more stable in front of the court while she was having her custody evaluation and hearing

55. How many physical moves were there during the time you were together and after the separation? List approximate dates of residences, as well as former addresses.

3 times

Sheri way 10/10-05/11

Boothill Dr 05/11-05/12

Chricton CV05/12-06/13

56. What kinds of financial stresses did you experience in the relationship?

No much we had separate checking accounts and keep our finances separate

57. How were your finances managed? Who paid bills? How were major financial decisions made?

I took care of paying the mortgage Fabiola paid for utility bills

I don’t believe finances was any problems

58. What was the family’s total income at the time of separation?

We both made around $75K per year combine

59. Husband’s monthly income at that time:

Around $3K

60. Wife’s monthly income at that time:

Not sure we had separate finances but probably around $35K

61. What is your total monthly income now, and from what sources (e.g. child support, alimony, job, help from extended family, etc.)

Around $25Kper year since I have reduce hours to care for my son Alexander

62. Describe your residence, do you own your home? __no___. Are you renting? __yes___. Are you living with friends or family, etc.? Where do the children sleep when they are with you?

We have a pretty good size home probably more then what we need

Alexander has his own room next to mine

Leaving with parents for health related reasons

63. What was the happiest time in your relationship with your co-parent?

The first month of our marriage was my happiest time of our relationship; I remember waiting to get off from work so I could be with her and spend some time together

64. What kinds of things did you disagree about during the relationship with your co-parent?

I disagree on the way she treated her older son

Fabiola had a lot of mood swings so I just try to avoid her by working nights and by doing so I would limit my time I was with her.

65. How were those disagreements handled and resolved?

Fabiola would treatend me that she would take my son away so I would normally just take her physical and verbal abuse and just avoid her as much as possible

66. How far would the disagreements escalate? How would the disagreements end?

Disagreements could get very bad and dark she would block me out in a room and push me around, scratch me and hit me also she would verbally abuse me. A couple of times I had to call 911 and she was send to anger management classes by the court

67. Did any of the following incidents occur?

Pushing or shoving? __yes___

Throwing things? ___yes__

Slapping? ___yes__

Punching? __yes___

Other? ___yes__

68. Were the police ever called or involved in your domestic disputes? If so, list dates and results of that police intervention. You will also need to provide copies of all police reports.

Yes 03/11 and 12/11

69. Were there any witnesses to violent domestic disputes, including the children?

No other then police reports

70. Did anyone in the family have any major medical problems during the marriage?

Yes I had back surgery and was in bed rest for at least 6 weeks

71. Were there difficulties with extra-marital affairs during the marriage?

Not sure but I would always catch her talking to her ex boyfriend Oliver and sometimes she would share with me the conversations she had we him (I would just ignore it since I ask her several times to stop talking to him and she decline to do so)

72. Were there disputes regarding the children, such as discipline, rules, and the like?


73. What are the factors that brought the marriage to an end?

Fabiola was a very abusive person against me but I was not able to get away from her since she would always claim that if I leave her she would take my son to Mexico and I would never see him ever again

74. What things did YOU do that made marital matters more difficult?

I was emotionally detach from her and I would try to avoid her as much as possible

75. What things have you done or are you doing currently during these divorce/custody actions that have increased the tension between you and your former spouse?

Nothing that I can think of since there is a protective order against her so there has been no contact our communication since the last time I saw her back in 09/2013

76. What are some things that your former spouse does which make communication and resolution of the divorce and custody matters more difficult?

77. Are you currently dating? If so, describe who you are dating, the nature of the relationship, the amount of contact and the children’s relationship with that person?


78. Are you remarried or planning to remarry? If so, please describe the development of that relationship and history. Please describe the relationship between your new partner and the children.


79. How did you and your co-parent decide to have each child? Did the mother and father attend prenatal appointments? Who was present at the child’s birth?

I attended to every prenatal appointment

Her mother my parents and I were present and the child’s birth

And I have to admit it was one of my most cherish moments in my life seen my son being born, the other time was the first time we had a ultra sound, I still remember seen my son Alexander giving us a tombs up on the first ultra sound it was the best. (

80. What was the work/child care plan for each child from birth to three months?

A few weeks after my son was born I send of my son to live with my parents full time, since Fabiola was emotionally unstable so during that time I would work from 2pm to 10pm during the morning I would care for my son at my parents house and when I left to work my parents would care for my son Alexander

81. Who took care of each child during the first three years of life? Were the children ever taken care of by someone other than the natural parents during this time? If so, who was that person and what was the child care plan for each child?

Alexander was leaving with my parents full time right from the beginning of his bird, he was probably not older then 2 weeks when he move with them. The reason why is Fabiola was very abusive agains her older son Isaac and me. I knew that my parents house was the most safe place for my son at the time. I knew I could take the verbal and physical abuse from Fabiola. Since Fabiola was always trying to provoke me to hit her back so she would call the cops on my and get me in trouble. I knew that I could restrain my self, but I knew that if Fabiola would ever provoke me by using my son Alexander I would not be sure if I could control my self and end up falling in to Fabiola level

82. What is the current childcare or supervision plan for the children both during the school year and when the children are on holiday breaks?

I work for from 6am to 12pm so my parents get Alexander ready for school and take him to school from 7:75 AM to 11:45AM once Alexander is done with school my parents take him home then I get off from work at 12 and care for him the rest of the day

During school break my parents care for my son as It was assign by the court when Fabiola or I are not available to care for him

83. Which parent provided the most direct care (bathing, feeding, getting up at night, etc.) during the first three years of the child’s life? Please describe your involvement in these matters.

Fabiola was gone for the first two year of Alexander, until I ask for a divorce then Fabiola decided she wanted to be around Alexander more.

The first two years Alexander was leaving full time with my parents so they where the ones getting up night to care for him

During the day I made myself available so I would append as much time I could to be with Alexander care for him like feeding him and bating him and taking care of all his needs. At night after work I would come over right away to my parent’s house to spend time with him,

I can’t believe how big Alexander is now he makes me very happy (

84. How would the other parent answer the above question?

She would probably say that she try to come over to my parents house as much as possible

85. Does the child or children have any history of serious physical illness? Hospitalization? Is any child under the regular care of a physician for any illness? He has asthma and I took him to specialist a few month ago

86. Who takes the child to the physician and dentist? Fabiola work at a dental office and for what I know she has taken him to get his teeth clean

I take Alexander every 6 month to the dentist to have a check up and at this point he is on the free cavity at the dental office that I take him every 6 moths

I take Alexander to every doctor’s appointment; he has been having the same doctor since he was born and I always took him to every physical and checkup or and I am the one that takes him to the doctor when he is sick

Fabiola has a judgment at this point for out pocket medical charges that she has not been paying me for medical appointment that I have taken Alexander

87. Children’s last Doctors appointment date _______3/7/2016 next 5/25/2016__

88. Children’s last Dentist appointment date _________03/15/2016 next09/16/2016_______

89. Who maintains health insurance on the children? Has this insurance ever lapsed? Does each parent have access to the children’s health insurance information?

I maintain the health insurance for Alexander there has never been and lapsed on the insurance and Fabiola has a insurance card in case she needs to take Alexander to the doctor

90. Have the children ever received counseling or psychotherapy, either from the school or privately? If so, list the approximate dates of treatment and why the children were seen.

Yes I was concern for Alexander because he was expose to some physical violence with Fabiola and her boyfriend and the cops had to interfere

91. What are each child’s extra curricular activities? Please list the schedule of these activities as well as names and contact telephone numbers for coaches, piano teachers and the like.

Martial Arts Nancy 801 966 4911

Soccer West Valley fitness center

Swimming Alexandro

Ice skating West Valley fitness center

Build and Grow Lowes building activity every other Saturday

Upstart (Utah preparing students today for a rewarding tomorrow) Waterford Institute


92. Who takes the children to their extra curricular activities? Who pays for the extra-curricular activities? How is the choice of a child’s extra-curricular activities decided? Have these activities ever interfered with the other’s parent’s time with the children? In what way?

I take him to all of his extra curricular activities

I pay for all of the activities

I plan around parenting time so the activities don’t interfere with Fabiolas parenting time

93. What grades are the children in?


94. What are each child’s best and worst academic subjects?

Writing would be his best subject

Math is the hardest for him

95. What kinds of parent involvement in the school has each parent had? For example, is each parent a member of the PTA? Does each parent attend Parent-Teacher Conferences? Have both parents ever volunteered for a field trip or in the child’s classroom?

I am the only one that has attended to parent-teacher conferences and I have done over 20 hours of volunteered on his classroom this year

I take care full time of Alexander involvement in school, I help him with his homework every day I attend to his school meetings and activities

I help Alexander with his school projects

Alexander teacher has made home visits twice this year to meet with me about Alexander school goals and needs

Unfortunately Fabiola is not involve on Alexander school or try to be

96. Do the teachers know about the current custody dispute? What have you told them?

Briefly Fabiola talk to the principal about it at the beginning of the school but she has never been involve in Alexander school other then talking to the principal once

Alexander’s teacher has try to reach her by email to go over Alexander progress, but Fabiola has never responded to her emails

97. Who are your children’s best friends?

Hi Cousin Karin who we do play days with

At school his friend Moroco who also attends to karate with him

At church his Friend Alexander

And his Girl friend Sophia his platonic love (

98. Describe your child’s play patterns with these friends. Is your child bullied? Is your child bossy? Submissive? A “Ringleader”? A follower?

He likes to play with older kids, but he likes to stand up for his friends if they get bullied. He can be a ringleader and give ideas to the rest of his friends what to play

99. If siblings are present, describe the inter-sibling relationships between the children. Who is closest to whom? Who fights most with whom? Who is jealous of whom?

100. What is the typical family routine on a weekday or school day when you are with the children? Begin with the time the children awaken until they go to sleep.

7AM Alexander wakes up and my parents get him ready for school

745 Am My parens take Alexander to school

8AM Alexander starts school

8AM Alexander starts school by practicing his writing skills

815 singing circle

830 breakfast

9 teeth brush

915 activity circle

945 group activity

1015 recesses

1045dayli class

11 lunch

1130 start to get ready to come home

My parents take Alexander home

1215 I get home from work

1215 we go over what Alexander learn at school and watch TV

130 we play outside by the church

230 has a snack goes to the bathroom

3 starts working on homework

4 plays with his toys and normally manual arts like plaything

445 before dinner he feeds his turtle

5 has dinner

6 has different classed every day (Karate, Swimming, ice skating, soccer)

7 have a strawberry shake from in&out after karate

730plays outside with me (soccer, walks his dog, help clean the yard, waters his plants, plays with his RC cars

830 starts to get ready for bed by having a small snack, takes a shower and gets ready for bed

9pm we open a small wooden box after praying in the small box with normally have a small prize it we had good day

Every Tuesday with watch a movie at the movie theaters and have Buffalo wild wings since they are only $.60 each on Tuesday

101. Describe the typical routine when your child is with you on a weekend or holiday.

On Saturday we normally go to home depot or Lowes to build wooden toys we have a big collection of all the toys we have build together

We have breakfast at McDonalds and we go to his Soccer games

After Soccer with go groceries shopping and we do some home cleaning

I have different annual memberships for different activities during the year

Kid’s museum Discover downtown

Salt Lake City Zoo


Thanks giving point

Normally we do one of those actives after cleaning the house


We have breakfast as family we all get together

After breakfast we watch some TV

We get ready for church

We go to church

After church we have a small lunch

After lunch we work on homework

We play outside or walk the dogs at the park and ride bikes

For dinner my whole family gets together and we have a big family dinner

After family dinner we have family home evening

Alexander gets ready for bed

102. What are your basic family rules? Are there rules for watching TV? Eating? Playing with friends?

After plaing with his toys he has to put them away

We don’t watch much tv but when he does he watches Netflix for kids with me

Not opening the door to any one

After eating he puts his plate on the sink

We do praying in the morning, before eating, and before going to bed

The next two I ask Alexander and he just reminded me of

No putting anything on his mouth other then food

Don’t eat from the ground

103. Do the children have regular chores or duties? What are they? Do they have chores or duties at the home of the other parent?

His shores are feeding his turtle, helping me walk his dogs and picking up his toys after playing with them

104. How do you get the children to do homework or chores?

I have a calendar with his chores and activities and every time he accomplish something we add stickers to his calendar, once he finish a set amount of stars we get a reward

105. Do you use rewards for good behavior? In what way? When and how?

Reward are only use when he is able to accomplish his chores at home and behaves at school or extra curriculum actives. Rewards are set up buy a set amount of stickers he can get big rewards and small rewards depending the amount or stickers he redeems

106. What situations arise with each child that would require you to use discipline?

Sometime Alexander wants to be in depended since he is 4 years so he wants to challenge everyone to se how far he can get away with stuff. I guess he is testing the waters for example like any other child he wants to avoid eating vegetables or getting ready for bed and night

107. Have there been any recurring discipline problems? Please describe them.

Not really I believe in having much patients and trying to see my sons point of view and teaching him by example

108. What kinds of discipline do you use?

I took a parenting course that was really helpful name Love and logic

On the course it teaches you the importance of giving your children options that would be beneficial for them to accomplish the correct outcome

109. What parenting and/or discipline techniques seem to work best with each child? What kind of discipline technique “backfires” with each child?

Reward system works really good with Alexander

Love an logic has been a really helpful tool

Something that back fire with Alexander is rushing him to do something he can be starven at times when he does not understand what is going on

110. Do you and the other parent share similar philosophies about parenting style and discipline? If not, what are the differences? Do you see any differences as problematic for your child?

I don’t believe on physical punishment something that Fabiola does

111. Please describe how the children were disciplined during the marriage and which parent did most of the discipline.

112. Does the child come to you with problems? What kind of things do you talk about with your child?

I believe communication is the most important part of any relationship, that is why I believe having family dinner and special time with your family is very important

113. How did each child react to the divorce or separation? What have you noticed?

I separated From ex wife when Alexander was 2 years old, Alexander had never live with Fabiola and when we separated Fabiola requested to have Alexander more time

During the exchanges Alexander cries because he does not want to go with Fabiola since he has always been use to live at my house since he was only a few weeks old

114. What have you told each child about the divorce?

115. What have you told each child about the custody evaluation?

116. Describe the relationship between each child and the other parent? Are they emotionally close? Does the child miss the parent when they are not present?

Alexander avoids talking about Fabiola and is always worried about having to go to her house

117. What do you do when the child asks to see the other parent, not in accordance with the set time sharing or visitation plan? How often does this occur? Do you notice a pattern to these kinds

of requests (e.g. when the child has broken a rule, is tired or the like)?

Alexander has never ask to go with Fabiola and always feel worried about having to go out of the house because he is scared that will need to go to Fabiola’s house

118. What do you do if the child asks to telephone the other parent? How often does this occur?

Has never ask

119. Has any child ever refused to go with the other parent? How often has this occurred? What would you do if this occurred?

It happens every time he need to go with Fabiola, I will reassure him that I will see him the next day and that his mom loves him and wants to spend time with him

120. Does your child seem to miss the other parent when he or she is not present?


121. What do you do to encourage your child’s relationship with the other parent?

He avoids talking about her

122. What are your best qualities as a parent?

123. What are your weaknesses as a parent?

124. What are the other parent’s best qualities as a parent?

125. What are the other parent’s weaknesses as a parent?

126. Are there stepparents involved in this matter? Describe the quality of each child’s relationship with each stepparent. Describe your relationship with the significant other of your former


127. What is the appropriate role for a stepparent to take? What kinds of behaviors would you expect from a stepparent?

128. Who does the transportation for the time-sharing and visitation plan? (Who drives?)

129. How was this decision made?

130. Have you considered moving closer or farther away from the other parent? Why or why not?

131. Please take this opportunity to list any questions or concerns that you have which have not been covered thus far in this questionnaire. Remember that we will be discussing your responses to these questions during the interview portion of the evaluation.


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