Technology and the Criminal Justice System

Technology and the Criminal Justice System

Study Guide: Midterm, Fall, 2008

Prof. Byrne

Exam Date: Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Format: Multiple choice and true-false questions (25-50 questions)

1. Required Reading from Web-links and text

1. Readings in text: chapters 1, 2, 4, 5

3. Article by Gary Marx “In Search of the Silver Bullet”( or ch. 14 in text)

4. FBI strategic plan( forecasting section)

5. China’s All Seeing Eye

6. U.S. Secret Service Threat Assessment

7. Sex Offenders: Myths and Realities

8. Virginia Tech Report ( Profile in Appendix N)

9. Technology of crime weblinks for each of the following:

- check/credit card fraud

- identity theft

-FBI common fraud schemes

10. In general: See the links identified in the weekly schedule through today’s class. The Power Points should also help.

2. Key Terms to Review: Exam questions will be drawn from this list and from the readings, lecture materials, and weblinks

1. Hard technology (define/ examples in crime prevention)

2. Soft technology (define/ examples in crime prevention)

3. Sparks’ typology of crime (at, as, after work; define and give examples)

4. Re-victimization scams

5. Victims of identity theft (characteristics of victims, such as age, income, etc.)

6. Cyberforecast ; FBI forecast ( technology)

7. Identity theft (cost; prevalence)

8 . The impact of technology on crime: new offenders, new victims

9. Identity theft techniques (identify)

10. The use of CCTV in Shenzhen; surveillance camera market in China

11. The “Golden Shield”; facial recognition software capability

12. Botnets (define and estimate how often used)

13. Internet auction fraud (extent of problem; define)

14. Nigerian letter scams (extent of problem; define)

15. Counterfeit cashier check scam

16. The link between mental illness and various types of violence

17. Ponzi scheme

18. Phishing

19. Credit card fraud (percent reported to police; extent of problem)

20. Crime prevention through environmental design

21. Privatization of crime prevention: where has it occurred?


23. Spoofing

24. What is Project Safe Childhood? ( see web link on schedule)

25. False Positives vs True Positives

26. False Negatives vs True Negatives

27. Exceptional Case Study Project

28. Applied Risk Management: who are they? Where are they located? What do they do?( see weblink)

29. Four Core Principles of Threat Assessment

30. Is there a terrorist personality( according to Borum)?

31. Pretexting (Hewlett Packert case)

32. Predicting and Preventing Homicide: London’s strategy and Larry Sherman’s research in Philly

33. Static-99

34. Johns Hopkins software for college campus crime prevention

35. Myths vs. facts: sex offenders

36. Threat assessment instruments (workplace, school)

37. Risk vs Stakes: Application to Sex Offenders and Murderers? Lifetime monitoring strategies

38.Forensic/ theoretical“Profile” of VT school shooters/ number of violent incidents at school ( probability)

39. CCTV (evidence of effectiveness in U.S. and Great Britain)

40. Street lighting( evidence of effectiveness?)

41.Taser ( where are they illegal?What about Mass?))

42. Ignition interlock systems (drunk drivers)

43. Sex offender registry/ location restrictions (Do they work?)

44. Recent Supreme Court decision about Washington DC’s Gun Law

45. Can you define each of Marx’s six social engineering strategies:

(target removal, target devaluation, target insulation, offender incapacitation, offender exclusion, and offense/offender target identification)

46. National estimates of number of unregistered/ missing sex offenders; role of identity theft

47.Bluesnarfing, bluejacking, podslurping( and Paris Hilton)

48. Problems with geographic residency restrictions

49. Unintended consequences of new technological innovation

50. Key findings on School Shooters( see VT profile) and Safe School Initiative


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