Technology and the Criminal Justice System: Midterm Exam ...

Technology and the Criminal Justice System: Professor Byrne

Midterm Exam Fall, 2009

Instructions: Multiple Choice and True/False —be sure to mark your answers carefully, using a #2 pencil, on the answer sheet provided. If you erase, do it neatly. GOOD LUCK!

1. According to the FTC, there were over ____________victims of identity theft last

year in the United States.

A. 500,000

B. 15 million

C. 5 million

D. 150 million

2. It is estimated that in Shenzhen, China, over_______ CCTV cameras have been installed since 2006.

A. 300,000

B. 4 million

C. 40 million

D. 200,000

3. According to situational crime prevention advocates, one of the simplest ways to reduce your risk of being a homicide/assault victim is to stay out of the small number of neighborhoods where most homicides and assaults occur. In Boston, this represents only a half dozen of Boston’s 144 neighborhoods.

A. True

B. False

4. According to Schlegel and Cohen, the single largest category of “crime at work” was____________ with estimated yearly losses of ___________

A. Occupational fraud: 5 million

B. Internet gambling; 500 million

C. Telemarketing fraud; 1 billion

D, Occupational Fraud; 500 billion

5. One unintended consequence of technological innovation is that managers in criminal justice agencies may believe that they can reduce staffing levels without negatively effecting key performance measures in police, courts, and corrections. Stated simply, the more we rely on thing technology, the less we will need people technology.

A. True

B. False

6. Both CCTV and street lighting were found to be more effective in the UK than in the United States.

A. True

B. false

7. Despite the media attention focused on the use of the internet to commit various sex crimes, the rate of most categories of sex crime has actually decreased significantly in the last decade.

A. True

B. False

8. One of the concerns of implementing hard technology is the “militarization” of today’s police force.

A. True

B. False

9. A core principle of threat assessment is that many cases of specific violence involve an explicit threat before any violent action is taken.

A. True

B. False

10. In credit card fraud, the average individual loss is:

A. $2,000-$4,000

B. $6,000-$12,000

C. $15,000-$30,000

D. $5,000-$20,000

11. According to a recent report by the Secret Service, there is an accurate “profile” of the school shooter that can be used to prevent the next school shooting.

A .true

B. false

12. The effectiveness of crime prevention strategies deploying a combination of street lighting improvements and CCTV appears to be greatest in________

A. Parks

B. Central Business Districts

C. Parking lots/ car parks

D. Bars/ Restaurants

13.____________ is often used to trick a business into disclosing customer information, and is used by private investigators to obtain telephone records, utility records, banking records and other information directly from junior company service representatives (e.g. the recent Hewlett Packard scandal).

A. thermal imaging

B. phishing

C. Pretexting

D. All of the above

14. It is estimated that that identity theft is expensive to investigate; cost to law enforcement is estimated at 15-25 thousand per case.

A. True

B. False

15. According to Gary Marx, products that self-destruct and access codes for computers are two examples of________________________________

A target removal

B. target insulation

C target devaluation

D All of the above

16. Criminals involved with child pornography collectively refer to each other as hobbyists when communicating over the internet.

A. True

B. False

17 The use of a car can be blocked by installing an anti-drunk- driving interlock system featuring a breath analyzer attached to the automobile ignition system. Marx calls this strategy__________________

A .Offender exclusion

B. Offender Incapacitation

C. Target insulation

D. All of the above

18. The reason people steal your identity is to______________.

A. cover up past crimes

B. hide terrorist activity

C. obtain financial gain

D. A and C only

E. All of the above(A, B, C)

19. According to the theoretical profile of Seung Hui Cho, the most important triggering event that led to the Virginia Tech Shootings was___________

A. he was a small sickly child

B. he had no social life

C. he had a book proposal rejected that devastated his self image

D. he resented the fact that his parents worked hard for little gain, while his fellow students had everything handed to them ( BMW’s, etc).

E. All of the above

20. RRasor, Static 99, SORAG, and SVR-20 are examples of _____________

A. The new generation of threat assessment instruments

B. Sex offender risk assessment instruments

C. Mental Health risk assessment instruments

D. The latest Taser technology available for the public

21. Project 54 equips police cars with:

A. digital radios

B. GPS units

C. radars

D. all of the above

22.__________________, is the exploitation of Bluetooth-enabled devices in order to steal data and images. It was made famous because it happened to Paris Hilton.

A. Telemarketing

B. Phishing

C. Bluesnarfing

D. all of the above

23. Bullet-proof vests are always bullet resistant.

A. True

B. False

24. The role of the private sector in the operation of the criminal justice system has diminished in recent years, due to improved technological expertise in the public sector workforce.

A. True

B. False

25.____________________was conducted by the US Secret Service in the mid-90’s to attempt to profile potential assassins of public officials. This study resulted in a new approach to threat assessment in this country.

A. Innocent Images Project

B. Exceptional Case Study Project

C. Manhattan Project

D. Protective Intelligence Project

26. According to the final report of the Safe Schools Initiative, most school shootings were brief in duration and they were stopped by law enforcement intervention.

A. True

B. False

27. There is currently solid empirical evidence that the use of sex offender registries and the enforcement of location restrictions on where offenders can live, work, or visit ( e.g schools, parks, playgrounds) has reduced the number of sex crimes committed by known sex offenders. We use these crime prevention techniques for a reason: they have been found to work!

A. True

B. False

28. What are the most common non-lethal weapons used by law enforcement?

A. Tasers

B. Chemical irritants

C. Rubber bullets

D. Water cannons

29. According to a recent study by University of Pennsylvania criminologist Larry Sherman, research on homicide in Philadelphia revealed that ____% of all homicide offenders AND victims were on probation or parole at the time of the homicide.

A. 20%

B. 30%

C. 70%

D. 80%

30. ________________is a technique of hiding data or an image by embedding it in the code of an innocuous image or music file. It is being used by terrorists to transmit information globally, because it is more difficult to detect than encryption.

A. Steganography

B. Pretexting

C. Phishing

D. Bluejacking

31. The CIA created the National Cyber Investigative Joint Task Force in order to combat cyber-based attacks on national security.

A. True

B. False

32. The Chinese surveillance camera market saw revenues of $4.1 billion in 2007, up 24% from 2006.

A. True

B. False

33.________________________is an example of a private, for Profit Company that is in the business of conducting threat/ vulnerability assessment in schools, airports, casinos, and other public and privately operated facilities.

A. Auto Tracker XP

B. Applied Risk Management

C. Radiant Trust

D. None of the above

34. According to Marx, The move toward a cashless society is one example of ____________

A. Target removal.

B. Target Devaluation

C. Offender exclusion

D. Target insulation

35. Perhaps the biggest problem for police is that people rarely report check and card fraud to them. In one recent study, only one in four incidents of check and card fraud were reported to the police.

A. True

B. False

36. According to a recent FBI report, The number of foreign governments and non-state actors exploiting computer networks and developing their cyber capabilities is on the decline, due to improved crime prevention technology.

A. True

B. False

37. Because of rising belief in non-material values abroad, the FBI will have greater success recruiting ethnic Arabs and Muslims, as well as any newly identified ethnic groups associated with threats.

A. True

B. False

38. False Negatives are individuals predicted to be violent but who are not.

False Positives are individuals predicted to be non-violent who turn out to be violent

A. True

B. False

39. On August 28th of 2009, Phillip Garrido was arraigned for multiple counts of felonies, including kidnapping and rape. Garrido’s parole officer had no idea that he had children before the investigation.

A. True

B. False

40. What is a worm?

A. A program that reproduces itself through a network without someone needing to open a file.

B. A program that spreads from computer to computer when infected programs are opened.

C. Unsolicited electronic mail, whether legitimate or fraudulent.

D. Applications that record every keystroke made on the computer.

41.______________ combines the threat of impersonation fraud with a variation of an advance fee scheme in which a letter offers the recipient the "opportunity" to share in a percentage of millions of dollars that the author, a self-proclaimed government official, is trying to transfer illegally out of his/her country.

A. Phishing

B. Spoofing

C. Nigerian letter fraud

D. All of the above

42. The losses from online credit card fraud were estimated to reach $3.2 billion in 2007.

A. True

B. False

43. The average age of identity theft victims is 22. They most often live in a large metropolitan area, and typically don’t notice the crime for 14 months.

A. True

B False

44. Project Safe Childhood (PSC) aims to combat the proliferation of technology-facilitated sexual exploitation crimes against children.

A. True

B. False

45. How much in losses do American consumers experience each year because of telemarketing fraud?

A. $40 billion

B. $4 billion

C. $400 million

D. $400 billion

46. According to the recent review of identity theft by the Center for Problem –oriented Policing, it is estimated that many offenders knew their victims; about ___ percent of victims knew or had some information about the offender.

A. 20%

B. 80%

C. 60%

D. 95%

47. The cyber threat to our national security stems from two groups: (1) non-state actors such as terrorist groups and hackers; and (2) foreign governments that have developed cyber espionage or information warfare programs to target U.S. networks. The number of foreign governments and non-state actors exploiting computer networks and developing their cyber capabilities is on the rise.

A. True

B. False

48. Most sex offenders re-offend

A. Myth

B. Fact

49. Some examples of hard technology of crime are: duress alarm systems, less than lethal force in prison, remote monitoring, info sharing and facial recognition software.

A. True

B. False

50. Most sex offenders were not sexually assaulted as children and most children who are sexually assaulted do not sexually assault others

A. Myth

B. Fact


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